453 research outputs found

    Blind extraction of an exoplanetary spectrum through Independent Component Analysis

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    Blind-source separation techniques are used to extract the transmission spectrum of the hot-Jupiter HD189733b recorded by the Hubble/NICMOS instrument. Such a 'blind' analysis of the data is based on the concept of independent component analysis. The de-trending of Hubble/NICMOS data using the sole assumption that nongaussian systematic noise is statistically independent from the desired light-curve signals is presented. By not assuming any prior, nor auxiliary information but the data themselves, it is shown that spectroscopic errors only about 10 - 30% larger than parametric methods can be obtained for 11 spectral bins with bin sizes of ~0.09 microns. This represents a reasonable trade-off between a higher degree of objectivity for the non-parametric methods and smaller standard errors for the parametric de-trending. Results are discussed in the light of previous analyses published in the literature. The fact that three very different analysis techniques yield comparable spectra is a strong indication of the stability of these results.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Molecular Signatures in the Near Infrared Dayside Spectrum of HD 189733b

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    We have measured the dayside spectrum of HD 189733b between 1.5 and 2.5 microns using the NICMOS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. The emergent spectrum contains significant modulation, which we attribute to the presence of molecular bands seen in absorption. We find that water (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) are needed to explain the observations, and we are able to estimate the mixing ratios for these molecules. We also find temperature decreases with altitude in the ~0.01 < P < ~1 bar region of the dayside near-infrared photosphere and set an upper limit to the dayside abundance of methane (CH4) at these pressures.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Selective Principal Component Extraction and Reconstruction: A Novel Method for Ground Based Exoplanet Spectroscopy

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    Context: Infrared spectroscopy of primary and secondary eclipse events probes the composition of exoplanet atmospheres and, using space telescopes, has detected H2O, CH4 and CO2 in three hot Jupiters. However, the available data from space telescopes has limited spectral resolution and does not cover the 2.4 - 5.2 micron spectral region. While large ground based telescopes have the potential to obtain molecular-abundance-grade spectra for many exoplanets, realizing this potential requires retrieving the astrophysical signal in the presence of large Earth-atmospheric and instrument systematic errors. Aims: Here we report a wavelet-assisted, selective principal component extraction method for ground based retrieval of the dayside spectrum of HD 189733b from data containing systematic errors. Methods: The method uses singular value decomposition and extracts those critical points of the Rayleigh quotient which correspond to the planet induced signal. The method does not require prior knowledge of the planet spectrum or the physical mechanisms causing systematic errors. Results: The spectrum obtained with our method is in excellent agreement with space based measurements made with HST and Spitzer (Swain et al. 2009b; Charbonneau et al. 2008) and confirms the recent ground based measurements (Swain et al. 2010) including the strong 3.3 micron emission.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; excepted for publication by A&

    Ground-based NIR emission spectroscopy of HD189733b

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    We investigate the K and L band dayside emission of the hot-Jupiter HD 189733b with three nights of secondary eclipse data obtained with the SpeX instrument on the NASA IRTF. The observations for each of these three nights use equivalent instrument settings and the data from one of the nights has previously reported by Swain et al (2010). We describe an improved data analysis method that, in conjunction with the multi-night data set, allows increased spectral resolution (R~175) leading to high-confidence identification of spectral features. We confirm the previously reported strong emission at ~3.3 microns and, by assuming a 5% vibrational temperature excess for methane, we show that non-LTE emission from the methane nu3 branch is a physically plausible source of this emission. We consider two possible energy sources that could power non-LTE emission and additional modelling is needed to obtain a detailed understanding of the physics of the emission mechanism. The validity of the data analysis method and the presence of strong 3.3 microns emission is independently confirmed by simultaneous, long-slit, L band spectroscopy of HD 189733b and a comparison star.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Analysis of the infrared spectra of the peculiar post-AGB stars EPLyr and HD52961

