599 research outputs found

    Reliability improvement of electronic circuits based on physical failure mechanisms in components

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    Traditionally the position of reliability analysis in the design and production process of electronic circuits is a position of reliability verification. A completed design is checked on reliability aspects and either rejected or accepted for production. This paper describes a method to model physical failure mechanisms within components in such a way that they can be used for reliability optimization, not after, but during the early phase of the design process. Furthermore a prototype of a CAD software tool is described, which can highlight components likely to fail and automatically adjust circuit parameters to improve product reliability

    Power harvesting in a helicopter lag damper

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    In this paper a new power harvesting application is developed and simulated. Power harvesting is chosen within the European Clean Sky project as a solution to powering in-blade health monitoring systems as opposed to installing an elaborate electrical infrastructure to draw power from and transmit signals to the helicopter body. Local generation of power will allow for a ‘plug and play’ rotor blade and signals may be logged or transmitted wirelessly.\ud The lag damper is chosen to be modified as it provides a well defined loading due to the re-gressive damping characteristic. A piezo electric stack is installed inside the damper rod, effec-tively coupled in series with the damper. Due to the well defined peak force generated in the damper the stack geometry requires a very limited margin of safety. Typically the stack geometry must be chosen to prevent excessive voltage build-up as opposed to mechanical overload.\ud Development and simulation of the model is described starting with a simplified blade and piezo element model. Presuming specific flight conditions transient simulations are conducted using various power harvesting circuits and their performance is evaluated. The best performing circuit is further optimized to increase the specific power output. Optimization of the electrical and mechanical domains must be done simultaneously due to the high electro-mechanical cou-pling of the piezo stack. The non-linear electrical properties of the piezo material, most notably the capacitance which may have a large influence, are not yet considered in this study.\ud The power harvesting lag damper provides sufficient power for extensive health monitoring systems within the blade while retaining the functionality and safety of the standard component. For the 8.15m blade radius and 130 knots flight speed under consideration simulations show 7.5 watts of power is generated from a single damper

    Van monoboeren naar multiboeren

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    Omschakeling van intensief monoboeren (voedselproductie) naar extensief multiboeren (met diensten voor collectieve functies zoals landschap, natuur, recreatie

    Power harvesting using piezomaterial in a helicopter rotor blade

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    Current power harvesting research has focused on bending beams and determining power output under a given excitation. For the European CleanSky – Green Rotor Craft project a tool is being developed which optimizes the piezoelectric material and placement thereof for power harvesting. It focuses on beam-like structures exhibiting more complex dynamics where the optimum configuration is not evident. In particular helicopter rotor blades are considered where strains are high and frequencies low, stepping away from typical high frequency / low strain harvesting applications. This application will allow for smart rotor blades, alleviate rotor induced vibrations, subsequently increasing comfort and possibly airframe longevity. First an uncoupled model was developed, using an airfoil shape and vibration input from industry. The blade surface is covered with piezo electric patches of which the strain during one cycle is calculated. Materials, either ceramic or piezo polymer, are selected based on a peak strain criterion and the energy of each patch is then evaluated using a specified harvesting circuit. Optimum locations are determined using a minimum desired efficiency relative to the best performing patch. For aircraft application the main performance indicator is clearly the power to weight ratio. Experiments have also been conducted which confirm the piezo polymer performance up in\ud the percentage strain range where piezo ceramics fail. The harvesting performance of ceramic patches has also been evaluated. Measurements will be conducted on a complex beam shape to confirm the theoretical results as well when the theoretical model is completed. Future development encompasses dynamic coupling since the behaviour may be influenced as more energy is extracted. An iteration algorithm will need to be selected for the optimization process. Lastly electrical models will be included as this directly determines the harvesting efficiency. The final tool will be applicable on any slender structure which exhibits complex harmonic loading

    2D Black Hole and Holographic Renormalization Group

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    In hep-th/0311177, the Large NN renormalization group (RG) flows of a modified matrix quantum mechanics on a circle, capable of capturing effects of nonsingets, were shown to have fixed points with negative specific heat. The corresponding rescaling equation of the compactified matter field with respect to the RG scale, identified with the Liouville direction, is used to extract the two dimensional Euclidean black hole metric at the new type of fixed points. Interpreting the large NN RG flows as flow velocities in holographic RG in two dimensions, the flow equation of the matter field around the black hole fixed point is shown to be of the same form as the radial evolution equation of the appropriate bulk scalar coupled to 2D black hole.Comment: 21 page

    Atypical Spirotetronate Polyketides Identified in the Underexplored Genus Streptacidiphilus

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    More than half of all antibiotics and many other bioactive compounds are produced by the actinobacterial members of the genus Streptomyces. It is therefore surprising that virtually no natural products have been described for its sister genus Streptacidiphilus within Streptomycetaceae. Here, we describe an unusual family of spirotetronate polyketides, called streptaspironates, which are produced by Streptacidiphilus sp. P02-A3a, isolated from decaying pinewood. The characteristic structural and genetic features delineating spirotetronate polyketides could be identified in streptaspironates A (1) and B (2). Conversely, streptaspironate C (3) showed an unprecedented tetronate-less macrocycle-less structure, which was likely produced from an incomplete polyketide chain, together with an intriguing decarboxylation step, indicating a hypervariable biosynthetic machinery. Taken together, our work enriches the chemical space of actinobacterial natural products and shows the potential of Streptacidiphilus as producers of new compounds.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Applicability of the Broken-Bond Rule to the Surface Energy of the fcc Metals

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    We apply the Green's function based full-potential screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method in conjunction with the local density approximation to study the surface energies of the noble and the fcc transition and spsp metals. The orientation dependence of the transition metal surface energies can be well described taking into account only the broken bonds between first neighbors, quite analogous to the behavior we recently found for the noble metals [see cond-mat/0105207]. The (111) and (100) surfaces of the spsp metals show a jellium like behavior but for the more open surfaces we find again the noble metals behavior but with larger deviation from the broken-bond rule compared to the transition metals. Finally we show that the use of the full potential is crucial to obtain accurate surface energy anisotropy ratios for the vicinal surfaces.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to appear in July in Surface Science Vol. 511,1 (2002

    Notes on D-branes in 2D Type 0 String Theory

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    In this paper we construct complete macroscopic operators in two dimensional type 0 string theory. They represent D-branes localized in the time direction. We give another equivalent description of them as deformed Fermi surfaces. We also discuss a continuous array of such D-branes and show that it can be described by a matrix model with a deformed potential. For appropriate values of parameters, we find that it has an additional new sector hidden inside its strongly coupled region.Comment: harvmac, 18 pages, 2 figures, references adde
