28 research outputs found

    Embedded systems: impact and future challenges

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    S’analitza l’impacte que tenen els moderns sistemes electrònics encastats en diferents àmbits, com són la societat, l’àmbit industrial i l’educació. Es presenta una breu definició del que és un sistema encastat i es donen alguns exemples de les aplicacions que pot tenir. Es fa un repàs de les tendències actuals dels sistemes encastats i una projecció a mitjà i llarg termini de l’impacte que poden arribar a tenir. Es conclou amb unes recomanacions d’actuació amb l’objectiu de preparar la societat i la indústria catalana vers l’imminent futur dels objectes cibernètics interconnectats. Paraules clau: sistemes encastats, Internet de les coses, ciberobjectes.The impact of modern embedded electronic systems in different scenarios – such as society, industry and education – is analyzed. A brief definition is given of what an embedded system is, providing some examples of possible applications. A review of current trends in embedded systems is made, presenting a medium- and long-term impact projection. This introductory article concludes with some recommendations for action in order to prepare Catalonia’s industry and society in general for the imminent future of the cyber interconnected objects. Keywords: embedded systems, Internet of things, cyberobjects

    Els sistemes encastats: impacte i reptes de futur

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    S’analitza l’impacte que tenen els moderns sistemes electrònics encastats en diferents àmbits, com són la societat, l’àmbit industrial i l’educació. Es presenta una breu definició del que és un sistema encastat i es donen alguns exemples de les aplicacions que pot tenir. Es fa un repàs de les tendències actuals dels sistemes encastats i una projecció a mitjà i llarg termini de l’impacte que poden arribar a tenir. Es conclou amb unes recomanacions d’actuació amb l’objectiu de preparar la societat i la indústria catalana vers l’imminent futur dels objectes cibernètics interconnectats.The impact of modern embedded electronic systems in different scenarios – such as society, industry and education – is analyzed. A brief definition is given of what an embedded system is, providing some examples of possible applications. A review of current trends in embedded systems is made, presenting a medium- and long-term impact projection. This introductory article concludes with some recommendations for action in order to prepare Catalonia’s industry and society in general for the imminent future of the cyber interconnected objects.Postprint (published version

    Dielectric confinement in quantum dots of arbitrary shape within the local spin density approximation: Diluted regimes in elongated quantum dots

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    We propose a simplified and computationally feasible model accounting for the dielectric confinement in arbitrarily shaped many-electron quantum dots, within the local spin density approximation. The model yields quite a good agreement with full configuration interaction calculations including exact dielectric confinement. The model is used to study the influence of the dielectric confinement on the electronic charge distribution of elongated quantum dots in the low density regime

    The G1/S Specific Cyclin D2 Is a Regulator of HIV-1 Restriction in Non-proliferating Cells

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    Macrophages are a heterogeneous cell population strongly influenced by differentiation stimuli that become susceptible to HIV-1 infection after inactivation of the restriction factor SAMHD1 by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK). Here, we have used primary human monocyte-derived macrophages differentiated through different stimuli to evaluate macrophage heterogeneity on cell activation and proliferation and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. Stimulation of monocytes with GM-CSF induces a non-proliferating macrophage population highly restrictive to HIV-1 infection, characterized by the upregulation of the G1/S-specific cyclin D2, known to control early steps of cell cycle progression. Knockdown of cyclin D2, enhances HIV-1 replication in GM-CSF macrophages through inactivation of SAMHD1 restriction factor by phosphorylation. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that cyclin D2 forms a complex with CDK4 and p21, a factor known to restrict HIV-1 replication by affecting the function of the downstream cascade that leads to SAMHD1 deactivation. Thus, we demonstrate that cyclin D2 acts as regulator of cell cycle proteins affecting SAMHD1-mediated HIV-1 restriction in non-proliferating macrophage

    Hydrolysis and methanogenesis in UASB-AnMBR treating municipal wastewater under psychrophilic conditions: Importance of reactor configuration and inoculum

