3,150 research outputs found

    Trace anomaly of the conformal gauge field

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    The proposed by Bastianelli and van Nieuwenhuizen new method of calculations of trace anomalies is applied in the conformal gauge field case. The result is then reproduced by the heat equation method. An error in previous calculation is corrected. It is pointed out that the introducing gauge symmetries into a given system by a field-enlarging transformation can result in unexpected quantum effects even for trivial configurations.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX file, BI-TP 93/3

    Three osculating walkers

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    We consider three directed walkers on the square lattice, which move simultaneously at each tick of a clock and never cross. Their trajectories form a non-crossing configuration of walks. This configuration is said to be osculating if the walkers never share an edge, and vicious (or: non-intersecting) if they never meet. We give a closed form expression for the generating function of osculating configurations starting from prescribed points. This generating function turns out to be algebraic. We also relate the enumeration of osculating configurations with prescribed starting and ending points to the (better understood) enumeration of non-intersecting configurations. Our method is based on a step by step decomposition of osculating configurations, and on the solution of the functional equation provided by this decomposition

    Renewed methane increase for five years (2007–2011) observed by solar FTIR spectrometry

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    Trends of column-averaged methane for the time period (1996, Sep 2011) are derived from the mid-infrared (mid-IR) solar FTIR time series at the Zugspitze (47.42° N, 10.98° E, 2964 m a.s.l.) and Garmisch (47.48° N, 11.06° E, 743 m a.s.l.). Trend analysis comprises a fit to the de-seasonalized time series along with bootstrap resampling for quantifying trend uncertainties. We find a positive trend during [1996, 1998] of 9.0 [3.2, 14.7] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup> for Zugspitze (95% confidence interval), an insignificant growth during [1999, mid 2006] of 0.8 [−0.1, 1.7] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup> (Zugspitze), and a significant renewed increase during [mid 2006, Sep 2011] of 5.1 [4.2, 6.0] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup> for Garmisch, which is in agreement with 4.8 [3.8, 5.9] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup> for Zugspitze. <br></br> The agreement of methane trends at the two closely neighboring FTIR sites Zugspitze and Garmisch within the uncertainties indicates a good station-to-station consistency as a basis for future trend analyses by the ground-based mid-IR FTIR network on the global scale. Furthermore, the Zugspitze FTIR trend for the time interval [Jul 2006, Jun 2009] is found to agree with the trend derived from SCIAMACHY (WFM-DOAS v2.0.2) data within the 95% confidence intervals. In case a 1000-km pixel selection radius around the Zugspitze is used, the confidence interval is narrower for the FTIR trend (6.9 [4.2, 9.5] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup>) compared to SCIAMACHY (7.1 [5.1, 8.6] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup>). If, however, a loosened pixel selection is used (≈1000-km half-width latitudinal band), the SCIAMACHY trend significance interval is narrower (6.8 [5.1, 8.6] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup>) compared to Zugspitze FTIR (5.7 [3.0, 8.3] ppb yr<sup>−1</sup>). <br></br> While earlier studies using surface network data revealed changes of 8.0 ± 0.6 ppb in 2007, 6.4 ± 0.6 ppb in 2008, and 4.7 ± 0.6 ppb in 2009 (Dlugokencky et al., 2011), our updated result proves that the renewed methane increase meanwhile has been persisting for >5 years [mid 2006, Sep 2011]. This is either the longest and largest positive trend anomaly since the beginning of systematic observations more than 25 years ago or the onset of a new period of strongly increasing CH<sub>4</sub> levels in the atmosphere. Several scenarios have been developed to explain the persistent increase observed, mainly invoking an increase in emissions from natural wetlands, an increase in fossil fuel-related emissions or a decrease in OH concentrations. However, more work is needed to fully attribute this increase to a particular source or sink

    La modélisation d'accompagnement : une méthode de recherche participative et adaptative

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    Ce chapitre vise Ă  prĂ©senter la diversitĂ© dans la mise en Âœuvre d'un processus de modĂ©lisation d'accompagnement, mais aussi les points communs qui en Ă©mergent. L'objectif est de dĂ©crire pour mieux comprendre, sans intention normative. Nous nous appuyons sur l'analyse des cas d'Ă©tudes et des documents listĂ©s dans l'introduction. Notre analyse rassemble des cas concrets et des pratiques qui se rĂ©clament de la modĂ©lisation d'accompagnement et qui seront donc considĂ©rĂ©s comme tels dans notre analyse. La compatibilitĂ© de la diversitĂ© observĂ©e avec le cadre d'une adhĂ©sion aux principes initiaux de la charte sort du cadre de ce chapitre, elle est traitĂ©e dans la conclusion gĂ©nĂ©rale de l'ouvrage

    Dynamics of metal clusters in rare gas clusters

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    We investigate the dynamics of Na clusters embedded in Ar matrices. We use a hierarchical approach, accounting microscopically for the cluster's degrees of freedom and more coarsely for the matrix. The dynamical polarizability of the Ar atoms and the strong Pauli-repulsion exerted by the Ar-electrons are taken into account. We discuss the impact of the matrix on the cluster gross properties and on its optical response. We then consider a realistic case of irradiation by a moderately intense laser and discuss the impact of the matrix on the hindrance of the explosion, as well as a possible pump probe scenario for analyzing dynamical responses.Comment: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Dresden, June 05 - 10, 2006, World Scientific. 3 figure

    On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane

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    Models of spatially homogeneous walks in the quarter plane Z+2{\bf Z}_+^{2} with steps taken from a subset S\mathcal{S} of the set of jumps to the eight nearest neighbors are considered. The generating function (x,y,z)↩Q(x,y;z)(x,y,z)\mapsto Q(x,y;z) of the numbers q(i,j;n)q(i,j;n) of such walks starting at the origin and ending at (i,j)∈Z+2(i,j) \in {\bf Z}_+^{2} after nn steps is studied. For all non-singular models of walks, the functions x↩Q(x,0;z)x \mapsto Q(x,0;z) and y↩Q(0,y;z)y\mapsto Q(0,y;z) are continued as multi-valued functions on C{\bf C} having infinitely many meromorphic branches, of which the set of poles is identified. The nature of these functions is derived from this result: namely, for all the 51 walks which admit a certain infinite group of birational transformations of C2{\bf C}^2, the interval ]0,1/∣S∣[]0,1/|\mathcal{S}|[ of variation of zz splits into two dense subsets such that the functions x↩Q(x,0;z)x \mapsto Q(x,0;z) and y↩Q(0,y;z)y\mapsto Q(0,y;z) are shown to be holonomic for any zz from the one of them and non-holonomic for any zz from the other. This entails the non-holonomy of (x,y,z)↩Q(x,y;z)(x,y,z)\mapsto Q(x,y;z), and therefore proves a conjecture of Bousquet-M\'elou and Mishna.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

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    We investigate the integrability of the discrete non-linear equation governing the dependence on geodesic distance of planar graphs with inner vertices of even valences. This equation follows from a bijection between graphs and blossom trees and is expressed in terms of generating functions for random walks. We construct explicitly an infinite set of conserved quantities for this equation, also involving suitable combinations of random walk generating functions. The proof of their conservation, i.e. their eventual independence on the geodesic distance, relies on the connection between random walks and heaps of dimers. The values of the conserved quantities are identified with generating functions for graphs with fixed numbers of external legs. Alternative equivalent choices for the set of conserved quantities are also discussed and some applications are presented.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figures, uses epsf, lanlmac and hyperbasic
