264 research outputs found

    New product development project management practices improvement in a textile company

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    In today's fierce globalized marketplace, the ability to innovate is one of the prerequisites for excellence to ensure the competitiveness of any organization. The need to respond efficiently and in an integrated manner to the emerging challenges of the daily routines and the need to maintain market leading position encourages the implementation of methodologies that support new product development, making the process of developing new products an important differential. The primary goal of this research was to analyse new product development processes, in order to modify the conventional guidelines and ensure the speed and quality of new products and project management processes in an industrial sewing thread company. This research focused on developing an embryonic solution for the implementation of project management methodologies for the development of new products. As a major contribution, this work presents a reference model that helps the company to plan its product development processes, establish systematic stages for the development process, streamline all the processes involved and thus, increase its chances of success for new products in the market. For that, a new product development project was defined, where adaptations of methods and tools were made according to the latent needs of the organization.- This work has been supported by national funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Incêndios em edifícios na cidade de Lisboa: Análise e caracterização das ocorrências no período de 2010 a 2014

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    A presente dissertação teve como objectivo efectuar uma análise estatística dos incêndios urbanos que ocorreram na cidade de Lisboa no período compreendido entre Janeiro de 2010 e Junho de 2014. Para a elaboração dessa análise foi efectuado um levantamento dos dados dessas ocorrências junto do Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa, de modo a realizar uma análise estatística dos mesmos. Essa análise foi dividida em duas categorias, estatística descritiva e inferência estatística. Através desses resultados foi possível efectuar comparações dos resultados obtidos com outros estudos, com dados oficiais de outras entidades existentes em Portugal, nomeadamente dados da Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil e do Ministério da Administração Interna. Os resultados obtidos foram ainda submetidos a um cruzamento de informação com os CENSOS de 2011 de modo a identificar possíveis correlações com as distribuições em estudo. As ocorrências de incêndios urbanos que o Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa interviu representa 1,96%, do total de serviços registados por esta entidade. A utilização-tipo I (habitacionais) é responsável por 76,42% dos incêndios urbanos registados. No período de estudo, os incêndios urbanos em Lisboa foram responsáveis por um total de 160 vítimas, sendo 4 mortais. Em relação aos tempos de resposta, o Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa apresenta um valor médio de 2 minutos e 4 segundos desde a recepção das chamadas de socorro e o tempo de saída das viaturas e um valor médio de 4 minutos e 14 segundos entre a saída das viaturas e a chegada da primeira viatura ao local da ocorrência.This work aimed to perform a statistical analysis of urban fires that occurred in the city of Lisbon in the period between January 2010 and June 2014. For the preparation of this analysis was carried out a survey of data from these occurrences with the Fire Brigade Regiment of Lisbon, in order to achieve a statistical analysis thereof. This analysis was divided into two categories, descriptive statistics and statistical inference. With these results it was possible to make comparisons of results with other studies, with official data from other existing entities in Portugal, in particular to the National Civil Protection Authority and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The results were further subjected to a cross-checking with the census of 2011 in order to identify possible correlations with the distributions under study The urban fire occurrences that the Fire Brigade of Lisbon intervened represents 1.96% of total services registered by this entity. The use - type I (housing) accounts for 76.42% of urban fires recorded. During the study period, urban fires in Lisbon accounted for a total of 160 victims, 4 mortals. With regard to response times, the Regiment Fire Brigade Lisbon has an average of 2 minutes and 4 seconds from receipt of rescue calls and the output time of the vehicles and an average of 4 minutes and 14 seconds between output of the vehicle and the arrival of the first vehicle to the scene

    Validation of a Portuguese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile adapted to people with mild intellectual disabilities (OHIP-14-MID-PT)

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    Background The purpose of this study is to develop a Portuguese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and validate it for people with mild intellectual disability (OHIP-14-MID-PT). Methods The Portuguese version of the questionnaire was drawn up from the original English version, following internationally defined guidelines. Interviews were conducted with 240 individuals living in (or attending) institutions of the central region of Portugal that are affiliated with Humanitas (Portuguese Federation for Intellectual Disability) to measure oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL). The interview also included a sociodemographic and oral health questionnaire followed by an intraoral examination. Two types of reliability were analyzed: test-retest (ICC) and internal consistency (Cronbach’s α, inter-item and item-total correlations). Convergent and divergent validities were also assessed, and a confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood method. Results The OHIP-14-MID-PT presented high reliability (ICC = 0.999; Cronbach’s α = 0.922). The inter-item correlation coefficient ranged from 0.277 to 0.749, and the item-total correlation coefficient varied between 0.529 and 0.718. Lower OHIP-14-MID-PT total scores were significantly associated with: a self-perception of better oral health status (r = -0.545, p<0,001) and reduced need for dental treatment (U = 2366.5, p<0,001), more natural teeth (χ2 = 29.74, p<0,001) and better results in the clinical oral health index (COHI) (χ2 = 18.50, p<0,001); the results support the convergent and divergent validities of the questionnaire. Conclusions OHIP-14-MID-PT has proved to be a consistent, valid and reliable instrument with good psychometric properties to determine the impact of oral health on quality of life in adults with mild intellectual disabilities in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A União Europeia e os Países de África, Caraíbas e Pacífico: meio século de parceria

