5,263 research outputs found

    New records of suctorians (Ciliophora: Suctoria) as epibionts of aquatic true bugs (Hemiptera: Prosorrhyncha: Nepomorpha) from two regions: Mexico and Eastern Europe

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    Here, we provide new records of suctorians (Ciliophora: Suctoria), epibionts of aquatic true bugs (Hemiptera: Prosorrhyncha: Nepomorpha) collected in Ukraine, Belarus and Mexico. The worldwide distribution of the 16 species we found is updated, from which, 15 species are new records as epibionts of 15 species of aquatic true bugs. Only for the suctorian Discophrya gessneri Matthes, we confirm the previous record (epibiont of Aphelocheirus aestivalis Fabricius). We conclude that the relationship between the suctorians and aquatic true bugs is poorly studied and some suctorian genera (Discophrya Lachmann and Periacineta Collin) inhabit as nepomorphans as other aquatic insects (Coleoptera). However the high degree of specificity at the species level of these genera is evident, for which we provide some possible explanations according to the group of basibiont

    Volar con Pedro Casariego Córdoba

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    Sobre la obra de Pedro Casariego Córdoba

    Escola infantil i primària a Manresa

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    El projecte contempla la construcció d’una escola infantil i primària (CEIP) a Manresa, en un terreny peculiar envoltat per tres dels quatre costats per vial. El sistema d’agrupació d’aules es desenvolupa majoritàriament en una planta, vorejant un pati central i permetent que totes les aules tingui relació amb l’exterior, gaudint de la seva pròpia aula exterior i d’un espai comú que els uneix. Adjacent a la banda oest de l’Escola, el Pla Parcial de Manresa contempla la creació d’un Gran Parc Urbà, de manera que es projecta un espai de transició i accés en contacte directe amb el centre docent i la natura

    Adult neural stem cells and their differentiation choices : examples from experimental inflammation and transplantation

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    The aim of this thesis is to study how inflammation influences the fate of NPCs, which can impact the regenerative capacities of the CNS. In paper I, we used a hypoglossal nerve avulsion model, to study if survival, differentiation, and integration of transplanted NPCs could be achieved. Transplanted NPCs were present after 3 months post grafting, and expressed differentiation markers specific for neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Motor neuronal cell survival was increased in injured animals which received the NPC graft. This results show that transplanted NPCs can modulate the microenvironment increasing motor neuronal survival. Further, in Paper II, we explored the same transplantation setting in a transection injury of the hypoglossal nerve, i.e. an injury that yields significantly less neuronal cell death in contrast to the more severe avulsion injury. Comparison of transplanted NPCs into both injury models was then investigated. In the transection injury model we found that NPC transplanted to the hypoglossal nucleus, maintained their Sox2 expression after three months transplantation. Also, no differentiated progeny derived from the graft was observed. Motor neuronal survival was not significantly different from non-transplanted animals, indicating that the cues for NPCs differentiation provided from the environment were different comparing to the avulsion model. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), are an integral part of inflammation, so we next questioned whether H2O2 a member of the ROS family would have an effect on the differentiation outcome of NPC from the brain lateral ventricles. In paper III I found that NPCs exposed to H2O2 resulted in more neurons and oligodendrocytes. H2O2 exposure influenced proliferation and the expression of genes involved in chromatin remodeling and antioxidant defense. These results indicate that H2O2 has a specific modulatory effect on the differentiation potential of NPCs. In paper IV the global gene expression and differentiation outcome from NPCs from the brain and the spinal cord were analyzed under normal conditions and after Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model for multiple sclerosis (MS). We found that NPC from naïve rat brains were more neurogenic compared to spinal cord (SC) naïve NPCs. In contrast, NPCs from the SC of EAE rats became more neurogenic comparing to healthy SC NPCs. Thus, the inflammatory environment produced during EAE proves to be able to change NPC fate. Overall the findings presented in this thesis suggest the inflammatory milieu as well as its individual components, like H2O2, act as mediators of the regenerative properties of NPC

    Periacineta mexicana n. sp. (Ciliophora, Suctoria, Discophryida), Epizoic on Mexican Backswimmers of the Genus Buenoa (Insecta, Hemiptera, Notonectidae)

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    A new species of suctorian in the genus Periacineta, epibiotic on aquatic bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Nepomorpha), is described on the basis of morphological characteristics of the cell body, lorica, tentacular placement, and stalk, and its 18S rRNA partial sequence gene. Periacineta mexicana n. sp. is a loricate suctorian with elongate body and rounded apical region; tentacles are distributed randomly over apical region and not grouped into fascicles. Macronucleus in adult is elongate and located centrally. The suctorian usually forms closely aggregated pseudocolonies. We provide morphological data based on optical and scanning electron microscopy. A comparison with similar congeners, and emended diagnosis of the genus Periacineta also are provided. The ciliates were found attached to the first two pairs of legs of Mexican notonectids Buenoa pallens and Buenoa spp. (backswimmers)

    Revisión sistemática de las estrategias de afrontamiento de los estudiantes víctimas del acoso escolar

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Psicopedagogí

    El uso de ontologías como tecnología para el análisis de composiciones musicales en formato MusicXML

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    Este trabajo presenta la propuesta del uso de ontologías como herramienta para el análisis de la tonalidad musical de canciones infantiles, escritas en tonalidades mayores y con un carácter melódico, mediante el desarrollo de una ontología básica de prueba en OW

    Biotechnologies for air pollution control: overcoming design and operational limitations

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    Tradicionalmente la contaminación ambiental ha recibido menor atención que otros tipos de contaminación. Sin embargo hoy en día el mundo se enfrenta a importantes desafíos relacionados con contaminantes gaseosos. Este tipo de contaminación puede tratarse mediante tecnologías "end-of-pipe" que se clasifican en dos tipos: físico/químicas y biológicas. Las tecnologías biológicas son alternativas más sostenibles, pero aún presentan limitaciones para su implementación a gran escala o su adaptación a algunos tipos concretos de contaminantes. La presente tesis realizó un análisis del estado del arte de diferentes tecnologías para el tratamiento de la contaminación atmosférica identificando sus ventajas e inconveninentes. Una vez identificados los puntos débiles de las tecnologías biológicas, se propusieron distintas soluciones desde el punto de vista microbiológico y de operación para superarlos.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio Ambient