884 research outputs found
âYouâve never seen anything like itâ: multiplexes, shopping malls and sensory overwhelm in Milton Keynes, 1979â1986
From 1979, the new town of Milton Keynes embraced a new marketing approach which emphasised its capacity to elicit wondrous, uplifting, and desirable bodily sensations. This coincided with the transformation of the townâs central landscape, with Britainâs largest mall, The Shopping Building opening in 1979, followed in 1985 by Britainâs first multiplex cinema, The Point. This new direction in Milton Keynesâ marketing rejected national media narratives of the townâs sterility, while reorienting its administration away from the now-toxic political legacy of Keynesianism and towards consumer capitalism. This presented the Shopping Building, The Point and Milton Keynes as a whole, as containing forces that intensified and proliferated potential sensory experiences which resisted quantification and could only be understood fully through immediate presence. This deliberate non-specificity equated the undifferentiated general ideal of sensation with the liberatory capacities of consumer choice, while concealing the encroaching constraints on human possibility arising from commodification of sensations and public space. While critical accounts identified this new determinism as a damaging force, Milton Keynes was nonetheless able to redefine its public image during the early years of the Thatcher government by association with private consumption and private sensation
An exploratory study of Hungarian university studentsâ sexual attitudes and behaviours
Sexual health is the integration of the somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of sexual being that
may positively enrich personality (WHO, 1975). It includes not only the prevention of sexually transmitted
infections (STIs), unwanted and unplanned pregnancy, coercion, violence and discrimination, but also a
positive approach to sexuality (Edwards & Coleman, 2004). Given the apparent inadequacies of the global
approach to sexual health education (SHE) for young people (UNESCO, 2009), it is unsurprising that the
prevalence of STIs have increased worldwide (WHO, 2018). Although Hungary is still among the countries
with low HIV/STISs infection rate, sexually active young people are at higher risk of infection (Goodwin et
al., 2003; Gyarmathy, McNutt, et al., 2002; UnAIDS, 2018).peer-reviewe
Exploring paediatric burns : narrative accounts from caregivers in Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Studies conducted in the area of burns have recently begun to document the psychological implications of the condition. Burn survivors are often reported to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and social withdrawal. Difficulties in the self-concept domain have also been reported. No study in the country has captured the incidence of burns and its consequences, from the caregivers' perspective. It is this group of people that have been identified as playing a vital role in the child's recovery and adjustment. It is this same group that is also considered to be at high risk for experiencing ""caregiver burden"" linked with caring for the ill child
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Sektor Perdagangan Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 1988-2012
Penelitian ini berjudul âAnalisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Sektor Perdagangan Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 1988-2012â. Adapun faktor yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah ekspor, inflasi, jumlah perusahaan, dan jumlah penduduk. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data skunder yang berupa data time series tahun 1988-2012. Data meliputi DPRB sektor perdagangan, ekspor, inflasi, jumlah perusahaan, dan jumlah penduduk. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Regresi Linier Berganda dengan metode OLS (ordinary least square). Pengujian statistik meliputi uji linieritas, normalitas, uji asumsi yang meliputi multikolinearitas, heteroskedastisitas, dan autokorelasi serta uji t,uji F, dan R2 (koefisien determinasi). Hasil analisi menunjukan bahwa dari uji spesifikasi model diketahui bahwa model linier, untuk uji normalitas distribusi Ut normal. Uji asumsi klasik diketahui bahwa pada uji multikolinieritas terdapat masalah multikol pada ekspor dan jumlah penduduk sedangkan pada uji heterokedastisitas dan autokorelasi tidak ditemukan masalah.Uji validitas pengaruh (uji t) untuk variabel ekspor dan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap PDRB sektor perdagangan pada α = 1%, untuk jumlah perusahaan berpengaruh pada α = 5%, sedangkan inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada α = 10%. Dari uji F menunjukan bahwa variabel ekspor, inflasi, jumlah perusahaan, dan jumlah penduduk secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap PDRB sektor perdagangan atau model eksis. Nilai R2 sebesar 0,996616 artinyan 99,6% variasi dari variabel PDRB sektor perdaganagan dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel ekspor, inflasi, jumlah perusahaan, dan jumlah penduduk, sedangkan sisanya 0,4% dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel bebas lain di luar model yang diestimasi
Gumantansistem Pengobatan Masyarakat Desa Teluk Beringin Kecamatan Gunung Toar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
Gumantan treatment is treatment that is performed by the shaman to heal the pain caused by supernatural powers by way of the real world to the supernatural . This study is located in Teluk Beringin Village sub district of Gunung Toar Kuantan Singingi District , Province Riau.The purpose of this study was to determine the system gumantan implement treatment systems Teluk Beringin Village community and to determine the public perception of the treatment system gumantan Teluk Beringin Village . The theory used is Max Webers theory of social action , and supporting theory is a theory of perception , and Theory Parson ( AGIL ) , while the method used is qualitative data collection techniques purposive sampling to conduct interviews Observation and Documentation .The results showed that the community treatment system that is there are several ways in which the shaman to cure diseases caused by unseen forces , and there is also a public perception of treatment gumantan agree with such treatment , and the treatment is also very helpful gumantan people in curing diseases because the disease is a disease caused by supernatural powers that can not be cured by modern medicine .Keywords : Gumantan , Social Systems , Perceptio
Efektivitas Strategi Card Sort dalam Pembelajaran IPA pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah 10 Palembang