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Europeus apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de CoimbraNa evolução da integração europeia, tornou-se premente a existência de posições concertadas entre os Estados-Membros relativas às relações comercias que a Comunidade Económica tinha com outras partes do globo, em especial com o mundo em desenvolvimento. É neste contexto que, em 1957, com a assinatura do Tratado de Roma, que comtempla o surgimento de uma das parcerias mais antigas da História da Unificação Europeia, com a criação do estatuto de associado, para a cooperação com os territórios insulares e ultramarinos, que tinha relações profundas com os Estados-Membros. O surgir das independências destes territórios, tornou-se importante aprofundar o relacionamento entre a Comunidade e os recém-Estados Independentes, e com o primeiro alargamento, surge então o Grupo de Países de África, Caraíbas e Pacífico com as Convenções de Lomé. Entretanto, estas convenções, com o evoluir desta parceria e do contexto internacional, em que a globalização surge com fulgor, existe a necessidade de renovar os pilares que fundearam esta relação e, após um longo período de negociações sobre o futuro das relações para o Século XXI, entrou em vigor a 23 de junho de 2000, em Cotonou, Capital do Benim, o novo Acordo de parceria entre a União Europeia e os Países de África, Caraíbas e Pacifico. Meio Século depois é importante analisar a construção e evolução desta parceria de longa data na história das relações externas da União Europeia, que a ajuda a ter um papel importante no contexto internacional da cooperação para o desenvolvimento, em que a sua política de cooperação para o desenvolvimento seja considerada uma das melhores e mais extensas. Esta dissertação visa colocar as questões necessárias para por em evidência os aspetos mais importantes, enfatizando as suas virtudes e vícios que tornam atualmente esta uma parceria que se encontra com muitas questões ainda por responder.The evolution of European Integration, it has become necessary to have concerted positions between the Member States relating to trade relations that the European Economic Community had with other parts of the globe.It is in this context, in 1957, the signing of the Treaty of Rome, contemplates the emergence of one of the oldest partnerships in the history of European unification, with the creation of associate status for cooperation with the islands and overseas territories which had deep relations with the Member States. The rise of the independence of these territories became important to strength the relationship between the Community and the newly Independent States. The Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific countries emerge with the Lomé Conventions. However, these conventions, with the evolution of this partnership and the international context in which globalization appears to grow, there is a need to renew the pillars that this relationship has been founded. After a long period of negotiations on the future of relations for the XXI Century, entered into force on 23 June 2000 in Cotonou, capital of Benin, the new partnership agreement between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific. Half-century later it is important to analyze the construction and evolution of this long- standing partnership in the history of EU external relations. Helps the EU to play an important role in the international context of development cooperation, that its policy of cooperation development is considered one of the best and most extensive. This thesis aims to put to evidence the most importante issues, emphasizing their virtues and vices that make this a partnership that currently lies with many questions still unanswered

