279 research outputs found

    Decomposition of NO studied by infrared emission and CO laser absorption

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    A diagnostic technique for monitoring the concentration of NO using absorption of CO laser radiation was developed and applied in a study of the decomposition kinetics of NO. Simultaneous measurements of infrared emission by NO at 5.3 microns were also made to validate the laser absorption technique. The data were obtained behind incident shocks in NO-N2O-Ar (or Kr) mixtures, with temperatures in the range 2400-4100 K. Rate constants for dominant reactions were inferred from comparisons with computer simulations of the reactive flow

    In situ optofluidic control of reconfigurable photonic crystal cavities

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    The mobile nature of fluids is fully exploited in planar photonic crystals to not only tune and reconfigure in situ optical microcavities, in a continuous and reversible manner, but also to create "a posteriori" spatially programmable cavities. Both the amount of liquid and the location of the selectively infiltrated area can be accurately controlled either mechanically, using a microfiber manipulator, or optically, using a laser-controlled evaporation and recondensation scheme. The wide applicability is illustrated by tuning a cavity resonance over 50¿nm, adjusting the frequency splitting of an originally degenerate cavity mode, and by freely moving a liquid-induced cavity through dragging a microdroplet

    Photo-induced second-order nonlinearity in stoichiometric silicon nitride waveguides

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    We report the observation of second-harmonic generation in stoichiometric silicon nitride waveguides grown via low-pressure chemical vapour deposition. Quasi-rectangular waveguides with a large cross section were used, with a height of 1 {\mu}m and various different widths, from 0.6 to 1.2 {\mu}m, and with various lengths from 22 to 74 mm. Using a mode-locked laser delivering 6-ps pulses at 1064 nm wavelength with a repetition rate of 20 MHz, 15% of the incoming power was coupled through the waveguide, making maximum average powers of up to 15 mW available in the waveguide. Second-harmonic output was observed with a delay of minutes to several hours after the initial turn-on of pump radiation, showing a fast growth rate between 104^{-4} to 102^{-2} s1^{-1}, with the shortest delay and highest growth rate at the highest input power. After this first, initial build-up, the second-harmonic became generated instantly with each new turn-on of the pump laser power. Phase matching was found to be present independent of the used waveguide width, although the latter changes the fundamental and second-harmonic phase velocities. We address the presence of a second-order nonlinearity and phase matching, involving an initial, power-dependent build-up, to the coherent photogalvanic effect. The effect, via the third-order nonlinearity and multiphoton absorption leads to a spatially patterned charge separation, which generates a spatially periodic, semi-permanent, DC-field-induced second-order susceptibility with a period that is appropriate for quasi-phase matching. The maximum measured second-harmonic conversion efficiency amounts to 0.4% in a waveguide with 0.9 x 1 {\mu}m2^2 cross section and 36 mm length, corresponding to 53 {\mu}W at 532 nm with 13 mW of IR input coupled into the waveguide. The according χ(2)\chi^{(2)} amounts to 3.7 pm/V, as retrieved from the measured conversion efficiency.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Liquid-infiltrated photonic crystals - enhanced light-matter interactions for lab-on-a-chip applications

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    Optical techniques are finding widespread use in analytical chemistry for chemical and bio-chemical analysis. During the past decade, there has been an increasing emphasis on miniaturization of chemical analysis systems and naturally this has stimulated a large effort in integrating microfluidics and optics in lab-on-a-chip microsystems. This development is partly defining the emerging field of optofluidics. Scaling analysis and experiments have demonstrated the advantage of micro-scale devices over their macroscopic counterparts for a number of chemical applications. However, from an optical point of view, miniaturized devices suffer dramatically from the reduced optical path compared to macroscale experiments, e.g. in a cuvette. Obviously, the reduced optical path complicates the application of optical techniques in lab-on-a-chip systems. In this paper we theoretically discuss how a strongly dispersive photonic crystal environment may be used to enhance the light-matter interactions, thus potentially compensating for the reduced optical path in lab-on-a-chip systems. Combining electromagnetic perturbation theory with full-wave electromagnetic simulations we address the prospects for achieving slow-light enhancement of Beer-Lambert-Bouguer absorption, photonic band-gap based refractometry, and high-Q cavity sensing.Comment: Invited paper accepted for the "Optofluidics" special issue to appear in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (ed. Prof. David Erickson). 11 pages including 8 figure

    Frontiers in microphotonics: tunability and all-optical control

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    The miniaturization of optical devices and their integration for creating adaptive and reconfigurable photonic integrated circuits requires effective platforms and methods to control light over very short distances. We present here several techniques an

    Relational Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation Under Relaxed Memory Models

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    International audienceWe address the verification problem of numeric properties in many-threaded concurrent programs under weakly consistent memory models, especially TSO. We build on previous work that proposed an abstract interpretation method to analyse these programs with rela-tional domains. This method was not sufficient to analyse more than two threads in a decent time. Our contribution here is to rely on a rely-guarantee framework with automatic inference of thread interferences to design an analysis with a thread-modular approach and describe re-lational abstractions of both thread states and interferences. We show how to adapt the usual computing procedure of interferences to the additional issues raised by weakly consistent memories. We demonstrate the precision and the performance of our method on a few examples, operating a prototype analyser that verifies safety properties like mutual exclusion. We discuss how weak memory models affect the scalability results compared to a sequentially consistent environment

    Moving liquids with light: Photoelectrowetting on semiconductors

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    Liquid transport in microchip-based systems is important in many areas such as Laboratory-on-a-chip, Microfluidics and Optofluidics. Actuation of liquids in such systems is usually achieved using either mechanical displacement11 or via energy conversion e.g. electrowetting which modifies wetting. However, at the moment there is no clear way of actuating a liquid using light. Here, by linking semiconductor physics and wetting phenomenon a brand new effect "photoelectrowetting" is demonstrated for a droplet of conducting liquid resting on an insulator-semiconductor stack. Optical generation of carriers in the space-charge region of the underlying semiconductor alters the capacitance of the insulator-semiconductor stack; the result of this is a modification of the wetting contact angle of the droplet upon illumination. The effect is demonstrated using commercial silicon wafers, both n- and p-type having a doping range spanning four orders of magnitude (6\times1014-8\times1018 cm-3), coated with a commercial fluoropolymer insulating film (Teflon\textregistered). Impedance measurements confirm that the observations are semiconductor space-charge related effects. The impact of the work could lead to new silicon-based technologies in the above mentioned areas