90 research outputs found

    Un omaggio a Giuseppe Bellini attraverso un libro a lui dedicato: Cuando quiero hallar las voces, encuentro con los afectos...

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    This article endeavours to sketch the portrait of Giuseppe Bellini, one of the major experts in Hispano-American studies, through the recent miscellaneous work dedicated to his memory edited by Patrizia Spinato Bruschi and Jaime Martínez. Not only does this collection of essays convey the lines, the content and the form of a monumental critical work, but it also shows the important role that Bellini played as a scholar and as a man by creating a considerable school out of the idea that literature is a network of dialogue and exchange. The range of themes tackled by the collection 'which includes over fifty-five essays' shows Bellini's extraordinary ability to weave a fruitful network of relationships, research and friendship, and to promote Italian Hispano-American studies by always acknowledging that literature is a lesson in civilisation and good living

    Nuevos movimientos sociales : Política y derecho a la educación

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    Sueños e historia: notas sobre restos oníricos en la narrativa testimonial

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    Los sueños son una forma recurrente de las narrativas testimoniales, aunque no suficientemente explorados. Constituyen un difícil punto de cruce entre la indeleble irreversibilidad del pasado y la contingencia indeterminada del porvenir. Restos incómodos en relación con el relato maestro del testimonio: un relato que suele inclinarse hacia la restauración del sentido, hacia la afirmación de la palabra sobre la negación y el silencio. En los sueños, al contrario, lo que parece aflorar, lo que se re-presenta, es el eterno retorno del horror, signo no colapsado de la retórica de la marca instaurada por el “aconte-ser traumático”. Sueños que resultan menciones de un resto “no biodegradable”, cuya perdurabilidad es su secreto, su ofrenda oblicua. En este trabajo, se brindan unas notas para empezar configurando un campo de atención con respecto al relato onírico en la narrativa testimonial: de los retablos ayacuchanos de Edilberto Jiménez y los sueños recogidos como pruebas en el Informe de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación de Perú a la poesía de Julián Axat y la prosa de Ángela Urondo Raboy

    Il menù di bordo. Nutrirsi durante il viaggio migratorio

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    In migration studies about literature, food usually signals the preservation of a migrant’s identity in his/her new country. Considered as a transitional condition, the very travel of migration itself is instead overlooked and perceived as a non-place. Consequently, also all aspects of migration related to feeding are mostly ignored. In my paper, I will argue that spaces of transit are heterotopic spaces rather than non-places. In these spaces, the lack of food, or its being often a ‘leftover’, is a key fact to understand the representation of the commerce of migrant bodies

    Le saghe, i bardi, le spadeCon Borges nelle terre della grande memoria concava

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    Numerose sono le figure – narrative, simboliche, storiche – nelle pagine di Borges, tratte dalla tradizione di una Germania intesa, alla maniera di Tacito, come l’antico nord del mondo. La passione per la germanistica percorre tutta l’opera di Borges per farsi, nell’ultima parte della sua vita, scoperta del mito e ripensamento della poesia, capace di conferire alla sua immagine della letteratura un colore perdutamente romantico

    Julián López, La ilusión de los mamíferos

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    Julián López, La ilusión de los mamíferos (Buenos Aires, Literatura Random House, 2018, pp. 172, ISBN 978-987- 769-005-7) por Emilia Perass

    La identidad como indagación. Una conversación con Margo Glantz a partir de su libro Las genealogías, México 1981 (10 de mayo de 2014), pp. 183-187

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    La identidad como indagaciónUna conversación con Margo Glantza partir de su libro Las genealogías, México 1981(10 de mayo de 2014)por Emilia Perass

    Evoluzione e impegno

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    Evoluzione e impegnoUna conversazione con Emilia Perassidi Emanuele Monegat

    Objetos-testigo. Fracturas y reconstrucciones del relato identitario

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    The presentation will be divided into three movements: fractures, reconstructions and archives. Each movement will correspond to a different typology of objects: shoes, nails and beams, clothes. The aim is to show the process of defamiliarization/refamiliarization of some of the objects present in the testimonial stories  of Miguel Lawner (Return to Isla Dawson) and Marta Dillon (Aparecida), as well as in a corpus of photographic images ((Javier García, Lourdes Almeida, Gustavo Gutiérrez) and artistic and performative works (Alfredo López Casanova, Colectivo de Hijos, Elina Chauvet, Doris Salcedo). As a whole, they are objects that exhibit resistance and resilience, creations that are opposed to ?counter creation? ? as Primo Levi defines it ? programmed by the concentration-based universe.  Through them the autobiographical story broken by the seizure or by the disappearance returns to ?get in shape? (Arfuch, 2013), having been centered on the metonymic eloquence of the object.