427 research outputs found

    Repensando o Conservadorismo Católico: Política, Religião e História em Juan Donoso Cortés

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    O advento da modernidade, iniciada a partir do movimento das Luzes e da Revolução Francesa (1789-1799), gerou as mais diversas conseqüências para os países europeus. Políticos e intelectuais procuravam, cada qual à sua maneira, interpretar as novas idéias que emergiam, relacionando-as com o seu próprio ambiente em questão. Desses debates surgiam as correntes políticas modernas: o conservadorismo, o liberalismo e o socialismo. A Espanha, país de fortes raízes monarquistas e católicas, não era exceção nesse importante processo. Seus debatedores, ao longo de todo o século XIX, pensavam em como conciliar essas tradições com valore iluministas, tais como soberania popular e cultura laica. Um de seus mais ativos e controversos pensadores, apesar de pouco valorizado e estudado no Brasil, foi o advogado e professor Juan Donoso Cortés (1809-1853). Donoso é um dos exemplos da complexidade do pensamento conservador católico espanhol, cuja base, ao contrário do que muitos comentadores dizem, não se resume a restaurar o absolutismo bourbônico ou apregoar elementos que estejam localizados no passado medieval. Ao contrário, seu objetivo é propor uma nova solução para a modernidade, não renunciando à sua existência, mas que não esteja amparada pelas vias reacionária, liberal ou socialista, os três grandes inimigos políticos de Donoso. Por meio da análise profunda de suas obras, percebemos uma série de idiossincrasias em seu pensamento, o que faz mais do que necessária uma revisão. De posse desses materiais, e a partir de textos teóricos e metodológicos do pensamento político de onde obteremos as definições para os conceitos de liberalismo, conservadorismo, autonomia; bem como da moderna história das idéias dos quais apreenderemos as noções de modernidade e história moderna; e também de historiadores da Espanha e da Europa, procuraremos evidenciar que Juan Donoso Cortés representa uma linha particular dentro do pensamento tradicionalista católico, em especial quando comparado aos pensadores Maistre e Bonald. Categorizá-lo como reacionário ou regressista não é adequado, uma vez que suas premissas teóricas a noção de liberdade, de história e o papel do catolicismo são bastante peculiares frente a conceitos modernos. Disso decorre que Cortés propõe uma reforma moral, baseada nos princípios da religião católica tida como o mais perfeito produto da evolução religiosa histórica, sem renunciar a todos os elementos da vida moderna. Encontram-se aí a riqueza material, a secularização do Estado e algumas manifestações de liberdade. Palavras-chave: Espanha, século XIX, História das Idéias, conservadorismo, catolicismo político, construção da modernidade

    Complete androgenin sensitivity syndrome presenting with primary amenorrhoea and inguinal mass: a case report

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    Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), also known as testicular feminization, an X-linked recessive disorder comprises a wide range of phenotypes that are caused by various types of mutations in the androgen receptor gene. AIs can be classified as complete, partial, or mild based on the phenotypic presentation. The clinical findings include a female type of external genitalia, 46-XY karyotype, absence of Mullerian structures, presence of Wolffian structures to various degree, and normal to high testosterone and gonadotropin levels. We report this case as an interesting and rare syndrome. The patient is a 15-year-old phenotypic female who presented with primary amenorrhea and normal-appearing external genitalia. Orchidectomy was done after proper counselling and proper psychological support was given to her

    Different Uses for Remote Labs in Electrical Engineering Education: Initial Conclusions of an Ongoing Experience

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    Laboratories are a fundamental part of engineering education due to the very nature of the engineering profession. This is a characteristic of all en-gineering courses, though it may vary from one curriculum to the other and even in the same curriculum. This paper is dedicated to the analysis of different applications of a remote lab in an Electrical Engineering curriculum. If the types of experiments it offers are concerned, it is classified as an Electric and Electronic Circuits lab; one in a set that also has Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics, Electrical Machines, Control Systems, etc. But it is not a traditional lab – it is a remote lab, with traditional components remotely accessed over the Internet. This work presents the preliminary results of the deployment of VISIR – a remote lab for Electric and Electronic Circuits in some courses. It discusses the different course contexts and how the use of VISIR was adapted to each one. Results of students’ opinions are presented and discussed.N/

    Open clusters or their remnants: B and V photometry of NGC 1901 and NGC 1252

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    Photometry in the B and V bands is presented for the southern stellar groups NGC 1901 and NGC 1252. NGC 1901 is often described as an open cluster while NGC 1252 consists of a concentration of about 20 stars centered approx 20' north of the original New General Catalogue coordinates, and at the southwest edge of the large region previously assigned to this object in the literature. NGC 1901 has a clear main sequence and shares similarities with the Hyades. We derive a reddening value E(B-V) = 0.04, a distance from the Sun d = 0.45 kpc (Z = -0.23 kpc) and an age 0.6 +/- 0.1 Gyr. NGC 1901 is conclusively a physical system, dynamically comparable to or more evolved than the Hyades. The colour- magnitude diagram of NGC 1252 suggests a turnoff and main sequence, and a total of 12 probable members. We simulated the Galactic field colour-magnitude diagram in the same direction and found it to be a poor match to NGC 1252, suggesting that NGC 1252 is not a field fluctuation. Isochrone fitting to the probable members is consistent with E(B-V) = 0.02, a distance from the Sun d = 0.64 kpc (Z = -0.46 kpc) and an age 3 +/- 1 Gyr. NGC 1252 cannot be ruled out as a physical group with the available data. If so, evidence is found that it is not a classical open cluster, but rather an open cluster remnant.Comment: 25 pages, 11 Postscript figures, accepted for A&

