312 research outputs found

    Kelan kuntoutuksen vuonna 2003 päättäneet : Kuntoutujien rekisteriseuranta vuosina 2003–2006

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    Tämän rekisteriselvityksen tavoitteena oli kuvata Kelan kuntoutuksen vuonna 2003 päättäneiden (n = 43 436) työtilannetta ja terveysturvaetuuksia vuosien 2003–2006 lopussa. Kuntoutujien enemmistö oli naisia. Kuntoutukseen hakeutuessaan kuntoutujien keski-ikä oli 45 vuotta. Miehet olivat keskimäärin neljä vuotta nuorempia kuin naiset; miehistä 11 % oli alle 16-vuotiaita ja naisista 4 %. Vaikeavammaisten lääkinnällisessä kuntoutuksessa olleet olivat muita nuorempia. Kuntoutukseen hakeutuessaan kuntoutujista 60 % kuului työvoimaan joko työllisenä (54 %) – naiset useammin kuin miehet – tai työttömänä (6 %). Eläkkeellä oli 17 % ja sairauspäivärahalla 9 %. Päädiagnoosina kuntoutujilla oli yleisimmin tuki- ja liikuntaelinten sairaus (46 %), naisilla useammin kuin miehillä ja vanhemmilla useammin kuin nuorilla. Joka viidennellä (21 %) diagnoosi oli mielenterveyden ja käyttäytymisen häiriö, alle 16-vuotiailla niiden osuus oli 61 %. Työvoimaan kuuluvien osuus kokonaisuutena väheni seuranta-aikana neljä prosenttiyksikköä ja eläkkeellä olevien osuus kasvoi vastaavasti. Ikäluokassa 55–64-vuotiaat työkyvyttömyys- ja vanhuuseläkkeellä olevien osuus kasvoi seuranta-aikana 16 prosenttiyksikköä. Työvoimaan kuuluvien osuus kasvoi ikäluokassa 16–44-vuotiaat. Tätä selittää mm. se, että osa niistä, jotka kuntoutukseen hakeutuessa olivat alle 16-vuotiaita, siirtyi seuranta-aikana työelämään. Lähes viidesosa (17 %) kuntoutukseen hakeutumisen ajankohtana työmarkkinoiden ulkopuolella olleesta ei-aktiivista oli työmarkkinoilla tai työmarkkinoiden käytettävissä vuonna 2006. Ennen kuntoutusta ilmennyt sairauspäivärahakausien kasvu kääntyi kuntoutuksen jälkeen laskuun ja oli vuoden 2006 lopulla samalla tasolla kuin kuntoutusta edeltävinä vuosina. Kaikista kuntoutujista 3 % kuoli seuranta-aikana. Kuntoutujien työtilanteen muotoutumiseen vaikuttavat kuntoutuksen lähtökohdan ja toteutuksen ohella myös monet muut yksilölliset elämäntilanteeseen liittyvät tekijät, kuten iän mukainen eläkkeelle siirtyminen.8,00 euro

    Quantifying neighbourhood socioeconomic effects in clustering of behaviour-related risk factors: a multilevel analysis.

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    The extent to which neighbourhood characteristics explain accumulation of health behaviours is poorly understood. We examined whether neighbourhood disadvantage was associated with co-occurrence of behaviour-related risk factors, and how much of the neighbourhood differences in the co-occurrence can be explained by individual and neighbourhood level covariates

    Centralized repeated resectability assessment of patients with colorectalliver metastases during first-line treatment : prospective study

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    Y Background: Metastasectomy is probably underused in metastatic colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of centralized repeated assessment on resectability rate of liver metastases. Methods: The prospective RAXO study was a nationwide study in Finland. Patients with treatable metastatic colorectal cancer at any site were eligible. This planned substudy included patients with baseline liver metastases between 2012 and 2018. Resectability was reassessed by the multidisciplinary team at Helsinki tertiary referral centre upfront and twice during first-line systemic therapy. Outcomes were resectability rates, management changes, and survival. Results: Of 812 patients included, 301 (37.1 per cent) had liver-only metastases. Of these, tumours were categorized as upfront resectable in 161 (53.5 per cent), and became amenable to surgery during systemic treatment in 63 (20.9 per cent). Some 207 patients (68.7 per cent) eventually underwent liver resection or ablation. At baseline, a discrepancy in resectability between central and local judgement was noted for 102 patients (33.9 per cent). Median disease-free survival (DFS) after first resection was 20 months and overall survival (OS) 79 months. Median OS after diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer was 80, 32, and 21 months in R0-1 resection, R2/ablation, and non-resected groups, and 5-year OS rates were 68, 37, and 9 per cent, respectively. Liver and extrahepatic metastases were present in 511 patients. Of these, tumours in 72 patients (14.1 per cent) were categorized as upfront resectable, and 53 patients (10.4 per cent) became eligible for surgery. Eventually 110 patients (21.5 per cent) underwent liver resection or ablation. At baseline, a discrepancy between local and central resectability was noted for 116 patients (22.7 per cent). Median DFS from first resection was 7 months and median OS 55 months. Median OS after diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer was 79, 42, and 17 months in R0-1 resection, R2/ablation, and non-resected groups, with 5-year OS rates of 65, 39, and 2 per cent, respectively. Conclusion: Repeated centralized resectability assessment in patients with colorectal liver metastases improved resection and survival rates.Peer reviewe

