887 research outputs found

    The Cauchy-Schlomilch transformation

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    The Cauchy-Schl\"omilch transformation states that for a function ff and a,b>0a, \, b > 0, the integral of f(x2)f(x^{2}) and af((axbx1)2af((ax-bx^{-1})^{2} over the interval [0,)[0, \infty) are the same. This elementary result is used to evaluate many non-elementary definite integrals, most of which cannot be obtained by symbolic packages. Applications to probability distributions is also given

    The Low-Noise Potential of Distributed Propulsion on a Catamaran Aircraft

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    The noise shielding potential of an inboard-wing catamaran aircraft when coupled with distributed propulsion is examined. Here, only low-frequency jet noise from mid-wing-mounted engines is considered. Because low frequencies are the most difficult to shield, these calculations put a lower bound on the potential shielding benefit. In this proof-of-concept study, simple physical models are used to describe the 3-D scattering of jet noise by conceptualized catamaran aircraft. The Fast Scattering Code is used to predict noise levels on and about the aircraft. Shielding results are presented for several catamaran type geometries and simple noise source configurations representative of distributed propulsion radiation. Computational analyses are presented that demonstrate the shielding benefits of distributed propulsion and of increasing the width of the inboard wing. Also, sample calculations using the FSC are presented that demonstrate additional noise reduction on the aircraft fuselage by the use of acoustic liners on the inboard wing trailing edge. A full conceptual aircraft design would have to be analyzed over a complete mission to more accurately quantify community noise levels and aircraft performance, but the present shielding calculations show that a large acoustic benefit could be achieved by combining distributed propulsion and liner technology with a twin-fuselage planform

    Characterizing College Science Assessments: The Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol

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    Citation: Laverty, J. T., Underwood, S. M., Matz, R. L., Posey, L. A., Carmel, J. H., Caballero, M. D., . . . Cooper, M. M. (2016). Characterizing College Science Assessments: The Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol. Plos One, 11(9), 21. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162333Many calls to improve science education in college and university settings have focused on improving instructor pedagogy. Meanwhile, science education at the K-12 level is undergoing significant changes as a result of the emphasis on scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. This framework of "three-dimensional learning" is based on the literature about how people learn science and how we can help students put their knowledge to use. Recently, similar changes are underway in higher education by incorporating three-dimensional learning into college science courses. As these transformations move forward, it will become important to assess three-dimensional learning both to align assessments with the learning environment, and to assess the extent of the transformations. In this paper we introduce the Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol (3D-LAP), which is designed to characterize and support the development of assessment tasks in biology, chemistry, and physics that align with transformation efforts. We describe the development process used by our interdisciplinary team, discuss the validity and reliability of the protocol, and provide evidence that the protocol can distinguish between assessments that have the potential to elicit evidence of three-dimensional learning and those that do not

    A landscape of genomic alterations at the root of a near-untreatable tuberculosis epidemic

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    Abstract Background Atypical Beijing genotype Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains are widespread in South Africa and have acquired resistance to up to 13 drugs on multiple occasions. It is puzzling that these strains have retained fitness and transmissibility despite the potential fitness cost associated with drug resistance mutations. Methods We conducted Illumina sequencing of 211 Beijing genotype M. tuberculosis isolates to facilitate the detection of genomic features that may promote acquisition of drug resistance and restore fitness in highly resistant atypical Beijing forms. Phylogenetic and comparative genomic analysis was done to determine changes that are unique to the resistant strains that also transmit well. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination for streptomycin and bedaquiline was done for a limited number of isolates to demonstrate a difference in MIC between isolates with and without certain variants. Results Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that two clades of atypical Beijing strains have independently developed resistance to virtually all the potent drugs included in standard (pre-bedaquiline) drug-resistant TB treatment regimens. We show that undetected drug resistance in a progenitor strain was likely instrumental in this resistance acquisition. In this cohort, ethionamide (ethA A381P) resistance would be missed in first-line drug-susceptible isolates, and streptomycin (gidB L79S) resistance may be missed due to an MIC close to the critical concentration. Subsequent inadequate treatment historically led to amplification of resistance and facilitated spread of the strains. Bedaquiline resistance was found in a small number of isolates, despite lack of exposure to the drug. The highly resistant clades also carry inhA promoter mutations, which arose after ethA and katG mutations. In these isolates, inhA promoter mutations do not alter drug resistance, suggesting a possible alternative role. Conclusion The presence of the ethA mutation in otherwise susceptible isolates from ethionamide-naïve patients demonstrates that known exposure is not an adequate indicator of drug susceptibility. Similarly, it is demonstrated that bedaquiline resistance can occur without exposure to the drug. Inappropriate treatment regimens, due to missed resistance, leads to amplification of resistance, and transmission. We put these results into the context of current WHO treatment regimens, underscoring the risks of treatment without knowledge of the full drug resistance profile

