242 research outputs found

    Diseño estructural para una casa con vista a crecimiento en aires en el distrito de la Perla Callao - 2021

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer a la población los índices de informalidad en la construcción que tiene el Perú. Así mismo proponer un diseño óptimo que cumpla con las expectativas de los usuarios, y buscar que de esta manera los pobladores puedan tener más seguridad de que su vivienda será segura para todos los que la habitan. Todo esto enfocado para las familias con visión a crecer y que no puedan hacerlo a los lados, lo podrá hacer de manera segura ganando espacio en aires. Para la realización del diseño se utilizara el programa AUTOCAD ya que es un programa confiable muy utilizado por los Ingenieros Civiles, Arquitectos, y entre otros diseñadores, así mismo se utilizara para el análisis total de la estructura y cerciorar su resistencia ante las cargas de servicio el programa ETABS ya que es una herramienta confiable la cual es completa para el cálculo de Albañilería, en lo cual está enfocado mi diseño. Todo esto va enfocado y guiado por las normas técnicas peruanas (NTP). Los resultados obtenidos se interpretan con el fin de que las personas sin conocimiento técnico puedan entenderlo y la información llegue a todos por igual. Con esto se busca mejorar la calidad de infraestructuras para la población peruana, especialmente de los pobladores residentes en el Distrito de La Perla – Callao

    Determination of Sr-90 in milk samples from the study of statistical results

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    [Abstract] The determination of 90Sr in milk samples is the main objective of radiation monitoring laboratories because of its environmental importance. In this paper the concentration of activity of 39 milk samples was obtained through radiochemical separation based on selective retention of Sr in a cationic resin (Dowex 50WX8, 50-100 mesh) and subsequent determination by a low-level proportional gas counter. The results were checked by performing the measurement of the Sr concentration by using the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy technique, to finally obtain the mass of 90Sr. From the data obtained a statistical treatment was performed using linear regressions. A reliable estimate of the mass of 90Sr was obtained based on the gravimetric technique, and secondly, the counts per minute of the third measurement in the 90Sr and 90Y equilibrium, without having to perform the analysis. These estimates have been verified with 19 milk samples, obtaining overlapping results. The novelty of the manuscript is the possibility of determining the concentration of 90Sr in milk samples, without the need to perform the third measurement in the equilibrium

    Metagenomics and Diagnosis of Zoonotic Diseases

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    Zoonotic diseases represent a public health problem worldwide, since approximately 60% of human pathogens have a zoonotic origin. A variety of methodologies have been developed to diagnose zoonosis, including culture-dependent and immunological-based methods, which allow the identification of a huge range of pathogens. However, some of them are not detected easily with these approaches. Additionally, molecular tests have been developed, and they are designed to identify a single pathogen or mixtures of them. In this context, metagenomics comes as an alternative to get genome sequences of different microorganisms, which comprise a microbial community. Metagenomics have been used to characterize microbiomes and viromes, which are not cultivable under laboratory conditions. This methodology could be a powerful tool in the diagnosis of zoonotic diseases because it allows not only identification of genus and species, but also detection of some proteins in specific conditions on specific tissues, through structural and functional metagenomics, respectively

    Development of an Automatic Low-Cost Air Quality Control System: A Radon Application

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    [Abstract] Air pollution is the fourth-largest overall risk factor for human health worldwide. Ambient air pollution (outdoors) and household air pollution (indoors) cause about 6.5 million premature deaths. The World Health Organization has established that between 3% and 14% of lung cancer cases are due to radon gas, making it the most important cause of lung cancer after smoking. This work presents a fully automated, low-cost indoor air quality control system that can monitor temperature, pressure, humidity, total volatile organic compounds (TOVC), and radon concentration. Using the radon concentration as an air quality measure, we created a prediction algorithm. The system uses those predictions to control a ventilation system automatically. We tested the algorithm for different prediction windows and compared the results with those without the ventilation system in a radon research room. In this room, the radon concentration is high 100% of the time, reaching a level eleven times higher than the recommended limit. The results show that the system can achieve an 86% reduction of the radon concentration, maintaining it low 90% of the time while having the ventilation system on during only 34% of the time. This work demonstrates that we can control air quality using low-cost resources, keeping a household or workplace safe but comfortable.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project BIA2017-86738-R and through the funding of the unique installation BIOCAI (UNLC08-1E-002, UNLC13-13-3503) and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) by the European Union. This work is supported in part by grants from the European Social Fund 2014–2020. CITIC (Research Centre of the Galician University System) and the Galician University System (SUG) obtained funds through Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with 80% from the Operational Program ERDF Galicia 2014–2020 and the remaining 20% from the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades of the Galician University System (SUG) (Ref ED431G 2019/01). Additional support was provided by the Consolidation and Structuring of Competitive Research Units—Competitive Reference Groups (ED431C 2018/49)Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/4

