1,893 research outputs found

    Influence of Forage Diversity and Condensed Tannins on Livestock Foraging Behavior, Production and Environmental Impact

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    Eating a combination of forages with different chemistries (i.e., nutrients, beneficial compounds such as tannins) may enhance ruminant nutrition and reduce environmental impacts relative to eating single forages. I explored the influence of offering sheep and cattle all possible combinations of tanniferous (i.e., plants with tannins; birdsfoot trefoil, sainfoin) and non-tanniferous legumes (i.e., plants without tannins; alfalfa) or their monocultures on animal performance, behavior, and methane and nitrogen (N) emissions. Offering choices among these legumes to penned sheep improved intake and diet digestibility relative to feeding monocultures. Mixtures selected by sheep were better digested than mixtures containing equal parts of the forages (indifferent selection), and similar to the legume of greatest digestion rate (alfalfa). In both sheep and cattle, tanniferous forages shifted the site of N excretion from urine to feces, which reduces environmental impacts, as fecal N is in the form of organic N and is metabolized at a slower rate than N in urine. Heifers grazing choices between tanniferous legumes showed the greatest decline in urinary N concentration, suggesting compounded effects that enhance N economy in grazing ruminants and reduce urinary N excretion to the environment. Enteric methane emissions were not affected by treatment, but heifers offered choices among all three legumes showed the greatest body weight gains, implying reductions in the number of days to slaughter, which reduces methane emissions during the finishing process. Grazing behavior and stress levels in heifers offered choices among strips of the three legumes were similar to animals grazing monocultures. Thus, my results suggest that grazing forage combinations increased animal productivity and reduced environmental impacts without affecting behavior or stress levels relative to grazing single forages, all benefits that lead to more sustainable pasture-based finishing systems

    Génération de données de carte

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    La présente invention concerne la génération de données cartographiques. Un instrument de mesure, mobile, mesure des distances entre une position courante du mobile et des obstacles dans un environnement du mobile. On prévoit en particulier de : a) effectuer au moins N mesures de distances entre le mobile et des obstacles dans ledit environnement, par pas angulaires successifs de A/N chacun, où A est un secteur angulaire prédéterminé définissant au moins partiellement ledit environnement du mobile, et associer lesdites distances aux pas angulaires respectifs dans une mémoire de travail, pour établir des données de carte, b) déplacer le mobile et réitérer l\u27étape a) pour une nouvelle position courante du mobile, et c) déterminer, en fonction des distances mesurées pour chaque pas angulaire de la position courante de l\u27étape b) et de la position précédente de l\u27étape a), à la fois, la position courante du mobile à l\u27étape b), sur ladite carte, par rapport à sa position initiale à l\u27étape a), et de nouvelles données de ladite carte

    Multiple spiral patterns in the transitional disk of HD 100546

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    Protoplanetary disks around young stars harbor many structures related to planetary formation. Of particular interest, spiral patterns were discovered among several of these disks and are expected to be the sign of gravitational instabilities leading to giant planets formation or gravitational perturbations caused by already existing planets. In this context, the star HD100546 presents some specific characteristics with a complex gas and dusty disk including spirals as well as a possible planet in formation. The objective of this study is to analyze high contrast and high angular resolution images of this emblematic system to shed light on critical steps of the planet formation. We retrieved archival images obtained at Gemini in the near IR (Ks band) with the instrument NICI and processed the data using advanced high contrast imaging technique taking advantage of the angular differential imaging. These new images reveal the spiral pattern previously identified with HST with an unprecedented resolution, while the large-scale structure of the disk is mostly erased by the data processing. The single pattern at the southeast in HST images is now resolved into a multi-armed spiral pattern. Using two models of a gravitational perturber orbiting in a gaseous disk we attempted to bring constraints on the characteristics of this perturber assuming each spiral being independent and we derived qualitative conclusions. The non-detection of the northeast spiral pattern observed in HST allows to put a lower limit on the intensity ratio between the two sides of the disk, which if interpreted as forward scattering yields a larger anisotropic scattering than derived in the visible. Also, we found that the spirals are likely spatially resolved with a thickness of about 5-10AU. Finally, we did not detect the candidate forming planet recently discovered in the Lp band, with a mass upper limit of 16-18 MJ.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 10 pages, 8 figure

    Comment on "Large energy gaps in CaC6 from tunneling spectroscopy: possible evidence of strong-coupling superconductivity"

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    Comment on "Large energy gaps in CaC6 from tunneling spectroscopy: possible evidence of strong-coupling superconductivity

