10,816 research outputs found

    Improved determination of the atmospheric parameters of the pulsating sdB star Feige 48

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    As part of a multifaceted effort to exploit better the asteroseismological potential of the pulsating sdB star Feige 48, we present an improved spectroscopic analysis of that star based on new grids of NLTE, fully line-blanketed model atmospheres. To that end, we gathered four high S/N time-averaged optical spectra of varying spectral resolution from 1.0 \AA\ to 8.7 \AA, and we made use of the results of four independent studies to fix the abundances of the most important metals in the atmosphere of Feige 48. The mean atmospheric parameters we obtained from our four spectra of Feige 48 are : Teff= 29,850 ±\pm 60 K, log gg = 5.46 ±\pm 0.01, and log N(He)/N(H) = −-2.88 ±\pm 0.02. We also modeled for the first time the He II line at 1640 \AA\ from the STIS archive spectrum of the star and we found with this line an effective temperature and a surface gravity that match well the values obtained with the optical data. With some fine tuning of the abundances of the metals visible in the optical domain we were able to achieve a very good agreement between our best available spectrum and our best-fitting synthetic one. Our derived atmospheric parameters for Feige 48 are in rather good agreement with previous estimates based on less sophisticated models. This underlines the relatively small effects of the NLTE approach combined with line blanketing in the atmosphere of this particular star, implying that the current estimates of the atmospheric parameters of Feige 48 are reliable and secure.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, April 201

    Pulsation in carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs: A new chapter in white dwarf asteroseismology

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    We present some of the results of a survey aimed at exploring the asteroseismological potential of the newly-discovered carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs. We show that, in certains regions of parameter space, carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs may drive low-order gravity modes. We demonstrate that our theoretical results are consistent with the recent exciting discovery of luminosity variations in SDSS J1426+5752 and some null results obtained by a team of scientists at McDonald Observatory. We also present follow-up photometric observations carried out by ourselves at the Mount Bigelow 1.6-m telescope using the new Mont4K camera. The results of follow-up spectroscopic observations at the MMT are also briefly reported, including the surprising discovery that SDSS J1426+5752 is not only a pulsating star but that it is also a magnetic white dwarf with a surface field near 1.2 MG. The discovery of gg-mode pulsations in SDSS J1426+5752 is quite significant in itself as it opens a fourth asteroseismological "window", after the GW Vir, V777 Her, and ZZ Ceti families, through which one may study white dwarfs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    A NLTE model atmosphere analysis of the pulsating sdO star SDSS J1600+0748

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    We started a program to construct several grids of suitable model atmospheres and synthetic spectra for hot subdwarf O stars computed, for comparative purposes, in LTE, NLTE, with and without metals. For the moment, we use our grids to perform fits on our spectrum of SDSS J160043.6+074802.9 (J1600+0748 for short), this unique pulsating sdO star. Our best fit is currently obtained with NLTE model atmospheres including carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in solar abundances, which leads to the following parameters for SDSS J1600+0748 : Teff = 69 060 +/- 2080 K, log g = 6.00 +/- 0.09 and log N(He)/N(H) = -0.61 +/- 0.06. Improvements are needed, however, particularly for fitting the available He II lines. It is hoped that the inclusion of Fe will help remedy the situation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Astrophysics and Space Science (24/02/2010), Special issue Hot sudbwarf star

    Follow-up Observations of the Second and Third Known Pulsating Hot DQ White Dwarfs

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    We present follow-up time-series photometric observations that confirm and extend the results of the significant discovery made by Barlow et al.(2008) that the Hot DQ white dwarfs SDSS J220029.08-074121.5 and SDSS J234843.30-094245.3 are luminosity variable. These are the second and third known members of a new class of pulsating white dwarfs, after the prototype SDSS J142625.71+575218.3 (Montgomery et al. 2008). We find that the light curve of SDSS J220029.08-074121.5 is dominated by an oscillation at 654.397+-0.056 s, and that the light pulse folded on that period is highly nonlinear due to the presence of the first and second harmonic of the main pulsation. We also present evidence for the possible detection of two additional pulsation modes with low amplitudes and periods of 577.576+-0.226 s and 254.732+-0.048 s in that star. Likewise, we find that the light curve of SDSS J234843.30-094245.3 is dominated by a pulsation with a period of 1044.168+-0.012 s, but with no sign of harmonic components. A new oscillation, with a low amplitude and a period of 416.919+-0.004 s, is also probably detected in that second star. We argue, on the basis of the very different folded pulse shapes, that SDSS J220029.08-074121.5 is likely magnetic, while SDSS J234843.30-094245.3 is probably not.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Radiative levitation: a likely explanation for pulsations in the unique hot O subdwarf star SDSS J160043.6+074802.9

