453 research outputs found

    The effect of temperature during culture enrichment on methanotrophic polyhydroxyalkanoate production

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    Producción CientíficaClimate change and plastic pollution are likely the most relevant environmental problems of the 21st Century. Thus, one of the most promising solutions to remedy both environmental problems simultaneously is the bioconversion of greenhouse gases, such as methane (CH4), into bioplastics (PHAs). However, the optimization of this bioconversion platform is still required to turn CH4 biotransformation into a cost-effective and cost-competitive process. In this context, the research presented here aimed at elucidating the best temperature culture conditions to enhance both PHA accumulation and methane degradation. Six different enrichments were carried out at 25, 30 and 37 °C using different inocula and methane as the only energy and carbon source. CH4 biodegradation rates, specific growth rates, PHA accumulations and the community structure were characterized. Higher temperatures (30 and 37 °C) increased the PHAs accumulation up to 30% regardless of the inoculum. Moreover, Methylocystis became the dominant genus (∼30% of the total population) regardless of the temperature and inoculum used. This research demonstrated for the first time the fundamental role of temperature in increasing both the accumulation of PHAs and methane abatement during the enrichment of PHA cell-factories from methane, thus enhancing the cost-effectiveness of the process.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, TheEuropean FEDER program and the European Commission (CTM2015-73228-JIN, H2020-MSCA-IF-2016: CH4BioVal-GA:750126 and Red NOVEDAR)

    Dry Needling and Antithrombotic Drugs

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    Many clinicians increasingly use dry needling in clinical practice. However, whether patients'' intake of antithrombotic drugs should be considered as a contraindication for dry needling has not been investigated to date. As far as we know, there are no publications in analyzing the intake of antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents in the context of dry needling techniques. A thorough analysis of existing medications and how they may impact various needling approaches may contribute to improved evidence-informed clinical practice. The primary purpose of this paper is to review the current knowledge of antithrombotic therapy in the context of dry needling. In addition, reviewing guidelines of other needling approaches, such as electromyography, acupuncture, botulinum toxin infiltration, and neck ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy, may provide specific insights relevant for dry needling. Based on published data, taking antithrombotic medication should not be considered an absolute contraindication for dry needling techniques. As long as specific dry needling and individual risks are properly considered, it does not change the risk and safety profile of dry needling. Under specific circumstances, the use of ultrasound guidance is recommended when available. © 2022 María Muñoz et al

    Impacto Psicológico del Covid-19 y el Papel de la Telepsicología: Una Reflexión de la Psicología en el Ámbito Social y Organizacional

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    En diciembre de 2019 surge en China de forma desconocida un nuevo virus, nombrado Covid-19, mayormente conocido como coronavirus, el cual se ha propagado desde entonces hasta llegar a Colombia, motivo por el cual la Organización Mundial de la Salud lo ha declarado una pandemia. Se realizó una revisión documental que integra tanto artículos de revisión bibliográfica como artículos de carácter científicos. Asimismo, en la reflexión se discute y describen los factores y las necesidades psicológicas, sociales y organizacionales que impactan con la pandemia. Y para finalizar se concluye con una reflexión propositiva para aminorar daños psicológicos colaterales, ahora y de forma prospectiva

    El caso de Homo floresiensis: ¿Homo sapiens patológico o una nueva especie?

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    En el año 2004 se publicó en la revista científica Nature el descubrimiento de unos restos humanos en la isla indonesia de Flores, en el yacimiento de Liang Bua, que desafiaban el conocimiento de la evolución del ser humano que se tenía hasta entonces. El descubrimiento provocó división de opiniones entre los investigadores. Por un lado, hay quienes aceptan la pertinencia del nuevo taxón, Homo floresiensis, tal y como lo propusieron sus descubridores. Por otro lado, otra serie de investigadores afirman que no se trata de una nueva especie, sino de un Homo sapiens con algún tipo de patología. En esa línea, se ha propuesto que fuera una población pigmea, o que padeciera alguna patología, como el Síndrome de Laron, Síndrome Down, cretinismo o microcefalia. En cualquier caso, ninguna de las opciones patológicas propuestas da respuesta al conjunto de restos óseos y líticos hallados en Flores

