152 research outputs found

    The influence of building renovations on indoor comfort:A field test in an apartment building

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    This article presents a field test of how deep renovation affects indoor climate quality. The studied apartment building was built in 1968 and is located in Finland, within the Nordic climate zone. The deep renovation included façade repair with extra insulation, new windows with trickle vents, new balcony glass and doors, and the installation of an exhaust air heat pump into the existing mechanical exhaust air ventilation. The indoor climate conditions and building envelope tightness were measured before and after the renovation. As a result of these energy renovation measures, the building envelope tightness improved by nearly 40% and the uncontrolled supply of air (draughts) decreased by approximately 24%. The overall energy consumption of the building decreased by 45%. Above all, the long testing period gives credibility to the study. The field test brought up the challenge of supplying an adequate amount of fresh air. This article highlights the fact that windows are part of a mechanical ventilation system if fresh air is not controlled by being led through inlet ducts. The supply air flow and volume must be ensured by correctly dimensioned valves, and therefore we stress the importance of the technical cooperation of technical designers

    Asuntotuotannon laatumuutokset 2005–2020 : Korkeampaa, tiiviimpää, energiatehokkaampaa

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    Viimeisen 15 vuoden aikana on rakennettu 301 500 kerrostaloasuntoa (20 % vuoden 2020 kerrostaloasuntokannasta) ja 54 000 rivitaloasuntoa (13 % rivitaloasuntokannasta). Asuntotuotannolle on ollut 2010-luvun lopulla tunnusomaista kasvavien kaupunkien asemakaavoilla ohjattu tehokas maankäyttö, jonka avulla kerrostaloasuntojen vuosituotanto on noussut 30 000 asuntoon. Koska viime vuosina 75 % kerrostaloasunnoista on ollut pieniä yksiöitä ja kaksioita, on rakennusten ja kaupungin osa-alueiden uusi asuntokanta yksipuolinen. Maankäytön tehostaminen on tuonut kerrostaloihin lisää kerroksia ja kerroksiin lisää asuntoja. Asuinhuoneiden lukumäärällä määriteltyjen huoneistotyyppien pinta-ala on vähentynyt 10–30 %. Tilansäästö on saatu aikaan yhdistämällä toimintoja yhteiseen tilaan, pienentämällä huoneiden kokoa ja karsimalla varusteita. Entisen kaksion (2h+k) pinta-ala on jaettu keittiötilalla varustetuksi kolmen asuinhuoneen asunnoksi. Kun otetaan nykyisen kolmion (3h+kt tai 2h+tupakeittiö) vertailukohdaksi entisen tyyppinen kaksio, on asuntojen varustetaso, asuttavuus ja toiminnallisuus pysynyt ennallaan. Makuuhuoneiden niukan mitoituksen takia elinkaarijoustavuus on kuitenkin heikentynyt. Viranomaisohjaus ja yritysten tuotekehitys ovat saanut aikaan teknisiä parannuksia. Rakennusten terveellisyyttä ovat parantaneet mm. M1 luokitellut rakennustuotteet sekä rakennuksen sisäisiä ja ulkoisia äänilähteitä koskevat tiukemmat ääneneristysvaatimukset. Kerrostaloissa ovat yleistyneet asuntokohtaisen ilmanvaihto, lämmöntalteenotto, lattialämmitys, viilennys ja aurinkopaneelit. Rivitaloissa ovat yleistyneet puurakenteet, lämmön tuottaminen lämpöpumpuilla, lämmöntalteenotto sekä lattialämmitys. Energiatehokkailla ulkovaipparakenteilla, tehokkaalla lämmöntalteenotolla ja lämmityksellä sekä kiinteistöautomaatiolla on kerrostalojen energiankulutusta vähennetty 60 % ja rivitalojen 40 %. Asuinrakennusten ja asuntojen tekniset muutokset ovat nostaneet rakennuskustannuksia, mutta tilaratkaisuilla saavutetut säästöt ovat kompensoineet muutokset. Suurten kaupunkien uudisasuntojen myyntihintoja ja vuokria ovat kuitenkin nostaneet sijainnista ja kysyntä-tarjontatilanteesta johtuvat tekijät

    LIFE CITY:Suomalaisen puurakentamisen kansainvälinen konsepti

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    An extensive pattern of atypical neural speech-sound discrimination in newborns at risk of dyslexia

