217 research outputs found

    Last Interglacial paleosols with Argic horizons in Upper Austria and Central Russia

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    The paleosols of the Last Interglacial are presented in many loess sequences of the European temperate zone by soils with Argic horizon, that are considered to be the pedological response to the bioclimatic conditions of that period. We studied micromorphological, physical/chemical (bulk chemical composition, texture and dithionite-extractable iron) and mineralogical characteristics of two profiles – an Eemian Luvisol in Upper Austria (Oberlaab) and a Mikulino Albeluvisol in Central Russia (Alexandrov Quarry near Kursk) to compare them with recent analogous soils and to make further paleoecological and chronological inferences. Both profiles showed a set of characteristics indicative for weathering of primary minerals, clay transformation illuviation and surface redoximorphic (stagnic) processes. Paleosols demonstrate more advanced development than the Holocene analogues manifested however in different pedogenetic characteristics. The Eemian Luvisol in Upper Austria is characterized by stronger clay illuviation manifested in higher clay content and abundance of illuvial clay pedofeatures in the Bt horizon. Mikulino Albeluvisol in Central Russia is more strongly affected by eluvial and stagnic processes evidenced by deeper and more intensive accumulation of bleached silty material and clay depletion. We suppose that the properties of parent material are responsible for these differences. Russian Albeluvisol is formed on the Dnepr loess poor in weatherable minerals and having limited capacity for buffering acidity and clay formation. The higher development status of the Last Interglacial paleosols compared to the Holocene soils having however same type pedogenesis implies longer soil formation period, that agree with some of the paleobotanical proxies and could include besides MIS 5e part of MIS 5d; the warmer and moister paleoclimate during MIS 5e could also account for more advanced paleosol development Several phases of clay illuviation interrupted by frost structuring and deformation are detected in the Eemian Bt horizon in Upper Austria. It suppose even longer development that could extend to the Early Würmian interstadials (late substages of MIS5).researc

    Hepatic abscess secondary to an unusual foreign body

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    Introduction: Liver abscess is a frequent cause of intra-abdominal infection, characterized by an encapsulated suppurative collection within the liver parenchyma, generally caused by pyogenic or amoebic agents. Those caused by foreign bodies are rare. Objective: To describe the clinical-surgical findings of a patient with liver abscess secondary to an unusual foreign body. Case: A 38-year-old male patient, inmate, who attended the general surgery clinic of the guardhouse, presenting with abdominal pain and fever. He refers that approximately 6 months ago he had ingested 3 foreign bodies. Conclusions: The ingestion of punctiform foreign bodies can trigger liver abscess, manifested with clinical characteristics typical of this disease, hence the importance of investigating the history to define the behavior, since in this case it differs from the rest; It's always surgical

    Redox conditions and authigenic mineralization related to cold seeps in central Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California

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    Authigenic carbonate crusts, surface muds and bivalve shell fragments have been recovered from inactive and active recently discovered cold seep sites in central Guaymas Basin. In this study, for first time, redox conditions and fluid sources involved in mineral precipitation were investigated by analyzing the mineralogy and textures of surface samples, along with skeletal contents, and C, O and S isotopes variations. The d13C values of aragonitic bivalve shells and non-skeletal carbonate from some surface muds (1‰ to -3.7‰ V-PDB) suggest that carbonate precipitated from ambient dissolved inorganic carbon, whereas fibrous aragonite cement and non-skeletal carbonate from other sites are highly depleted in 13C (down to -47.6‰ V-PDB), suggesting formation via anaerobic oxidation of methane, characteristic of methane seepage environments. d18O in most of the carbonates varies from +1.4‰ to +3.2‰ V-PDB, indicating that they formed from slightly modified seawater. Some non-skeletal carbonate grains from surface muds have lower d18O values (-12.5‰ to -8.2‰ V-PDB) reflecting the influence of 18O-depleted pore water. Size distribution of pyrite framboids (mean value: 3.1¿µm) scattered within diatomaceous sinter suggests formation from anoxic-sulfidic bottom waters. d34S in pyrite is of -0.3‰ V-CDT compared to +46.6‰ V-CDT in barite, thus implying a fluid sulfate-sulfide fractionation of 21.3‰ that argues in favor of microbial sulfate reduction as the processes that mediated pyrite framboid formation, in a semi-closed system. Barite formation occurred through the mixing of reducing and Ba-rich seep fluids with a 34S-enriched sulfate pool that resulted from microbial sulfate reduction in a semi-closed system. The chemical composition of aragonite cement, barite and pyrite suggest mineral precipitation from modified seawater. Taken together, our data suggest that mineralization at the studied seep sites is controlled by the mixing of seawater with minor amounts of hydrothermal fluids, and oxygen-depleted conditions favoring anaerobic microbial processes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Intestinal obstruction for biliary lithiasis: case report