    A elite política parlamentar portuguesa: caracterização, cristalização e circulação (2005-2011)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência PolíticaA dissertação centra-se no estudo das elites políticas e procura dar continuidade ao estudo de Teixeira (2009) sobre o período entre 1990 e 2003, concentrando-se em caracterizar através de vários indicadores a elite parlamentar portuguesa entre 2005 e 2011, período ao longo do qual se realizaram três eleições legislativas em Portugal (2005, 2009 e 2011), bem como debater os fenómenos de cristalização e circulação dessa mesma elite. Além disso, a investigação procurou também estabelecer comparações entre os resultados obtidos referentes ao período 2005-2011 com as conclusões obtidas por Teixeira (2009) sobre o período 1990-2003. A dissertação estabeleceu a seguinte pergunta de partida: existem alterações significativas em termos de caracterização, cristalização e circulação da elite parlamentar portuguesa ao longo do período 2005-2011 face ao período 1990-2003 analisado por Teixeira (2009)? A investigação utilizou diversos indicadores (género, idade, profissão, vínculo partidário, reeleição e renovação) para analisar e caracterizar os candidatos e os eleitos à Assembleia da República dos partidos com representação parlamentar. A investigação concluiu que a elite parlamentar portuguesa é homogénea e, não obstante sua evolução em aspectos muito específicos, não existem alterações significativas de caracterização, cristalização e circulação da elite parlamentar portuguesa ao longo do período 2005-2011 face ao período 1990-2003 analisado por Teixeira (2009).The master thesis focuses on the study of political elites and seeks to continue the study of Teixeira (2009) about the period between 1990 and 2003, focusing on characterization through various indicators the Portuguese parliamentary elite between 2005 and 2011, a period over which took place three legislative elections in Portugal (2005, 2009 and 2011), as well as to discuss the crystallization and the circulation of Portuguese parliamentary elite. In addition, the research also sought to draw comparisons between the results obtained by Teixeira (2009). The dissertation has established the following question: are there significant changes in terms of characterization, crystallization and circulation of the Portuguese parliamentary elite over the period 2005-2011 compared to the 1990-2003 period analyzed by Teixeira (2009)? The research used various indicators (gender, age, occupation, party ties, re-election and renewal) to analyze and characterize the Portuguese parliamentary elite and concluded that the Portuguese parliamentary elite is homogeneous and, despite its evolution in very specific aspects, there are no significant changes in characterization, crystallization and circulation of the Portuguese parliamentary elite over the period 2005-2011 compared to the 1990-2003 period analyzed by Teixeira (2009)

    Oral health-related quality of life of Portuguese adults with mild intellectual disabilities

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    Individuals with disabilities are regarded as a highly vulnerable population group, particularly as far as oral health is concern. However, few studies have assessed the impact of the oral condition on the quality of life of these individuals. Therefore, the aim of this study is to expand knowledge on the oral health status of the Portuguese adults with mild intellectual disability, and to assess how the patient’s oral health is related to their quality of life. A sample of 240 adults with mild intellectual disabilities linked to the Portuguese Federation for Intellectual Disability, were interviewed using a previously validated version of the Oral Health Impact Profile. An oral health examination was also conducted using three oral health indexes: Clinical Oral Health Index (COHI); Clinical Oral Care Needs Index (COCNI) and the Clinical Oral Prevention Index (COPI). Sociodemographic characteristics and dental health factors were also collected, following statistical analysis. More than half of the individuals (54,9%) presented one or more problems of major to severe impact on health (COHI level 2); only 4,6% of the individuals do not need treatment or examination (COCNI level 0) and 85% of the study sample needs measures of educational or preventive action (COPI level 1). In 76,9% of the participants, oral health had impact on the quality of life. The most affected dimensions of life were physical pain with 61,9%, followed by psychological discomfort and psychological disability with 45,1% and 45%, respectively. With relation to oral health factors and sociodemographic variables it was verified that fewer teeth and higher self-perception of need for dental treatment had a negative impact on the quality of life. On the other hand, institutionalization and an increase in at least one category in the self-perception of the oral health status had a positive impact on the quality of life. Given the high burden of oral disease and the considerable impact on quality of life found in this study, the establishment of guidelines to improve the oral health and quality of life of these individuals should be regarded as imperative.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-cultural validation and psychometric evaluation of the Self-Medication Assessment Tool (SMAT) for assessing and optimizing medication therapy management of older people

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    Background, rationale and objectives: The assessment of medication management ability in the elderly can be performed using specific tools, such as the Self-Medication Assessment Tool, which considers real and simulated regimens. The objective of this study was to perform the linguistic and cultural adaptation of the Self-Medication Assessment Tool to European Portuguese and determine its psychometric properties. Methods: The adaptation commenced with the translation/back translation cycle completed by 4 independent bilingual experts. The cultural component was accomplished through an external expert meeting and a longitudinal screening of concepts and construct. The pilot study was carried out in a sample of 150 Portuguese community-dwelling elders. Descriptive data, correlations, internal reliability, response consistency and exploratory factor analysis was conducted using SPSS Statistics (v22). Results: The pilot study was carried out in a sample of 150 community-dwelling elders: 112 (74.7%) participants were women; mean age was 74.73 ± 6.43 years. The Self-Medication Assessment Tool (Portuguese version) standard regimen (simulated medication regimen) mean scores were 20.92 ± 6.83 in functional ability and 38.75 ± 5.92 in cognitive ability; the real regimen (medication taken by the elderly) mean scores were 83.74 ± 15.86 in medication recall, 96.96 ± 11.39 in adherence self-report and 4.82 ± 10.1 in intentional non-adherence. Cronbach's α were 0.87 (functional ability), 0.84 (cognitive ability), 0.57 (medication recall), 0.94 (adherence self-report) and 0.79 (intentional non-adherence). The response consistency between test and re-test was verified. Conclusions: We have developed the European Portuguese version of the Self-Medication Assessment Tool with acceptable psychometric properties which can now be employed in the study of the elderly in clinical and research contexts