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    Objective: Identifying early signs of developmental dyslexia, associated with deficient speech-sound processing, is paramount to establish early interventions. We aimed to find early speech-sound processing deficiencies in dyslexia, expecting diminished and atypically lateralized event-related potentials (ERP) and mismatch responses (MMR) in newborns at dyslexia risk. Methods: ERPs were recorded to a pseudoword and its variants (vowel-duration, vowel-identity, and syllable-frequency changes) from 88 newborns at high or no familial risk. The response significance was tested, and group, laterality, and frontality effects were assessed with repeated-measures ANOVA. Results: An early positive and right-lateralized ERP component was elicited by standard pseudowords in both groups, the response amplitude not differing between groups. Early negative MMRs were absent in the at-risk group, and MMRs to duration changes diminished compared to controls. MMRs to vowel changes had significant laterality x group interactions resulting from right-lateralized MMRs in controls. Conclusions: The MMRs of high-risk infants were absent or diminished, and morphologically atypical, suggesting atypical neural speech-sound discrimination. Significance: This atypical neural basis for speech discrimination may contribute to impaired language development, potentially leading to future reading problems. (C) 2019 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    LIFE CITY:Suomalaisen puurakentamisen kansainvälinen konsepti

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    Comparative microarray analysis of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus expression profiles of larvae pre-attachment and feeding adult female stages on Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle

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    Background: Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an obligate blood feeder which is host specific to cattle. Existing knowledge pertaining to the host or host breed effects on tick transcript expression profiles during the tick - host interaction is poor. Results: Global analysis of gene expression changes in whole R. microplus ticks during larval, pre-attachment and early adult stages feeding on Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle were compared using gene expression microarray analysis. Among the 13,601 R. microplus transcripts from BmiGI Version 2 we identified 297 high and 17 low expressed transcripts that were significantly differentially expressed between R. microplus feeding on tick resistant cattle [Bos indicus (Brahman)] compared to R. microplus feeding on tick susceptible cattle [Bos taurus (Holstein-Friesian)] (p <= 0.001). These include genes encoding enzymes involved in primary metabolism, and genes related to stress, defence, cell wall modification, cellular signaling, receptor, and cuticle formation. Microarrays were validated by qRT-PCR analysis of selected transcripts using three housekeeping genes as normalization controls. Conclusion: The analysis of all tick stages under survey suggested a coordinated regulation of defence proteins, proteases and protease inhibitors to achieve successful attachment and survival of R. microplus on different host breeds, particularly Bos indicus cattle. R. microplus ticks demonstrate different transcript expression patterns when they encounter tick resistant and susceptible breeds of cattle. In this study we provide the first transcriptome evidence demonstrating the influence of tick resistant and susceptible cattle breeds on transcript expression patterns and the molecular physiology of ticks during host attachment and feeding

    Subfoveal choroidal thickness in ipsi- and contralateral eyes of patients with carotid stenosis before and after carotid endarterectomy : a prospective study

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    Purpose To compare subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) and associated clinical variables in patients with carotid stenosis (CS) before and 6 months after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Methods The prospective non-randomized Helsinki Carotid Endarterectomy Study - Brain and Eye Sub-sTudy included seventy patients (81% male, mean age 69 years) and 40 control subjects (77% male, 68 years), from March 2015 to December 2018. Ophthalmological examination included SFCT measured with enhanced-depth imaging-optical coherence tomography. Carotid stenosis (CS) was more severe (>= 70% stenosis in 92%) ipsilateral to the CEA than contralaterally ( Results At baseline, patients had thinner mean SFCT than control subjects in both eyes (ipsilateral, 222 versus 257 mu m and contralateral, 217 versus 258 mu m, p Conclusions Subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) is thinner in patients with CS without association between SFCT and the grade of CS. Unchanged SFCT after CEA suggests, that choroidal vessels in severe CS are unable to react to increased blood flow. Bilaterally thin SFCT could be considered as yet another sign of CS.Peer reviewe

    Flicker-induced retinal vascular dilation in ipsi- and contralateral eyes of patients with carotid stenosis before and after carotid endarterectomy : a prospective study

