72 research outputs found

    Efecto de la consanguinidad y selección sobre los componentes de un índice productivo, en ratones bajo apareamiento estrecho

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    In order to examine the influence of inbreeding depression on some productive characteristics of the laboratory mouse, 871 records were reanalyzed, which were from 20 generations in a line with narrow inbred crossing with selection for a productive index (WOFW) comparing with a line without selection, with inbred crossing (n= 135). Inbreeding coefficients (F) were calculated for each generation. In all the components of the index (reproductive life, fertile postpartum estruses and litter size), the two lines were compared, in the 15 available generations of the non-selected one, by the least squares method, grouping every five generations. The selected one was analyzed in the 20 generations for intergenerational differences with the same method. Inbreeding depression was estimated in all generations with a linear regression of consanguinity (expressed in 10 %) in all components. A significant difference (P<0.01) was observed between lines in the variables analyzed. The fertile postpartum estruses of the selected line remained constant, there was a decrease of 0.331 in the non-selected one (P<0.01). The productive index remained stable (increased 0.071) in the selected one, in the non-selected one it decreased (0.39) until disappearing (G15). Inbreeding depression impacted the reproductive life of both, decreased 4.741 d in the selected one vs 7.718 d in the non-selected one (P<0.01). In the non-selected one, it affected mortality at weaning and estrous cycle, the selection to the index counteracted that impact, probably due to the selection of genes that favor the gonadal development of mice.Con objeto de examinar la influencia de la depresión endogámica en algunas características productivas del ratón de laboratorio, se reanalizaron 871 registros provenientes de 20 generaciones en una línea con cruza consanguínea estrecha con selección a un índice productivo (CNHS) comparando con una línea sin selección, con cruzamiento endogámico (n= 135). Se calcularon los coeficientes de endogamia (F) para cada generación. En todos los componentes del índice (vida reproductiva, estros postparto fértiles y tamaño de camada), se compararon las dos líneas, en las 15 generaciones disponibles de la no seleccionada, por método de mínimos cuadrados, agrupando cada cinco generaciones. La seleccionada, se analizó en las 20 generaciones, para diferencias intergeneracionales con el mismo método. La depresión endogámica se estimó en todas las generaciones con una regresión lineal de consanguinidad (expresada en 10 %) en todos los componentes. Se observó diferencia significativa (P<0.01) entre líneas en las variables analizadas. Los estros post parto fértiles de la línea seleccionada se mantuvieron constantes, hubo un decremento de 0.331 en la no seleccionada (P<0.01). El índice productivo se mantuvo estable (aumentó 0.071) en la seleccionada, en la no seleccionada disminuyó (0.39) hasta desaparecer (G15). La depresión endogámica impactó en la vida reproductiva de ambas, decreció 4.741 días en la seleccionada vs. 7.718 días en la no seleccionada (P<0.01). En la no seleccionada afectó en mortalidad al destete y ciclo estral, la selección al índice contrarrestó ese impacto, probablemente debido a la selección de genes que favorecen el desarrollo gonadal de los ratones.