    Evaluating the extent of a large-scale transformation in gateway science courses

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    We evaluate the impact of an institutional effort to transform undergraduate science courses using an approach based on course assessments. The approach is guided by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and focuses on scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas, together called three-dimensional learning. To evaluate the extent of change, we applied the Three-dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol to 4 years of chemistry, physics, and biology course exams. Changes in exams differed by discipline and even by course, apparently depending on an interplay between departmental culture, course organization, and perceived course ownership, demonstrating the complex nature of transformation in higher education. We conclude that while transformation must be supported at all organizational levels, ultimately, change is controlled by factors at the course and departmental levels

    Towards a synthesized critique of neoliberal biodiversity conservation

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    During the last three decades, the arena of biodiversity conservation has largely aligned itself with the globally dominant political ideology of neoliberalism and associated governmentalities. Schemes such as payments for ecological services are promoted to reach the multiple ‘wins’ so desired: improved biodiversity conservation, economic development, (international) cooperation and poverty alleviation, amongst others. While critical scholarship with respect to understanding the linkages between neoliberalism, capitalism and the environment has a long tradition, a synthesized critique of neoliberal conservation - the ideology (and related practices) that the salvation of nature requires capitalist expansion - remains lacking. This paper aims to provide such a critique. We commence with the assertion that there has been a conflation between ‘economics’ and neoliberal ideology in conservation thinking and implementation. As a result, we argue, it becomes easier to distinguish the main problems that neoliberal win-win models pose for biodiversity conservation. These are framed around three points: the stimulation of contradictions; appropriation and misrepresentation and the disciplining of dissent. Inspired by Bruno Latour’s recent ‘compositionist manifesto’, the conclusion outlines some ideas for moving beyond critique

    Unionoida (Mollusca: Margaritiferidae, Unionidae) in Arkansas, Third Status Review

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    We analyzed stream inventories, phylogeographic studies, community and population estimates, life history and reproductive biology research, and suitable habitat investigations conducted from 1997-2008, as well as the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission mussel database, to update the conservation status for all native freshwater unionoid bivalves thought to occur in Arkansas. Prior to this study, Harris et al. (1997) reviewed the distribution and status of 75 freshwater mussels considered native to Arkansas and ranked 22 species as endangered, threatened or special concern. We now recognize 85 mussel taxa in Arkansas; however, some of those have yet to be described or their nomenclature remains in a state of flux. The previous inclusion of Fusconaia subrotunda (I. Lea 1831) and Obovaria subrotunda (Rafinesque 1820) in the Arkansas native mussel fauna was based on misidentifications. Within the Arkansas mussel fauna, 19 species (22%) are now considered Endangered, 5 species (6%) are ranked as Threatened, 20 species (24%) are of Special Concern, and unfortunately, 1 species has probably been extirpated

    A novel COMP mutation in a pseudoachondroplasia family of Chinese origin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) is caused exclusively by mutations in the gene for cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (<it>COMP</it>). Only a small number of studies have documented the clinical phenotype and genetic basis in Chinese PSACH patients.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We investigated a four-generation PSACH pedigree of Chinese Han origin. Two patients and two unaffected individuals were recruited for clinical evaluation and molecular genetic analysis. The genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was adopted to amplify the 8-19 exons of <it>COMP </it>gene. Then the products were sequenced bi-directionally for screening mutation. Clinical evaluation revealed that PSACH patients in this pedigree had a severe disproportionate short stature (-10SD). A heterozygous TGTCCCTGG insertion in exon 13, between nucleotide 1352T and 1353G, were identified in the patients except the unaffected individuals, which resulted in a three-amino-acid insertion (451V_452P ins VPG) in the sixth calmodulin-like repeat of the <it>COMP </it>protein.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This c. 1352_1353ins TGTCCCTGG is a novel mutation responsible for severe familial PSACH.</p

