506 research outputs found

    Impactos sócio-econômicos do sistema de derriça mecanizado portátil na colheita de café de montanha no Brasil.

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    EEG Based Emotion Monitoring Using Wavelet and Learning Vector Quantization

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    Emotional identification is necessary for example in Brain Computer Interface (BCI) application and when emotional therapy and medical rehabilitation take place. Some emotional states can be characterized in the frequency of EEG signal, such excited, relax and sad. The signal extracted in certain frequency useful to distinguish the three emotional state. The classification of the EEG signal in real time depends on extraction methods to increase class distinction, and identification methods with fast computing. This paper proposed human emotion monitoring in real time using Wavelet and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). The process was done before the machine learning using training data from the 10 subjects, 10 trial, 3 classes and 16 segments (equal to 480 sets of data). Each data set processed in 10 seconds and extracted into Alpha, Beta, and Theta waves using Wavelet. Then they become input for the identification system using LVQ three emotional state that is excited, relax, and sad. The results showed that by using wavelet we can improve the accuracy of 72% to 87% and number of training data variation increased the accuracy. The system was integrated with wireless EEG to monitor emotion state in real time with change each 10 seconds. It takes 0.44 second, was not significant toward 10 seconds

    Identifikasi Respon Emosional terhadap Rangsangan Suara melalui Sinyal Elektroensephalogram Menggunakan Wavelet dan Learning Vector Quantization

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    Emosi merupakan suatu perasaan manusia, seperti senang, sedih, semangat, dan kecewa yang dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti cuaca, lingkungan, kesehatan, suara, film, dan video game. Beberapa orang mempunyai kesulitan dalam mengendalikan emosi, biasanya diakibatkan depresi ataupun mengalami gangguan pada syaraf otak. Oleh karena itu diperlukan terapi, yang salah satunya menggunakan rangsangan suara. Keberhasilan terapi ditentukan dari jenis rangsangan suara dan waktu. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan identifikasi respon emosional terhadap rangsangan suara secara real time. Salah satu instrumen yang dapat menangkap kondisi emosional adalah Elektroensephalogram (EEG), namun analisisnya tidaklah mudah. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu melakukan identifikasi kondisi rileks, kondisi mental, kewaspadaan, tingkat perhatian melaui sinyal EEG. Identifikasi emosional juga telah dilakukan di antaranya menggunakan Wavelet dan Backpropagation, Wavelet, Support Vector Machine (SVM), dan Frantal Dimension. Namun penelitian tersebut tidak dilakukan secara real time sehingga mempunyai kelemahan memperoleh waktu efektif pemberian terapi jika digunakan untuk evaluasi. Penelitian ini telah membuat sistem diimplementasikan dalam perangkat lunak identifikasi respon emosional secara real time terhadap rangsangan suara dengan segmentasi waktu per 10 detik dalam identifikasinya. Dalam proses akuisisi data dilakukan terhadap 10 naracoba dengan lima kali Perulangan dengan 3 jenis respon yang berbeda yaitu respon semangat. rileks, dan sedih. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan seluruh data latih yang sebanyak 2400 menghasilkan akurasi sebesar 93%. Sistem telah diuji dengan menggunakan data baru yang menghasilkan akurasi sebanyak 75%, dan waktu respon 0.0041 detik. Waktu identifikasi cukup cepat dibandingkan waktu identifikasi 10 detik, sehingga dapat digunakan

    Energy and protein supplementation can improve liveweight gain of steers grazing good quality tropical pasture in the wet season