    A library of near-infrared integral field spectra of young M-L dwarfs

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    We present a library of near-infrared (1.1-2.45 microns) medium-resolution (R~1500-2000) integral field spectra of 15 young M6-L0 dwarfs, composed of companions with known ages and of isolated objects. We use it to (re)derive the NIR spectral types, luminosities and physical parameters of the targets, and to test (BT-SETTL, DRIFT-PHOENIX) atmospheric models. We derive infrared spectral types L0+-1, L0+-1, M9.5+-0.5, M9.5+-0.5, M9.25+-0.25, M8+0.5-0.75, and M8.5+-0.5 for AB Pic b, Cha J110913-773444, USco CTIO 108B, GSC 08047-00232 B, DH Tau B, CT Cha b, and HR7329B, respectively. BT-SETTL and DRIFT-PHOENIX models yield close Teff and log g estimates for each sources. The models seem to evidence a 600-300+600 K drop of the effective temperature at the M-L transition. Assuming the former temperatures are correct, we derive new mass estimates which confirm that DH Tau B, USco CTIO 108B, AB Pic b, KPNO Tau 4, OTS 44, and Cha1109 lay inside or at the boundary of the planetary mass range. We combine the empirical luminosities of the M9.5-L0 sources to the Teff to derive semi-empirical radii estimates that do not match "hot-start" evolutionary models predictions at 1-3 Myr. We use complementary data to demonstrate that atmospheric models are able to reproduce the combined optical and infrared spectral energy distribution, together with the near-infrared spectra of these sources simultaneously. But the models still fail to represent the dominant features in the optical. This issue casts doubts on the ability of these models to predict correct effective temperatures from near-infrared spectra alone. We advocate the use of photometric and spectroscopic data covering a broad range of wavelengths to study the properties of very low mass young companions to be detected with the planet imagers (Subaru/SCExAO, LBT/LMIRCam, Gemini/GPI, VLT/SPHERE).Comment: 27 pages, 14 tables, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    High resolution imaging of young M-type stars of the solar neighborhood: Probing the existence of companions down to the mass of Jupiter

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    Context. High contrast imaging is a powerful technique to search for gas giant planets and brown dwarfs orbiting at separation larger than several AU. Around solar-type stars, giant planets are expected to form by core accretion or by gravitational instability, but since core accretion is increasingly difficult as the primary star becomes lighter, gravitational instability would be the a probable formation scenario for yet-to-be-found distant giant planets around a low-mass star. A systematic survey for such planets around M dwarfs would therefore provide a direct test of the efficiency of gravitational instability. Aims. We search for gas giant planets orbiting around late-type stars and brown dwarfs of the solar neighborhood. Methods. We obtained deep high resolution images of 16 targets with the adaptive optic system of VLT-NACO in the Lp band, using direct imaging and angular differential imaging. This is currently the largest and deepest survey for Jupiter-mass planets around Mdwarfs. We developed and used an integrated reduction and analysis pipeline to reduce the images and derive our 2D detection limits for each target. The typical contrast achieved is about 9 magnitudes at 0.5" and 11 magnitudes beyond 1". For each target we also determine the probability of detecting a planet of a given mass at a given separation in our images. Results. We derived accurate detection probabilities for planetary companions, taking into account orbital projection effects, with in average more than 50% probability to detect a 3MJup companion at 10AU and a 1.5MJup companion at 20AU, bringing strong constraints on the existence of Jupiter-mass planets around this sample of young M-dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Searching for faint companions with VLTI/PIONIER. I. Method and first results

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    Context. A new four-telescope interferometric instrument called PIONIER has recently been installed at VLTI. It provides improved imaging capabilities together with high precision. Aims. We search for low-mass companions around a few bright stars using different strategies, and determine the dynamic range currently reachable with PIONIER. Methods. Our method is based on the closure phase, which is the most robust interferometric quantity when searching for faint companions. We computed the chi^2 goodness of fit for a series of binary star models at different positions and with various flux ratios. The resulting chi^2 cube was used to identify the best-fit binary model and evaluate its significance, or to determine upper limits on the companion flux in case of non detections. Results. No companion is found around Fomalhaut, tau Cet and Regulus. The median upper limits at 3 sigma on the companion flux ratio are respectively of 2.3e-3 (in 4 h), 3.5e-3 (in 3 h) and 5.4e-3 (in 1.5 h) on the search region extending from 5 to 100 mas. Our observations confirm that the previously detected near-infrared excess emissions around Fomalhaut and tau Cet are not related to a low-mass companion, and instead come from an extended source such as an exozodiacal disk. In the case of del Aqr, in 30 min of observation, we obtain the first direct detection of a previously known companion, at an angular distance of about 40 mas and with a flux ratio of 2.05e-2 \pm 0.16e-2. Due to the limited u,v plane coverage, its position can, however, not be unambiguously determined. Conclusions. After only a few months of operation, PIONIER has already achieved one of the best dynamic ranges world-wide for multi-aperture interferometers. A dynamic range up to about 1:500 is demonstrated, but significant improvements are still required to reach the ultimate goal of directly detecting hot giant extrasolar planets.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Pressure-induced enhancement of superconductivity and superconducting-superconducting transition in CaC_6\_6

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    We measured the electrical resistivity, ϱ(T)\varrho(T), of superconducting CaC_6\_6 at ambient and high pressure up to 16 GPa. For P≤P \leq8 GPa, we found a large increase of T_cT\_c with pressure from 11.5 up to 15.1 K. At 8 GPa, T_cT\_c drops and levels off at 5 K above 10 GPa. Correspondingly, the residual ϱ\varrho increases by ≈\approx 200 times and the ϱ(T)\varrho(T) behavior becomes flat. The recovery of the pristine behavior after depressurization is suggestive of a phase transition at 8 GPa between two superconducting phases with good and bad metallic properties, the latter with a lower T_cT\_c and more static disorder
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