186 research outputs found

    Evaluation of laser range-finder mapping for agricultural spraying vehicles

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    In this paper, we present a new application of laser range-finder sensing to agricultural spraying vehicles. The current generation of spraying vehicles use automatic controllers to maintain the height of the sprayer booms above the crop. However, these control systems are typically based on ultrasonic sensors mounted on the booms, which limits the accuracy of the measurements and the response of the controller to changes in the terrain, resulting in a sub-optimal spraying process. To overcome these limitations, we propose to use a laser scanner, attached to the front of the sprayer's cabin, to scan the ground surface in front of the vehicle and to build a scrolling 3d map of the terrain. We evaluate the proposed solution in a series of field tests, demonstrating that the approach provides a more detailed and accurate representation of the environment than the current sonar-based solution, and which can lead to the development of more efficient boom control systems

    Tumor de Células Gigantes del Primer Metacarpiano

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    Se presenta un caso de tumor de células gigantes que afecta al primer metacarpiano. El tratamiento consistió en la resección en bloque del metacarpiano y su sustitución por injerto cortico-esponjoso de cresta ilíaca.A case of giant cell tumor affecting the first metacarpal bone was presented. Treatment consisted of block resection of the metacarpal and its substitution by porous cortical bone graft from the iliac crest

    Occupational exposures and distribution of natural radionuclides in phosphoric acid production by the wet process (Spain)

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    The industries devoted to the production of phosphoric acid use as a raw material large amount of phosphate rock (PR), which– depending on its geological origin –could be enriched in natural radionuclides either from the uranium or thorium series. In addition, and depending of the process used, different by-products also enriched in natural radionuclides are formed. For this reason, these types of industries are considered as one of the most representative examples where NORM and TENORM is handled, and consequently where a detailed radiological study for protection of the workers is needed.In Spain, a quite large industrial complex is located in an estuary in the surroundings of Huelva town (SW of Spain, see Figure 1), with two big factories devoted to the production of phosphoric acid through the so-called “wet-acid process” (see details in Section 2). In these factories, two types of phosphatic ores are processed: a) sedimentary marine origin phosphate ore from Morocco, and b) igneous origin phosphate ore from Kola (Russia). The Moroccan phosphorites are characterised for their high uranium concentrations, ranging 100-150 ppm, while the igneous phosphate rocks from Kola have clearly lower levels of this element. In opposition, the Kola phosphate rocks present concentrations of the 232Th-series in a factor up to 3 to 5 higher than in word average soils, while the Moroccan phosphorites contain clearly lower concentrations from this natural series [1]In both raw materials, both the 238Uand the 232Th are in secular equilibrium with their daughters. Nevertheless, during the application of the industrial process, the aforementioned secular equilibrium is broken, suffering the different radionuclides their redistributions between intermediate products according to their respective chemical characteristics [2]. This fact need to be taken into consideration for a proper radiological study inside the factories

    Phage inducible islands in the gram-positive cocci

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    The SaPIs are a cohesive subfamily of extremely common phage-inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs) that reside quiescently at specific att sites in the staphylococcal chromosome and are induced by helper phages to excise and replicate. They are usually packaged in small capsids composed of phage virion proteins, giving rise to very high transfer frequencies, which they enhance by interfering with helper phage reproduction. As the SaPIs represent a highly successful biological strategy, with many natural Staphylococcus aureus strains containing two or more, we assumed that similar elements would be widespread in the Gram-positive cocci. On the basis of resemblance to the paradigmatic SaPI genome, we have readily identified large cohesive families of similar elements in the lactococci and pneumococci/streptococci plus a few such elements in Enterococcus faecalis. Based on extensive ortholog analyses, we found that the PICI elements in the four different genera all represent distinct but parallel lineages, suggesting that they represent convergent evolution towards a highly successful lifestyle. We have characterized in depth the enterococcal element, EfCIV583, and have shown that it very closely resembles the SaPIs in functionality as well as in genome organization, setting the stage for expansion of the study of elements of this type. In summary, our findings greatly broaden the PICI family to include elements from at least three genera of cocci

    Rapid Morphologic Changes to Microglial Cells and Upregulation of Mixed Microglial Activation State Markers Induced by P2X7 Receptor Stimulation and Increased Intraocular Pressure