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    This experiment aimed at maximising wet season liveweight gain (LWG) of cattle grazing good quality tropical pasture. Twenty-five Brahman crossbred steers (203 ± 4.2 kg) were allocated into 5 treatments, namely control (Con; grazing only), grazing + molasses/urea mixture (MU) at 0.5% liveweight (LW) (5MU) or 1% W (10MU), and grazing + mixture of molasses/urea (55%), fish meal (25%) and whole cottonseed (WCS; 20%) at 0.5% W (5MWF) or 1% W (10MWF). Steers grazed fertilized pangola grass pasture (Digitaria eriantha cv. Steudal) for 84 days. Pasture DM availability was maintained at > 1.5 t/ha. The Mean green leaf yield was 1.9 t DM/ha, in vitro DM digestibility was 64%, and crude protein content was 15%. The LWG of Con steers was 960 g/d. Providing MU did not increase LWG, but inclusion of fishmeal and whole cottonseed markedly improved LWG above control by 34% and 39% for 5MWF and 10MWF, respectively. Levels of supplement had no affected on LWG. It is concluded that supplementing rumen fermentable energy and protein alone did not increase LWG of steers grazing good quality tropical grass pasture, but the inclusion of rumen bypass protein and energy in supplement significantly increased LWG, as a result of the higher bypass protein and energy intake

    A radio-polarisation and rotation measure study of the Gum Nebula and its environment

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    The Gum Nebula is 36 degree wide shell-like emission nebula at a distance of only 450 pc. It has been hypothesised to be an old supernova remnant, fossil HII region, wind-blown bubble, or combination of multiple objects. Here we investigate the magneto-ionic properties of the nebula using data from recent surveys: radio-continuum data from the NRAO VLA and S-band Parkes All Sky Surveys, and H-alpha data from the Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas. We model the upper part of the nebula as a spherical shell of ionised gas expanding into the ambient medium. We perform a maximum-likelihood Markov chain Monte-Carlo fit to the NVSS rotation measure data, using the H-halpha data to constrain average electron density in the shell nen_e. Assuming a latitudinal background gradient in RM we find ne=1.3−0.4+0.4cm−3n_e=1.3^{+0.4}_{-0.4} {\rm cm}^{-3}, angular radius ϕouter=22.7−0.1+0.1deg\phi_{\rm outer}=22.7^{+0.1}_{-0.1} {\rm deg}, shell thickness dr=18.5−1.4+1.5pcdr=18.5^{+1.5}_{-1.4} {\rm pc}, ambient magnetic field strength B0=3.9−2.2+4.9μGB_0=3.9^{+4.9}_{-2.2} \mu{\rm G} and warm gas filling factor f=0.3−0.1+0.3f=0.3^{+0.3}_{-0.1}. We constrain the local, small-scale (~260 pc) pitch-angle of the ordered Galactic magnetic field to +7∘≲℘≲+44∘+7^{\circ}\lesssim\wp\lesssim+44^{\circ}, which represents a significant deviation from the median field orientation on kiloparsec scales (~-7.2∘^{\circ}). The moderate compression factor X=6.0\,^{+5.1}_{-2.5} at the edge of the H-alpha shell implies that the 'old supernova remnant' origin is unlikely. Our results support a model of the nebula as a HII region around a wind-blown bubble. Analysis of depolarisation in 2.3 GHz S-PASS data is consistent with this hypothesis and our best-fitting values agree well with previous studies of interstellar bubbles.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa


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    A simple, low-cost, multiplexed Hadamard-type spectrophotometer based on a spinning disk containing 63 separated masks has been constructed to obtain spectral data in time intervals down to 50 ms. Each mask contains 63 resolution elements. Optical localization and identification of the masks were implemented in the disk to avoid misalignment problems. The control of the spectrophotometer and data acquisition was made by using a dedicated single-board microcomputer based on an 8085 CPU. The single board microcomputer sends the data, through an RS-232C interface, to an IBM-AT compatible microcomputer where the Hadamard transform is performed to recover and display the emission, transmittance, or absorbance spectrum. The instrument has been used in the visible range to obtain absorbance data for time-resolved flow injection analysis applications.46121822182

    A Multi-Physic Modelling Insight into the Differences between Microwave and Conventional Heating for the Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles

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    Microwave-assisted synthesis of nanoparticles usually leads to a smaller and more uni-formly distributed particle size compared to conventional heating (e.g., oil bath). Numerical simulation can help to obtain a better insight into the process in terms of temperature distribution or to evidence existing different temperature profiles and heating rates between the two techniques. In this paper multi-physics numerical simulation is used to investigate the continuous flow synthesis of titanium oxide nanoparticles starting from alkoxide precursors. Temperature-dependent permit-tivity of reactants has been measured, including the effects of permanence at the maximum synthesis temperature. A temperature homogeneity index has been defined to compare microwave and conventional heating. Results show that when using microwave heating at 2450 MHz, in the inves-tigated conditions, a much higher temperature homogeneity of the reactants is reached. Moreover, reactants experience different heating rates, depending on their position inside the microwave ap-plicator, while this is almost negligible in the case of conventional heating

    S-band Polarization All Sky Survey (S-PASS): survey description and maps

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    We present the S-Band Polarization All Sky Survey (S-PASS), a survey of polarized radio emission over the southern sky at Dec~<−1∘< -1^\circ taken with the Parkes radio telescope at 2.3~GHz. The main aim was to observe at a frequency high enough to avoid strong depolarization at intermediate Galactic latitudes (still present at 1.4 GHz) to study Galactic magnetism, but low enough to retain ample Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) at high latitudes for extragalactic and cosmological science. We developed a new scanning strategy based on long azimuth scans, and a corresponding map-making procedure to make recovery of the overall mean signal of Stokes QQ and UU possible, a long-standing problem with polarization observations. We describe the scanning strategy, map-making procedure, and validation tests. The overall mean signal is recovered with a precision better than 0.5\%. The maps have a mean sensitivity of 0.81 mK on beam--size scales and show clear polarized signals, typically to within a few degrees of the Galactic plane, with ample S/N everywhere (the typical signal in low emission regions is 13 mK, and 98.6\% of the pixels have S/N >3> 3). The largest depolarization areas are in the inner Galaxy, associated with the Sagittarius Arm. We have also computed a Rotation Measure map combining S-PASS with archival data from the WMAP and Planck experiments. A Stokes II map has been generated, with a sensitivity limited to the confusion level of 9 mK.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS. Maps are available for download at the website indicated in the manuscrip

    Responses to various protein and energy supplements by steers fed low-quality tropical hay. 2. Effect of stage of maturity of steers

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    Dose response curves to various supplements were established in two pen-feeding experiments (Exp1 and Exp2) with Bos indicus crossbred steers of two age groups (Young, 10–12 months; Old, 33–36 months) fed low-quality tropical grass hays ad libitum. Diets included supplements based on (Exp1) cottonseed meal (CSM; intake (as fed) 0–10 g/kg liveweight (W).day) and a barley mix (Bar; 0–20 g/kg W.day) and (Exp2) a molasses mix (MUP) and a Bar mix, both fed at 0–20 g/kg W.day. Urea was provided with the Bar mixes and urea/copra meal with the MUP mix. Growth rates of Young steers increased linearly with Bar and MUP supplements but asymptotically with CSM whereas those of Old steers increased asymptotically with all supplement types. With supplement intake expressed on a liveweight basis (g/kg W.day), responses were greater for both steer age groups with CSM compared with Bar (Young, P < 0.001; Old, P < 0.01) and Bar compared with MUP treatments (Young, P < 0.01; Old, P < 0.05). Furthermore, Old steers outperformed their Young counterparts with both CSM (P < 0.05) and Bar (P < 0.001) supplements fed in Exp1 and with Bar and MUP supplements (P < 0.01) fed in Exp2. When supplement intake was expressed in absolute terms (kg/day), growth responses were not different between age groups for different supplements except that Old steers had a higher daily W gain on Bar than their Young counterparts (P < 0.05). Intake of hay (W-corrected) was higher for Young compared with Old steers without supplement but was variably reduced for both steer groups with increasing supplement intake. The results of these experiments have implications for supplement formulation for steers at different stages of maturity grazing low-quality forages
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