69 research outputs found

    O golpe civil-militar, a ditadura e as disputas políticas no Estado do Pará: 1964-1985

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    Na perspectiva metodológica dos estudos de história local e regional e dialogando com a produção historiográfica nacional, este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir ao conhecimento da história política do Estado Pará durante e após o golpe civil-militar de 1964, até o fim da ditadura militar no Brasil (1985). Examinamos, preferencialmente, a participação dos militares e o apoio de setores da sociedade civil ao golpe militar, a repressão que sofreram estudantes, sindicalistas e organizações de esquerda e “populistas” paraenses, e as disputas entre algumas lideranças político-militares pelo controle das principais instituições político-administrativas no Pará e pelo comando do “partido no poder” (ARENA).In methodological perspective of local and regional history studies that dialogues the with national historiography, this article aims to contribute to the knowledge of the political history of Pará State during and after the civil-military coup of 1964 to the end of military dictatorship in Brazil (1985). It was examined, preferably, the participation of the military and the support given by sectors of the civil society to the military coup, the repression suffered by students, trade unionists and leftist political organizations and “populist” from Pará, and the disputes among some political-military leaders for control of the main political and administrative institutions in Pará and the disputes for the leadership in the “party in power” (ARENA).En perspectiva metodológica de la historia local e historia regional y dialogando con la producción historiográfica nacional, este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento de la historia política del Estado de Pará, durante y después del golpe cívico-militar de 1964 hasta el final de la dictadura militar en el Brasil (1985). Examinado, especialmente, la participación de los militares y el apoyo de sectores de la sociedad civil al golpe militar, la represión que sufrieron los estudiantes, sindicalistas y organizaciones políticas de izquierda y “populistas” paraenses y las disputas entre algunos líderes político-militares por el control de las principales instituciones políticas y administrativas en el Pará y por el liderazgo en el “partido en el poder” (ARENA)

    Cinema, Memories, Story: reconstruction of himself and the other in “FOTOGRAFÍAS” of ANDRÉS DI TELLA film from the perspective of Walter Benjamin

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    Este trabalho faz parte da pesquisa atualmente em andamento sobre os pioneiros do cinema mudo no Estado do Pará, sobretudo a trajetória de vida e produção cinematográfica do catalão Ramon de Baños (1890-1980), que residiu em Belém entre 1911 e 1913. No contexto das mudança sociais, culturais, econômicas e políticas ocorridas no Pará desde os finais do final do século XIX atpe o fim da "Belle-Époque belemense", examinaram-se, principalmente, os pioneiros do cinema em Belém, o boom cinematográfico de inícios da segunda década do século XX, as disputas políticas no Pará, a produção cinematográfica de Ramon de Baños e a crescente influência cultural dos filmes e documentários exibidos nos cinemas da capital.This paper is part of the research currently underway on the pioneersof silent film in the state of Pará, especially on the life histories and filmproduction of catalan Ramon de Baños (1890-1980), who lived in Belém between1911 and 1913. In the context of social, cultural, economic and political changesthat occurred in Pará since late 19th century until the end of the “Belle Époquebelemense”, it has been analyzed primarily the pioneers of cinema in Belém, thefilm boom of the early second decade of the XXth century, political disputes inPará, Ramon de Baños’ films production, and the growing cultural influence offilms and documentaries shown in the motion-picture theaters in the capital

    El golpe civil-militar, la dictadura y las disputas políticas en el Estado de Pará: 1964-1985

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    [ES]En perspectiva metodológica de la historia local e historia regional y dialogando con la producción historiográfica nacional, este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento de la historia política del Estado de Pará, durante y después del golpe cívico-militar de 1964 hasta el final de la dictadura militar en el Brasil (1985). Examinado, especialmente, la participación de los militares y el apoyo de sectores de la sociedad civil al golpe militar, la represión que sufrieron los estudiantes, sindicalistas y organizaciones políticas de izquierda y “populistas” paraenses y las disputas entre algunos líderes político-militares por el control de las principales instituciones políticas y administrativas en el Pará y por el liderazgo en el “partido en el poder” (ARENA)


