1,103 research outputs found

    Cultivation and analysis of anthocyanin containing types of potatoes in organic farming regarding cultivability and additional health benefits

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    In a two year research project a representative spectrum of blue potato varieties were cultivated and tested in detail regarding disease infestation, yield potential and the influence of production systems (organic). Cultivation recommendations for blue potatoes could be deduced from this. Furthermore the varying anthocyanin content as well as the antioxidant capacity of the varieties used was analysed. Varieties with a particularly high content will undergo further tests to show the influence of the manner of preparation (boiling, steaming, frying) and determine their use for the processing industry. The combination of ecologically produced potatoes with „additional health benefits“ arouses the customers interest. The cultivation of high yield blue types can be an alternative to the cultivation of yellow fleshed high yield varieties in organic operating companies

    Diversity and community biomass depend on dispersal and disturbance in microalgal communities

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    The evidence for species diversity effects on ecosystem functions is mainly based on studies not explicitly addressing local or regional processes regulating coexistence or the importance of community structure in terms of species evenness. In experimental communities of marine benthic microalgae, we altered the successional stages and thus the strength of local species interactions by manipulating rates of dispersal and disturbance. The treatments altered realized species richness, evenness and community biomass. For species richness, dispersal mattered only at high disturbance rates; when opening new space, dispersal led to maximized richness at intermediate dispersal rates. Evenness, in contrast, decreased with dispersal at low or no disturbance, i.e. at late successional stages. Community biomass showed a nonlinear hump-shaped response to increasing dispersal at all disturbance levels.We found a positive correlation between richness and biomass at early succession, and a strong negative correlation between evenness and biomass at late succession. In early succession both community biomass and richness depend directly on dispersal from the regional pool, whereas the late successional pattern shows that if interactions allow the most productive species to become dominant, diverting resources from this species (i.e. higher evenness) reduces production. Our study emphasizes the difference in biodiversity–function relationships over time, as different mechanisms contribute to the regulation of richness and evenness in early and late successional stages

    Logic Programming and Logarithmic Space

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    We present an algebraic view on logic programming, related to proof theory and more specifically linear logic and geometry of interaction. Within this construction, a characterization of logspace (deterministic and non-deterministic) computation is given via a synctactic restriction, using an encoding of words that derives from proof theory. We show that the acceptance of a word by an observation (the counterpart of a program in the encoding) can be decided within logarithmic space, by reducing this problem to the acyclicity of a graph. We show moreover that observations are as expressive as two-ways multi-heads finite automata, a kind of pointer machines that is a standard model of logarithmic space computation

    Recomendações para produção de uvas de mesa em cultivo protegido na região da Serra Gaúcha.

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    Escolha do terreno. Variedades e porta-enxertos. Espaçamento de plantio. Sistema de condução. Poda. Manejo dos cachos. Manejo do solo. Manejo da irrigação. Manejo das doenças. Oídio. Podridão cinzenta ou Botrytis. Manejo de pragas. Tripes. Mosca-das-frutas. Ácaros. Traça dos cachos. Manejo da cobertura plástica. Microclima sob a cobertura. Detalhes na instalação da cobertura plástica. Cuidados iniciais. Estrutura para cobertura. Detalhes de altura e espaçamento. Evitar excesso de água sob a cobertura. Cuidados na utilização de fungicidas e inseticidas. Detalhes no manejo da vegetação sob a cobertura. Cuidados para aumentar a vida útil da cobertura.bitstream/item/31714/1/doc070.pd

    Disruption in structural–functional network repertoire and time-resolved subcortical fronto-temporoparietal connectivity in disorders of consciousness

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    Understanding recovery of consciousness and elucidating its underlying mechanism is believed to be crucial in the field of basic neuroscience and medicine. Ideas such as the global neuronal workspace (GNW) and the mesocircuit theory hypothesize that failure of recovery in conscious states coincide with loss of connectivity between subcortical and frontoparietal areas, a loss of the repertoire of functional networks states and metastable brain activation. We adopted a time-resolved functional connectivity framework to explore these ideas and assessed the repertoire of functional network states as a potential marker of consciousness and its potential ability to tell apart patients in the unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) and minimally conscious state (MCS). In addition, the prediction of these functional network states by underlying hidden spatial patterns in the anatomical network, that is so-called eigenmodes, was supplemented as potential markers. By analysing time-resolved functional connectivity from functional MRI data, we demonstrated a reduction of metastability and functional network repertoire in UWS compared to MCS patients. This was expressed in terms of diminished dwell times and loss of nonstationarity in the default mode network and subcortical fronto-temporoparietal network in UWS compared to MCS patients. We further demonstrated that these findings co-occurred with a loss of dynamic interplay between structural eigenmodes and emerging time-resolved functional connectivity in UWS. These results are, amongst others, in support of the GNW theory and the mesocircuit hypothesis, underpinning the role of time-resolved thalamo-cortical connections and metastability in the recovery of consciousness

    High prevalence of mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau in a population study of frontotemporal dementia in the Netherlands

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    Mutations in microtubule-associated protein tau recently have been identified in familial cases of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We report the frequency of tau mutations in a large population-based study of FTD carried out in the Netherlands from January 1994 to June 1998. Thirty-seven patients had >/=1 first-degree relative with dementia. A mutation in the tau gene was found in 17.8% of the group of patie

