66 research outputs found

    Fat perception in the human frontal operculum, insular and somatosensory cortex

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    Here, we combined magnetic resonance imaging with lesion-symptom mapping in patients with chronic brain lesions to investigate brain representations of sugar and fat perception. Patients and healthy controls rated chocolate milkshakes that only differed in sugar or fat content. As compared to controls, patients showed an impaired fat, but not sugar perception. Impairments in fat perception overlapped with the anterior insula and frontal operculum, together assumed to underpin gustatory processing. We also identified the mid-dorsal insula as well as the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex - regions previously assumed to integrate oral-sensory inputs. These findings suggest that fat perception involves a specific set of brain regions that were previously reported to underpin gustatory processing and oral-sensory integration processes

    Development of a selftriggered high counting rate ASIC for readout of 2D gas microstrip neutron detectors

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    In the frame of the DETNI project a 32-channel ASIC suitable for readout of a novel 2D thermal neutron detector based on a hybrid low-pressure Micro-Strip Gas Chamber with solid 157Gd converter has been developed. Each channel delivers position information, a fast time stamp of 2 ns resolution and the signal amplitude (called energy below). The time stamp is used for correlating the signals from X and Y strips while the amplitude is used for finding the center of gravity of a cluster of strips. The timing and energy information are stored in derandomizing buffers and read out via token ring architecture

    n-XYTER: A CMOS read-out ASIC for a new generation of high rate multichannel counting mode neutron detectors

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    For a new generation of 2-D neutron detectors developed in the framework of the EU NMI3 project DETNI [1], the 128-channel frontend chip n-XYTER has been designed. To facilitate the reconstruction of single neutron incidence points, the chip has to provide a spatial coordinate (represented by the channel number), as well as time stamp and amplitude information to match the data of x- and y-coordinates. While the random nature of the input signals calls for self-triggered operation of the chip, on-chip derandomisation and sparsi cation is required to exploit the enormous rate capability of these detectors ( 4 106cm2s1). The chosen architecture implements a preampli er driving two shapers with di erent time constants per channel. The faster shaper drives a single-pulse discriminator with subsequent time-walk compensation. The output of this circuit is used to latch a 14-bit time stamp with a 2 ns resolution and to enable a peak detector circuit fed by the slower shaper branch. The analogue output of the peak detector as well as the time stamp are stored in a 4-stage FIFO for derandomisation. The readout of these FIFOs is accomplished by a token-ring based multiplexer working at 32 MHz, which accounts for further derandomisation, sparsi cation and dynamic bandwidth distribution. The chip was submitted for manufacturing in AMS's C35B4M3 0.35µm CMOS technology in June 2006

    Silicon strip detectors for two-dimensional soft X-ray imaging at normal incidence

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    A simple prototype system for static two-dimensional soft X-ray imaging using silicon microstrip detectors irradiated at normal incidence is presented. Radiation sensors consist of single-sided silicon detectors made from 300 mum thick wafers, read by RX64 ASICs. Data acquisition and control is performed by a Windows PC workstation running dedicated LabVIEW routines, connected to the sensors through a PCI-DIO-96 interface. Two-dimensional images are obtained by scanning a lead collimator with a thin slit perpendicular to the strip axis, along the whole detector size; the several strip profiles (slices) taken at each position are then put together to form a planar image. Preliminary results are presented, illustrating the high-resolution imaging capabilities of the system with soft X-rays. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using FTIR measurements of stratospheric composition to identify midlatitude polar vortex intrusions over Toronto

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    Publisher's Version/PDFUsing 11 years of trace gas measurements made at the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory (43.66&deg;N, 79.40&deg;W) and Environment Canada&rsquo;s Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (44.23&deg;N, 79.78&deg;W), along with derived meteorological products, we identify a number of polar intrusion events, which are excursions of the polar vortex or filaments from the polar vortex extending down to midlatitudes. These events are characterized by enhanced stratospheric columns (12&ndash;50 km) of hydrogen fluoride (HF), by diminished stratospheric columns of nitrous oxide (N2O), and by a scaled potential vorticity above 1.2 &times;10-4s-1.The events comprise 16% of winter/spring (November to April inclusive) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic measurements from January 2002 to March 2013, and we find at least two events per year. The events are corroborated by Mod&egrave;le Isentrope du transport M&eacute;so-&eacute;chelle de l&rsquo;Ozone Stratosph&eacute;rique par Advection, Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications potential vorticity maps, and Global Modeling Initiative N2O maps. During polar intrusion events, the stratospheric ozone (O3) columns over Toronto are usually greater than when there is no event. Our O3 measurements agree with the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System satellite instrument and are further verified with the Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer and Ozone Monitoring Instrument satellite observations. We find six cases out of 53 for which chemical O3 depletion within the polar vortex led to a reduction in stratospheric O3 columns over Toronto. We have thus identified a dynamical cause for most of the winter/spring variability of stratospheric trace gas columns observed at our midlatitude site. While there have been a number of prior polar intrusion studies, this is the first study to report in the context of 11 years of ground-based FTIR column measurements, providing insight into the frequency of midlatitude polar vortex intrusions and observations of upper stratospheric (25&ndash;50 km) intrusions. It is also the first to present HF measurements during multiple polar intrusions, which provided an excellent tracer for their identification.</p