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    O historiador italiano Alessandro Portelli esteve em Manaus, AM, em outubro de 2017. Ele veio participar como conferecista do X Encontro da Regional Norte de História: (des)colonialidades, memóris e linguagens na Amazônia. Na oportunidade, ele nos concebeu uma entrevista que transcrevemos abaixo. Alessandro Portelli nasceu em Roma no ano de 1942. Historiador e musicólogo, ele se tornou uma das principais teóricos e praticantes da História oral no mundo. A sua vasta bibliogria inclui dezenas de livros e ensaios, traduzidos para diversos idiomas entre eles o inglês, o espanhol e o português. No Brasil, são vários os artigos publicados nas principais revistas da área de História e em coletâneas como o clássico Usos e abusos da História oral, organizada por Janaína Amado e Marieta de Moraes Ferreira em 1996. A editora Letra e Voz de São Paulo publicou os seus principais ensaios através dos títulos Ensaios de História oral de 2010 e História oral como arte da escuta de 201

    Potamogeton schweinfurthii en la Península Ibérica

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    We provide the first records for the Iberian Peninsula of Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Benn., a species distributed mainly in Africa that was not discovered in Europe until 2005, where it is assumed to be indigenous but it has generally been confused with P. lucens. The Iberian specimens, which for the most part are from recent collections, have been identified based on morphological characteristics and molecular studies. We have detected 8 localities, 4 in the northeastern area of the Peninsula (Catalonia and Navarra) and 4 from the West (south and north of Portugal and western Andalusia). Our studies show that it is a very rare species on a regional level. Although it is a mainly tropical and subtropical species, we have found that P. schweinfurthii (both natural populations and those cultivated) has a high tolerance to climates with severe winters and frequent frosts. The large proportion of populations found in anthropogenic habitats, and the fact that most European records are from the past half-century, suggest that P. schweinfurthii may have experienced a recent expansion favoured by the construction of large number of artificial water bodies in the Mediterranean region. This raises the possibility that P. schweinfurthii in Europe is a species that forms temporary populations and has a naturally unstable area.Se aportan las primeras citas de Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Benn. en la Península Ibérica, una especie de área básicamente africana que no fue descubierta en Europa hasta 2005, donde se supone que es autóctona y en general había sido confundida con P. lucens. Los ejemplares ibéricos han sido identificados por sus caracteres morfológicos y por estudios moleculares y, en su mayor parte, proceden de recolecciones recientes. Se ha detectado en 8 localidades, 4 del noreste peninsular (Cataluña y Navarra) y 4 del oeste (sur y norte de Portugal y Andalucía occidental). Según la información actualmente disponible, se trataría de una especie muy rara a escala regional. Aunque se trata de una especie en general tropical y subtropical, se ha constatado la gran tolerancia de P. schweinfurthii a climas de inviernos rigurosos, con heladas muy frecuentes, tanto en poblaciones espontáneas como en plantas cultivadas. La alta proporción de poblaciones halladas en hábitats antrópicos y la concentración de las citas europeas en el último medio siglo sugieren que puede haber experimentado una expansión reciente favorecida por la construcción en la región mediterránea de gran cantidad de masas de agua artificiales. Se apunta la posibilidad de que P. schweinfurthii sea en Europa una especie que tiende a formar poblaciones temporales y tenga un área naturalmente inestable

    Distribució, ecologia i estat de conservació de Potamogeton lucens i P. schweinfurthii a Catalunya (NE de la península Ibèrica)