    Gender in their attitude towards domestic violence and intimate partner violence in Portugal

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    ESA 2021. 15ª Conferência realizada em Barcelona de 31 de agosto a 3 setembro de 2021.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regulação de Loudness em televisão: a experiência internacional e o caso português

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.O estudo proposto nesta dissertação enquadra-se na temática da Normalização do Loudness em Televisão. Esta temática, que surge na sequência das variações de intensidade sonora, com particular incidência entre blocos publicitários e programas televisivos, tem sido motivo de ampla discussão, e tem merecido, a nível internacional, grande atenção quer por parte dos profissionais quer dos reguladores. Em termos de regulação, a questão tem ganho crescente relevância e é colocada, não apenas, no plano da saúde pública associada ao conforto auditivo e à qualidade sonora mas também, no plano comercial, relacionado com a importância do som, numa lógica concorrencial, nomeadamente no mercado publicitário. Numa primeira fase do estudo, com recurso a pesquisa bibliográfica, analisaram-se as bases técnicas e desenvolveu-se um enquadramento teórico que permitiu uma reflexão sobre o tema do Loudness em Televisão, tendo em linha de conta as recomendações internacionais para a sua normalização. Procedeu-se também ao estudo comparativo de casos europeus nos quais já foi implementada regulação de Loudness, nomeadamente, em França e no Reino Unido. Posteriormente, com o intuito de estabelecer um quadro de evolução da normalização do Loudness, considerou-se o caso português como objeto de estudo, analisando a perspetiva da Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC), dos responsáveis técnicos dos principais operadores de televisão em Portugal e do representante máximo do grupo PLOUD da EBU. Tendo como pano de fundo a regulação do Loudness em televisão e o seu quadro evolutivo, foi feita uma reflexão sobre o modelo implementado no caso português, as tendências e as possibilidades futuras, à luz da evolução tecnológica e no contexto de serviços de media multiplataforma.ABSTRACT: The study proposed in this dissertation is part of the theme of Loudness Normalization on Television. This topic that emerges due the jumps in sound intensity, with particular incidence among generic programs and advertising blocks, has been the subject of a wide discussion and, internationally, has received great attention either by professionals and regulators. In terms of regulation, the issue has increasingly gained importance and is placed not only in the public health plan associated with sound quality to the consumer, but also in the business plan related to the importance of sound in a competitive world, namely in the advertising market. In the first part of the study, and through bibliographical research, we intended to analyze the technical bases and to develop a theoretical framework that allows an analysis on Loudness on Television, taking into account the international recommendations for its normalization. A comparative study of European affairs in which has already been implemented regulation of sound intensity, particularly in France and the United Kingdom was proposed. Later, with the aim of establishing an evolutionary framework of normalization of Loudness, we proposed to consider the Portuguese case as the object of analysis, considering the perspective of the Regulatory Authority for the Media(ERC), of the technical and commercial heads of department of the major television stations in Portugal and the head EBU PLOUD group. Against the backdrop of the regulation of Loudness in television and its evolutionary framework, it was possible to evaluate and reflect about trends and future possibilities, particularly in the Portuguese case under the spotlight of technological developments and in the context of multiplatform media services.N/

    Effect of the carbon nanotube surface characteristics on the conductivity and dielectric constant of carbon nanotube/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites

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    Commercial multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) were functionalized by oxidation with HNO3, to introduce oxygen-containing surface groups, and by thermal treatments at different temperatures for their selective removal. The obtained samples were characterized by adsorption of N2 at -196°C, temperature-programmed desorption and determination of pH at the point of zero charge. CNT/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites were prepared using the above CNT samples, with different filler fractions up to 1 wt%. It was found that oxidation reduced composite conductivity for a given concentration, shifted the percolation threshold to higher concentrations, and had no significant effect in the dielectric response