1,202 research outputs found

    Reflexiones en torno a la permanencia de la Sociología de la Educación en los grados

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    Esta aportación trata la situación y permanencia de la Sociología de la Educación en los nuevos grados. Se analizan los cambios producidos en la estructura de las enseñanzas universitarias en ese momento; se reflexiona después sobre la inclusión de nuevos contenidos y materias; se menciona después el curriculum del maestro . Los efectos de estos cambios sobre el profesorado y la configuración final en la formación de futuros maestros y maestras son cuestiones de interés que se trabajan en este texto

    epsilon-Contaminated priors in contingency tables

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    An r x s table is used for different approaches to statistical inference. We develop a Bayesian procedure to test simple null hypotheses versus bilateral alternatives in contingency tables. We consider testing equality of proportions of independent multinomial distributions when the common proportions are known. A lower bound of the posterior probabilities of the null hypothesis is calculated with respect to a mixture of a point prior on the null and an epsilon-contaminated prior on the proportions under the alternative. The resulting Bayes tests are compared numerically to Pearson's chi(2) in a number of examples. For the examined examples the lower bound and the p-value can be made close. The obtained results are generalized when the common proportions vector under the null is unknown or has a known functional form

    Avances y resistencias en el largo camino hacia la igualdad de la mujer

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    On the long road to equality there are many pending resistances, areas and behaviours to overcome. Although women have progressed greatly in reducing inequality, the persistence of discrimination is still confirmed today. We are still between the reproduction of inequality and resistance to change. The most subtle, covert sexism is represented in the most inadvertent ways that include unequal treatment; the objectification, the commodification of the body; the language, the denialist beliefs of inequality; they are different versions of the limitations for women, which must be overcome promptly but at their own pace… We know from previous research that school is an intervening factor, but not decisive. The works presented here wish to reflect on change and reproduction and present ideas and proposals that can contribute to reflection and suggest measures so that the path can be shortened.En el largo camino hacia la igualdad hay muchas resistencias pendientes, ámbitos y comportamientos que superar. Aunque las mujeres han hecho grandes avances disminuyendo la desigualdad, se sigue confirmando en la actualidad la persistencia de discriminaciones. Estamos aún entre la reproducción de la desigualdad y la resistencia a los cambios. El sexismo más sutil, encubierto, se representa en las formas más inadvertidas que incluye un tratamiento desigual; la cosificación, la mercantilización del cuerpo; el lenguaje, las creencias negacionistas de la desigualdad; son diferentes versiones de las limitaciones para la mujer, que deben superarse con prontitud pero atendiendo a un ritmo propio… Sabemos por las investigaciones precedentes que la escuela es un factor interviniente, pero no decisivo. Los trabajos que aquí se presentan desean reflexionar sobre el cambio y la reproducción y sugerir ideas y propuestas que puedan contribuir a reflexionar y plantear medidas, para que el camino se haga corto.Nella lunga strada verso l'uguaglianza ci sono ancora molte resistenze, settori e comportamenti da superare. Sebbene le donne abbiano fatto passi da gigante nella riduzione della disuguaglianza, la persistenza della discriminazione si conferma ancora oggi. Siamo ancora sospesi tra la riproduzione della disuguaglianza e la resistenza al cambiamento. Il sessismo più sottile e larvato è rappresentato nei modi più inavvertiti in cui si produce un trattamento ineguale; l'oggettivazione, la mercificazione del corpo; il linguaggio, le convinzioni negazioniste della disuguaglianza; sono differenti forme di limitazione per le donne, che devono essere superate prontamente ma con un giusto ritmo… Sappiamo da ricerche precedenti che la scuola è un fattore che conta anche se non è il solo. I lavori qui presentati vogliono fornire spunti di riflessione sul cambiamento e sulla riproduzione e suggerire idee e proposte che possano contribuire a elaborare e proporre misure per abbreviare il percorso.

