69 research outputs found

    Internal delensing of cosmic microwave background polarization B-Modes with the POLARBEAR experiment

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    International audienceUsing only cosmic microwave background polarization data from the polarbear experiment, we measure B-mode polarization delensing on subdegree scales at more than 5σ significance. We achieve a 14% B-mode power variance reduction, the highest to date for internal delensing, and improve this result to 22% by applying for the first time an iterative maximum a posteriori delensing method. Our analysis demonstrates the capability of internal delensing as a means of improving constraints on inflationary models, paving the way for the optimal analysis of next-generation primordial B-mode experiments

    Forecasting the Contribution of Polarized Extragalactic Radio Sources in CMB Observations

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    We combine the latest data sets obtained with different surveys to study the frequency dependence of polarized emission coming from extragalactic radio sources (ERS). We consider data over a very wide frequency range starting from 1.4 GHz up to 217 GHz. This range is particularly interesting since it overlaps the frequencies of the current and forthcoming cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. Current data suggest that at high radio frequencies (\u3bd 65 20 GHz) the fractional polarization of ERS does not depend on the total flux density. Conversely, recent data sets indicate a moderate increase of polarization fraction as a function of frequency, physically motivated by the fact that Faraday depolarization is expected to be less relevant at high radio frequencies. We compute ERS number counts using updated models based on recent data, and we forecast the contribution of unresolved ERS in CMB polarization spectra. Given the expected sensitivities and the observational patch sizes of forthcoming CMB experiments, about 3c200 (up to 3c2000) polarized ERS are expected to be detected. Finally, we assess that polarized ERS can contaminate the cosmological B-mode polarization if the tensor-to-scalar ratio is <0.05 and they have to be robustly controlled to de-lens CMB B-modes at the arcminute angular scales

    CMB lensing reconstruction biases in cross-correlation with large-scale structure probes

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    The cross-correlation between cosmic microwave background (CMB) gravitational lensing and large-scale structure tracers will be an important cosmological probe in the coming years. Quadratic estimators provide a simple and powerful (if suboptimal) way to reconstruct the CMB lensing potential and are widely used. For Gaussian fields, the cross-correlation of a quadratic-estimator CMB lensing reconstruction with a tracer is exactly unbiased if the power spectra are known and consistent analytic lensing mode response functions are used. However, the bispectrum induced by non-linear large-scale structure growth and post-Born lensing can introduce an additional bias term (NL(3/2)) in the cross-correlation spectrum, similar to the NL(3/2) bias in the auto-spectrum demonstrated in recent works. We give analytic flat-sky results for the cross-correlation bias using approximate models for the post-Born and large-scale structure cross-bispectra, and compare with N-body simulation results using ray-tracing techniques. We show that the bias can be at the 5–15% level in all large-scale structure cross-correlations using small-scale CMB temperature lensing reconstruction, but is substantially reduced using polarization-based lensing estimators or simple foreground-projected temperature estimators. The relative magnitude of these effects is almost three times higher than in the CMB lensing auto-correlation, but is small enough that it can be modelled to sufficient precision using simple analytic models. We show that NL(3/2) effects in cross-correlation will be detected with high significance when using data of future surveys and could affect systematic effects marginalization in cosmic shear measurements mimicking galaxy intrinsic alignment

    Characterization of foreground emission on degree angular scales for CMB B-mode observations: Thermal dust and synchrotron signal from Planck and WMAP data

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    We quantify the contamination from polarized diffuse Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emissions to the B modes of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies on the degree angular scale, using data from the Planck and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellites. We compute power spectra of foreground polarized emissions in 352 circular sky patches located at Galactic latitude | b | > 20\ub0, each of which covers about 1.5% of the sky. We make use of the spectral properties derived from Planck and WMAP data to extrapolate, in frequency, the amplitude of synchrotron and thermal dust B-mode spectra in the multipole bin centered at \u2113 43 80. In this way we estimate the amplitude and frequency of the foreground minimum for each analyzed region. We detect both dust and synchrotron signal on degree angular scales and at a 3\u3c3 confidence level in 28 regions. Here the minimum of the foreground emission is found at frequencies between 60 and 100 GHz with an amplitude expressed in terms of the equivalent tensor-to-scalar ratio, rFG,min, between 3c0.06 and 3c1. Some of these regions are located at high Galactic latitudes in areas close to the ones that are being observed by suborbital experiments. In all the other sky patches where synchrotron or dust B modes are not detectable with the required confidence, we put upper limits on the minimum foreground contamination and find values of rFG,min between 3c0.05 and 3c1.5 in the frequency range 60-90 GHz. Our results indicate that, with the current sensitivity at low frequency, it is not possible to exclude the presence of synchrotron contamination to CMB cosmological B modes at the level requested to measure a gravitational waves signal with r 43 0.01 at frequency 72 100 GHz anywhere. Therefore, more accurate data are essential in order to better characterize the synchrotron polarized component and, eventually, to remove its contamination to CMB signal through foreground cleaning. \ua9 2016 ESO

    Constraints on axion-like polarization oscillations in the cosmic microwave background with POLARBEAR

