105 research outputs found

    Coloron Phenomenology

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    A flavor-universal extension of the strong interactions was recently proposed in response to the apparent excess of high-ETE_T jets in the inclusive jet spectrum measured at the Tevatron. This paper studies the color octet of massive gauge bosons (`colorons') that is present in the low-energy spectrum of the model's Higgs phase. Constraints from searches for new particles decaying to dijets and from measurements of the weak-interaction ρ\rho parameter imply that the colorons must have masses greater than 870-1000 GeV. The implications of recent Tevatron data and the prospective input from future experiments are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 embedded Postscript figures, LaTeX, full postscript version also available at http://smyrd.bu.edu/htfigs/htfigs.html rectified confusing phrase at end of sub-section on 'dijets

    Light from Cascading Partons in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We calculate the production of high energy photons from Compton and annihilation processes as well as fragmentation off quarks in the parton cascade model. The multiple scattering of partons is seen to lead to a substantial production of high energy photons, which rises further when parton multiplication due to final state radiation is included. The photon yield is found to be proportional to the number of collisions among the cascading partons.Comment: revised version: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses REVTEX

    Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moments of Quarks and Large Transverse Energy Jets

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    We consider the jet cross sections for gluons coupling to quarks with an anomalous chromomagnetic moment. We then apply this to the deviation and bounds from QCD found in the CDF and D0 Fermilab data, respectively, to find a range of possible values for the anomalous moments. The quadratic and quartic terms in the anomalous moments can fit to the rise of a deviation with transverse energy. Since previous analyses have been done on the top quark total cross section, here we assume the same moment on all quarks except the top and find the range ∣Îșâ€Č∣≡∣Îș/(2mq)∣=1.0±0.3|\kappa'| \equiv |\kappa/(2 m_q)| = 1.0\pm 0.3 TeV−1^{-1} for the CDF data. Assuming the anomalous moment is present only on a charm or bottom quark which is pair produced results in a range ∣Îșb,câ€Č∣=3.5±1.0|\kappa'_{b,c}| = 3.5 \pm 1.0 TeV−1^{-1}. The magnitudes here are compared with anomalous magnetic moments that could account for RbR_b and found to be in the same general range, as well as not inconsistent with LEP and SLD bounds on ΔΓhad\Delta \Gamma_{\text{had}}.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Equilibration in Quark Gluon Plasma

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    The hydrodynamic expansion rate of quark gluon plasma (QGP) is evaluated and compared with the scattering rate of quarks and gluons within the system. Partonic scattering rates evaluated within the ambit of perturbative Quantum Choromodynamics (pQCD) are found to be smaller than the expansion rate evaluated with ideal equation of state (EoS) for the QGP. This indicate that during the space-time evolution the system remains out of equilibrium. Enhancement of pQCD cross sections and a more realistic EoS keep the partons closer to the equilibrium.Comment: To be published in the Quark Matter 2008 poster proceeding

    Thermal quark production in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions

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    We calculate thermal production of u, d, s, c and b quarks in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. The following processes are taken into account: thermal gluon decay (g to ibar i), gluon fusion (g g to ibar i), and quark-antiquark annihilation (jbar j to ibar i), where i and j represent quark species. We use the thermal quark masses, mi2(T)≃mi2+(2g2/9)T2m_i^2(T)\simeq m_i^2 + (2g^2/9)T^2, in all the rates. At small mass (mi(T)<2Tm_i(T)<2T), the production is largely dominated by the thermal gluon decay channel. We obtain numerical and analytic solutions of one-dimensional hydrodynamic expansion of an initially pure glue plasma. Our results show that even in a quite optimistic scenario, all quarks are far from chemical equilibrium throughout the expansion. Thermal production of light quarks (u, d and s) is nearly independent of species. Heavy quark (c and b) production is quite independent of the transition temperature and could serve as a very good probe of the initial temperature. Thermal quark production measurements could also be used to determine the gluon damping rate, or equivalently the magnetic mass.Comment: 14 pages (latex) plus 6 figures (uuencoded postscript files); CERN-TH.7038/9

    Additional J/ΚJ/\Psi Suppression from High Density Effects

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    At high energies the saturation effects associated to the high parton density should modify the behavior of the observables in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus scattering. In this paper we investigate the saturation effects in the nuclear J/ΚJ/\Psi production and estimate the modifications in the energy dependence of the cross section as well as in the length of the nuclear medium. In particular, we calculate the ratio of J/ΚJ/\Psi to Drell-Yan cross sections and show that it is strongly modified if the high density effects are included. Moreover, our results are compared with the data from the NA50 Collaboration and predictions for the RHIC and LHC kinematic regions are presented. We predict an additional J/ΚJ/\Psi suppression associated to the high density effects.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    A Poincare-Covariant Parton Cascade Model for Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions

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    We present a new cascade-type microscopic simulation of nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC energies. The basic elements are partons (quarks and gluons) moving in 8N-dimensional phase space according to Poincare-covariant dynamics. The parton-parton scattering cross sections used in the model are computed within perturbative QCD in the tree-level approximation. The Q^2 dependence of the structure functions is included by an implementation of the DGLAP mechanism suitable for a cascade, so that the number of partons is not static, but varies in space and time as the collision of two nuclei evolves. The resulting parton distributions are presented, and meaningful comparisons with experimental data are discussed.Comment: 30 pages. 11 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Searching for G3G^3 in t \tbar Production

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    The triple gluon field strength operator G3G^3 represents the only genuinely gluonic CP conserving term which can appear at dimension-6 within an effective strong interaction Lagrangian. Previous studies of this operator have revealed that its effect on gluon scattering is surprisingly difficult to detect. In this article, we analyze the impact of G3G^3 upon top quark pair production. We find that it will generate observable cross section deviations from QCD at the LHC for even relatively small values of its coefficient. Furthermore, G3G^3 affects the transverse momentum distribution of the produced top quarks more strongly at high energies than dimension-6 four-quark and chromomagnetic moment terms in the effective Lagrangian. Top-antitop production at the LHC will therefore provide a sensitive and clean probe for the elusive triple gluon field strength operator.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures (3 updated figures not included but available upon request), CALT-68-1941, BUHEP-94-18. (Some previously overlooked graphs are now included. Our conclusions remain unchanged.

    Rapidity Distributions of Dileptons from a Hadronizing Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    It has been predicted that dilepton production may be used as a quark-gluon plasma probe. We calculate the rapidity distributions of thermal dileptons produced by an evolving quark-gluon plasma assuming a longitudinal scaling expansion with initial conditions locally determined from the hadronic rapidity density. These distributions are compared with Drell-Yan production and semileptonic charm decays at invariant mass M=2M = 2, 4, and 6 GeV.Comment: 17 pages (standard LaTeX), 6 figures (available as topdraw files or printed versions upon request), GSI-93-6

    Viscosities of Quark-Gluon Plasmas

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    The quark and gluon viscosities are calculated in quark-gluon plasmas to leading orders in the coupling constant by including screening. For weakly interaction QCD and QED plasmas dynamical screening of transverse interactions and Debye screening of longitudinal interactions controls the infrared divergences. For strongly interacting plasmas other screening mechanisms taken from lattice calculations are employed. By solving the Boltzmann equation for quarks and gluons including screening the viscosity is calculated to leading orders in the coupling constant. The leading logarithmic order is calculated exactly by a full variational treatment. The next to leading orders are found to be very important for sizable coupling constants as those relevant for the transport properties relevant for quark-gluon plasmas created in relativistic heavy ion collisions and the early universe.Comment: 12 pages + 6 figures, report LBL-3492