    Modeling of energy efficiency for residential buildings using artificial neuronal networks

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    The energy efficiency dataset used to support the findings of this study has been deposited in the GitHub repository https://github.com/mereshow/ann-energy-efficiency.git.[Abstract] Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings is a strategic objective in the European Union, and it is the main reason why numerous studies have been carried out to evaluate and reduce energy consumption in the residential sector. The process of evaluation and qualification of the energy efficiency in existing buildings should contain an analysis of the thermal behavior of the building envelope. To determine this thermal behavior and its representative parameters, we usually have to use destructive auscultation techniques in order to determine the composition of the different layers of the envelope. In this work, we present a nondestructive, fast, and cheap technique based on artificial neural network (ANN) models that predict the energy performance of a house, given some of its characteristics. The models were created using a dataset of buildings of different typologies and uses, located in the northern area of Spain. In this dataset, the models are able to predict the U-opaque value of a building with a correlation coefficient of 0.967 with the real U-opaque measured value for the same building

    Predicting Inflow Flow in Hydraulic Dams Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] Accurate prediction of inflow in dams plays a crucial role in water resource management Kim et al. (2019); Vargas-Garay et al. (2018); Zhong et al. (2018) and risk mitigation Costabile et al. (2020); Rabuñal et al. (2007). This study focuses on the Portodemouros dam (located between the provinces of A Coruña and Pontevedra), where a model based on a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neural network has been implemented to predict dam inflow. The results demonstrate the well-established effectiveness of the LSTM network in flow prediction Dongkyuna and Seokkoob (2021); Jo and Jung (2023); Li et al. (2020) applied to the Portodemouros dam compared to other models. This comparison has already been performed in other studies with both mathematical models Amirreza et al. (2022); Ansori and Anwar (2022); A.R1 et al. (2018); Beck et al. (2017); Ciabatta et al. (2016); Costabile et al. (2020); Fan et al. (2013); Hermanovsky et al. (2017); Kim et al. (2019); Vargas-Garay et al. (2018); Zhong et al. (2018), genetic programming Aytek et al. (2008); Havl´ıˇcek et al. (2013); Heˇrmanovsk´y et al. (2017); Rabuñal et al. (2007) and other machine learning algorithms Jo and Jung (2023). Combining precipitation data from multiple regions and meteorological forecasts significantly enhances the model’s ability to anticipate variations in dam inflow. This improved accuracy is essential for early flood detection and informed decision-making in dam operation. This study forms part of the Marine Science programme (ThinkInAzul) supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Xunta de Galicia with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fun

    Study of the microbiota associated to Ruditapes decussatus and Ruditapes philippinarum clams by 16S rRNA metabarcoding, dilution to extinction, and culture-based techniques

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    The study of the microbiota associated to clams is important not only to know their sanitary status but also to prevent pathobiology events. The use of different microbiological techniques can help to obtain a better picture of the bacterial diversity of clams as well as to isolate new bacterial taxa. In this study, two clam species, Ruditapes decussatus and R. philippinarum, were analyzed in two locations of Galicia (northwest of Spain) in April and October, by combining classic culturing, dilution-to-extinction approach, and 16S rRNA gene target sequencing. 16S rRNA gene target sequencing revealed a great diversity within the clam samples, shedding light into the vast microbial communities associated to these bivalves. All samples were dominated by the same bacterial genera in the different periods, namely Mycoplasma, Vibrio, and Cutibacterium. The α-diversity in the samples obtained during the month of October was lower and showed the dominance of rare bacterial taxa, such as Methylobacterium or Psychrobacter. Dilution-to-extinction technique demonstrated its usefulness to culture rare bacterial taxa that were not found in clams under the classic culturing techniques, including Rahnella, Brachybacterium, Micrococcus, Jantinobacter, and Lelliottia. Altogether, our study provides valuable information on the microbiota associated to R. decussatus and R. philippinarum, demonstrating the high complexity and dynamics of these microbial populationsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported in part by grant AGL2013-42628-R and AGL2016-77539-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain)S