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    The biliary ileum is an infrequent complication of cholelithiasis, that is manifested as an intestinal obstruction, is more prevalent in aged people. The clinical square of the biliary ileum is diffuse and the Triad of Rigler is observed in less than 30% of the patient one. The surgical treatment goes from enterotomĂ­a and litotricia to the colecistectomĂ­a with treatment of the water-pipe. The case of a female, 86-year-old patient is presented that after a week of symptoms and of medical treatment it was detected the presence of a mechanical intestinal obstruction for which the patient underwent emergency surgery. As the cause of occlusion it was found a thick gallstone in a jejunal loop

    Decrease of virulence for BALB/c mice produced by continuous subculturing of Nocardia brasiliensis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Subculturing has been extensively used to attenuate human pathogens. In this work we studied the effect of continuous subculturing of <it>Nocardia brasiliensis </it>HUJEG-1 on virulence in a murine model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Nocardia brasiliensis </it>HUJEG-1 was subcultured up to 130 times on brain heart infusion over four years. BALB/c mice were inoculated in the right foot pad with the bacteria subcultured 0, 40, 80, 100 and 130 times (T<sub>0</sub>, T<sub>40</sub>, T<sub>80 </sub>T<sub>100 </sub>and T<sub>130</sub>). The induction of resistance was tested by using T<sub>130 </sub>to inoculate a group of mice followed by challenge with T0 12 weeks later. Biopsies were taken from the newly infected foot-pad and immunostained with antibodies against CD4, CD8 and CD14 in order to analyze the in situ immunological changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When using T<sub>40</sub>, T<sub>80 </sub>T<sub>100 </sub>and T<sub>130 </sub>as inoculums we observed lesions in 10, 5, 0 and 0 percent of the animals, respectively, at the end of 12 weeks. In contrast, their controls produced mycetoma in 80, 80, 70 and 60% of the inoculated animals. When studying the protection of T<sub>130</sub>, we observed a partial resistance to the infection. Immunostaining revealed an intense CD4+ lymphocytic and macrophage infiltrate in healing lesions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>After 130 in vitro passages of <it>N. brasiliensis </it>HUJEG-1 a severe decrease in its virulence was observed. Immunization of BALB/c mice, with these attenuated cells, produced a state of partial resistance to infection with the non-subcultured isolate.</p

    Plexopatía braquial secundaria a tumor maligno de la vaina del nervio periférico

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    &nbsp; Brachial plexopathy secondary a malignant tumor of the peripheral nerve sheath.Introduction. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) are sarcomas that are rarely located in the upper limb. Clinical case. We present a 31- year-old woman with progressive dysesthesia and weakness of the left upper limb. The neurophysiological study showed damage in the left brachial plexus. A soft tissue mass that was invading the plexus was observed in the magnetic resonance image. The anatomopathological study was compatible with MPNST diagnosis. Conclusions. Intrinsic tumors of the brachial plexus are uncommon. A MPNST is an extremely aggressive mesenchymal tumor that is seldom rooted in the brachial plexus. Key words: Brachial plexus. Brachial plexopathy. Neoplasm. Malignant tumor. Peripheral nerve sheath. &nbsp;Introducción: el plexo braquial puede verse afectado por patología neoplásica tanto primaria como secundaria. Los tumores primarios del plexo braquial son entidades poco frecuentes, aunque algunos, como el tumor maligno de la vaina del nervio periférico pueden tener un comportamiento agresivo. Caso clínico: se presenta una mujer de 31 años con disestesias y debilidad progresiva en el miembro superior izquierdo. El estudio neurofisiológico mostró afectación del plexo braquial izquierdo. En la resonancia magnética se observó una masa de tejido blando que invadía el plexo braquial. El estudio histológico fue compatible con un tumor maligno de la vaina del nervio periférico. Conclusiones: el tumor maligno de la vaina del nervio periférico es un tumor altamente agresivo que puede aparecer en pacientes sin datos clínicos de neurofibromatosis tipo 1. Debe mantenerse un elevado nivel de sospecha con el objetivo de no retrasar el diagnóstico para así poder realizar un tratamiento lo más conservador posible. Palabras clave: Plexo braquial. Plexopatía braquial. Neoplasia. Tumor maligna. Vaína del nervio periférico. &nbsp