    Evolution of the Agri-Food Chain Concept in the 21st Century: The Taro Case

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    Objective: To conceptualize the agri-food chain and analyze its evolution during the 21st century: The case of taro. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic bibliography review was carried out in journals specialized in agri-food chains, value chains, logistics, and supply chains; these studies sustained qualitatively and based on a study case, the agri-food taro chain. Results: Currently, the agri-food chains include processes such as the supply of inputs and necessary facilities, production, transformation, distribution, and commercialization, among other services. The study of agri-food chains has effects on globalization in a more demanding macroeconomic setting. The growing industrialization of products generates added value and provides a competitive advantage to the agents that integrate the chain. However, the agri-food malanga chain presents disadvantages in its production, distribution, and storage processes, due to the disintegration of its links. Limitations of the study/implications: Scarce information exists on the malanga agri-food chain. Findings/conclusions: The agri-food chain concept has had a continuous evolution. Its structure aims to benefit each one of the chain links; compromises are generated to produce based on need. The integration and experience gained allow the strengthening and importance assessment of each link, improving revenues. Also, agri-food chains´ incorporation makes them more sensitive to climate change, nutrition, and sustainability.Objective: To conceptualize the agri-food chain and analyze its evolution during the 21st century: The case of taro. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic bibliography review was carried out in journals specialized in agri-food chains, value chains, logistics, and supply chains; these studies sustained qualitatively and based on a study case, the agri-food taro chain. Results: Currently, the agri-food chains include processes such as the supply of inputs and necessary facilities, production, transformation, distribution, and commercialization, among other services. The study of agri-food chains has effects on globalization in a more demanding macroeconomic setting. The growing industrialization of products generates added value and provides a competitive advantage to the agents that integrate the chain. However, the agri-food malanga chain presents disadvantages in its production, distribution, and storage processes, due to the disintegration of its links. Limitations of the study/implications: Scarce information exists on the malanga agri-food chain. Findings/conclusions: The agri-food chain concept has had a continuous evolution. Its structure aims to benefit each one of the chain links; compromises are generated to produce based on need. The integration and experience gained allow the strengthening and importance assessment of each link, improving revenues. Also, agri-food chains´ incorporation makes them more sensitive to climate change, nutrition, and sustainability

    Waste of Fruits, Vegetables and Aromatic Herbs in the wholesale market of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective: To estimate the waste of fruits, legumes and herbs in the Xalapa wholesale market Central de Abasto Xalapa (CAX). Design/methodology/approach: The tenants and transporters of the wholesale market were interviewed, who estimated the reported information. Results: It was calculated a daily waste 1.7 t (0.7 %) of fruits, legumes and aromatic herbs commercialized in CAX. Tenants unknown the factors that cause this waste. Limitations on study/implications: Few reports are available on the waste of fruits, vegetables and herbs in the wholesale markets in the country. Little awareness exists about this problem in the country. Findings/conclusions: The amount of waste produced daily in CAX indicates the need to review the public policies applicable to improve their coordination and market problemsObjective: To estimate the waste of fruits, legumes and herbs in the Xalapa wholesale market Central de Abasto Xalapa (CAX). Design/methodology/approach: The tenants and transporters of the wholesale market were interviewed, who estimated the reported information. Results: It was calculated a daily waste 1.7 t (0.7 %) of fruits, legumes and aromatic herbs commercialized in CAX. Tenants unknown the factors that cause this waste. Limitations on study/implications: Few reports are available on the waste of fruits, vegetables and herbs in the wholesale markets in the country. Little awareness exists about this problem in the country. Findings/conclusions: The amount of waste produced daily in CAX indicates the need to review the public policies applicable to improve their coordination and market problem

    Insights into interface and bulk defects in a high efficiency kesterite-based device

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    This work provides a detailed analysis of a high efficiency Cu2ZnSnSe4 device using a combination of advanced electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. In particular, a full picture of the different defects present at the interfaces of the device and in the bulk of the absorber is achieved through the combination of high resolution electron microscopy techniques with Raman, X-ray fluorescence and Auger spectroscopy measurements at the macro, micro and nano scales. The simultaneous investigation of the bulk and the interfaces allows assessing the impact of the defects found in each part of the device on its performance. Despite a good crystalline quality and homogeneous composition in the bulk, this work reports, for the first time, direct evidence of twinning defects in the bulk, of micro and nano-voids at the back interface and of grain-to-grain non-uniformities and dislocation defects at the front interface. These, together with other issues observed such as strong absorber thickness variations and a bilayer structure with small grains at the bottom, are shown to be the main factors limiting the performance of CZTSe devices. These results open the way to the identification of new solutions to further developing the kesterite technology and pushing it towards higher performances. Moreover, this study provides an example of how the advanced characterization of emergent multilayer-based devices can be employed to elucidate their main limitations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A cardiovascular educational intervention for primary care professionals in Spain: positive impact in a quasi-experimental study

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    Background Routine general practice data collection can help identify patients at risk of cardiovascular disease. Aim To determine whether a training programme for primary care professionals improves the recording of cardiovascular disease risk factors in electronic health records. Design and setting A quasi-experimental study without random assignment of professionals. This was an educational intervention study, consisting of an online-classroom 1-year training programme, and carried out in the Valencian community in Spain. Method The prevalence rates of recording of cardiovascular factors (recorded every 6 months over a 4-year period) were compared between intervention and control group. Clinical relevance was calculated by absolute risk reduction (ARR), relative risk reduction (RRR), and number of patients needed-to-attend (NNA), to avoid under-recording, with their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Linear regression models were used for each of the variables. Results Of the 941 professionals initially registered, 78.1% completed the programme. The ARR ranged from 1.87% (95% CI = 1.79 to 1.94) in the diagnosis of diabetes to 15.27% (95% CI = 15.14 to 15.40) in the recording of basal blood glucose. The NNA ranged from 7 in blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose recording to 54 in the diagnosis of diabetes. The RRR ranged from 26.7% in the diagnosis of diabetes to 177.1% in the recording of the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE). The rates of change were greater in the intervention group and the differences were significant for recording of cholesterol (P<0.001), basal blood glucose (P<0.001), smoking (P<0.001), alcohol (P<0.001), microalbuminuria (P = 0.001), abdominal circumference (P<0.001), and SCORE (P<0.001). Conclusion The education programme had a beneficial effect at the end of the follow-up that was significant and clinically relevant.We are grateful to Conselleria de Sanidad for allowing access to the ABUCASIS system and Antonio Fernandez who provided technical support during the study period

    Producción y comercialización de malanga (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott) en Actopan, Veracruz, México: Perspectiva de cadena de valor

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    Objective: To analyze the production and marketing of taro in Actopan, Veracruz,Mexico, with a value chain approach.Design/methodology/approach: Official databases were assessed and 28questionnaires were applied to producers and seven to representatives of packingcompanies, with a value chain approach.Results: fifty percent of producers interviewed are of small-scale (0.5-3 ha) withaverage annual yields of 50 t ha -1 . The main problems faced are: high prices foragricultural inputs, low market prices, pests and diseases. The commercialization ofthe product is done through retail and wholesale gatherers in the region. There areno purchase-sale contracts, the agreements are verbal. The packing companies are 2in charge of carrying out the process of clean assembly, selection, disinfection,labeling, packaging and distribution. Ninety percent of the fresh taro market is for theUnited States.Limitations on study/implications: Taro producers lack a government agency torepresent them, for example the product-system; therefore, the information onproduction, costs and wholesale prices is limited and dispersed.Findings/conclusions: The production and commercialization of taro is of greateconomic and social importance. It generates economic income and temporary jobsthroughout the year. It has relatively low production costs and high performance. Ingeneral, it benefits economic agents in the value chain. However, the lack oforganization of producers does not allow them to use economies of higher scale,access to preferential markets and high prices paid to the producers.Objetivo: Analizar la producción y comercialización de malanga en Actopan, Veracruz, México, con enfoque de cadena de valor.Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se consultaron bases de datos oficiales y se aplicaron 28 cuestionarios a productores y siete a representantes de empresas empacadoras, con enfoque de cadena de valor.Resultados: El 50% de productores entrevistados son de pequeña escala (0.5-3.0 ha) con rendimientos promedio anual de 50 t ha -1 . Los principales problemas que estos productores enfrentan son: altos precios de insumos agrícolas; bajos precios de mercado del producto; plagas y enfermedades. La comercialización del producto se realiza a través de acopiadores minoristas y mayoristas de la región; no existen contratos de compra y venta, los acuerdos son de palabra. Las empresas 3 empacadoras se encargan de realizar el proceso de maquila: limpia, selección, desinfección, etiquetado, empaque y distribución. El 90% del mercado de la malanga en fresco es para Estados Unidos.Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Los productores de malanga carecen de un organismo gubernamental que los represente, entonces, la información de producción, costos y precios al mayoreo es limitada y dispersa.Hallazgos/conclusiones: La producción y comercialización de malanga es de gran importancia económica y social, genera ingresos económicos y empleos temporales durante todo el año; tiene costos de producción relativamente bajos y alto rendimiento. En general beneficia a los agentes económicos de la cadena de valor. Sin embargo, la falta de organización de los productores no les permite utilizareconomías de escala, acceso a mercados preferentes y altos precios pagados al productor

    Uso de una plataforma educativa móvil como apoyo al proceso educativo.

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    La tecnología inalámbrica permite el trabajo en un campo, casi sin fronteras. Esto amplía el pensamiento al diseño de nuevas formas de control remoto, acceso a datos y comunicación. El uso de dispositivos y la tecnología móvil convergen en el ambiente diario agilizando tareas diversas e inclusive formando parte en el aprendizaje de la persona

    Uso del TAM en la implementación de la plataforma educativa móvil

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    Hoy día, previo a la realización del estudio de factibilidad y viabilidad del proyecto, se propone la aplicación de los modelos de aceptación de tecnología (TAM, Technology Acceptance Model), el cual presenta una perspectiva enfocada al usuario final del proyecto, sus expectativas en relación con un nuevo sistema, y la optimización de funciones del individuo con el uso del producto final esperado del proyecto. El TAM basa su funcionalidad en el uso de cuestionarios que midan la usabilidad y facilidad de uso que se predispone en la persona frente a una herramienta, una aplicación, etc. Este trabajo presenta el modelo de implementación de la plataforma educativa móvil (Soporte Educativo Móvil -SEM), desarrollado como apoyo a docentes y alumnos, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (FIME)Nowadays, previous to the realization of the projectʼs study of feasibility and viability, the application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is proposed, which presents a perspective focused to the final user of the project, their expectations in relation to a new system, and the optimization of the individual´s functions with the use of the prospective final product of the project. The TAM bases its functionality, in the use of questionnaires that measure the usability and easiness of use that it is predisposed in the person in front a tool, an application, etc.This work presents the model of implementation of the Mobile Educational Platform (Soporte Educativo Móvil - SEM ), developed as support to teachers and students, of the Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (FIME)

    Uso del TAM en la implementación de la plataforma educativa móvil

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    Hoy día, previo a la realización del estudio de factibilidad y viabilidad del proyecto, se propone la aplicación de los modelos de aceptación de tecnología (TAM, Technology Acceptance Model), el cual presenta una perspectiva enfocada al usuario final del proyecto, sus expectativas en relación con un nuevo sistema, y la optimización de funciones del individuo con el uso del producto final esperado del proyecto. El TAM basa su funcionalidad en el uso de cuestionarios que midan la usabilidad y facilidad de uso que se predispone en la persona frente a una herramienta, una aplicación, etc. Este trabajo presenta el modelo de implementación de la plataforma educativa móvil (Soporte Educativo Móvil -SEM), desarrollado como apoyo a docentes y alumnos, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (FIME)Nowadays, previous to the realization of the projectʼs study of feasibility and viability, the application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is proposed, which presents a perspective focused to the final user of the project, their expectations in relation to a new system, and the optimization of the individual´s functions with the use of the prospective final product of the project. The TAM bases its functionality, in the use of questionnaires that measure the usability and easiness of use that it is predisposed in the person in front a tool, an application, etc.This work presents the model of implementation of the Mobile Educational Platform (Soporte Educativo Móvil - SEM ), developed as support to teachers and students, of the Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (FIME)