368 research outputs found

    Een webbased Community of Learners (CoL) voor beroepsvaardigheden

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    Studenten in de lerarenopleidingen van de Universiteit Twente kregen een website aangeboden als platform voor informatie-uitwisseling betreffend vakoverstijgende beroepsvaardigheden van leraren. Inzet was de ontwikkeling van een Community of Learners. Het Ruud de Moor centrum leverde de expertise en de techniek.\ud De onderzoeksvraag luidde: ‘Is een vakoverstijgende (virtuele) Community of Learners een gewenste aanvulling op het instrumentarium in de lerarenopleidingen van ELAN?’ We vroegen de studenten naar de waardering voor en meerwaarde van een dergelijke CoL. Onder de gegeven omstandigheden is de meerwaarde niet ervaren maar de DIO’s zien wel mogelijkheden

    Minimising pain in farm animals: the 3S approach - ‘Suppress, Substitute, Soothe'

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    Recently, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research appointed an expert committee to review the issue of pain in food-producing farm animals. To minimise pain, the authors developed a ‘3S' approach accounting for ‘Suppress, Substitute and Soothe' by analogy with the ‘3Rs' approach of ‘Reduction, Refinement and Replacement' applied in the context of animal experimentation. Thus, when addressing the matter of pain, the following steps and solutions could be assessed, in the light of their feasibility (technical constraints, logistics and regulations), acceptability (societal and financial aspects) and availability. The first solution is to suppress any source of pain that brings no obvious advantage to the animals or the producers, as well as sources of pain for which potential benefits are largely exceeded by the negative effects. For instance, tail docking of cattle has recently been eliminated. Genetic selection on the basis of resistance criteria (as e.g. for lameness in cattle and poultry) or reduction of undesirable traits (e.g. boar taint in pigs) may also reduce painful conditions or procedures. The second solution is to substitute a technique causing pain by another less-painful method. For example, if dehorning cattle is unavoidable, it is preferable to perform it at a very young age, cauterising the horn bud. Animal management and constraint systems should be designed to reduce the risk for injury and bruising. Lastly, in situations where pain is known to be present, because of animal management procedures such as dehorning or castration, or because of pathology, for example lameness, systemic or local pharmacological treatments should be used to soothe pain. These treatments should take into account the duration of pain, which, in the case of some management procedures or diseases, may persist for longer periods. The administration of pain medication may require the intervention of veterinarians, but exemptions exist where breeders are allowed to use local anaesthesia (e.g. castration and dehorning in Switzerland). Extension of such exemptions, national or European legislation on pain management, or the introduction of animal welfare codes by retailers into their meat products may help further developments. In addition, veterinarians and farmers should be given the necessary tools and information to take into account animal pain in their management decision

    Porphyrin biosynthesis in human Barrett's oesophagus and adenocarcinoma after ingestion of 5-aminolaevulinic acid

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    5-Aminolaevulinic acid (ALA)-induced porphyrin biosynthesis, which is used for ALA-based photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT), was studied in tissues of 10 patients with Barrett’s oesophagus (BE) and adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus (AC) undergoing oesophagectomy at a mean time interval of 6.7 h after the ingestion of ALA (60 mg kg–1). In BE, AC, squamous epithelium (SQ) and gastric cardia, the activities of the haem biosynthetic enzymes porphobilinogen deaminase (PBG-D) and ferrochelatase (FC) and the PDT power index – the ratio between PBG-D and FC in BE and AC in comparison with SQ – were determined before ALA ingestion. Following ALA administration, ALA, porphobilinogen, uroporphyrin I and PPIX were determined in tissues and plasma. The PDT power index did not predict the level of intracellular accumulation of PPIX found at 6.7 h. In BE, there was no selectivity of PPIX accumulation compared to SQ, whereas in half of patients with AC selectivity was found. Higher haem biosynthetic enzyme activities (i.e. PBG-D) and lower PPIX precursor concentrations were found in BE and AC compared to SQ. It is therefore possible that PPIX levels will peak at earlier time intervals in BE and AC compared to SQ. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Fine scale mapping of malaria infection clusters by using routinely collected health 1 facility data in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    This study investigated whether passively collected routine health facility data can be used for mapping spatial heterogeneities in malaria transmission at the level of local government housing cluster administrative units in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. From June 2012 to Jan 2013, residential locations of patients tested for malaria at a public health facility were traced based on their local leaders’ names and geo-referencing the point locations of these leaders’ houses. Geographic information systems (GIS) were used to visualise the spatial distribution of malaria infection rates. Spatial scan statistics were deployed to detect spatial clustering of high infection rates. Among 2,407 patients tested for malaria, 46.6% (1,121) could be traced to their 411 different residential housing clusters. One small spatially aggregated cluster of neighbourhoods with high prevalence was identified. While the home residence housing cluster leader was unambiguously identified for 73.8% (240/325) of malaria-positive patients, only 42.3% (881/2,082) of those with negative test results were successfully traced. It was concluded that recording simple points of reference during routine health facility visits can be used for mapping malaria infection burden on very fine geographic scales, potentially offering a feasible approach to rational geographic targeting of malaria control interventions. However, in order to tap the full potential of this approach, it would be necessary to optimise patient tracing success and eliminate biases by blinding personnel to test results