    k=0Magnetic Structure and Absence of Ferroelectricity in SmFeO3

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    SmFeO3 has attracted considerable attention very recently due to the reported multiferroic properties above room-temperature. We have performed powder and single crystal neutron diffraction as well as complementary polarization dependent soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements on floating-zone grown SmFeO3 single crystals in order to determine its magnetic structure. We found a k=0 G-type collinear antiferromagnetic structure that is not compatible with inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction driven ferroelectricity. While the structural data reveals a clear sign for magneto-elastic coupling at the N\'eel-temperature of ~675 K, the dielectric measurements remain silent as far as ferroelectricity is concerned

    "The Prophecy of The Chosen Ones": An Example of Gamification Applied t o University Teaching

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir una experiencia de innovación en el aula universitaria mediante una propuesta de gamificación. Y, al mismo tiempo, identificar los principales resultados de la evaluación de la experiencia. En ella se tuvieron en cuenta los aspectos del juego más relevantes a la hora de gamificar: la ambientación, los desafíos y retos, los puntos y niveles… La valoración de la experiencia se obtuvo a partir de las narraciones realizas por los estudiantes al final del proceso, de forma anónima a través de Google Drive, siendo analizadas posteriormente con el apoyo del software NVivo10. El planteamiento desarrollado ha logrado una excelente motivación en el alumnado mediante ambientes de aprendizaje participativos, activos y de colaboración. Circunstancia que ha dado lugar a la adquisición de aprendizajes en los tres planos competenciales (Saber, Saber ser y estar y Saber hacer), destacando el buen clima de aula generado.The aim of this paper is to describe an innovation experience in the university classroom via a gamification proposal. In addition, the main results of the assessment of the experience will be identified. The most relevant aspects of games were taken into account for gamifying: settings, challenges, scores and levels.The assessment of the experience was obtained from anonymous narratives submitted by the students to Google Drive once the experience ended. These narratives were analyzed with the support NVivo10 software. The students were greatly motivated thanks to the participative, active and collaborative environment resulting from the developed approach. These circumstances, where the good atmosphere in the classroom stands out, have favoured learning in three competence fields: How to know, how to be and how to do

    Pleasure, Health and Sociability. Food Fact and Food Choice through Iberian Ham

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    A medida que avanzan los estudios sobre el polisémico ámbito de la alimentación humana, resulta más necesario considerar mayor número de variables para analizar con solvencia el hecho alimentario. Más allá de los estudios sobre las fases de producción y distribución, nuestra propuesta se centra en la fase del consumo y trata de identificar los elementos que explican por qué las sociedades seleccionan y prefieren unos alimentos en detrimento de otros. Actualmente, la selección alimentaria está intrínsecamente presente en el hecho alimentario de las sociedades modernas, relegando a un segundo plano los factores biológicos y fisiológicos, en relación a parámetros dominantes comparados con el placer, la salud y la sociabilidad. Mediante una combinación de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas, este estudio propone la relevancia de dimensiones como el placer y la salud como elementos que guían a los consumidores para elegir un determinado producto gourmet, como es el caso del jamón ibérico en España.Esta investigación es el resultado del proyecto I+D (CSO2013-42468-P) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Las marcas de calidad en el mundo rural: nuevos retos para productores y consumidores
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