    Leishmanicidal and cytotoxic activity of extracts and saponins from Ilex laurina (Aquifoliaceae)

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    Purpose: To evaluate the leishmanicidal and cytotoxic activity of alcohol and non-alcohol extracts and saponins from Ilex laurina.Methods: Extracts were obtained by percolation with solvents of different polarities: hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and ethanol. The ethyl acetate extract was subjected to silica gel column chromatography eluting with a step gradient of dichloromethane-methanol. All products were evaluated in vitro for leishmanicidal activity against amastigotes of leishmania panamensis and cytotoxicity on U-937 cells.Results: Two saponins were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract. The ethyl acetate extract showed high leishmanicidal activity against intracellular amastigotes of L. panamensis (EC50, 7.5 ± 1.5 μg/mL) and low activity against axenic amastigotes (EC50, 52.8 ±1.6 μg/mL); this extract showed also high cytotoxicity (LC50, 57.7 ± 12.1 μg/mL). Saponin 2 exhibited high activity against intracellular amastigotes (EC50, 5.9 ± 0.5 μg/mL) but also showed high cytotoxicity on U-937 cells (EC50, 25.7 ± 6.1 μg/mL). This compound showed similar leishmanicidal activity and cytotoxicity to meglumine antimoniate and amphotericin B, respectively, drugs currently used for the treatment of leishmaniasis.Conclusions: Based on these results, Ilex laurina is a potential source of compounds that can lead to the development of new therapeutic alternatives against leishmaniasis.Keywords: Leishmaniasis, Antiprotozoal, Saponin, Ilex laurina, Aquifoliacea

    Foetal Immune Response Activation and High Replication Rate during Generation of Classical Swine Fever Congenital Infection

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    Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) induces trans-placental transmission and congenital viral persistence; however, the available information is not updated. Three groups of sows were infected at mid-gestation with either a high, moderate or low virulence CSFV strains. Foetuses from sows infected with high or low virulence strain were obtained before delivery and piglets from sows infected with the moderate virulence strain were studied for 32 days after birth. The low virulence strain generated lower CSFV RNA load and the lowest proportion of trans-placental transmission. Severe lesions and mummifications were observed in foetuses infected with the high virulence strain. Sows infected with the moderately virulence strain showed stillbirths and mummifications, one of them delivered live piglets, all CSFV persistently infected. Efficient trans-placental transmission was detected in sows infected with the high and moderate virulence strain. The trans-placental transmission occurred before the onset of antibody response, which started at 14 days after infection in these sows and was influenced by replication efficacy of the infecting strain. Fast and solid immunity after sow vaccination is required for prevention of congenital viral persistence. An increase in the CD8+ T-cell subset and IFN-alpha response was found in viremic foetuses, or in those that showed higher viral replication in tissue, showing the CSFV recognition capacity by the foetal immune system after trans-placental infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of an Immunosuppressive Cell Population during Classical Swine Fever Virus Infection and Its Role in Viral Persistence in the Host

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    Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) remains a highly important pathogen, causing major losses in the swine industry. Persistent infection is highly relevant for CSFV maintenance in the field; however, this form of infection is not fully understood. An increase in the granulocyte population has been detected in CSFV persistently infected animals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possible immunosuppressive role of these cells in CSFV persistent infection. The phenotype of peripheral blood and bone marrow cells from persistently infected and naïve animals was evaluated by flow cytometry, and the capacity of specific cell subsets to reduce the interferon gamma (IFN-γ) response against unspecific and specific antigen was determined using co-culture assays. The frequency of granulocytic cells was increased in cells from CSFV persistently infected pigs and they showed a phenotype similar to immunosuppressive cell populations found in persistent infection in humans. These cells from persistently infected animals were able to reduce the IFN-γ response against unspecific and specific antigen. Our results suggest that immature immunosuppressive cell populations play a role in CSFV persistent infection in swine. The information obtained by studying the role of myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) during CSFV persistent infection may extrapolate to other viral persistent infections in mammals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modulation of the liver protein carbonylome by the combined effect of marine Omega-3 PUFAs and grape polyphenols supplementation in rats fed an obesogenic high fat and high sucrose diet