    Dissecting Disease-Suppressive Rhizosphere Microbiomes by Functional Amplicon Sequencing and 10x Metagenomics

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    Disease-suppressive soils protect plants against soilborne fungal pathogens that would otherwise cause root infections. Soil suppressiveness is, in most cases, mediated by the antagonistic activity of the microbial community associated with the plant roots. Considering the enormous taxonomic and functional diversity of the root-associated microbiome, identification of the microbial genera and mechanisms underlying this phenotype is challenging. One approach to unravel the underlying mechanisms is to identify metabolic pathways enriched in the disease-suppressive microbial community, in particular, pathways that harbor natural products with antifungal properties. An important class of these natural products includes peptides produced by nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). Here, we applied functional amplicon sequencing of NRPS-associated adenylation domains (A domains) to a collection of eight soils that are suppressive or nonsuppressive (i.e., conducive) to Fusarium culmorum, a fungal root pathogen of wheat. To identify functional elements in the root-associated bacterial community, we developed an open-source pipeline, referred to as dom2BGC, for amplicon annotation and putative gene cluster reconstruction through analyzing A domain co-occurrence across samples. We applied this pipeline to rhizosphere communities from four disease-suppressive and four conducive soils and found significant similarities in NRPS repertoires between suppressive soils. Specifically, several siderophore biosynthetic gene clusters were consistently associated with suppressive soils, hinting at competition for iron as a potential mechanism of suppression. Finally, to validate dom2BGC and to allow more unbiased functional metagenomics, we performed 10× metagenomic sequencing of one suppressive soil, leading to the identification of multiple gene clusters potentially associated with the disease-suppressive phenotyp

    The effect of mixing entire male pigs prior to transport to slaughter on behaviour, welfare and carcass lesions

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    peer-reviewedData set for article is also provided.Research is needed to validate lesions recorded at meat inspection as indicators of pig welfare on farm. The aims were to determine the influence of mixing pigs on carcass lesions and to establish whether such lesions correlate with pig behaviour and lesions scored on farm. Aggressive and mounting behaviour of pigs in three single sex pens was recorded on Day −5, −2, and −1 relative to slaughter (Day 0). On Day 0 pigs were randomly allocated to 3 treatments (n = 20/group) over 5 replicates: males mixed with females (MF), males mixed with males (MM), and males unmixed (MUM). Aggressive and mounting behaviours were recorded on Day 0 at holding on farm and lairage. Skin/tail lesions were scored according to severity at the farm (Day −1), lairage, and on the carcass (Day 0). Effect of treatment and time on behaviour and lesions were analysed by mixed models. Spearman rank correlations between behaviour and lesion scores and between scores recorded at different stages were determined. In general, MM performed more aggressive behaviour (50.4 ± 10.72) than MUM (20.3 ± 9.55, P < 0.05) and more mounting (30.9 ± 9.99) than MF (11.4 ± 3.76) and MUM (9.8 ± 3.74, P < 0.05). Skin lesion scores increased between farm (Day −1) and lairage (P < 0.001), but this tended to be significant only for MF and MM (P = 0.08). There was no effect of treatment on carcass lesions and no associations were found with fighting/mounting. Mixing entire males prior to slaughter stimulated mounting and aggressive behaviour but did not influence carcass lesion scores. Carcass skin/tail lesions scores were correlated with scores recorded on farm (rskin = 0.21 and rtail = 0.18, P < 0.01) suggesting that information recorded at meat inspection could be used as indicators of pig welfare on farm.This study was part of the PIGWELFIND project funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), Ireland
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