480 research outputs found

    Multi-Prover Commitments Against Non-Signaling Attacks

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    We reconsider the concept of multi-prover commitments, as introduced in the late eighties in the seminal work by Ben-Or et al. As was recently shown by Cr\'{e}peau et al., the security of known two-prover commitment schemes not only relies on the explicit assumption that the provers cannot communicate, but also depends on their information processing capabilities. For instance, there exist schemes that are secure against classical provers but insecure if the provers have quantum information processing capabilities, and there are schemes that resist such quantum attacks but become insecure when considering general so-called non-signaling provers, which are restricted solely by the requirement that no communication takes place. This poses the natural question whether there exists a two-prover commitment scheme that is secure under the sole assumption that no communication takes place; no such scheme is known. In this work, we give strong evidence for a negative answer: we show that any single-round two-prover commitment scheme can be broken by a non-signaling attack. Our negative result is as bad as it can get: for any candidate scheme that is (almost) perfectly hiding, there exists a strategy that allows the dishonest provers to open a commitment to an arbitrary bit (almost) as successfully as the honest provers can open an honestly prepared commitment, i.e., with probability (almost) 1 in case of a perfectly sound scheme. In the case of multi-round schemes, our impossibility result is restricted to perfectly hiding schemes. On the positive side, we show that the impossibility result can be circumvented by considering three provers instead: there exists a three-prover commitment scheme that is secure against arbitrary non-signaling attacks

    Prop-fan data support study

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    Updated parametric prop-fan data packages are presented and the rationale used in developing the new prop-fan data is detailed. These data represent Hamilton Standard's projections of prop-fan characteristics for aircraft that are expected to be in-service in the 1985 to 1990 time frame. The basic prop-fan configuration was designed for efficient cruise operation at 0.8 Mach number and 10,668M altitude. The design blade tip speed is 244 mps and the design power loading is 301 KW/M squared

    Perbandingan Pendapatan USAhatani Campuran Berdasarkan Pengelompokan Jenis Tanaman

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    The objective of research is to compare how much the average income per hectare of farms mixture by grouping types of plants in the Airmadidi Bawah Village. This research was conducted in the Airmadidi Bawah urban village for 3 months, from September to November 2015 with the method of data collection by using primary data. Samples taken were 15 for each farming mix using cluster random sampling technique. To determine the ratio mix used farm income analysis tool SPSS by using t-test. The results showed that there were significant differences between 1st mixed farming with 2nd mixed farming; the average income per hectare of 1st mixed farming Rp. 35.921.389,- was higher than the average income per hectare of 2nd mixed farming Rp. 30.430.699,- Results of testing the hypothesis 1st mixed farming and 2nd mixed farming shows the t-test (4.910) > t-table (1,761). From the test results, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, it means that there are differences in the average income per hectare of the 1st mixed farming and 2nd mixed farming.jnk

    A Modeling Study on How Cell Division Affects Properties of Epithelial Tissues Under Isotropic Growth

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    Cell proliferation affects both cellular geometry and topology in a growing tissue, and hence rules for cell division are key to understanding multicellular development. Epithelial cell layers have for long times been used to investigate how cell proliferation leads to tissue-scale properties, including organism-independent distributions of cell areas and number of neighbors. We use a cell-based two-dimensional tissue growth model including mechanics to investigate how different cell division rules result in different statistical properties of the cells at the tissue level. We focus on isotropic growth and division rules suggested for plant cells, and compare the models with data from the Arabidopsis shoot. We find that several division rules can lead to the correct distribution of number of neighbors, as seen in recent studies. In addition we find that when also geometrical properties are taken into account other constraints on the cell division rules result. We find that division rules acting in favor of equally sized and symmetrically shaped daughter cells can best describe the statistical tissue properties

    Entity linking of tweets based on dominant entity candidates

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature. Entity linking, also known as semantic annotation, of textual content has received increasing attention. Recent works in this area have focused on entity linking on text with special characteristics such as search queries and tweets. The semantic annotation of tweets is specially proven to be challenging given the informal nature of the writing and the short length of the text. In this paper, we propose a method to perform entity linking on tweets built based on one primary hypothesis. We hypothesize that while there are formally many possible entity candidates for an ambiguous mention in a tweet, as listed on the disambiguation page of the corresponding entity on Wikipedia, there are only few entity candidates that are likely to be employed in the context of Twitter. Based on this hypothesis, we propose a method to identify such dominant entity candidates for each ambiguous mention and use them in the annotation process. Particularly, our proposed work integrates two phases (i) dominant entity candidate detection, which applies community detection methods for finding the dominant candidates of ambiguous mentions; and (ii) named entity disambiguation that links a tweet to entities in Wikipedia by only considering the identified dominant entity candidates. Our investigations show that: (1) there are only very few entity candidates for each ambiguous mention in a tweet that need to be considered when performing disambiguation. This helps us limit the candidate search space and hence noticeably reduce the entity linking time; (2) limiting the search space to only a subset of disambiguation options will not only improve entity linking execution time but will also lead to improved accuracy of the entity linking process when the main entity candidates of each mention are mined from a temporally aligned corpus. We show that our proposed method offers competitive results with the state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision and recall on widely used gold standard datasets while significantly reducing the time for processing each tweet

