2,543 research outputs found

    Flow-Injection Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Using a Horseradish Peroxidase-Modified Electrode Detection System

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    A flow-injection analysis (FIA) system utilizing a horseradish peroxidase-modified amperometric electrode is described. The enzyme was immobilized through adsorption onto a glassy carbon electrode and the system is used to determine hydrogen peroxide at submicromolar levels

    Fluorine in AGB Carbon Stars Revisited

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    A reanalysis of the fluorine abundance in three Galactic AGB carbon stars (TX Psc, AQ Sgr and R Scl) has been performed from the molecular HF (1-0) R9 line at 2.3358 μ\mum. High-resolution (R∼50000\sim 50000) and high signal to noise spectra obtained with the CRIRES spectrograph and the VLT telescope or from the NOAO archive (for TX Psc) have been used. Our abundance analysis uses the latest generation of MARCS model atmospheres for cool carbon rich stars. Using spectral synthesis in LTE we derive for these stars fluorine abundances that are systematically lower by ∼0.8\sim 0.8 dex in average with respect to the sole previous estimates by Jorissen, Smith & Lambert (1992). The possible reasons of this discrepancy are explored. We conclude that the difference may rely on the blending with C-bearing molecules (CN and C2_2) that were not properly taken into account in the former study. The new F abundances are in better agreement with the prediction of full network stellar models of low mass AGB stars. These models also reproduce the ss-process elements distribution in the sampled stars. This result, if confirmed in a larger sample of AGB stars, might alleviate the current difficulty to explain the largest [F/O] ratios found by Jorissen et al. In particular, it may not be necessary to search for alternative nuclear chains affecting the production of F in AGB stars.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures. to be appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Jan 2009 issue

    Liver, horseradish and bananas: a diet of enzymes for voltammetry

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    In this paper we will report on recent work that we have carried out involving enzymes such as glutamate dehydrogenase (from liver), peroxidase (from horseradish) and tyrosinase (from banana)

    Quantitative magneto-optical investigation of superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures

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    We present a detailed quantitative magneto-optical imaging study of several superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures, including Nb deposited on top of thermomagnetically patterned NdFeB, and permalloy/niobium with erasable and tailored magnetic landscapes imprinted in the permalloy layer. The magneto-optical imaging data is complemented with and compared to scanning Hall probe microscopy measurements. Comprehensive protocols have been developed for calibrating, testing, and converting Faraday rotation data to magnetic field maps. Applied to the acquired data, they reveal the comparatively weaker magnetic response of the superconductor from the background of larger fields and field gradients generated by the magnetic layer.Comment: 21 pages, including 2 pages of supplementary materia

    Sensors based on polymer modified electrodes

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    This paper will review the recent results that we have obtained using novel ruthenium-containing polymers, and on the further studies on the incorporation of proteins into polymeric matrices

    The AMBRE Project: Stellar parameterisation of the ESO:FEROS archived spectra

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    The AMBRE Project is a collaboration between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (OCA) that has been established in order to carry out the determination of stellar atmospheric parameters for the archived spectra of four ESO spectrographs. The analysis of the FEROS archived spectra for their stellar parameters (effective temperatures, surface gravities, global metallicities, alpha element to iron ratios and radial velocities) has been completed in the first phase of the AMBRE Project. From the complete ESO:FEROS archive dataset that was received, a total of 21551 scientific spectra have been identified, covering the period 2005 to 2010. These spectra correspond to ~6285 stars. The determination of the stellar parameters was carried out using the stellar parameterisation algorithm, MATISSE (MATrix Inversion for Spectral SynthEsis), which has been developed at OCA to be used in the analysis of large scale spectroscopic studies in galactic archaeology. An analysis pipeline has been constructed that integrates spectral reduction and radial velocity correction procedures with MATISSE in order to automatically determine the stellar parameters of the FEROS spectra. Stellar atmospheric parameters (Teff, log g, [M/H] and [alpha/Fe]) were determined for 6508 (30.2%) of the FEROS archived spectra (~3087 stars). Radial velocities were determined for 11963 (56%) of the archived spectra. 2370 (11%) spectra could not be analysed within the pipeline. 12673 spectra (58.8%) were analysed in the pipeline but their parameters were discarded based on quality criteria and error analysis determined within the automated process. The majority of these rejected spectra were found to have broad spectral features indicating that they may be hot and/or fast rotating stars, which are not considered within the adopted reference synthetic spectra grid of FGKM stars.Comment: 28 pages, 28 figures, 9 table

    The AMBRE project: A new synthetic grid of high-resolution FGKM stellar spectra

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    Large grids of synthetic spectra covering a widespread range of stellar parameters are mandatory for different stellar and (extra-)Galactic physics applications. Such large grids can be used for the automatic parametrisation of stellar spectra such as that performed within the AMBRE project for which the main goal is the stellar atmospheric parameters determination for the few hundreds of thousands of archived spectra of four ESO spectrographs. To fulfil the needs of AMBRE and future similar projects, we have computed a grid of synthetic spectra over the whole optical domain for cool to very cool stars of any luminosity with metallicities varying from 10-5 to 10 times the solar metallicity, and considering large variations in the chemical content of the {\alpha}-elements. New generation MARCS model atmospheres and the Turbospectrum code for radiative transfer have been used. We have also taken into account as complete as possible atomic and molecular linelists. A new grid of 16783 high resolution spectra over the wavelength range 3000 to 12000 {\AA} has been computed with a spectral resolution always larger than 150000. Normalised and absolute flux versions are available over a wide range of stellar atmospheric parameters for stars of FGKM spectral types. The covered parameters are 2500K\leqTeff\leq8000K, -0.5\leqlog(g)\leq5.5dex, -5.0\leq[M/H]\leq+1.0 dex and five different values of the enrichment in {\alpha}-elements have been considered (0.0, \pm0.2 dex and \pm0.4 dex around the standard values). This grid is made publicly available through the POLLUX database (about 50% of the spectra are already included in this database) and in FITS format upon request to the authors.Comment: Accepted by A&

    The Air Microwave Yield (AMY) experiment - A laboratory measurement of the microwave emission from extensive air showers

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    The AMY experiment aims to measure the microwave bremsstrahlung radiation (MBR) emitted by air-showers secondary electrons accelerating in collisions with neutral molecules of the atmosphere. The measurements are performed using a beam of 510 MeV electrons at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of Frascati INFN National Laboratories. The goal of the AMY experiment is to measure in laboratory conditions the yield and the spectrum of the GHz emission in the frequency range between 1 and 20 GHz. The final purpose is to characterise the process to be used in a next generation detectors of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. A description of the experimental setup and the first results are presented.Comment: 3 pages -- EPS-HEP'13 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (July, 18-24, 2013) at Stockholm, Swede
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