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    Diet-induced obesity has been linked to metabolic disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. A factor linking diet to metabolic disorders is oxidative stress, which can damage biomolecules, especially proteins. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of marine omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) and their combination with grape seed polyphenols (GSE) on carbonyl-modified proteins from plasma and liver in Wistar Kyoto rats fed an obesogenic diet, namely high-fat and high-sucrose (HFHS) diet. A proteomics approach consisting of fluorescein 5-thiosemicarbazide (FTSC) labelling of protein carbonyls, visualization of FTSC-labelled protein on 1-DE or 2-DE gels, and protein identification by MS/MS was used for the protein oxidation assessment. Results showed the effciency of the combination of both bioactive compounds in decreasing the total protein carbonylation induced by HFHS diet in both plasma and liver. The analysis of carbonylated protein targets, also referred to as the 'carbonylome', revealed an individual response of liver proteins to supplements and a modulatory effect on specific metabolic pathways and processes due to, at least in part, the control exerted by the supplements on the liver protein carbonylome. This investigation highlights the additive effect of dietary fish oils and grape seed polyphenols in modulating in vivo oxidative damage of proteins induced by the consumption of HFHS diets

    Prácticas pedagógicas desde la orientación del idioma Inglés, que intenten dar respuesta a la diversidad de los niños y las niñas

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    Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.El presente artículo es producto de un trabajo investigativo que tuvo como objetivo comprender las prácticas pedagógicas que intentan dar respuesta a la diversidad, desde la orientación del área de inglés por docentes que no son especialistas en la materia. Este estudio forma parte de un macro proyecto de investigación nacional denominado: “Didácticas alternativas: una opción para atender la diversidad en el aula” en la línea de investigación: Didáctica y Pedagogía, de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad de Manizales. Metodológicamente se desarrolló desde una perspectiva cualitativa de corte etnográfico, en la cual los y las docentes participaron como co-investigadores que contribuyeron a nuestro análisis sobre sus discursos, estrategias, apreciaciones y significaciones respecto a las prácticas pedagógicas que adelantan y a la forma en que están asumiendo la diversidad en el aula. Para obtener la información necesaria, utilizamos técnicas como la didactobiografía y otras pertenecientes a la etnografía como la entrevista y la observación participante, que nos posibilitaron identificar cómo las prácticas pedagógicas de los y las docentes requieren del apoyo del estado, que en el contexto rural, muchas veces está ausente. A pesar de ello, fue notable la recursividad de los maestros para orientar el área de inglés, su constante voluntad por aceptar los cambios y la posición que construyen frente a la diversidad

    Biotechnological approaches to study plant responses to stress

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    Multiple biotic and abiotic environmental stress factors affect negatively various aspects of plant growth, development, and crop productivity. Plants, as sessile organisms, have developed, in the course of their evolution, efficient strategies of response to avoid, tolerate, or adapt to different types of stress situations. The diverse stress factors that plants have to face often activate similar cell signaling pathways and cellular responses, such as the production of stress proteins, upregulation of the antioxidant machinery, and accumulation of compatible solutes. Over the last few decades advances in plant physiology, genetics, and molecular biology have greatly improved our understanding of plant responses to abiotic stress conditions. In this paper, recent progresses on systematic analyses of plant responses to stress including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and transgenic-based approaches are summarized