278 research outputs found

    Economic impact analysis of natural gas development and the policy implications

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    In the US, the shale gas revolution ensured that the development costs of unconventional natural gas plummeted to the levels of 23/Mcf.Thissuccesshasmotivatedthedevelopmentofshalegasinotherregions,includingAustraliaandEurope.Thisstudy,focussingprimarilyonaspectsofeconomicimpactanalysis,estimatesthedevelopmentcostsofshalegasextractioninbothAustraliaandEurope,basedonbothdirectandfiscalcosts,andalsosuggestspolicyinitiatives.Theincreasingliquefiednaturalgas(LNG)developmentsinAustraliaarealreadystrainingdomesticgassupplies.Hence,thedevelopmentofmorenaturalgasresourceshasbeengivenahighpriority.However,amajorityoftheAustralianshaleresourcesisnonmarineinoriginandsignificantlydifferenttothemarinetypeshalesintheUS.Inaddition,thechallengesofhighdevelopmentcostsandthelackofinfrastructure,servicecapacityandeffectivegovernmentpolicyareinhibitingshalegasdevelopment.Increasingtheattractivenessoflowriskinvestmentbynew,local,developersiscriticalforAustralianshalegassuccess,whichwillsimultaneouslyincreasedomesticgassecurity.IntheEuropeancontext,unconventionalgasdevelopmentwillbechallengedbydirect,ratherthanfiscalcosts.Highdirectcostswilltranslateintoaverageoverallgasdevelopmentcostsover2–3/Mcf. This success has motivated the development of shale gas in other regions, including Australia and Europe. This study, focussing primarily on aspects of economic impact analysis, estimates the development costs of shale gas extraction in both Australia and Europe, based on both direct and fiscal costs, and also suggests policy initiatives. The increasing liquefied natural gas (LNG) developments in Australia are already straining domestic gas supplies. Hence, the development of more natural gas resources has been given a high priority. However, a majority of the Australian shale resources is non-marine in origin and significantly different to the marine-type shales in the US. In addition, the challenges of high development costs and the lack of infrastructure, service capacity and effective government policy are inhibiting shale gas development. Increasing the attractiveness of low risk investment by new, local, developers is critical for Australian shale gas success, which will simultaneously increase domestic gas security. In the European context, unconventional gas development will be challenged by direct, rather than fiscal costs. High direct costs will translate into average overall gas development costs over 13/Mcf, which is well over the existing market price

    Randomized trial evaluating the framing of cardiovascular risk and its impact on blood pressure control [ISRCTN87597585]

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    BACKGROUND: The format or frame in which the results of randomized trials are presented has been shown to influence health professional's self-reported practice. We sought to investigate the effect of framing cardiovascular risk as two different formats in a randomized trial. METHODS: We recruited 457 patients aged between 60 and 79 years with high blood pressure from 20 family practices in Avon, UK. Patients were randomized to cardiovascular risk presented either as 1) an absolute risk level (AR) or as 2) the number needed to treat to prevent an adverse event (NNT). The main outcome measures were: 1) percentage of patients in each group with a five-year cardiovascular risk ≥ 10%, 2) systolic and diastolic blood pressure, 3) intensity of prescribing of cardiovascular medication. RESULTS: Presenting cardiovascular risk as either an AR or NNT had no impact reducing cardiovascular risk at 12 month follow up, adjusted odds ratio 1.53 (95%CI 0.76 to 3.08). There was no difference between the two groups in systolic (adjusted difference 0.97 mmHg, 95%CI -2.34 mmHg to 4.29 mmHg) or diastolic (adjusted difference 0.70 mmHg, 95%CI -1.05 mmHg to 2.45 mmHg) blood pressure. Intensity of prescribing of blood pressure lowering drugs was not significantly different between the two groups at six months follow up. CONCLUSIONS: Presenting cardiovascular risk in clinical practice guidelines as either an AR or NNT had a similar influence on patient outcome and prescribing intensity. There is no difference in patient outcomes when these alternative formats of risk are used in clinical practice guidelines

    Therapeutic Rescue of Misfolded Mutants: Validation of Primary High Throughput Screens for Identification of Pharmacoperone Drugs

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    Functional rescue of misfolded mutant receptors by small non-peptide molecules has been demonstrated. These small, target-specific molecules (pharmacological chaperones or "pharmacoperones") serve as molecular templates, promote correct folding and allow otherwise misfolded mutants to pass the scrutiny of the cellular quality control system (QCS) and be expressed at the plasma membrane (PM) where they function similarly to wild type (WT) proteins. In the case of the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR), drugs that rescue one mutant typically rescue many mutants, even if the mutations are located at distant sites (extracellular loops, intracellular loops, transmembrane helices). This increases the value of these drugs. These drugs are typically identified, post hoc, from "hits" in screens designed to detect antagonists or agonists. The therapeutic utility of pharmacoperones has been limited due to the absence of screens that enable identification of pharmacoperones per se.We describe a generalizable primary screening approach for pharmacoperone drugs based on measurement of gain of activity in stable HeLa cells stably expressing the mutants of two different model G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) (hGnRHR[E(90)K] or hV2R[L(83)Q]). These cells turn off expression of the receptor mutant gene of interest in the presence of tetracycline and its analogs, which provides a convenient means to identify false positives.The methods described and characterized here provide the basis of novel primary screens for pharmacoperones that detect drugs that rescue GPCR mutants of specific receptors. This approach will identify structures that would have been missed in screens that were designed to select only agonists or antagonists. Non-antagonistic pharmacoperones have a therapeutic advantage since they will not compete for endogenous agonists and may not have to be washed out once rescue has occurred and before activation by endogenous or exogenous agonists

