37 research outputs found

    Peran ICT bagi Organisasi Media Massa dan Budaya Masyarakat

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    Humans have a need to communicate and obtain information from various sources. However, the distance and time limitations become a significant obstacle in communicating and obtaining information. ICT development which is the development of information, communication, and technology has given a significant impact towards mass media organizations and the society in both cultural and social aspects. ICT development is able to facilitate people to access information anywhere, anytime and any information that they need without significant limitation. Keywords: ICT, Mass Media and societ

    Peran ICT bagi Organisasi Media Massa dan Budaya Masyarakat

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    Humans have a need to communicate and obtain information from various sources. However, the distance and time limitations become a significant obstacle in communicating and obtaining information. ICT development which is the development of information, communication, and technology has given a significant impact towards mass media organizations and the society in both cultural and social aspects. ICT development is able to facilitate people to access information anywhere, anytime and any information that they need without significant limitation. Keywords: ICT, Mass Media and societ


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    Abstract: TikTok’s social media not only offers entertainment but becomes one of the modern family education media. Family education content is needed, but not many provided it is “sibling” related content. The existence of Rensia Sanvira’s TikTok account which provides “sibling” family communication education is an opportunity for parents to gain knowledge in it. The purpose of this study is to identify educational content on Rensia Sanvira’s TikTok account based on the nurturing aspect so that an ideal “sibling” family communication picture can ben known. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. The results showed that the educational content on Rensia Sanvira’s TikTok account provided theoretical and practical family communication education, and  prioritizes justice for every child. Keywords: TikTok, Educational Media, Sibling Abstrak: Media sosial TikTok tidak hanya menawarkan hiburan namun menjadi salah satu media edukasi keluarga kekinian. Konten edukasi keluarga yang sangat dibutuhkan, namun tidak banyak yang menyediakannya adalah konten terkait “sibling”. Adanya akun TikTok Rensia Sanvira yang memberikan edukasi komunikasi keluarga “sibling” menjadi kesempatan orang tua untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan didalamnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi konten edukasi pada akun TikTok Rensia Sanvira berdasarkan aspek nurturing sehingga dapat diketahui gambaran komunikasi keluarga “sibling” yang ideal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konten edukasi pada akun TikTok Rensia Sanvira memberikan edukasi komunikasi keluarga “sibling” secara teoritis dan praktek, serta mengedepankan keadilan pada masing-masing anak. Kata kunci: TikTok, Media Edukasi, Siblin

    Peran ICT bagi Organisasi Media Massa dan Budaya Masyarakat

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    Humans have a need to communicate and obtain information from various sources. However, the distance and time limitations become a significant obstacle in communicating and obtaining information. ICT development which is the development of information, communication, and technology has given a significant impact towards mass media organizations and the society in both cultural and social aspects. ICT development is able to facilitate people to access information anywhere, anytime and any information that they need without significant limitation. Keywords: ICT, Mass Media and societ

    Pemberitaan Masalah Rumah Tangga Selebritis sebagai Media spectacle (Guy Debord)

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    Television has become an integral part of the community. Television presents a variety of diverse programs that include educational information, news and even entertainment gossip into the infotainment program. Among the various programs, infotainment now to be excellent for the television audience because many issues debated households are packed into the sensational news, ranging from gonogini property issues, differences in belief, a large family conflict, inequality of income, until the emergence of a third part which further adds chaotic household. Various household problems Infotainment packaging style will be the center of attention of the audience infotainment to continue watching the story of the conflict, like watching endless soap opera. This paper discusses the issues of households reporting celebrities as a media spectacle

    Literature Review: Relevance of Communication Anxiety in Early Childhood and Game Media

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    Communication anxiety needs to be handled by the family from an early age because it can have an impact on the process of establishing a child's self-concept. This happens because children experience a phase of adaptation in a new environment, such as a school environment. The handling of children's communication anxiety is carried out by family communication and games. The purpose of this article is to describe the state of the art about children's communication anxiety and games using the literature review method in a scientific journal for two years (2022-2023). As a result, ten journals specifically discuss anxiety in early childhood and various media games, four journals in 2022 and eight journals in 2023. The game media used to reduce anxiety in early childhood are hand puppets, snake and ladders, puzzles, coloring and origami, and roleplaying. The game media is considered capable of overcoming the problem of child anxiety because the child world is playing so children can describe their emotions better