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    Background: The identification of endogenous signals that lead to microglial activation is a key step in understanding neuroinflammatory cascades. As ATP release accompanies mechanical strain to neural tissue, and as the P2X7 receptor for ATP is expressed on microglial cells, we examined the morphological and molecular consequences of P2X7 receptor stimulation in vivo and in vitro and investigated the contribution of the P2X7 receptor in a model of increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Methods: In vivo experiments involved intravitreal injections and both transient and sustained elevation of IOP. In vitro experiments were performed on isolated mouse retinal and brain microglial cells. Morphological changes were quantified in vivo using Sholl analysis. Expression of mRNA for M1- and M2-like genes was determined with qPCR. The luciferin/luciferase assay quantified retinal ATP release while fura-2 indicated cytoplasmic calcium. Microglial migration was monitored with a Boyden chamber. Results: Sholl analysis of Iba1-stained cells showed retraction of microglial ramifications 1 day after injection of P2X7 receptor agonist BzATP into mouse retinae. Mean branch length of ramifications also decreased, while cell body size and expression of Nos2, Tnfa, Arg1, and Chil3 mRNA increased. BzATP induced similar morphological changes in ex vivo tissue isolated from Cx3CR1+/GFP mice, suggesting recruitment of external cells was unnecessary. Immunohistochemistry suggested primary microglial cultures expressed the P2X7 receptor, while functional expression was demonstrated with Ca2+ elevation by BzATP and block by specific antagonist A839977. BzATP induced process retraction and cell body enlargement within minutes in isolated microglial cells and increased Nos2 and Arg1. While ATP increased microglial migration, this required the P2Y12 receptor and not P2X7 receptor. Transient elevation of IOP led to microglial process retraction, cell body enlargement, and gene upregulation paralleling changes observed with BzATP injection, in addition to retinal ATP release. Pressure-dependent changes were reduced in P2X7−/− mice. Death of retinal ganglion cells accompanied increased IOP in C57Bl/6J, but not P2X7−/− mice, and neuronal loss showed some association with microglial activation. Conclusions: P2X7 receptor stimulation induced rapid morphological activation of microglial cells, including process retraction and cell body enlargement, and upregulation of markers linked to both M1- and M2-type activation. Parallel responses accompanied IOP elevation, suggesting ATP release and P2X7 receptor stimulation influence the early microglial response to increased pressure. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Actuaciones profesionales realizadas en la farmacia comunitaria

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    Objetivo: Describir todas las actuaciones profesionales (AP) que se llevan a cabo como respuesta a las demandas realizadas por los usuarios en la farmacia comunitaria (FC). Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, realizado durante 6 meses en dos farmacias comunitarias de Denia (Alicante). La población de estudio fueron todas las demandas de servicio que realizaron los usuarios de ambas farmacias. La variable de estudio fue la AP, es decir, cada uno de los servicios demandados por el usuario en la FC: dispensación, indicación, automedicación, consultas y ventas, clasificándose cada uno en sus resoluciones e incidencias. Resultados: En el estudio se realizaron 30.617 AP, correspondiendo un 42% a la dispensación con receta, y se registró casi un 23% de incidencias. Las indicaciones farmacéuticas supusieron un 9% del total, resolviéndose en la mayoría de casos con la recomendación de un medicamento. Un 33% fueron demandas de automedicación, cursando con casi un 20% de incidencias. Un 7% fueron consultas y un 10% ventas de productos sanitarios. Conclusiones: Del total de AP realizadas, el 90% se consideran farmacéuticas. El 83% fueron dispensaciones de medicamentos, más de la mitad de éstas sin prescripción médica, lo que revela la importancia del asesoramiento farmacéutico en las dispensaciones sin receta. El hecho de que 9 de cada 10 incidencias que se producen en la dispensación con receta y en la automedicación sean por la falta de información del paciente nos pone en alerta sobre la necesidad de implementar medidas que mejoren esta carencia

    Actuaciones profesionales realizadas en la farmacia comunitaria

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    Objetivo: Describir todas las actuaciones profesionales (AP) que se llevan a cabo como respuesta a las demandas realizadas por los usuarios en la farmacia comunitaria (FC). Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, realizado durante 6 meses en dos farmacias comunitarias de Denia (Alicante). La población de estudio fueron todas las demandas de servicio que realizaron los usuarios de ambas farmacias. La variable de estudio fue la AP, es decir, cada uno de los servicios demandados por el usuario en la FC: dispensación, indicación, automedicación, consultas y ventas, clasificándose cada uno en sus resoluciones e incidencias. Resultados: En el estudio se realizaron 30.617 AP, correspondiendo un 42% a la dispensación con receta, y se registró casi un 23% de incidencias. Las indicaciones farmacéuticas supusieron un 9% del total, resolviéndose en la mayoría de casos con la recomendación de un medicamento. Un 33% fueron demandas de automedicación, cursando con casi un 20% de incidencias. Un 7% fueron consultas y un 10% ventas de productos sanitarios. Conclusiones: Del total de AP realizadas, el 90% se consideran farmacéuticas. El 83% fueron dispensaciones de medicamentos, más de la mitad de éstas sin prescripción médica, lo que revela la importancia del asesoramiento farmacéutico en las dispensaciones sin receta. El hecho de que 9 de cada 10 incidencias que se producen en la dispensación con receta y en la automedicación sean por la falta de información del paciente nos pone en alerta sobre la necesidad de implementar medidas que mejoren esta carencia

