551 research outputs found

    Excitation of wakefields in carbon nanotubes: a hydrodynamic model approach

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    The interactions of charged particles with carbon nanotubes may excite electromagnetic modes in the electron gas produced in the cylindrical graphene shell constituting the nanotube wall. This wake effect has recently been proposed as a potential novel method of short-wavelength high-gradient particle acceleration. In this work, the excitation of these wakefields is studied by means of the linearized hydrodynamic model. In this model, the electronic excitations on the nanotube surface are described treating the electron gas as a 2D plasma with additional contributions to the fluid momentum equation from specific solid-state properties of the gas. General expressions are derived for the excited longitudinal and transverse wakefields. Numerical results are obtained for a charged particle moving within a carbon nanotube, paraxially to its axis, showing how the wakefield is affected by parameters such as the particle velocity and its radial position, the nanotube radius, and a friction factor, which can be used as a phenomenological parameter to describe effects from the ionic lattice. Assuming a particle driver propagating on axis at a given velocity, optimal parameters were obtained to maximize the longitudinal wakefield amplitude

    Lipomas profundos

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    Se han revisado retrospectivamente 10 lipomas profundos localizados en los miembros. Todos los pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente y el diagnóstico de certeza fue histopatológico. Siete de los casos eran lipomas intra o intermusculares y los restantes angiolipoma, hibernoma y fibrolipoma intraneural, respectivamente. El seguimiento medio postoperatorio fue de 48 meses (mínimo: 14, y máximo: 84). No ha habido recidiva en ningún caso.This article is a retrospective review of 10 deep lipomata localized in the limbs. In all the cases the treatment required surgery, and the diagnosis was made by histopathological analysis. Seven cases were intra or intermuscular lipomata, and the other three were angiolipoma, hibernoma and endoneural fibrolipoma. The average postoperative follow-up time was 48 months (14 min-84 max). None showed recurrence at review

    Efecto de la adición de proteínas solubles recuperadas del agua de lavado de surimi de Pacific Whiting sobre las propiedades funcionales y mecánicas de surimi de Alaska pollock grado FA

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    Soluble proteins from surimi wash water (SWW) can be insolubilized by complexing with chitosan-alginate allowing its recovery and the reduction of the organic matter in the processing water discharged from surimi processing plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of adding soluble proteins recovered from Pacific whiting SWW on the mechanical and functional properties of commercial Alaska Pollock surimi grade FA. Levels evaluated were 0 (control), 10, 30 and 50 g insolubilized SWW solids/kg Alaska Pollock grade FA surimi. The mechanical and functional properties of Alaska Pollock surimi pastes and gels were characterized by texture profile analysis (TPA), puncture test, expressible water (EW) and color attributes. TPA and puncture test parameters increased significantly (P≤0.05) when 10–30 g/kg of soluble proteins from Pacific whiting SWW were added. EW values increased also, indicating a decrease of the water holding capacity. Color parameters showed that all surimi gels increased in redness, an undesirable effect in the production of Alaska Pollock grade FA surimiLas proteínas solubles del agua de lavado del surimi (ALS) pueden ser insolubilizadas por medio de la formación de complejos con quitosano y alginato. Su recuperación por este método permite reducir la materia orgánica en el agua de proceso. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de proteína soluble recuperada del ALS de Pacific whiting sobre las propiedades mecánicas y funcionales de surimi comercial de Alaska Pollock de grado FA. Los niveles de adición evaluados fueron 0 (control), 10, 30 y 50 g sólidos insolubilizados de ALS/kg de surimi de Alaska Pollock de grade FA. Las propiedades mecánicas y funcionales se caracterizaron por medio del análisis de perfil de textura (TPA), prueba de punción, agua extraíble y atributos de color. Los valores de los parámetros de TPA y prueba de punción incrementaron significativamente (P≤0.05) cuando se adicionaron de 10 a 30 g/kg de proteínas solubles de ALS de Pacific whiting. El agua extraíble también se incrementó, indicando un descenso de la capacidad de retención de agua. Los atributos de color indicaron que todos los geles de surimi incrementaron su color rojo, lo cual podría ser desfavorable para la producción de surimi de Alaska Pollock grado FAThis work was partially supported by Grant no. NA 16RG 1039 (Project no. R/SF-29) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to the Sea Grant College Program at Oregon State University, and appropriations made by the Oregon State Legislature. Part of this study was supported by Grant no. TAMPS-2003-C02-14, FOMIXCONACYT, MéxicoS

    Elastic response of cross-laminated engineered bamboo panels subjected to in-plane loading

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    © ICE Publishing: All rights reserved. Novel cross-laminated bamboo panels comprising three and five layers (G-XLam3 and G-XLam5) were tested in compression along the main (0°) and the transverse (90°) directions. Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) and non-contact three-dimensional digital image correlation (DIC) measuring techniques were used separately to measure deformation in the elastic region, and the elastic moduli, Ep C,0 and Ep C,90, were derived. Mean elastic modulus values obtained using LVDTs exhibited a good match with analytically predicted values. In contrast, the elastic values obtained by the DIC method were considerably higher and presented a considerable scatter of results. For instance, the Ep C,0 for G-XLam3 and G-XLam5 panels were 17·22 and 15·67 GPa, and 14·86 and 12·48 GPa, using the DIC and LVDT methods, respectively. In general, G-XLam panels with a fifth of the cross-sectional thickness and twice the density of analogous cross-laminated timber exhibited an approximately two-fold increase in Ep C,0 and Ep C,90. Overall, this research provides guidelines for the assessment and standardisation of the testing procedures for similar engineered bamboo products using contact and non-contact methods and highlights the potential of using G-XLam panels in stiffness-driven applications and in combination with wood for structural purposes