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    Three upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) pilot scale reactors with different configurations and inocula: flocculent biomass (F-UASB), flocculent biomass and membrane solids separation (F-AnMBR) and granular biomass and membrane solids separation (G-AnMBR) were operated to compare start-up, solids hydrolysis and effluent quality. The parallel operation of UASBs with these different configurations at low temperatures (9.7 ± 2.4°C) and the low COD content (sCOD 54.1 ± 10.3 mg/L and pCOD 84.1 ± 48.5 mg/L), was novel and not previously reported. A quick start-up was observed for the three reactors and could be attributed to the previous acclimation of the seed sludge to the settled wastewater and to low temperatures. The results obtained for the first 45 days of operation showed that solids management was critical to reach a high effluent quality. Overall, the F-AnMBR showed higher rates of hydrolysis per solid removed (38%) among the three different UASB configurations tested. Flocculent biomass promoted slightly higher hydrolysis than granular biomass. The effluent quality obtained in the F-AnMBR was 38.0 ± 5.9 mg pCOD/L, 0.4 ± 0.9 mg sCOD/L, 9.9 ± 1.3 mg BOD5/L and <1 mg TSS/L. The microbial diversity of the biomass was also assessed. Bacteroidales and Clostridiales were the major bacterial fermenter orders detected and a relative high abundance of syntrophic bacteria was also detected. Additionally, an elevated abundance of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) was also identified and was attributed to the low COD/SO42– ratio of the wastewater (0.5). Also, the coexistence of acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis was suggested. Overall this study demonstrates the suitability of UASB reactors coupled with membrane can achieve a high effluent quality when treating municipal wastewater under psychrophilic temperatures with F-AnMBR promoting slightly higher hydrolysis rate

    Els sistemes encastats: impacte i reptes de futur

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    S’analitza l’impacte que tenen els moderns sistemes electrònics encastats en diferents àmbits, com són la societat, l’àmbit industrial i l’educació. Es presenta una breu definició del que és un sistema encastat i es donen alguns exemples de les aplicacions que pot tenir. Es fa un repàs de les tendències actuals dels sistemes encastats i una projecció a mitjà i llarg termini de l’impacte que poden arribar a tenir. Es conclou amb unes recomanacions d’actuació amb l’objectiu de preparar la societat i la indústria catalana vers l’imminent futur dels objectes cibernètics interconnectats.The impact of modern embedded electronic systems in different scenarios – such as society, industry and education – is analyzed. A brief definition is given of what an embedded system is, providing some examples of possible applications. A review of current trends in embedded systems is made, presenting a medium- and long-term impact projection. This introductory article concludes with some recommendations for action in order to prepare Catalonia’s industry and society in general for the imminent future of the cyber interconnected objects

    The G1/S Specific Cyclin D2 Is a Regulator of HIV-1 Restriction in Non-proliferating Cells

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    Macrophages are a heterogeneous cell population strongly influenced by differentiation stimuli that become susceptible to HIV-1 infection after inactivation of the restriction factor SAMHD1 by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK). Here, we have used primary human monocyte-derived macrophages differentiated through different stimuli to evaluate macrophage heterogeneity on cell activation and proliferation and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. Stimulation of monocytes with GM-CSF induces a non-proliferating macrophage population highly restrictive to HIV-1 infection, characterized by the upregulation of the G1/S-specific cyclin D2, known to control early steps of cell cycle progression. Knockdown of cyclin D2, enhances HIV-1 replication in GM-CSF macrophages through inactivation of SAMHD1 restriction factor by phosphorylation. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that cyclin D2 forms a complex with CDK4 and p21, a factor known to restrict HIV-1 replication by affecting the function of the downstream cascade that leads to SAMHD1 deactivation. Thus, we demonstrate that cyclin D2 acts as regulator of cell cycle proteins affecting SAMHD1-mediated HIV-1 restriction in non-proliferating macrophage