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    Very light pseudoscalar fields, often referred to as axions, are compelling dark matter candidates and can potentially be detected through their coupling to the electromagnetic field. Recently a novel detection technique using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) was proposed, which relies on the fact that the axion field oscillates at a frequency equal to its mass in appropriate units, leading to a time-dependent birefringence. For appropriate oscillation periods this allows the axion field at the telescope to be detected via the induced sinusoidal oscillation of the CMB linear polarization. We search for this effect in two years of POLARBEAR data. We do not detect a signal, and place a median 95%95 \% upper limit of 0.65∘0.65 ^\circ on the sinusoid amplitude for oscillation frequencies between 0.02 days−10.02\,\text{days}^{-1} and 0.45 days−10.45\,\text{days}^{-1}, which corresponds to axion masses between 9.6×10−22 eV9.6 \times 10^{-22} \, \text{eV} and 2.2×10−20 eV2.2\times 10^{-20} \,\text{eV}. Under the assumptions that 1) the axion constitutes all the dark matter and 2) the axion field amplitude is a Rayleigh-distributed stochastic variable, this translates to a limit on the axion-photon coupling gÏ•Îł<2.4×10−11 GeV−1×(mϕ/10−21 eV)g_{\phi \gamma} < 2.4 \times 10^{-11} \,\text{GeV}^{-1} \times ({m_\phi}/{10^{-21} \, \text{eV}}).Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Published in Physical Review

    Modeling Atmospheric Emission for CMB Ground-based Observations

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    Atmosphere is one of the most important noise sources for ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. By increasing optical loading on the detectors, it amplifies their effective noise, while its fluctuations introduce spatial and temporal correlations between detected signals. We present a physically motivated 3D-model of the atmosphere total intensity emission in the millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths. We derive a new analytical estimate for the correlation between detectors time-ordered data as a function of the instrument and survey design, as well as several atmospheric parameters such as wind, relative humidity, temperature and turbulence characteristics. Using an original numerical computation, we examine the effect of each physical parameter on the correlations in the time series of a given experiment. We then use a parametric-likelihood approach to validate the modeling and estimate atmosphere parameters from the POLARBEAR-I project first season data set. We derive a new 1.0% upper limit on the linear polarization fraction of atmospheric emission. We also compare our results to previous studies and weather station measurements. The proposed model can be used for realistic simulations of future ground-based CMB observations

    Measurements of tropospheric ice clouds with a ground-based CMB polarization experiment, POLARBEAR

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    The polarization of the atmosphere has been a long-standing concern for ground-based experiments targeting cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization. Ice crystals in upper tropospheric clouds scatter thermal radiation from the ground and produce a horizontally polarized signal. We report a detailed analysis of the cloud signal using a ground-based CMB experiment, Polarbear, located at the Atacama desert in Chile and observing at 150 GHz. We observe horizontally polarized temporal increases of low-frequency fluctuations ("polarized bursts," hereafter) of 720.1 K when clouds appear in a webcam monitoring the telescope and the sky. The hypothesis of no correlation between polarized bursts and clouds is rejected with &gt;24\u3c3 statistical significance using three years of data. We consider many other possibilities including instrumental and environmental effects, and find no reasons other than clouds that can explain the data better. We also discuss the impact of the cloud polarization on future ground-based CMB polarization experiments

    Making maps of cosmic microwave background polarization for B-mode studies: The POLARBEAR example

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    Analysis of cosmic microwave background (CMB) datasets typically requires some filtering of the raw time-ordered data. For instance, in the context of ground-based observations, filtering is frequently used to minimize the impact of low frequency noise, atmospheric contributions and/or scan synchronous signals on the resulting maps. In this work we have explicitly constructed a general filtering operator, which can unambiguously remove any set of unwanted modes in the data, and then amend the map-making procedure in order to incorporate and correct for it. We show that such an approach is mathematically equivalent to the solution of a problem in which the sky signal and unwanted modes are estimated simultaneously and the latter are marginalized over. We investigated the conditions under which this amended map-making procedure can render an unbiased estimate of the sky signal in realistic circumstances. We then discuss the potential implications of these observations on the choice of map-making and power spectrum estimation approaches in the context of B-mode polarization studies. Specifically, we have studied the effects of time-domain filtering on the noise correlation structure in the map domain, as well as impact it may haveon the performance of the popular pseudo-spectrum estimators. We conclude that although maps produced by the proposed estimators arguably provide the most faithful representation of the sky possible given the data, they may not straightforwardly lead to the best constraints on the power spectra of the underlying sky signal and special care may need to be taken to ensure this is the case. By contrast, simplified map-makers which do not explicitly correct for time-domain filtering, but leave it to subsequent steps in the data analysis, may perform equally well and be easier and faster to implement. We focused on polarization-sensitive measurements targeting the B-mode component of the CMB signal and apply the proposed methods to realistic simulations based on characteristics of an actual CMB polarization experiment, POLARBEAR. Our analysis and conclusions are however more generally applicable. \ua9 ESO, 2017

    Cross-correlation of CMB polarization lensing with High-z submillimeter Herschel-ATLAS galaxies

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    We report a 4.8σ measurement of the cross-correlation signal between the cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing convergence reconstructed from measurements of the CMB polarization made by the Polarbear experiment and the infrared-selected galaxies of the Herschel-ATLAS survey. This is the first measurement of its kind