    Evidence for dark matter in the inner Milky Way

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    The ubiquitous presence of dark matter in the universe is today a central tenet in modern cosmology and astrophysics. Ranging from the smallest galaxies to the observable universe, the evidence for dark matter is compelling in dwarfs, spiral galaxies, galaxy clusters as well as at cosmological scales. However, it has been historically difficult to pin down the dark matter contribution to the total mass density in the Milky Way, particularly in the innermost regions of the Galaxy and in the solar neighbourhood. Here we present an up-to-date compilation of Milky Way rotation curve measurements, and compare it with state-of-the-art baryonic mass distribution models. We show that current data strongly disfavour baryons as the sole contribution to the galactic mass budget, even inside the solar circle. Our findings demonstrate the existence of dark matter in the inner Galaxy while making no assumptions on its distribution. We anticipate that this result will compel new model-independent constraints on the dark matter local density and profile, thus reducing uncertainties on direct and indirect dark matter searches, and will shed new light on the structure and evolution of the Galaxy.Comment: First submitted version of letter published in Nature Physics on Febuary 9, 2015: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys3237.htm

    Heavy metal pollution in drinking water - a global risk for human health: A review

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    Water resources in the world have been profoundly influenced over the last years by human activities, whereby the world is currently facing critical water supply and drinking water quality problems. In many parts of the world heavy metal (HM) concentrations in drinking water are higher than some international guideline values. Discussing about the HM pollution in drinking water, the incorporation of them into the food chain, and their implications as a global risk for the human health, are the objectives of this review. It is known that there are million people with chronic HM poisoning which has become a worldwide public health issue, while 1.6 million children die each year from diseases for which contaminated drinking water is a leading cause. There is also evidence of HM in drinking water that are responsible for causing adverse effect on human health through food chain contamination. A global effort to offering affordable and healthy drinking water most to be launched throughout the world, while various laws and regulations to protect and improve the utilization of drinking water resources should be updated or created throughout the world, including the low income countries; otherwise, the problem of HM-polluted drinking water will be growing because demand for drinking water is still growing such as this problem will become even more pressing in the future. Finally, notwithstanding, additional researches are necessaries about the correlation between HM concentration in drinking water and human diseases, while the development of robust, cheap and sustainable technologies to improve the drinking water quality is necessary.Key words: Groundwater, aquifer, water quality, water pollution, microorganism, water supply, microbial communities, food chain, disease

    Ordered gan/ingan nanorods arrays grown by molecular beam epitaxy for phosphor-free white light emission

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    The basics of the self-assembled growth of GaN nanorods on Si(111) are reviewed. Morphology differences and optical properties are compared to those of GaN layers grown directly on Si(111). The effects of the growth temperature on the In incorporation in self-assembled InGaN nanorods grown on Si(111) is described. In addition, the inclusion of InGaN quantum disk structures into selfassembled GaN nanorods show clear confinement effects as a function of the quantum disk thickness. In order to overcome the properties dispersion and the intrinsic inhomogeneous nature of the self-assembled growth, the selective area growth of GaN nanorods on both, c-plane and a-plane GaN on sapphire templates, is addressed, with special emphasis on optical quality and morphology differences. The analysis of the optical emission from a single InGaN quantum disk is shown for both polar and non-polar nanorod orientation

    InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Earthquake

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    It has long been recognized that earthquakes change the stress in the upper crust around the fault rupture and can influence the behaviour of neighbouring faults and volcanoes. Rapid estimates of these stress changes can provide the authorities managing the post-disaster situation with valuable data to identify and monitor potential threads and to update the estimates of seismic and volcanic hazard in a region. Here we propose a methodology to evaluate the potential influence of an earthquake on nearby faults and volcanoes and create easy-to-understand maps for decision-making support after large earthquakes. We apply this methodology to the Mw 7.8, 2016 Ecuador earthquake. Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and continuous GPS data, we measure the coseismic ground deformation and estimate the distribution of slip over the fault rupture. We also build an alternative source model using the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) solution. Then we use these models to evaluate changes of static stress on the surrounding faults and volcanoes and produce maps of potentially activated faults and volcanoes. We found, in general, good agreement between our maps and the seismic and volcanic events that occurred after the Pedernales earthquake. We discuss the potential and limitations of the methodology.This work is supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) under the SAFETY (Sentinel for Geohazards regional monitoring and forecasting) project (ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/Prev02) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under INTERGEOSIMA (CGL2013-47412) and ACTIVESTEP (CGL2017-83931-C3), QUAKESTEP (1-P) + 3GEO(2-P) + GEOACTIVA (3-P) projects