    Diffusion of the utopias. The academy and the media in times of pandemic

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    At the end of the 20th century, the disappearance of the great utopias occurs. Crises are favorable moments to imagine better worlds. Social scientists and humanists - because of their knowledge of reality and its possibilities for change - are privileged to visualize the Covid-19 crisis as an opportunity for change and transfer the orientation of change to all of society. This is a transcendental translation for the consolidation of utopia in the social imaginary. This work explores the rehabilitation of utopia in the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic's start by academics. Doing this identifies, classifies, and analyzes the specific proposals that these thinkers have published in the press to move towards a happy world. We note that the pandemic has not managed to rehabilitate the utopia and that the community's proposals for change are fragmented. We consider that this fragmentation is a symptom of micro-stories, which implies a shift towards micro-routes. However, medium-range utopias proliferate in which messages appear insistently and, in that sense, may be reflected in the social imaginar

    Reseña de un profesor

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    La presente es una reseña de un profesor que ha sabido combinar exitosamente dos artes: la docente y la cinematográfica haciendo un tratamiento transversal de temáticas muy diferentes a través de ellas, con el objetivo de utilizar el cine como herramienta para trabajar el lenguaje en más de una lengua

    La paz construye y se construye

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    Reflexiones en torno a los procesos de paz en las sociedades , y referencia especial a Colombia

    Sobre la creatividad y la innovación

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    La editorial del número actual trata sobre el difícil equilibrio entre el aprendizaje y difusión de conocimiento y el academicismo. Se contemplan tres tipos de conocimiento: el conocimiento común, el vulgar y el académico. A estos se añade un tipo de conocimiento extraordinario el de la innovación o creatividad (en la medida en que promueve, cultiva e impulsa)  cualidades necesarias para el avance en cualquiera de los campos.  &nbsp

    The role of MEN (mitosis exit network) proteins in the cytokinesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    At the latest stages of their cell cycle, cells carry out crucial processes for the correct segregation of their genetic and cytoplasmic material. In this work, we provide evidence demonstrating that the cell cycle arrest of some MEN (mitosis exit network) mutants in the anaphase-telophase transition is bypassed. In addition, the ability of cdc15 diploid mutant strains to develop non-septated chains of cells, supported by nuclear division, is shown. This phenotype is also displayed by haploid cdc15 mutant strains when cell lysis is prevented by osmotic protection, and shared by other MEN mutants. By contrast, anaphase-telophase arrest is strictly observed in double MEN-FEAR (fourteen early anaphase release) mutants. In this context, the overexpression of a FEAR component, SPO12, in a MEN mutant background enhances the ability of MEN mutants to bypass cell cycle arrest. Taken together, these data suggest a critical role of Cdc15 and other MEN proteins in cytokinesis, allowing a new model for their cellular function to be proposed. [Int Microbiol 2005; 8(1):33-42

    A comprehensive dataset of annotated brain metastasis MR images with clinical and radiomic data.

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    Brain metastasis (BM) is one of the main complications of many cancers, and the most frequent malignancy of the central nervous system. Imaging studies of BMs are routinely used for diagnosis of disease, treatment planning and follow-up. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has great potential to provide automated tools to assist in the management of disease. However, AI methods require large datasets for training and validation, and to date there have been just one publicly available imaging dataset of 156 BMs. This paper publishes 637 high-resolution imaging studies of 75 patients harboring 260 BM lesions, and their respective clinical data. It also includes semi-automatic segmentations of 593 BMs, including pre- and post-treatment T1-weighted cases, and a set of morphological and radiomic features for the cases segmented. This data-sharing initiative is expected to enable research into and performance evaluation of automatic BM detection, lesion segmentation, disease status evaluation and treatment planning methods for BMs, as well as the development and validation of predictive and prognostic tools with clinical applicability

    Issues related to the MEDITS reference list of species

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    The MEDITS survey programme started in 1994 and adopted the basic protocols by the four first partners, just before the first survey. These protocols included the design of the survey, the sampling gear, the information collected, and the management of the data as far as the production of common standardized analyses of the data (Bertrand et al., 2002). The last updating of protocols has been done in 2007 (MEDITS, 2007). According to it, for each species the total weight and number of individuals is recorded. For a reference list of 38 species of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods, the length frequency by sex must be reported, as well as the maturity stage of the gonads. However, two different things should be taken into account. On one hand, for most works performed using MEDITS data (including assessments), the length frequency distributions are used, without taking into account the sex. On the other hand, the period of the surveys is not always coincident with the spawning season for all the species in the MEDITS reference list. This document attempts to be a practical exercise in relation to these topics, using both surveys and commercial data, and gives some proposals to the reference list of specie