    Treatment response of colorectal cancer liver metastases to neoadjuvant or conversion therapy : a prospective multicentre follow-up study using MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging and H-1-MR spectroscopy compared with histology (subgroup in the RAXO trial)

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    Background: Colorectal cancer liver metastases respond to chemotherapy and targeted agents not only by shrinking, but also by morphologic and metabolic changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods in predicting treatment response and survival. Patients and methods: We investigated contrast-enhanced MRI, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in diffusionweighted imaging and H-1-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in detecting early morphologic and metabolic changes in borderline or resectable liver metastases, as a response to first-line neoadjuvant or conversion therapy in a prospective substudy of the RAXO trial (NCT01531621, EudraCT2011-003158-24). MRI findings were compared with histology of resected liver metastases and KaplaneMeier estimates of overall survival (OS). Results: In 2012-2018, 52 patients at four Finnish university hospitals were recruited. Forty-seven patients received neoadjuvant or conversion chemotherapy and 40 liver resections were carried out. Low ADC values (below median) of the representative liver metastases, at baseline and after systemic therapy, were associated with partial response according to RECIST criteria, but not with morphologic MRI changes or histology. Decreasing ADC values following systemic therapy were associated with improved OS compared to unchanged or increasing ADC, both in the liver resected subgroup (5-year OS rate 100% and 34%, respectively, P = 0.022) and systemic therapy subgroup (5-year OS rate 62% and 23%, P = 0.049). H-1-MRS revealed steatohepatosis induced by systemic therapy. Conclusions: Low ADC values at baseline or during systemic therapy were associated with treatment response by RECIST but not with histology, morphologic or detectable metabolic changes. A decreasing ADC during systemic therapy is associated with improved OS both in all patients receiving systemic therapy and in the resected subgroup.Peer reviewe

    Treatment response of colorectal cancer liver metastases to neoadjuvant or conversion therapy : a prospective multicentre follow-up study using MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging and H-1-MR spectroscopy compared with histology (subgroup in the RAXO trial)

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    Background: Colorectal cancer liver metastases respond to chemotherapy and targeted agents not only by shrinking, but also by morphologic and metabolic changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods in predicting treatment response and survival. Patients and methods: We investigated contrast-enhanced MRI, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in diffusionweighted imaging and H-1-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in detecting early morphologic and metabolic changes in borderline or resectable liver metastases, as a response to first-line neoadjuvant or conversion therapy in a prospective substudy of the RAXO trial (NCT01531621, EudraCT2011-003158-24). MRI findings were compared with histology of resected liver metastases and KaplaneMeier estimates of overall survival (OS). Results: In 2012-2018, 52 patients at four Finnish university hospitals were recruited. Forty-seven patients received neoadjuvant or conversion chemotherapy and 40 liver resections were carried out. Low ADC values (below median) of the representative liver metastases, at baseline and after systemic therapy, were associated with partial response according to RECIST criteria, but not with morphologic MRI changes or histology. Decreasing ADC values following systemic therapy were associated with improved OS compared to unchanged or increasing ADC, both in the liver resected subgroup (5-year OS rate 100% and 34%, respectively, P = 0.022) and systemic therapy subgroup (5-year OS rate 62% and 23%, P = 0.049). H-1-MRS revealed steatohepatosis induced by systemic therapy. Conclusions: Low ADC values at baseline or during systemic therapy were associated with treatment response by RECIST but not with histology, morphologic or detectable metabolic changes. A decreasing ADC during systemic therapy is associated with improved OS both in all patients receiving systemic therapy and in the resected subgroup.Peer reviewe

    Association of IL-4RA single nucleotide polymorphisms, HLA-DR and HLA-DQ in children with Alternaria-sensitive moderate-severe asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Asthma afflicts 6% to 8% of the United States population, and severe asthma represents approximately 10% of asthmatic patients. Several epidemiologic studies in the United States and Europe have linked <it>Alternaria </it>sensitivity to both persistence and severity of asthma. In order to begin to understand genetic risk factors underlying <it>Alternaria </it>sensitivity and asthma, in these studies we examined T cell responses to <it>Alternaria </it>antigens, HLA Class II restriction and HLA-DQ protection in children with severe asthma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty children with <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate-severe asthma were compared to 49 children with <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive mild asthma. We examined HLA-DR and HLA-DQ frequencies in <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive asthmatic by HLA typing. To determine ratios of Th1/Th2 <it>Alternaria</it>-specific T-cells, cultures were stimulated in media alone, <it>Alternaria alternata </it>extract and Alt a1. Sensitivity to IL-4 stimulation was measured by up-regulation of CD23 on B cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Children with <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate-severe asthma trended to have increased sensitivities to <it>Cladosporium </it>(46% versus 35%), to <it>Aspergillus </it>(43% versus 28%), and significantly increased sensitivities to trees (78% versus 57%) and to weeds (68% versus 48%). The IL-4RA ile75val polymorphism was significantly increased in <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate-severe asthmatics, 83% (0.627 allele frequency) compared to <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive mild asthmatics, 57% (0.388 allele frequency). This was associated with increased sensitivity to IL-4 stimulation measured by significantly increased IL-4 stimulated CD23 expression on CD19+ and CD86+CD19+ B cells of <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate-severe asthmatics. IL-5 and IL-13 synthesis was significantly increased in <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate-severe asthmatics compared to mild asthmatics to <it>Alternaria </it>extract and Alt a1 stimulation. The frequency of HLA-DQB1*03 allele was significantly decreased in <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate-severe asthmatics compared to mild asthmatics, 39% versus 63%, with significantly decreased allele frequency, 0.220 versus 0.398.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>In children with <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate severe asthma, there was an increased Th2 response to <it>Alternaria </it>stimulation and increased sensitivity to IL-4 stimulation. This skewing towards a Th2 response was associated with an increased frequency of the IL-4RA ile75val polymorphism. In evaluating the HLA association, there was a decreased frequency of HLA-DQB1*03 in <it>Alternaria</it>-sensitive moderate severe asthmatic children consistent with previous studies suggest that HLA-DQB1*03 may be protective against the development of mold-sensitive severe asthma.</p