    Complejo Deportivo y Comercial Municipal – Surquillo

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    El título profesional de arquitectura es la culminación de la etapa de estudio base de la carrera y el inicio de una nueva etapa profesional. Entre las posibilidades para obtener el título se encuentra la tesis, metodología elegida que será desarrollada, con la finalidad de culminar satisfactoriamente nuestra carrera de arquitectura. En este trabajo analizaremos las razones que motivaron la elección del tema de investigación así como los gustos e inquietudes que podrían suscitarse durante el desarrollo. La finalidad de la investigación es lograr un resultado integral que nos permita llegar a conclusiones sólidas y satisfactorias. Ambos autores hemos estado identificados con el deporte en alguna etapa de nuestras vidas, practicando distintas disciplinas y concluyendo que el deporte es una herramienta importante en el desarrollo de los seres humanos como individuos y en sociedad. Es por eso y otros motivos que nos inclinamos por este tema. Esta tesis analizará y aportará aspectos de mejora a nivel de infraestructura e instalaciones centradas en el desarrollo del deporte. El deporte es una actividad realizada por el ser humano principalmente con fines recreativos, aunque en algunos casos puede convertirse en la profesión de una persona. Una de las importancias del deporte es que permite que la persona ejercite su organismo, manteniéndose en buen estado de salud y en un buen nivel físico, así como también le permite relajarse, despreocuparse de la rutina, liberar tensión y, además divertirse. El deporte es también importante porque cuando es grupal nos permite interactuar con otros y luchar de manera conjunta por un objetivo común; cuando es individual, nos permite buscar superarnos de manera permanente ya que los buenos resultados dependen pura y exclusivamente de nosotros. También promueve el intercambio sociocultural, a través de los eventos deportivos y, asimismo los valores humanos y universales, como la disciplina, el sentido del equipo y colectividad, la solidaridad, la comprensión y la tolerancia. A partir de esta reflexión hemos decidido tratar el tema señalado como tema de la tesis a desarrollar.Tesi

    Distribución de caries dental y asociación con variables de protección social en niños de 12 años del partido de Avellaneda, provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Diferentes organismos internacionales han planteado la necesidad de un análisis de las condiciones de cada población para la identificación de los grupos e individuos de riesgo como estrategia operacional en la búsqueda de una mayor equidad, eficacia y eficiencia del sistema de salud. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar diferenciales en los perfiles de caries dental en la población escolar del partido de Avellaneda (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) y su asociación con variables de protección social. En 2014, se realizó un estudio analítico observacional de corte transversal sobre una muestra de 656 escolares de 12 años de 40 escuelas públicas de los ocho distritos del partido (universo = 3580 individuos distribuidos en 70 escuelas). El estado dentario de los escolares de 12 años en las localidades evaluadas mostró una distribución desigual, se identificaron subconjuntos poblacionales con elevada prevalencia, morbilidad y severidad de caries, que requieren focalización de las intervenciones sanitarias. Se observó asociación entre enfermedad desatendida y carencia de protección social.Different international organizations have indicated the need to analyze the conditions of each population in order to identify groups and individuals at risk as an operational strategy in pursuit of greater equity, efficacy and efficiency in the health system. The aim of this study was to identify differentials in the dental caries profiles of children attending public schools in the county of Avellaneda (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and their association with variables of social protection. In 2014, an observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was performed with a sample of 656 students 12 years of age from 40 public schools in the 8 county districts (out of a total universe of 3580 individuals distributed in 70 schools). The dental status of 12-year-old schoolchildren living in the localities evaluated showed an unequal distribution; subgroups with high caries prevalence, morbidity and severity were identified, requiring the targeting of health interventions. An association between untreated disease and lack of social protection was observed