    High-resolution measurement of the time-modulated orbital electron capture and of the β+\beta^+ decay of hydrogen-like 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions

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    The periodic time modulations, found recently in the two-body orbital electron-capture (EC) decay of both, hydrogen-like 140^{140}Pr58+^{58+} and 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions, with periods near to 7s and amplitudes of about 20%, were re-investigated for the case of 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} by using a 245 MHz resonator cavity with a much improved sensitivity and time resolution. We observed that the exponential EC decay is modulated with a period T=7.11(11)T = 7.11(11)s, in accordance with a modulation period T=7.12(11)T = 7.12(11) s as obtained from simultaneous observations with a capacitive pick-up, employed also in the previous experiments. The modulation amplitudes amount to aR=0.107(24)a_R = 0.107(24) and aP=0.134(27)a_P = 0.134(27) for the 245 MHz resonator and the capacitive pick-up, respectively. These new results corroborate for both detectors {\it exactly} our previous findings of modulation periods near to 7s, though with {\it distinctly smaller} amplitudes. Also the three-body β+\beta^+ decays have been analyzed. For a supposed modulation period near to 7s we found an amplitude a=0.027(27)a = 0.027(27), compatible with a=0a = 0 and in agreement with the preliminary result a=0.030(30)a = 0.030(30) of our previous experiment. These observations could point at weak interaction as origin of the observed 7s-modulation of the EC decay. Furthermore, the data suggest that interference terms occur in the two-body EC decay, although the neutrinos are not directly observed.Comment: In memoriam of Prof. Paul Kienle, 9 pages, 1 table, 5 figures Phys. Lett. B (2013) onlin


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    telekomunikasi sebagaimana dilakukan oleh IM2. IM2 telah menyalahgunakan pita frekuensi 2.1 Ghz, dan secara melawan hukum beroperasi pada jaringan tersebut sehingga menimbulkan kerugian negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulis tertarik meneliti, bagaimana Undang-Undang Telekomunikasi jo Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi mengatur mekanisme pemanfaatan aset negara berupa jaringan satelit, mengapa aset negara berupa jaringan satelit kerap kali disalahgunakan didalam pemanfaatannya oleh korporasi, serta bagaimana upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi aset negara dalam bentuk jaringan satelit terhadap penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian yang bersifat deskriftif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dibantu yuridis empiris, data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa yuridis kualitatif. Pemanfaatan aset negara berupa jaringan satelit melalui pita frekuensi merupakan salah satu hak yang dalam pemanfaatannya diatur oleh peraturan perundang-undangan agar tercipta keadilan, kepastian dan ketertiban, keamanan, keseimbangan, perlindungan dan pemeliharaan dalam pemanfataannya. Jaringan satelit yang merupakan jaringan satelit aset negara pemanfaatannya mensyaratkan izin dan pembayaran tarif tertentu, sehingga konsekuensinya ketika terjadi penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan jaringan satelit, negara akan mengalami kerugian. Aset negara berupa jaringan satelit kerap kali disalahgunakan didalam pemanfaatannya oleh korporasi disebabkan beberapa faktor diantaranya faktor hukum itu sendiri dalam hal ini peraturan perundang-undangannya, faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana atau fasilitas yang mendukung pengawasan dan penegakan hukum itu sendiri, faktor masyarakat, yakni lingkungan dimana hukum tersebut berlaku atau diterapkan, dalam hal ini yaitu lingkungan korporasi, faktor kebudayaan yakni kurangnya kesadaran hukum korporasi dalam upaya pemanfaatan aset negara secara berkeadilan dan tertib sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dimana pemanfaatan yang tidak secara berkeadilan akan membawa negara menuju kepada kehancuran. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi aset negara dalam bentuk jaringan satelit terhadap penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi harus berangkat dari beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebab penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan jaringan satelit diantaranya yaitu melalui upaya preventif berupa revisi perunang-undangan, pengawasan, sosialisasi sert upaya represif berupa penegakan hukum. Penegakan hukum harus dilaksanakan tanpa pandang bulu, sebagai bentuk keyakinan atas doktrin hukum, bahwa setiap orang mempunyai kedudukan yang sama di depan hukum. Kata Kunci: Penyalahgunaan Aset Negara, Jaringan Sateli

    Effect of continuous nutrient enrichment on microalgae colonizing hard substrates

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    In order to understand the effect of changing nutrient conditions on benthic microalgae on hard substrates, in-situ experiments with artificial substrates were conducted in Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic Sea. As an extension of previous investigations, we used artificial substrates without silicate and thus were able to supply nutrient media with different Si:N ratios to porous substrates, from where they trickled out continuously. The biofilm developing on these substrates showed a significant increase in biovolume due to N + P enrichment, while Si alone had only minor effects. The stoichiometric composition of the biomass indicated nitrogen limitation during most of the year. The C:N ratios were lowered by the N + P addition. The algae were dominated by diatoms in most cases, but rhodophytes and chlorophytes also became important. The nutrient treatment affected the taxonomic composition mostly at the species level. The significance of the results with regard to coastal eutrophication is discussed