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    Aim: We aim to study in detail the peculiar mineralogy and structure of the circumstellar environment of two binary post-AGB stars, EPLyr and HD52961. Both stars were selected from a larger sample of evolved disc sources observed with Spitzer and show unique solid-state and gas features in their infrared spectra. Moreover, they show a very small infrared excess in comparison with the other sample stars. Methods: The different dust and gas species are identified on the basis of high-resolution Spitzer-IRS spectra. We fit the full spectrum to constrain grain sizes and temperature distributions in the discs. This, combined with our broad-band spectral energy distribution and interferometric measurements, allows us to study the physical structure of the disc, using a self-consistent 2D radiative-transfer disc model. Results: We find that both stars have strong emission features due to CO_2 gas, dominated by ^{12}C^{16}O_2, but with clear ^{13}C^{16}O_2 and even ^{16}O^{12}C^{18}O isotopic signatures. Crystalline silicates are apparent in both sources but proved very hard to model. EP Lyr also shows evidence of mixed chemistry, with emission features of the rare class-C PAHs. Whether these PAHs reside in the oxygen-rich disc or in a carbon-rich outflow is still unclear. With the strongly processed silicates, the mixed chemistry and the low ^{12}C/^{13}C ratio, EP Lyr resembles some silicate J-type stars, although the depleted photosphere makes nucleosynthetic signatures difficult to probe. We find that the disc environment of both sources is, to a first approximation, well modelled with a passive disc, but additional physics such as grain settling, radial dust distributions, and an outflow component must be included to explain the details of the observed spectral energy distributions in both stars.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication by A&

    Lifestyle behaviors in Black and White women with a family history of breast cancer

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    To examine lifestyle behaviors among non-Hispanic Black and White women with a family history of breast cancer and determine the extent to which they meet American Cancer Society (ACS) Nutrition and Physical Activity Recommendations for Breast Cancer Prevention

    The nebula around the post-AGB star 89 Her

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    We aim to study the structure of the nebula around the post-AGB, binary star 89 Her. The presence of a rotating disk around this star had been proposed but not been yet confirmed by observations. We present high-resolution PdBI maps of CO J=2-1 and 1-0. Properties of the nebula are directly derived from the data and model fitting. We also present N-band interferometric data on the extent of the hot dust emission, obtained with the VLTI. Two nebular components are found: (a) an extended hour-glass-like structure, with expansion velocities of about 7 km/s and a total mass ~ 3 103^{-3} Mo, and (b) an unresolved very compact component, smaller than ~ 0.4" and with a low total velocity dispersion of ~ 5 km/s. We cannot determine the velocity field in the compact component, but we argue that it can hardly be in expansion, since his would require too recent and too sudden an ejection of mass. On the other hand, assuming that this component is a keplerian disk, we derive disk properties that are compatible with expectations for such a structure; in particular, the size of the rotating gas disk should be very similar to the extent of the hot dust component from our VLTI data. Assuming that the equator of the extended nebula coincides with the binary orbital plane, we provide new results on the companion star mass and orbit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Post-AGB stars with hot circumstellar dust: binarity of the low-amplitude pulsators

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    While the first binary post-AGB stars were serendipitously discovered, the distinct characteristics of their Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) allowed us to launch a more systematic search for binaries. We selected post-AGB objects which show a broad dust excess often starting already at H or K, pointing to the presence of a gravitationally bound dusty disc in the system. We started a very extensive multi-wavelength study of those systems and here we report on our radial velocity and photometric monitoring results for six stars of early F type, which are pulsators of small amplitude. To determine the radial velocity of low signal-to-noise time-series, we constructed dedicated auto-correlation masks. The radial velocity variations were subjected to detailed analysis to differentiate between pulsational variability and variability due to orbital motion. Finally orbital minimalisation was performed to constrain the orbital elements. All of the six objects are binaries, with orbital periods ranging from 120 to 1800 days. Five systems have non-circular orbits. The mass functions range from 0.004 to 0.57 solar mass and the companions are likely unevolved objects of (very) low initial mass. We argue that these binaries must have been subject to severe binary interaction when the primary was a cool supergiant. Although the origin of the circumstellar disc is not well understood, the disc is generally believed to be formed during this strong interaction phase. The eccentric orbits of these highly evolved objects remain poorly understood. With the measured orbits and mass functions we conclude that the circumbinary discs seem to have a major impact on the evolution of a significant fraction of binary systems.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysic