47 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Pupuk Organik, NPK, Dan Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Bawang Merah

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    Efektivitas pengelolaan pupuk organik, NPK, dan pupuk hayati pada budidaya bawang merah telah diteliti pada tanah Alluvial lahan bekas sawah, di Cirebon-Jawa Barat. Tujuannya untuk menetapkan dosis pupuk organik, pupuk NPK, dan pupuk hayati yang efektif untuk peningkatan hasil bawang merah, serta dapat menurunkan besaran emisi GRK (CO). Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan April sampai Agustus 2014 menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah dan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Petak utama adalah dua varietas bawang merah (A), terdiri atas : a1= varietas Bima dan a2= varietas Mentes. Anak petak adalah pengelolaan pupuk (B), meliputi : b1= 1 dosis NPK rekomendasi, b2= 1 dosis NPK rekomendasi + 100 kg/ha NPK Mutiara, b3= 1 dosis NPK rekomendasi + pupuk organik, b4= 1 dosis NPK rekomendasi + pupuk organik + pupuk hayati (Biotricho), b5= ½ dosis NPK rekomendasi + pupuk organik, dan b6= ½ dosis NPK rekomendasi + pupuk organik + pupuk hayati. Hasilnya menunjukkan tidak terjadi interaksi antara varietas dan pengelolaan pupuk tersebut terhadap pertumbuhan, serapan hara NPK, dan hasil umbi bawang merah pada tanah Alluvial.Varietas Bima menghasilkan pertumbuhan, serapan hara NPK, dan hasil umbi bawang merah yang lebih tinggi dan lebih baik dibandingkan varietas Mentes. Pengurangan dosis pupuk NPK sampai 50% rekomendasi dengan disertai pemberian pupuk organik/pupuk hayati tidak mengurangi pertumbuhan tanaman, serapan hara NPK, dan hasil umbi bawang merah pada tanah Alluvial. Kombinasi perlakuan varietas Bima dengan pemberian NPK dosis rekomendasi + pupuk organik (Petroganik) menghasilkan bobot umbi segar paling tinggi setara 29,20 t/ha, sedangkan hasil bobot umbi kering bawang merah paling tinggi (setara 14,62 t/ha) diperoleh pada varietas Bima dengan pemberian NPK ½ dosis rekomendasi + pupuk organik (Petroganik) yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan lainnya dan mampu menurunkan besaran fluks CO2(> 25 %) selama perkembangan tanaman di lapangan. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan organik dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk anorganik (NPK) yang sejalan dengan prinsip pertanian berkelanjutan tanpa mengurangi produktivitas hasil bawang merah

    Efektivitas Pupuk Hayati Unggulan Nasional Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Bawang Merah (Effectivities Trial of National Biofertilizers on Growth and Yield of Shallot)

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    Penggunaan pupuk hayati merupakan salah satu cara pengelolaan hara ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi input pupuk in-organik, meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas hasil, serta melestarikan kesuburan tanah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pupuk hayati unggulan nasional (PHUN) paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil umbi bawang merah di tanah Alluvial. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok, dengan 4 ulangan dan 11 perlakuan pengelolaan hara, yaitu kontrol (tanpa pemupukan), pemupukan rekomendasi (2 ton/ha pupuk organik/kompos, 300 kg/ha Urea + 300 kg/ha ZA, 300 kg/ha SP-36, 200 kg/ha KCl), dan 9 PHUN (Beyonic+, Biotrico, PROBIO-New, Super-BIOST, Bio-SRF, Bion-UP, Bio-Padjar, Agrifit, dan BIOPF) dikombinasikan dengan½ pemupukan rekomendasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian PHUN + ½ dosis NPK rekomendasi pada bawang merah di lahan Aluvial (ketersediaan P & K tinggi) dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman, serapan N&K, serta hasil umbi bawang, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan pemupukan dosis rekomendasi. Perlakuan PHUN - Biotrico, Beyonic+, PROBIO-New dan BioPF mempunyai efektivitas lebih baik terhadap parameter tanaman tersebut dibandingkan jenis PHUN lainnya. Selanjutnya disarankan uji lanjutan PHUN pada tanah Aluvial yang subur (P & K tinggi) secara parsial tanpa dikombinasikan dengan pupuk NPK dan pemberian pupuk oranik.KeywordsAllium ascalonicum; NPK; PHUN; Serapan hara NPK; Hasil bawang mera

    Spread of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

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    BACKGROUND: Artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum has emerged in Southeast Asia and now poses a threat to the control and elimination of malaria. Mapping the geographic extent of resistance is essential for planning containment and elimination strategies. METHODS: Between May 2011 and April 2013, we enrolled 1241 adults and children with acute, uncomplicated falciparum malaria in an open-label trial at 15 sites in 10 countries (7 in Asia and 3 in Africa). Patients received artesunate, administered orally at a daily dose of either 2 mg per kilogram of body weight per day or 4 mg per kilogram, for 3 days, followed by a standard 3-day course of artemisinin-based combination therapy. Parasite counts in peripheral-blood samples were measured every 6 hours, and the parasite clearance half-lives were determined. RESULTS: The median parasite clearance half-lives ranged from 1.9 hours in the Democratic Republic of Congo to 7.0 hours at the Thailand-Cambodia border. Slowly clearing infections (parasite clearance half-life >5 hours), strongly associated with single point mutations in the "propeller" region of the P. falciparum kelch protein gene on chromosome 13 (kelch13), were detected throughout mainland Southeast Asia from southern Vietnam to central Myanmar. The incidence of pretreatment and post-treatment gametocytemia was higher among patients with slow parasite clearance, suggesting greater potential for transmission. In western Cambodia, where artemisinin-based combination therapies are failing, the 6-day course of antimalarial therapy was associated with a cure rate of 97.7% (95% confidence interval, 90.9 to 99.4) at 42 days. CONCLUSIONS: Artemisinin resistance to P. falciparum, which is now prevalent across mainland Southeast Asia, is associated with mutations in kelch13. Prolonged courses of artemisinin-based combination therapies are currently efficacious in areas where standard 3-day treatments are failing. (Funded by the U.K. Department of International Development and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01350856.)

    Atomic Layer Deposition of 2D Metal Dichalcogenides for Electronics, Catalysis, Energy Storage, and Beyond

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    2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are among the most exciting materials of today. Their layered crystal structures result in unique and useful electronic, optical, catalytic, and quantum properties. To realize the technological potential of TMDCs, methods depositing uniform films of controlled thickness at low temperatures in a highly controllable, scalable, and repeatable manner are needed. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a chemical gas-phase thin film deposition method capable of meeting these challenges. In this review, the applications evaluated for ALD TMDCs are systematically examined, including electronics and optoelectonics, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis, energy storage, lubrication, plasmonics, solar cells, and photonics. This review focuses on understanding the interplay between ALD precursors and deposition conditions, the resulting film characteristics such as thickness, crystallinity, and morphology, and ultimately device performance. Through rational choice of precursors and conditions, ALD is observed to exhibit potential to meet the varying requirements of widely different applications. Beyond the current state of ALD TMDCs, the future prospects, opportunities, and challenges in different applications are discussed. The authors hope that the review aids in bringing together experts in the fields of ALD, TMDCs, and various applications to eventually realize industrial applications of ALD TMDCs.Peer reviewe

    Metallic modified (bismuth, antimony, tin and combinations thereof) film carbon electrodes.

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    In this paper in situ bismuth, antimony, tin modified electrodes and combinations thereof are explored towards the model target analytes cadmium(II) and lead(II), chosen since they are the most widely studied, to explore the role of the underlying electrode substrate with respect to boron-doped diamond, glassy carbon, and screen-printed graphite electrodes. It is found that differing electrochemical responses are observed, dependent upon the underlying electrode substrate. The electrochemical response using the available range of metallic modifications is only ever observed when the underlying electrode substrate exhibits relatively slow electron transfer properties; in the case of fast electron transfer properties, no significant advantages are evident. Furthermore these bismuth modified systems which commonly employ a pH 4 acetate buffer, reported to ensure the bismuth(III) stability upon the electrode surface can create create a problem when sensing at low concentrations of heavy metals due to its high background current. It is demonstrated that a simple change of pH can allow the detection of the target analytes (cadmium(II) and lead(II)) at levels below that set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) using bare graphite screen-printed electrodes

    Specific Fuel Consumption Prediction Model for Diesel Engines: A Preliminary Study

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    Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) is an indicator to measure the performance of power plants. Its value must be monitored and also predicted so preventive actions and maintenance can be formulated accordingly. To develop SFC prediction model, it is important to evaluate which factors are influential toward SFC values, how data collections are made, and which models are the best to use to predict SFC values with high accuracy. This paper provides a preliminary study to support the development of SFC prediction model. The results show that engine loading and type of fuel are the two major factors affecting the SFC values. Data collection to calculate SFC can be obtained through either controlled experiments or direct observations in power plants, each has its own pros and cons. SFC modeling can be done using regressions (linear, polynomial or SVR) and artificial neural network (ANN). Each method can be applied to get the modeling that produces the highest accuracy. However, the accuracy is also highly dependent on the validity of the input data. Š 2022 IEEE

    Tools for promoting industrial symbiosis: A systematic review

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    Industrial symbiosis (IS) employs a cross-organizational perspective to seek synergistic pairings of one company's waste output to another company's input, enabled by interfirm cooperation through resource and information sharing. Orchestrating IS relationships among companies, however, remains a complex process. In the literature, a wide range of qualitative and quantitative tools have emerged, tackling issues ranging from identifying IS creation opportunities to performance evaluation. Thus far, the available literature has focused on separate aspects and perspective of IS creation. Each individual work contributes, in part, to the overall process of IS creation. The disparate perspectives provided by the literature reflect the fragmented nature of available tools supporting IS, which operate in isolation of each other. An encompassing view of tools supporting the process of IS creation is missing to date. Therefore, to fill this gap, this study aims to develop a more comprehensive description of the landscape of IS tools by analyzing the associated approaches, roles, and contribution of existing tools. Through this understanding, the insights gained can be used to aid future development and advancement of tools for IS practitioners