17 research outputs found

    Visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum in a Spanish patient in Argentina: What is the origin of the infection? Case report

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    BACKGROUND: The question "Where have you been?" is a common one asked by doctors in Northern Europe and America when faced with clinical symptoms not typical of their country. This question must also arise in the clinics of developing countries in which non-autochthonous cases such as the one described here can appear. Important outbreaks of Leishmania infantum have been recorded in the last decade in several Latin American countries but its presence has not yet been recorded in Argentina. We report the first case of visceral leishmaniasis owing to L. infantum in this country. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old Spanish woman who has been living in Mendoza, Argentina, during the last 40 years presented with a history of high fever and shivering, anemia, leukopenia and splenomegaly over two years. Argentinian doctors did not suspect visceral leishmaniasis even when the histological analysis revealed the presence of "intracytoplasmatic spheroid particles compatible with fungal or parasitic infection". After a serious deterioration in her health, she was taken to Spain where she was evaluated and visceral leishmaniasis was established. Specific identification of the parasite was done by PCR-ELISA, isoenzyme electrophoresis and RAPD-PCR. CONCLUSION: We would like to point out that: i) cases such as the one described here, which appear in non-endemic areas, can pass unnoticed by the clinical physician. ii) in countries in which these introduced cases reside, in-depth parasitological studies are required into vectors and possible reservoirs to rule out the rare case of local infection and, once infection has taken place, to ensure that this does not spread by anthroponotic transmission or a competent reservoir

    Detection potential of the KM3NeT detector for high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles

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    A recent analysis of the Fermi Large Area Telescope data provided evidence for a high-intensity emission of high-energy gamma rays with a E 2 spectrum from two large areas, spanning 50 above and below the Galactic centre (the ‘‘Fermi bubbles’’). A hadronic mechanism was proposed for this gamma-ray emission making the Fermi bubbles promising source candidates of high-energy neutrino emission. In this work Monte Carlo simulations regarding the detectability of high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles with the future multi-km3 neutrino telescope KM3NeT in the Mediterranean Sea are presented. Under the hypothesis that the gamma-ray emission is completely due to hadronic processes, the results indicate that neutrinos from the bubbles could be discovered in about one year of operation, for a neutrino spectrum with a cutoff at 100 TeV and a detector with about 6 km3 of instrumented volume. The effect of a possible lower cutoff is also considered.Published7–141.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleJCR Journalrestricte

    Expansion cone for the 3-inch PMTs of the KM3NeT optical modules

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    [EN] Detection of high-energy neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources will open a new window on the Universe. The detection principle exploits the measurement of Cherenkov light emitted by charged particles resulting from neutrino interactions in the matter containing the telescope. A novel multi-PMT digital optical module (DOM) was developed to contain 31 3-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). In order to maximize the detector sensitivity, each PMT will be surrounded by an expansion cone which collects photons that would otherwise miss the photocathode. Results for various angles of incidence with respect to the PMT surface indicate an increase in collection efficiency by 30% on average for angles up to 45 degrees with respect to the perpendicular. Ray-tracing calculations could reproduce the measurements, allowing to estimate an increase in the overall photocathode sensitivity, integrated over all angles of incidence, by 27% (for a single PMT). Prototype DOMs, being built by the KM3NeT consortium, will be equipped with these expansion cones.This work is supported through the EU, FP6 Contract no. 011937, FP7 grant agreement no. 212252, and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.Adrián Martínez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aguilar, JA.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alexandri, M.... (2013). Expansion cone for the 3-inch PMTs of the KM3NeT optical modules. Journal of Instrumentation. 8(3):1-19. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/T03006S1198

    Difilobotriasis humana en la Patagonia, Argentina Human diphyllobothriasis in Patagonia, Argentina

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    OBJETIVO: El objetivo del trabajo fué detectar hospedadores humanos en la zona andino patagónica argentina, teniendo en cuenta las prácticas de pesca desportiva y la importancia de los salmónidos dentro de la zona. MATERIAL Y METODO: Entre 1986 y 1995 se implementaron Campañas de Información en los laboratorios de Análisis Clínicos de la región andinopatagónica argentina, destinadas a lograr una detección más eficiente de la difilobotriasis, a través de análisis coproparasitológicos. RESULTADOS: Adicionalmente, se confeccionaron planillas destinadas a recoger información sobre las características de la infección, del tratamiento y del paciente. Durante este período se detectaron 13 nuevos casos humanos, por identificación directa del parásito o por la presencia de huevos en materia fecal. Las características de las infecciones responden a las descriptas para el género Diphyllobothrium. CONCLUSIONES: En la región, los salmónidos son los peces predilectos en la pesca deportiva. Estos peces, frecuentemente parasitados con larvas, constituyen la principal fuente de contagio para el hombre al ser consumidos insuficientemente cocidos o ahumados en frío.<br>OBJECTIVE: In view of the amateur fishing practices and the importance of salmonids in the region the study sets out to detect human hosts in the Andean-Patagonian zone. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Information campaigns were carried out by Clinical Analysis Laboratories of Andean Patagonia between 1986 and 1995 to detect diphyllobothriasis more efficiently by means of coproparasitological analysis. RESULTS: Further, forms were prepared for the collection of information about infection, treatment and the characteristics of the human host. During this period 13 new cases were registered either through direct identification of the parasite or through the presence of eggs in the faeces. The characteristics of infection are similar to those described for the genus Diphyllobothrium. CONCLUSIONS: The favourite game fish in Andean Patagonia are salmonids. This fish, often infected with plerocercoids, when eaten insufficiently cooked or cold smoked, constitutes the main source of human infection

    Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Signal Enhancement of Peptides after Selective Extraction with Polymeric Reverse Micelles

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    Extraction of peptides by reverse micelle-forming amphiphilic homopolymers and subsequent matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-S) detection of these peptides in the presence of these polymers can significantly enhance peptide ion signals. Here, the mechanism of this MALDI signal enhancement is investigated. We find that the signal enhancement is caused by coalescence of polymer-peptide conjugates into &quot;hotspots&quot; on the MALDI target. Hotspot formation is observed only on hydrophilic surfaces and not hydrophobic surfaces. With the use of an Anchorchip MALDI target, which contains very small hydrophilic spots surrounded by a larger hydrophobic area, we find that this hotspot formation can be further exploited for ultrasensitive MALDI-MS analyses of peptides and peptide mixtures. MALDI-MS signals can be enhanced by 3-5 orders of magnitude when peptides are extracted by the amphiphilic homopolymers and detected on the Anchorchip MALDI target. This signal enhancement combined with the extraction selectivity of these reverse micelle-forming homopolymers makes these materials promising tools for sensitive detection of peptides in complex mixtures

    KM3NeT: Technical design report.

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    KM3NeT is a deep‐sea multidisciplinary observatory in the Mediterranean Sea that will provide innovative science opportunities spanning Astroparticle Physics and Earth and Sea Science. This is possible through the synergy created by the use of a common infrastructure allowing for long term continuous operation of a neutrino telescope and marine instrumentation. The present KM3NeT Design Study concludes with this Technical Design Report which develops the ideas put forward in the Conceptual Design Report published in April 2008