This research is motivated by the fact that the application of this material has not been fully maximized and optimal, especially in science learning. And also students still have a lot of difficulties understanding learning material and solving problems a given problem, because in teaching and learning activities the teacher only uses direct learning (lectures) and is only fixated on textbooks. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the card sort strategy in learning science in class IV SD Muhammadiyah 10 Palembang. In this study using experimental research methods. Experimental research "To experiment is to try, to look for, to confirm" means to try, seek and confirm. The researcher concludes that learning the card sort strategy is a learning model that is very suitable to be applied because it can invite students to play an active and creative role in the learning process. the control taught using the conventional model was 67.50 and the average posttest score of the experimental class taught using the card sort learning strategy was 70.00 with a difference of 4.5. This shows that the posttest average score of the experimental class taught using the card sort strategy in science learning is higher than the average value of the control class taught using the conventional model. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant effectiveness of the card sort strategy in science learning for CLASS IV SD Muhammadiyah 10 Palembang on the material of style and motion
An examination of some changes to conventions and culture in selected Xhosa drama
This study is about examining some changes to conventions and culture in selected Xhosa drama plays. Conventions are general agreements on social behaviour. They are the customary methods of presenting the elements of the text. There are no strict rules followed in the writing of plays, but there are conventions which vary from one playwright to another and from time to time. Conventions are the devices and the features of a literary work by which its kind can be recognized. Change creates anxiety, uncertainty and stress. Adaptation of culture to some changes plays a role as time passes by. To adapt to change is to be able to manage change. Managing change demands three levels of human response namely: the individual, the group and the cultural or social context. No matter how many changes are brought, different cultures should survive the changes for the nation to remain with its nationality. Industrialisation, urbanisation, religion, politics and economy are the agents of change. Also the social environment, human intelligence and culture play to a greater extent a role in the evolution process. Among other things, this study portrays that the changing times are reflected in Xhosa plays. This is the reflection of how people live, behave or do things, and think as time comes and passes. Pattern of development is traced through time, with the history being involved in the development. Change and development are unavoidable products of human thought. Development is traced from the primitive to the modern way of doing things. A modern or developed society is viewed as being capable of handling a wide variety of internal as well as external pressures. Every time a society manages a new pressure, its modernity improves. Thus, the word âmodernâ has no time frame, as long as there is a new development, this term âmodernâ features in. Though the study employs Evolutionary, Structuralist, Stylistic, Formalism and Marxist approaches, the branch of the Semiotic approach, Pragmatism, plays the major role in that the meaning of the texts is one of the semiotic categories. Again Semiotics deals with the writing and the interpretation of the text. Thus communication, adaptation and relating are fundamental to human existence and survival. It is easy to notice that there are old conventions that are continuing in the writings of the new generations of playwrights. This study compares and contrasts the similar conventions of dramatic texts, especially those that have the same theme and meaning. This study shows how the existing dramatic conventions are affected by time, history, economy, education, technology and some other changes. Though the dramatic conventions are said to be continuing, they also adapt to the changing time. There are conventional and cultural aspects that seem to be continuing, but it is a âchanging continuityâ. The developments or changes discussed in this study are in Xhosa drama conventions, those of culture of amaXhosa, dramatic construction of the Xhosa plays and in the interpretation of the plays
Oleh :
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Seiring perkembangan zaman, kompetisi antar perusahaan semakin ketat. Perusahaan membutuhkan karyawan yang memiliki work engagement yang tinggi agar dapat berkerja dengan maksimal dalam memajukan perusahaan. Salah satu faktor dalam meningkatkan work engagement adalah iklim organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara iklim organisasi dengan work engagement pada karyawan PT. MNC Skyvision Pekanbaru. Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 karyawan yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen alat ukur yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu skala iklim organisasi dan skala work engagement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis korelasi product moment pearson pada variabel iklim organisasi dengan work engagement diketahui nilai koefisien korelasi r sebesar 0,266 dengan nilai signifikansi (sig) =0,007.dengan nilai r sebesar 0,266 dan nilai sig = 0,007 (0,007<0,05). Selain itu, dengan melihat Rsquare= 0,071 diketahui bahwa iklim organisasi memberikan sumbangan sebesar 7,1% terhadap work engagement. Dengan demikian, hipotesis diterima.
Kata-kunci: Iklim Organisasi, Work Engagement
children with certain limitations and other children unite regardless of their respective limitations. The problem In the teaching and learning process, tutors tend to not pay attention or adjust to the conditions of children with special needs, this certainly has an impact on the learning desires and expectations of children with special needs. This type of research is a descriptive study and a qualitative approach that aims to provide a systematic description of the current situation in the object of research, namely by implementing inclusive education. From the results of the research above, we can see indicators that those who use the Implementation of Inclusive Education in the Package C Equivalence Program at Pkbm Bina Kreasi, Tangkerang Timur Village, Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City are the fields of study / tutor subjects at PKBM are appropriate, not appropriate, but tutors PKBM Bina Kreasi is able to adjust the learning material that is conveyed to students. The learning process at PKBM Bina Kreasi has been designed according to the syllabus. In the learning process, the PKBM Bina Kreasi tutor applies a learning model. The learning model applied by the tutor at PKBM Bina Kreasi is based on the child with special needs so that the tutor can easily convey learning and the child can easily absorb the learning delivered by the tutor during the teaching and learning process. The conclusion in terms of the sub-indicators of having educational qualifications, and having academic competence states that the number of tutors who teach at PKBM Bina Kreasi is 9 people, of which 3 are men and 6 are women
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