    Comparisons between SCIAMACHY and ground-based FTIR data for total columns of CO, CHâ‚„, COâ‚‚ and Nâ‚‚O

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    Total column amounts of CO, CH4, CO2 and N2O retrieved from SCIAMACHY nadir observations in ist near-infrared channels have been compared to data from a ground-based quasi-global network of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers. The SCIAMACHY data considered here have been produced by three different retrieval algorithms, WFM-DOAS (version 0.5 for CO and CH4 and version 0.4 for CO2 and N2O), IMAP-DOAS (version 1.1 and 0.9 (for CO)) and IMLM (version 6.3) and cover the January to December 2003 time period. Comparisons have been made for individual data, as well as for monthly averages. To maximize the number of reliable coincidences that satisfy the temporal and spatial collocation criteria, the SCIAMACHY data have been compared with a temporal 3rd order polynomial interpolation of the ground-based data. Particular attention has been given to the question whether SCIAMACHY observes correctly the seasonal and latitudinal variability of the target species. The present results indicate that the individual SCIAMACHY data obtained with the actual versions of the algorithms have been significantly improved, but that the quality requirements, for estimating emissions on regional scales, are not yet met. Nevertheless, possible directions for further algorithm upgrades have been identified which should result in more reliable data products in a near future

    Overview of IFMIF-DONES diagnostics: Requirements and techniques

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    The IFMIF-DONES Facility is a unique first-class scientific infrastructure whose construction is foreseen in Granada, Spain, in the coming years. Strong integration efforts are being made at the current project phase aiming at harmonizing the ongoing design of the different and complex Systems of the facility. The consolidation of the Diagnostics and Instrumentation, transversal across many of them, is a key element of this purpose. A top-down strategy is proposed for a systematic Diagnostics Review and Requirement definition, putting emphasis in the one-of-a-kind instruments necessary by the operational particularities of some of the Systems, as well as to the harsh environment that they shall survive. In addition, other transversal aspects such as the ones related to Safety and Machine Protection and their respective requirements shall be also considered. The goal is therefore to advance further and solidly in the respective designs, identify problems in advance, and steer the Diagnostics development and validation campaigns that will be required. The present work provides an overview of this integration strategy as well as a description of some of the most challenging Diagnostics and Instruments within the facility, including several proposed techniques currently under study

    (Photo)physical properties of new molecular glasses end-capped with thiophene rings composed of diimide and imine units

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    New symmetrical arylene bisimide derivatives formed by using electron-donating-electron-accepting systems were synthesized. They consist of a phthalic diimide or naphthalenediimide core and imine linkages and are end-capped with thiophene, bithiophene, and (ethylenedioxy)thiophene units. Moreover, polymers were obtained from a new diamine, N,N′-bis(5- aminonaphthalenyl)naphthalene-1,4,5,8-dicarboximide and 2,5- thiophenedicarboxaldehyde or 2,2′-bithiophene-5,5′-dicarboxaldehyde. The prepared azomethine diimides exhibited glass-forming properties. The obtained compounds emitted blue light with the emission maximum at 470 nm. The value of the absorption coefficient was determined as a function of the photon energy using spectroscopic ellipsometry. All compounds are electrochemically active and undergo reversible electrochemical reduction and irreversible oxidation processes as was found in cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) studies. They exhibited a low electrochemically (DPV) calculated energy band gap (Eg) from 1.14 to 1.70 eV. The highest occupied molecular orbital and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital levels and Eg were additionally calculated theoretically by density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. The photovoltaic properties of two model compounds as the active layer in organic solar cells in the configuration indium tin oxide/poly(3,4-(ethylenedioxy)thiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate)/active layer/Al under an illumination of 1.3 mW/cm2 were studied. The device comprising poly(3-hexylthiophene) with the compound end-capped with bithiophene rings showed the highest value of Voc (above 1 V). The conversion efficiency of the fabricated solar cell was in the range of 0.69-0.90%
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