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    Semarang is the capital city of Central Java with high density characteristic and well known as a trading transit place. The Government of Semarang city is actively socializing the government‟s service programs through various media, one of theseis Videotron. There are various kind of social advertisements in Tugumuda Semarang videotron and the research shows that there are 4 social ads that are remembered by the society: Obeying The Traffic Rules, Tax Amnesty, Report to Hendy and Saber Pungli. This research aims to analyze the people‟s response towards those ads. This research uses quantitative approach, descriptive as the method, and Agenda setting theory.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Semarang  adalah  salah  satu  ibukota  provinsi  di  Jawa  Tengah  Indonesia  yang memiliki jumlah kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi dan terkenal sebagai kota transit perdagangan. Pemerintah Kota Semarang saat ini tengah giat melakukan gerakan sosialisasi berbagai layanan kegiatan pemerintahan melalui berbagai media, salah satunya adalah videotron. Iklan Layanan Masyarakat yang disajikan di Videotron Tugumuda Semarang cukup beragam dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat empat ILM yang cukup diingat oleh masyarakat, yaitu: Tertib Berlalu Lintas, Amnesty Pajak, Lapor Hendy dan Saber Pungli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon masyarakat terhadap empat Iklan Layanan Masyarakat tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan diulas dengan teori Agenda Setting.

    Loyalty of m-wallet user from a service-dominant logic perspective

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of customer perceived value on the loyalty of mobile wallet (m-wallet) users. Payment using mobile wallet offers several benefits for consumer in terms of functional, social, and economic value. Meanwhile, Service-Dominant Logic was used to explain consumer’s experience in utilizing mobile wallet for payment. Furthermore, a quantitativeapproach with questionnaire was used for data collection, and a total of 325 users participated as the respondents. A purposivesampling technique was used to determine the sample criteria i.e. active m-wallet users with a minimum usage of 1 year. The result showed that all the hypotheses are supported. This indicated that customer perceived value consist of functional, economic, and social value, which have positive and significant impact on satisfaction that leads to customer loyalty. Meanwhile, satisfactionis the most salient predictor of customer loyalty. Therefore, financial technology provider needs to pay more attention to customer perceived value, especially in terms of functional, economic and social aspect


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    Semarang is the capital city of Central Java with high density characteristic and well known as a trading transit place. The Government of Semarang city is actively socializing the government‟s service programs through various media, one of theseis Videotron. There are various kind of social advertisements in Tugumuda Semarang videotron and the research shows that there are 4 social ads that are remembered by the society: Obeying The Traffic Rules, Tax Amnesty, Report to Hendy and Saber Pungli. This research aims to analyze the people‟s response towards those ads. This research uses quantitative approach, descriptive as the method, and Agenda setting theory.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Semarang  adalah  salah  satu  ibukota  provinsi  di  Jawa  Tengah  Indonesia  yang memiliki jumlah kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi dan terkenal sebagai kota transit perdagangan. Pemerintah Kota Semarang saat ini tengah giat melakukan gerakan sosialisasi berbagai layanan kegiatan pemerintahan melalui berbagai media, salah satunya adalah videotron. Iklan Layanan Masyarakat yang disajikan di Videotron Tugumuda Semarang cukup beragam dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat empat ILM yang cukup diingat oleh masyarakat, yaitu: Tertib Berlalu Lintas, Amnesty Pajak, Lapor Hendy dan Saber Pungli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon masyarakat terhadap empat Iklan Layanan Masyarakat tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan diulas dengan teori Agenda Setting.


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun model loyalitas konsumen pada produk halal khususnya kosmetik. Berdasarkan source credibility theory, penelitian ini menguji pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung kredibilitas merek dalam memediasi pengaruh celebrity endorsement dan citra produk halal terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online dan offline. Purposive sampling digunakan dalam memilih responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). Secara keseluruhan, 156 responden berpartisipasi sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Data diolah dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan selebriti tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Sedangkan Citra Produk Halal tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap loyalitas merek. Namun, Citra Produk Halal menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan melalui kredibilitas merek