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    Purpose Retinal vascular function was assessed in patients with carotid stenosis (CS) before and six months after carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and in controls at a six-month interval. Methods We studied 68 patients (81% male, mean age 69) and 41 healthy non-medicated controls (77%, 68) from March 2015 to December 2018. Our ophthalmological examination included flicker-induced arteriolar and venular measurements with a Dynamic Vessel Analyser in both eyes. Results At baseline, flicker-induced arteriolar and venular dilation was reduced in the ipsilateral eyes of the patients compared with dilation in the controls (arteriolar 1.0% versus 2.6%, p = 0.001 and venular 2.2% versus 2.8%, p = 0.049). These differences subsided after CEA. In patients' ipsilateral eyes, flicker-induced arteriolar dilation was borderline postoperatively (preoperative 1.0% versus postoperative 1.6%, p = 0.06), whereas venular dilation increased (2.2% versus 2.8%, p = 0.025). We found various tentative associations with the change in flicker-induced dilations after CEA, but not with the preoperative dilations. Conclusions Postoperative recovery of the reduced flicker-induced arteriolar and venular dilatation in the ipsilateral eye shows that, after CEA, the activity-dependent vascular reactivity of haemodynamically compromised retinal tissue can improve.Peer reviewe

    Evolutionary conserved microRNAs are ubiquitously expressed compared to tick-specific miRNAs in the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that act as regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes modulating a large diversity of biological processes. The discovery of miRNAs has provided new opportunities to understand the biology of a number of species. The cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, causes significant economic losses in cattle production worldwide and this drives us to further understand their biology so that effective control measures can be developed. To be able to provide new insights into the biology of cattle ticks and to expand the repertoire of tick miRNAs we utilized Illumina technology to sequence the small RNA transcriptomes derived from various life stages and selected organs of R. microplus. Results: To discover and profile cattle tick miRNAs we employed two complementary approaches, one aiming to find evolutionary conserved miRNAs and another focused on the discovery of novel cattle-tick specific miRNAs. We found 51 evolutionary conserved R. microplus miRNA loci, with 36 of these previously found in the tick Ixodes scapularis. The majority of the R. microplus miRNAs are perfectly conserved throughout evolution with 11, 5 and 15 of these conserved since the Nephrozoan (640 MYA), Protostomian (620MYA) and Arthropoda (540 MYA) ancestor, respectively. We then employed a de novo computational screening for novel tick miRNAs using the draft genome of I. scapularis and genomic contigs of R. microplus as templates. This identified 36 novel R. microplus miRNA loci of which 12 were conserved in I. scapularis. Overall we found 87 R. microplus miRNA loci, of these 15 showed the expression of both miRNA and miRNA* sequences. R. microplus miRNAs showed a variety of expression profiles, with the evolutionary-conserved miRNAs mainly expressed in all life stages at various levels, while the expression of novel tick-specific miRNAs was mostly limited to particular life stages and/or tick organs. Conclusions: Anciently acquired miRNAs in the R. microplus lineage not only tend to accumulate the least amount of nucleotide substitutions as compared to those recently acquired miRNAs, but also show ubiquitous expression profiles through out tick life stages and organs contrasting with the restricted expression profiles of novel tick-specific miRNAs

    Ocular signs of carotid stenosis in ipsi- and contralateral eyes before and after carotid endarterectomy : a prospective study

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    Purpose We describe hypoperfusion-related and embolic ocular signs of carotid stenosis (CS) before and six months after carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in a CS population. Methods We enrolled prospectively 70 CEA patients (81% male, mean age 69) and 41 non-medicated control subjects (76%, 68), from March 2015 to December 2018, assessing intraocular pressure (IOP), best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in logMAR units and performing a bio-microscopy examination. Results Main index symptoms included amaurosis fugax (Afx) (29, 41%) and hemispheric TIA (17, 24%), and 17 (24%) were asymptomatic. Of the 70, 17 patients (24%, 95% CI 16-36) showed ocular signs of CS. Of four embolic (Hollenhorst plaques) findings, one small macular plaque disappeared postoperatively. Four had hypoperfusion, that is ocular ischaemic syndrome (OIS), requiring panretinal photocoagulation: one for multiple mid-peripheral haemorrhages, two for iris neovascularization and one for neovascular glaucoma (NVG); only the NVG proved irreversible. Nine (de novo in three) showed mild OIS, that is only few mid-peripheral haemorrhages, ranging pre- /postoperatively in ipsilateral eyes from one to eleven (median two)/ one to two (median one), and in contralateral eyes from three to nine (median five)/ one to six (median three). Pre- and postoperative median BCVA was 0 or better, and mean IOP was normal, except in the NVG patient. Temporary visual impairment from 0 to 0.3 occurred in one eye soon after CEA due to ocular hyperperfusion causing macular oedema. Conclusions Ocular signs of CS are common in CEA patients, ranging from few mid-peripheral haemorrhages to irreversible NVG. Clinicians should be aware of these signs in detecting CS.Peer reviewe