    Characterization of graphene oxide nanofilms obtained by the saw atomization

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    Due to its ability to absorb water molecules, graphene oxide (GO) is considered a promising material for sensitive coatings in fast surface acoustic wave (SAW) humidity sensors. In this work, we characterize GO films obtained by the SAW atomization technique. It is shown that the atomized submicroliter droplets of aqueous suspension of GO can be deposited onto the surface of Si, LiNbO3 or quartz substrates forming discrete or continuous films of nanometer thickness. The deposited films were examined using AFM and electron microscopy. We discuss the dependence of thickness and structure of the obtained GO films on the parameters of deposition: the number of atomized droplets, a volume of the initial droplet, a distance between the atomizer and the sample, etc. To evaluate the adsorption characteristics of the obtained GO films, we used them as sensitive coatings of the SAW humidity sensors. We found that the adsorption characteristics of the GO films are determined by fast adsorption on the surface of GO sheets and slow adsorption, attributed to limited penetration of water molecules between the sheets, and depend on the number of deposited layers7

    Dissolving star cluster candidates

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    We present a list of 34 neglected entries from star cluster catalogues located at relatively high galactic latitudes (∣b∣>|b| > 15∘^{\circ}) which appear to be candidate late stages of star cluster dynamical evolution. Although underpopulated with respect to usual open clusters, they still present a high number density contrast as compared to the galactic field. This was verified by means of (i) predicted model counts from different galactic subsystems in the same direction, and (ii) Guide Star Catalog equal solid angle counts for the object and surrounding fields. This suggests that the objects are physical systems, possibly star clusters in the process of disruption or their fossil remains. The sample will be useful for followup studies in view of verifying their physi cal nature.Comment: manuscript in LATEX with 7 pages, 7 figures .ps Accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysics main journa

    Climate change effects on pest spectrum and incidence in grain legumes

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    Global warming and climate change will influence activity, diversity, distribution and population dynamics of insect pests including the grain legumes. Several insect pests damage grain legume crops, of which the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera; spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata; spiny pod borer, Etiella zinckenella; pod fly, Melanagromyza obtusa; aphid, Aphis craccivora; defoliators, Spodoptera litura and S. exigua; thrips, Megaleurothrips usitatus and Caliothrips indicus and the bruchid, Callasobruchus chinensis cause extensive losses in grain legumes. The incidence and extent of losses due to these pests varies across seasons, locations, and cropping systems. The pest spectrum on grain legumes will change considerably due to impending global warming and climate change. The geographical distribution of some of the pests might extend to temperate regions in Europe and America, while the outbreaks of some other pests will become more frequent. Several outbreaks of pod borer, H. armigera and spotted pod borer, M. vitrata have been recorded on grain legumes in India, which at times have resulted in complete crop loss. The scale insect, Ceroplastodes cajani in pigeonpea and beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, mealy bug, Ferrisia virgata, and white fly, Bemisia tabaci in chickpea have emerged as new pests; while leaf miner, Porphyrosela neodoxa, mealy bugs, Drepanococcus cajani, and Coccidohystrix insolita are some of the emerging pest problems in pigeonpea in India. In addition, there will be greater genotype x environment interactions for expression of resistance to insect pests, and this warrants a greater effort for identification of diverse sources of resistance and need for integrated pest management packages that will be effective under global warming and climate change

    Owning an overweight or underweight body: distinguishing the physical, experienced and virtual body

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    Our bodies are the most intimately familiar objects we encounter in our perceptual environment. Virtual reality provides a unique method to allow us to experience having a very different body from our own, thereby providing a valuable method to explore the plasticity of body representation. In this paper, we show that women can experience ownership over a whole virtual body that is considerably smaller or larger than their physical body. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying body ownership, we use an embodiment questionnaire, and introduce two new behavioral response measures: an affordance estimation task (indirect measure of body size) and a body size estimation task (direct measure of body size). Interestingly, after viewing the virtual body from first person perspective, both the affordance and the body size estimation tasks indicate a change in the perception of the size of the participant’s experienced body. The change is biased by the size of the virtual body (overweight or underweight). Another novel aspect of our study is that we distinguish between the physical, experienced and virtual bodies, by asking participants to provide affordance and body size estimations for each of the three bodies separately. This methodological point is important for virtual reality experiments investigating body ownership of a virtual body, because it offers a better understanding of which cues (e.g. visual, proprioceptive, memory, or a combination thereof) influence body perception, and whether the impact of these cues can vary between different setups
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