    Circundatin H, a new inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH oxidase from Aspergillus ochraceus

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    [EN] Circumdatin H (1), a new alkaloid from the culture broth of Aspergillus ochraceus, has been isolated, together with a known circumdatin, circumdatin E (2) and other known compounds: flavacol (3) and stephacidin A (4). The structure of 1 was established on the basis of chemical and spectral evidence. All of these alkaloids showed biological activity as inhibitors of the mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain.López-Gresa, MP.; Gonzalez Más, MC.; Primo, J.; Moya, P.; Romero, V.; Estornell, E. (2005). Circundatin H, a new inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH oxidase from Aspergillus ochraceus. The Journal of Antibiotics. 58:416-419. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/134335S4164195

    Riesgo crediticio y rentabilidad de depósitos a corto plazo en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito. El caso de Perú

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    Monográfico: Las organizaciones de participación como protagonistas de la recuperación económicaIn times of record-low interest rates, Peruvian Saving and Credit Cooperatives seem to promise investors high rates with comparably low credit risk. Peru is one of the most developed countries in Latin America as far as the cooperative sector is concerned and an attractive one as those institutions are expected to repay very much above market rates. The value of this paper lies in evaluating whether high return rates are justified by a proportionally high credit risk, or otherwise. This research describes the characteristics of the Peruvian Saving and Credit Cooperative market and highlights the safeguarding tools used to protect their associates from credit risk. The paper uses official 2007-2018 data for all 143 Peruvian cooperatives supervised by the financial authority and applies several methodologies widely accepted by academics and practitioners to assess credit risk of the whole sector, namely a production of financial ratios, analysis of the financial statements, Beaver's model, Bathory model, Z-Score, Springate analysis, Logit analysis and H-Factor model. It finds that risk in the industry compares favourably to returns, so highlighting the existence of a market anomaly. Indeed, Peruvian Saving and Credit Cooperatives offer up to two-digit passive interest rates to depositors while the corresponding risk has been computed in this paper as being comparably low. The cooperatives do not display risk of bankrupt under any of the tools used for carrying out the analysisEn tiempos de tasas de interés históricamente bajas, las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito parecen prometer tasas altas con un riesgo crediticio comparativamente bajo. Perú es uno de los países más desarrollados de América Latina en lo que respecta al sector cooperativo y uno atractivo, ya que se espera que esas instituciones paguen tarifas muy superiores a las del mercado. El valor de este documento es evaluar si las tasas de retorno están justificadas por un riesgo crediticio proporcionalmente alto, o de otra manera. Esta investigación describe las características del mercado de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito peruano y destaca las herramientas de salvaguarda utilizadas para garantizar a sus asociados del riesgo crediticio. El documento utiliza datos oficiales 2007-2018 para las 143 cooperativas peruanas por la autoridad financiera y aplica varias metodologías ampliamente aceptadas por académicos y profesionales para evaluar el riesgo crediticio de todo el sector, a saber, una producción de razones financieras, análisis de los estados financieros, Beaver’s modelo, modelo Bathory, Z-Score, análisis Springate, análisis Logit y modelo H-Factor. Encuentra que el riesgo en la industria se compara favorablemente con los retornos, lo que resalta la existencia de una anomalía en el mercado. De hecho, las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito peruanas ofrecen tasas de interés pasivas de hasta dos dígitos a los depositantes, mientras que el riesgo correspondiente se ha calculado en este documento como comparablemente bajo. Las cooperativas no presentan riesgo de quiebra bajo ninguna de las herramientas utilizadas para la realización del análisis.Escuela de Estudios CooperativosFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    RinA controls phage-mediated packaging and transfer of virulence genes in Gram-positive bacteria

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    Phage-mediated transfer of microbial genetic elements plays a crucial role in bacterial life style and evolution. In this study, we identify the RinA family of phage-encoded proteins as activators required for transcription of the late operon in a large group of temperate staphylococcal phages. RinA binds to a tightly regulated promoter region, situated upstream of the terS gene, that controls expression of the morphogenetic and lysis modules of the phage, activating their transcription. As expected, rinA deletion eliminated formation of functional phage particles and significantly decreased the transfer of phage and pathogenicity island encoded virulence factors. A genetic analysis of the late promoter region showed that a fragment of 272 bp contains both the promoter and the region necessary for activation by RinA. In addition, we demonstrated that RinA is the only phage-encoded protein required for the activation of this promoter region. This region was shown to be divergent among different phages. Consequently, phages with divergent promoter regions carried allelic variants of the RinA protein, which specifically recognize its own promoter sequence. Finally, most Gram-postive bacteria carry bacteriophages encoding RinA homologue proteins. Characterization of several of these proteins demonstrated that control by RinA of the phage-mediated packaging and transfer of virulence factor is a conserved mechanism regulating horizontal gene transfer