    Interaction of Copper-Amine With Southern Pine: Retention and Migration

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    The retention and leachability of copper in copper-amine (Cu-EA)-treated southern pine (SP) are influenced by the formulation and the composition of copper-amine treating solutions. The sources of copper used, Cu(OH)2, CuCO3, CuSO4, and Cu(NO3)2, in the copper-amine complex formulation affect the leachability of copper. Data show that copper-amine from CuSO4- and Cu(NO3)2-treated wood has less copper loss during laboratory water leaching than that from Cu(OH)2- and CuCO3-treated wood. Increasing the amine-to-copper molar ratio increases the copper retention by wood, but reduces the leach resistance of copper. The nature of amine ligands, such as monoethanolamine (primary amine), 2-methylamino-ethanol (secondary amine), and N, N-dimethyl-ethanolamine (tertiary amine), has some effect on copper retention and copper leaching. As the molecular weight of amine ligands increases, copper loss during leaching decreases

    Is Computer Gaming a Craft? Prehension, Practice and Puzzle-Solving in Gaming Labour

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    This article applies sociological theories of ‘craft’ to computer gaming practices to conceptualise the relationship between play, games and labour. Using the example of the game Dota 2, as both a competitive esport title and a complex game based around a shared practice, this article examines the conditions under which the play of a computer game can be considered a ‘craft’. In particular, through the concept of ‘prehension’, we dissect the gameplay activity of Dota 2, identifying similarities with how the hand practices craft labour. We identify these practices as ‘contact’, ‘apprehension’, ‘language acquisition’ and ‘reflection’. We argue that players develop these practices of the hand to make sense of the game’s rules and controls. From this perspective, it is the hand that initiates experiences of craft within computer gameplay, and we offer examples of player creativity and experimentation to evidence its labour. The article concludes with a discussion on the need for future research to examine the quality of gaming labour in the context of esports

    Prevalence of pfmdr1, pfcrt, pfdhfr and pfdhps mutations associated with drug resistance, in Luanda, Angola

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria is the infectious disease causing the highest morbidity and mortality in Angola and due to widespread chloroquine (CQ) resistance, the country has recently changed its first-line treatment recommendations for uncomplicated malaria, from CQ to artemisinin combination therapies (ACT) in adults, and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (S/P) in pregnant women. Loss of SP sensitivity is, however, progressing rapidly in Africa and, in this study, were investigated a number of molecular markers associated to CQ and S/P.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Blood samples were collected from 245 children with uncomplicated malaria, admitted at the Pediatric Hospital Dr. David Bernardino (HPDB), Angola, and the occurrence of mutations in <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>was investigated in the <it>pfmdr1 </it>(N86Y) and <it>pfcrt </it>(K76T) genes, associated with CQ resistance, as well as in <it>pfdhfr </it>(C59R) and <it>pfdhps </it>(K540E), conferring SP resistance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The frequencies of <it>pfmdr1 </it>mutations in codon 86 were 28.6% N, 61.3% Y and 10.1% mixed infections (NY). The frequency of <it>pfcrt </it>mutations in codon 76 were 93.9% K, 5.7% T and 0.4% mixed infections (KT). For <it>pfdhfr </it>the results were in codon 59, 60.6% C, 20.6% R and 18.8% mixed infections (CR). Concerning <it>pfdhps</it>, 6.3% of the isolates were bearers of the mutation 540E and 5.4% mixed infections (K540E).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this epidemiologic study showed high presence of CQ resistance markers while for SP a much lower prevalence was detected for the markers under study.</p

    A randomised controlled trial of a patient based Diabetes recall and Management system: the DREAM trial: A study protocol [ISRCTN32042030]

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    BACKGROUND: Whilst there is broad agreement on what constitutes high quality health care for people with diabetes, there is little consensus on the most efficient way of delivering it. Structured recall systems can improve the quality of care but the systems evaluated to date have been of limited sophistication and the evaluations have been carried out in small numbers of relatively unrepresentative settings. Hartlepool, Easington and Stockton currently operate a computerised diabetes register which has to date produced improvements in the quality of care but performance has now plateaued leaving substantial scope for further improvement. This study will evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of an area wide 'extended' system incorporating a full structured recall and management system, actively involving patients and including clinical management prompts to primary care clinicians based on locally-adapted evidence based guidelines. METHODS: The study design is a two-armed cluster randomised controlled trial of 61 practices incorporating evaluations of the effectiveness of the system, its economic impact and its impact on patient wellbeing and functioning

    Crafting organization

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    The recent shift in attention away from organization studies as science has allowed for consideration of new ways of thinking about both organization and organizing and has led to several recent attempts to \u27bring down\u27 organizational theorizing. In this paper, we extend calls for organization to be represented as a creative process by considering organization as craft. Organizational craft, we argue, is attractive, accessible, malleable, reproducible, and marketable. It is also a tangible way of considering organization studies with irreverence. We draw on the hierarchy of distinctions among fine art, decorative art, and craft to suggest that understanding the organization of craft assists in complicating our understanding of marginality. We illustrate our argument by drawing on the case of a contemporary Australian craftworks and marketplace known initially as the Meat Market Craft Centre (\u27MMCC\u27) and then, until its recent closure, as Metro! &Dagger; Stella Minahan was a board member and then the Chief Executive Officer of the Metro! Craft Centre.<br /