    Gene Function Classification Using Bayesian Models with Hierarchy-Based Priors

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    We investigate the application of hierarchical classification schemes to the annotation of gene function based on several characteristics of protein sequences including phylogenic descriptors, sequence based attributes, and predicted secondary structure. We discuss three Bayesian models and compare their performance in terms of predictive accuracy. These models are the ordinary multinomial logit (MNL) model, a hierarchical model based on a set of nested MNL models, and a MNL model with a prior that introduces correlations between the parameters for classes that are nearby in the hierarchy. We also provide a new scheme for combining different sources of information. We use these models to predict the functional class of Open Reading Frames (ORFs) from the E. coli genome. The results from all three models show substantial improvement over previous methods, which were based on the C5 algorithm. The MNL model using a prior based on the hierarchy outperforms both the non-hierarchical MNL model and the nested MNL model. In contrast to previous attempts at combining these sources of information, our approach results in a higher accuracy rate when compared to models that use each data source alone. Together, these results show that gene function can be predicted with higher accuracy than previously achieved, using Bayesian models that incorporate suitable prior information

    Transcriptional landscape of the human and fly genomes: Nonlinear and multifunctional modular model of transcriptomes

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    Regions of the genome not coding for proteins or not involved in cis-acting regulatory activities are frequently viewed as lacking in functional value. However, a number of recent large-scale studies have revealed significant regulated transcription of unannotated portions of a variety of plant and animal genomes, allowing a new appreciation of the widespread transcription of large portions of the genome. High-resolution mapping of the sites of transcription of the human and fly genomes has provided an alternative picture of the extent and organization of transcription and has offered insights for biological functions of some of the newly identified unannotated transcripts. Considerable portions of the unannotated transcription observed are developmental or cell-type-specific parts of protein-coding transcripts, often serving as novel, alternative 5′ transcriptional start sites. These distal 5′ portions are often situated at significant distances from the annotated gene and alternatively join with or ignore portions of other intervening genes to comprise novel unannotated protein-coding transcripts. These data support an interlaced model of the genome in which many regions serve multifunctional purposes and are highly modular in their utilization. This model illustrates the underappreciated organizational complexity of the genome and one of the functional roles of transcription from unannotated portions of the genome. Copyright 2006, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press © 2006 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

    Computational Indistinguishability between Quantum States and Its Cryptographic Application

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    We introduce a computational problem of distinguishing between two specific quantum states as a new cryptographic problem to design a quantum cryptographic scheme that is "secure" against any polynomial-time quantum adversary. Our problem, QSCDff, is to distinguish between two types of random coset states with a hidden permutation over the symmetric group of finite degree. This naturally generalizes the commonly-used distinction problem between two probability distributions in computational cryptography. As our major contribution, we show that QSCDff has three properties of cryptographic interest: (i) QSCDff has a trapdoor; (ii) the average-case hardness of QSCDff coincides with its worst-case hardness; and (iii) QSCDff is computationally at least as hard as the graph automorphism problem in the worst case. These cryptographic properties enable us to construct a quantum public-key cryptosystem, which is likely to withstand any chosen plaintext attack of a polynomial-time quantum adversary. We further discuss a generalization of QSCDff, called QSCDcyc, and introduce a multi-bit encryption scheme that relies on similar cryptographic properties of QSCDcyc.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. We improved presentation, and added more detail proofs and follow-up of recent wor

    Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization

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    The automated categorization (or classification) of texts into predefined categories has witnessed a booming interest in the last ten years, due to the increased availability of documents in digital form and the ensuing need to organize them. In the research community the dominant approach to this problem is based on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of preclassified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The advantages of this approach over the knowledge engineering approach (consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts) are a very good effectiveness, considerable savings in terms of expert manpower, and straightforward portability to different domains. This survey discusses the main approaches to text categorization that fall within the machine learning paradigm. We will discuss in detail issues pertaining to three different problems, namely document representation, classifier construction, and classifier evaluation.Comment: Accepted for publication on ACM Computing Survey
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