    Maternal and child cytokine relationship in early life is not altered by cytokine gene polymorphisms

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    The development of immune responses is influenced by the interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Our previous study showed a close association between maternal and young infant’s cytokine responses. The question is how this association evolves over time and the contribution of genetic polymorphisms to this association. Five cytokines in mitogen-stimulated whole blood culture were measured from pregnant mothers and their children aged 2, 5, 12, 24 and 48 months. Cytokine gene polymorphisms were determined in both mothers and children. High production of maternal interleukin (IL)-10, tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) was significantly associated with higher levels of the corresponding cytokines in their children at 2 months (T2), but the association decreased over time. Maternal single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in IFN-γ gene, rs3181032, was found to be associated with child’s IFN-γ levels at T2 only, whereas maternal IL-10 rs4579758 and child’s TNF-α rs13215091 were associated with child’s corresponding cytokines at later ages but not at T2. In the final models including the gene polymorphisms, maternal cytokines were still the strongest determinant of child cytokines. Maternal cytokine during pregnancy, which could be a proxy for child’s environmental factors, showed its highest impact at early age, with no or little influence from genetic factors

    Centralized repeated resectability assessment of patients with colorectalliver metastases during first-line treatment: prospective study

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    Background: Metastasectomy is probably underused in metastatic colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of centralized repeated assessment on resectability rate of liver metastases.Methods: The prospective RAXO study was a nationwide study in Finland. Patients with treatable metastatic colorectal cancer at any site were eligible. This planned substudy included patients with baseline liver metastases between 2012 and 2018. Resectability was reassessed by the multidisciplinary team at Helsinki tertiary referral centre upfront and twice during first-line systemic therapy. Outcomes were resectability rates, management changes, and survival.Results: Of 812 patients included, 301 (37.1 per cent) had liver-only metastases. Of these, tumours were categorized as upfront resectable in 161 (53.5 per cent), and became amenable to surgery during systemic treatment in 63 (20.9 per cent). Some 207 patients (68.7 per cent) eventually underwent liver resection or ablation. At baseline, a discrepancy in resectability between central and local judgement was noted for 102 patients (33.9 per cent). Median disease-free survival (DFS) after first resection was 20 months and overall survival (OS) 79 months. Median OS after diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer was 80, 32, and 21 months in R0-1 resection, R2/ablation, and non-resected groups, and 5-year OS rates were 68, 37, and 9 per cent, respectively. Liver and extrahepatic metastases were present in 511 patients. Of these, tumours in 72 patients (14.1 per cent) were categorized as upfront resectable, and 53 patients (10.4 per cent) became eligible for surgery. Eventually 110 patients (21.5 per cent) underwent liver resection or ablation. At baseline, a discrepancy between local and central resectability was noted for 116 patients (22.7 per cent). Median DFS from first resection was 7 months and median OS 55 months. Median OS after diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer was 79, 42, and 17 months in R0-1 resection, R2/ablation, and non-resected groups, with 5-year OS rates of 65, 39, and 2 per cent, respectively.Conclusion: Repeated centralized resectability assessment in patients with colorectal liver metastases improved resection and survival rates.</p

    An agenda for rethinking mid-career master programs in public administration

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    The pace of societal change and the development of societal challenges have speeded up considerably during the last couple of decades, with substantial impact on different levels, i.e. ranging from global to local, or from business to government. When focusing on the public domain, these changes and challenges have had a major impact on public professionals, who face different and frequently changing questions. Mid-career programs in Public Administration (MPA) have the mission to support enrolled professionals in dealing with these changes and challenges. This article is about the development of such MPAs. Both substantive and didactic development is needed. To counter institutional inertia it seems vital to institutionalize a regular rethinking and adaptation of curricula and didactic strategies. This article identified some important points of attention and some options to deal with these in order to continuously improve the contribution of MPA programs to relevant and effective professional development and ongoing professional learning