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    Context. SDSS J160043.6+074802.9 (J1600+0748 for short) is the only hot sdO star for which unambiguous multiperiodic luminosity variations have been reported so far. These rapid variations, with periods in the range from ~60 s to ~120 s, are best qualitatively explained in terms of pulsational instabilities, but the exact nature of the driving mechanism has remained a puzzle. Aims. Our primary goal is to examine quantitatively how pulsation modes can be excited in an object such as J1600+0748. Given the failure of uniform-metallicity models as well documented in the recent Ph.D. thesis of C. Rodríguez-López, we consider the effects of radiative levitation on iron as a means to boost the efficiency of the opacity-driving mechanism in models of J1600+0748. Methods. We combine high sensitivity time-averaged optical spectroscopy and full nonadiabatic calculations to carry out our study. In the first instance, this is used to estimate the location of J1600+0748 in the log g−Teffg-T_{\rm eff} plane. Given this essential input, we pulsate stellar models consistent with these atmospheric parameters. We construct both uniform-metallicity models and structures in which the iron abundance is specified by the condition of diffusive equilibrium between gravitational settling and radiative levitation. Results. On the basis of NTLE H/He synthetic spectra, we find that the target star has the following atmospheric parameters: log g = 5.93 ±\pm 0.11, TeffT_{\rm eff} = 71 070 ±\pm 2725 K, and log N(He)/N(H) = -0.85 ±\pm 0.08. This takes into account our deconvolution of the spectrum of J1600+0748 as it is polluted by the light of a main sequence companion. We confirm that uniform-metallicity stellar models with Z in the range from 0.02 to 0.10 cannot excite pulsation modes of the kind observed. On the other hand, we find that the inclusion of radiative levitation, as we implemented it, leads to pulsational instabilities in a period range that overlaps with, although it is narrower than, the observed range in J1600+0748. The excited modes correspond to low-order, low-degree p-modes. Conclusions. We infer that radiative levitation is a likely essential ingredient in the excitation physics at work in J1600+0748

    Follow-up Studies of the Pulsating Magnetic White Dwarf SDSS J142625.71+575218.3

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    We present a follow-up analysis of the unique magnetic luminosity-variable carbon-atmosphere white dwarf SDSS J142625.71+575218.3. This includes the results of some 106.4 h of integrated light photometry which have revealed, among other things, the presence of a new periodicity at 319.720 s which is not harmonically related to the dominant oscillation (417.707 s) previously known in that star. Using our photometry and available spectroscopy, we consider the suggestion made by Montgomery et al. (2008) that the luminosity variations in SDSS J142625.71+575218.3 may not be caused by pulsational instabilities, but rather by photometric activity in a carbon-transferring analog of AM CVn. This includes a detailed search for possible radial velocity variations due to rapid orbital motion on the basis of MMT spectroscopy. At the end of the exercise, we unequivocally rule out the interacting binary hypothesis and conclude instead that, indeed, the luminosity variations are caused by g-mode pulsations as in other pulsating white dwarfs. This is in line with the preferred possibility put forward by Montgomery et al. (2008).Comment: 11 pages in emulateApJ, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On The Evolution of Magnetic White Dwarfs

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    We present the first radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of the atmosphere of white dwarf stars. We demonstrate that convective energy transfer is seriously impeded by magnetic fields when the plasma-beta parameter, the thermal to magnetic pressure ratio, becomes smaller than unity. The critical field strength that inhibits convection in the photosphere of white dwarfs is in the range B = 1-50 kG, which is much smaller than the typical 1-1000 MG field strengths observed in magnetic white dwarfs, implying that these objects have radiative atmospheres. We have then employed evolutionary models to study the cooling process of high-field magnetic white dwarfs, where convection is entirely suppressed during the full evolution (B > 10 MG). We find that the inhibition of convection has no effect on cooling rates until the effective temperature (Teff) reaches a value of around 5500 K. In this regime, the standard convective sequences start to deviate from the ones without convection owing to the convective coupling between the outer layers and the degenerate reservoir of thermal energy. Since no magnetic white dwarfs are currently known at the low temperatures where this coupling significantly changes the evolution, effects of magnetism on cooling rates are not expected to be observed. This result contrasts with a recent suggestion that magnetic white dwarfs with Teff < 10,000 K cool significantly slower than non-magnetic degenerates.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On a Conjecture of Rapoport and Zink

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    In their book Rapoport and Zink constructed rigid analytic period spaces FwaF^{wa} for Fontaine's filtered isocrystals, and period morphisms from PEL moduli spaces of pp-divisible groups to some of these period spaces. They conjectured the existence of an \'etale bijective morphism Fa→FwaF^a \to F^{wa} of rigid analytic spaces and of a universal local system of QpQ_p-vector spaces on FaF^a. For Hodge-Tate weights n−1n-1 and nn we construct in this article an intrinsic Berkovich open subspace F0F^0 of FwaF^{wa} and the universal local system on F0F^0. We conjecture that the rigid-analytic space associated with F0F^0 is the maximal possible FaF^a, and that F0F^0 is connected. We give evidence for these conjectures and we show that for those period spaces possessing PEL period morphisms, F0F^0 equals the image of the period morphism. Then our local system is the rational Tate module of the universal pp-divisible group and enjoys additional functoriality properties. We show that only in exceptional cases F0F^0 equals all of FwaF^{wa} and when the Shimura group is GLnGL_n we determine all these cases.Comment: v2: 48 pages; many new results added, v3: final version that will appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    Multiwavelength Observations of the Hot DB Star PG 0112+104

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    We present a comprehensive multiwavelength analysis of the hot DB white dwarf PG 0112+104. Our analysis relies on newly-acquired FUSE observations, on medium-resolution FOS and GHRS data, on archival high-resolution GHRS observations, on optical spectrophotometry both in the blue and around Halpha, as well as on time-resolved photometry. From the optical data, we derive a self-consistent effective temperature of 31,300+-500 K, a surface gravity of log g = 7.8 +- 0.1 (M=0.52 Msun), and a hydrogen abundance of log N(H)/N(He) < -4.0. The FUSE spectra reveal the presence of CII and CIII lines that complement the previous detection of CII transitions with the GHRS. The improved carbon abundance in this hot object is log N(C)/N(He) = -6.15 +- 0.23. No photospheric features associated with other heavy elements are detected. We reconsider the role of PG 0112+104 in the definition of the blue edge of the V777 Her instability strip in light of our high-speed photometry, and contrast our results with those of previous observations carried out at the McDonald Observatory.Comment: 10 pages in emulateapj, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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