    NODAL Variants Are Associated With a Continuum of Laterality Defects From Simple D-Transposition of the Great Arteries to Heterotaxy

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    BACKGROUND: NODAL signaling plays a critical role in embryonic patterning and heart development in vertebrates. Genetic variants resulting in perturbations of the TGF-β/NODAL signaling pathway have reproducibly been shown to cause laterality defects in humans. To further explore this association and improve genetic diagnosis, the study aims to identify and characterize a broader range of NODAL variants in a large number of individuals with laterality defects. METHODS: We re-analyzed a cohort of 321 proband-only exomes of individuals with clinically diagnosed laterality congenital heart disease (CHD) using family-based, rare variant genomic analyses. To this cohort we added 12 affected subjects with known NODAL variants and CHD from institutional research and clinical cohorts to investigate an allelic series. For those with candidate contributory variants, variant allele confirmation and segregation analysis were studied by Sanger sequencing in available family members. Array comparative genomic hybridization and droplet digital PCR were utilized for copy number variants (CNV) validation and characterization. We performed Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)-based quantitative phenotypic analyses to dissect allele-specific phenotypic differences. RESULTS: Missense, nonsense, splice site, indels, and/or structural variants of NODAL were identified as potential causes of heterotaxy and other laterality defects in 33 CHD cases. We describe a recurrent complex indel variant for which the nucleic acid secondary structure predictions implicate secondary structure mutagenesis as a possible mechanism for formation. We identified two CNV deletion alleles spanning NODAL in two unrelated CHD cases. Furthermore, 17 CHD individuals were found (16/17 with known Hispanic ancestry) to have the c.778G \u3e A:p.G260R NODAL missense variant which we propose reclassification from variant of uncertain significance (VUS) to likely pathogenic. Quantitative HPO-based analyses of the observed clinical phenotype for all cases with p.G260R variation, including heterozygous, homozygous, and compound heterozygous cases, reveal clustering of individuals with biallelic variation. This finding provides evidence for a genotypic-phenotypic correlation and an allele-specific gene dosage model. CONCLUSION: Our data further support a role for rare deleterious variants in NODAL as a cause for sporadic human laterality defects, expand the repertoire of observed anatomical complexity of potential cardiovascular anomalies, and implicate an allele specific gene dosage model

    Characterizing college science instruction: The Three-Dimensional Learning Observation Protocol

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    The importance of improving STEM education is of perennial interest, and to this end, the education community needs ways to characterize transformation efforts. Three-dimensional learning (3DL) is one such approach to transformation, in which core ideas of the discipline, scientific practices, and crosscutting concepts are combined to support student development of disciplinary expertise. We have previously reported on an approach to the characterization of assessments, the Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol (3D-LAP), that can be used to identify whether assessments have the potential to engage students in 3DL. Here we present the development of a companion, the Three-Dimensional Learning Observation Protocol (3D-LOP), an observation protocol that can reliably distinguish between instruction that has potential for engagement with 3DL and instruction that does not. The 3D-LOP goes beyond other observation protocols, because it is intended not only to characterize the pedagogical approaches being used in the instructional environment, but also to identify whether students are being asked to engage with scientific practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. We demonstrate herein that the 3D-LOP can be used reliably to code for the presence of 3DL; further, we present data that show the utility of the 3D-LOP in differentiating between instruction that has the potential to promote 3DL from instruction that does not. Our team plans to continue using this protocol to evaluate outcomes of instructional transformation projects. We also propose that the 3D-LOP can be used to support practitioners in developing curricular materials and selecting instructional strategies to promote engagement in three-dimensional instruction