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    Potamogeton lucens L. i P. schweinfurthii A. Benn. són dues espècies aquàtiques morfològicament similars que fins fa ben poc han estat confoses a Europa. L'objectiu del treball és aclarir i actualitzar la informació sobre la situació actual i històrica d'aquests dos tàxons a Catalunya. El treball es basa en la revisió de material dipositat en diversos herbaris de Catalunya i en les dades de camp recents obtingudes pels autors. Addicionalment s'han estudiat les característiques dels hàbitats on hem localitzat poblacions d'aquestes espècies. S'han documentat 5 localitats segures de P. lucens, però la seva presència recent s'ha constatat en una sola d'aquestes localitats, un estany de muntanya dels Pirineus. Les altres quatre, actualment desaparegudes, es situaven en zones de baixa altitud i poc apartades del litoral a les conques dels rius Tordera i Llobregat. Aquesta regressió històrica està relacionada amb els canvis d'usos i d'ocupació del territori durant el segle XX, que han provocat la dessecació de gran part de les masses d'aigua estancada naturals i una forta eutrofització de les que s'han mantingut. En canvi, P. schweinfurthii no havia estat trobat a Catalunya fins a l'any 2010 i actualment se'n coneixen 3 localitats situades en zones de muntanya mitjana del centre i el nord del territori, en dues de les quals es constata que deu ser un colonitzador recent. La revisió del material dipositat als herbaris catalans no ha permès localitzar cap altre plec d'aquesta espècie. Sobre la base d'informacions actualitzades s'assigna a P. lucens la categoria IUCN En Perill Crític (CR) i a P. schweinfurthii la categoria Vulnerable (VU). L'únic híbrid amb participació d'alguna d'aquestes dues espècies conegut a Catalunya és P. x salicifolius -híbrid entre P. lucens i P. perfoliatus- documentat a la fi del segle XIX a l'estany de Banyoles i no retrobat.Potamogeton lucens L. and P. schweinfurthii A. Benn. are two aquatic species of similar morphology that have been confused in Europe until recent times. This study aims at elucidating and updating information about the current and historical distribution of both taxa in Catalonia. Data sources were herbaria specimen revisions and field observations. Habitat characteristics of the current populations were also studied. Despite verifying five P. lucens populations, only one has persisted in a high-altitude lake in the Pyrenees. The four disappeared populations were located in lowland areas in the basins of the rivers Tordera and Llobregat. This historical decline relates to changes in land uses and urban sprawl during the 20th century that have led to numerous desiccations and a large degree of eutrophication in the persisting lowland stagnant water bodies. In contrast, P. schweinfurthii was first reported from Catalonia in 2010 and three populations are currently known. They are located in mid-altitude areas at the center and north of the study area and two may be of recent colonization. Vouchers of this species were not found in the surveyed herbaria. Based on the current knowledge, the IUCN category assigned to P. lucens is Critically Endangered (CR) and to P. schweinfurthii is Vulnerable (VU). Regarding hybrids, only P. x salicifolius -hybrid between P. lucens and P. perfoliatus- was reported from Catalonia at the end of the 19th century at Banyoles lake and has not been found again

    Application of life cycle thinking towards sustainable cities : a review

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Defining sustainable cities is not straightforward. The main issues involved in urban sustainability are buildings, energy, food, green areas and landscape, mobility, urban planning, water and waste; and their improvement is promoted through different strategies. However, a quantitative method, such as life cycle thinking (LCT), is essential to evaluating these strategies. This paper reviews LCT studies related to urban issues to identify the main research gaps in the evaluation of these improvement strategies. The review identifies the main sustainability strategies associated with each urban issue and compiles articles that deal with these strategies through LCT, including environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC), social LCA (S-LCA) and life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA), as well as integrated analyses with combined tools. Water, waste and buildings are the urban issues that accounted for a larger amount of studies. In contrast, a limited number of papers assessed urban planning and energy (excluding energy in buildings). Strong interrelations among urban issues were identified, most of them including water. In terms of methods, 79% of the studies exclusively applied life cycle tools (i.e., LCA, LCC, S-LCA or LCSA). Within this group, the environmental dimension was the focus of 84% of the papers. Single environmental indicators (e.g., global warming) were common in 20% of the analyses, highlighting the need to integrate more impact categories to prevent trade-offs. In the field of social and sustainability assessment, there is a need for methodological advances that foster their application in urban areas. Further research should cover the thematic and methodological gaps identified in this paper, such as developing models that assess complex urban issues, generating comprehensive LCT studies and promoting multi-indicators. Life cycle tools might benefit from revising the methodology with stakeholders to optimize the understanding and communication of life cycle results for policy- and decision-making processes