80 research outputs found

    Hàbitats humans per a altres mons

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    Per a descobrir la viabilitat de la creació i transport d'un hàbitat per altres mons, cal realitzar infinitud d'estudis per poder portar-ho a la realitat. Aquest projecte se centrarà en el disseny i dimensionament d'un hàbitat, en la destinació dels espais i la maquinària mínima necessària per a la vida en altres indrets del sistema solar. Per començar el projecte s'haurà de trobar quin mitjà de transport podrà portar l'habitacle fins a la Lluna, d'aquest haurem d'obtenir la càrrega útil i dimensions màximes admissibles. En el moment que sapiguem com arribar, seria crucial buscar una font d'energia, la qual aportarà electricitat a tota la maquinària destinada al suport de vida i als aparells d'ús quotidià. En dissenyar l'habitacle caldrà saber a quins riscos estarà exposat, cal remarcar que la Lluna és considerat un medi extrem, on hi ha grans nivells de radiació còsmica i materials tòxics pels humans. També cal dir que la falta per descobrir molta informació sobre el nostre satèl·lit, com l'estabilitat del terra, ubicació d'aigua, zones en foscor continua tot això també suposa un risc. La selecció de materials serà rellevant per aquesta missió, ja que s'haurà d'escollir els que tinguin majors prestacions amb la menor densitat possible, per mantenir un baix pes. També s'haurà de tindre en compte els materials que s'utilitzaran per a protegir-se de les temperatures extremes, la radiació i els impactes dels meteorits. Un cop hàgim seleccionat el material estructural es podrà procedir al dimensionament de les bigues estructurals gràcies a càlculs teòrics els quals seran comprovats amb simulacions. Si les simulacions són positives el pas següent, serà el càlcul del pes de l'estructura. I serà sumat el pes de la maquinària, mobiliari, alimentació i aigua i oxigen. Un cop el pes total sigui calculat serà comparat amb la càrrega màxima admissible i en el cas que sigui inferior, sabrem que la missió podria ser viable. En cas afirmatiu, es podrà pressupostar el capital mínimIn order to discover the feasibility of developing and transporting a habitat to other worlds, it’s necessary to analyze and create a lot of different studies to bring this to reality. This project focuses on the design and sizing of a habitat, the analyze of the best location of rooms and the minimum machines and devices needed for life in other spaces of the solar system. In order to start this project, we should find the best way to transport the living space from the Earth to the Moon, and to analyze the range of maximum payload and allowable dimensions. Once we know how to arrive, it would be crucial to look for a source of energy, that will provide electricity to the life support devices and to the domestic appliances. When designing the living structure, it will be necessary to know the risks to which it will be exposed to, as the Moon is considered an extreme environment with high levels of cosmic radiation and toxic materials for human beings. We should also have in mind that there is a relevant lack of information regarding our satellite as the stability of the land, the water location and the areas in permanent darkness that add additional risks to our project. The selection of materials will be most relevant for this mission, as the maximum performance with the lowest possible density has to be selected, in order to maintain a low level of load. The chosen materials must protect against extreme temperatures, radiation, and meteorite impacts. Once the structural material has been selected, we should start sizing the structural elements using theoretical calculations that will be verified simulations. If the simulations are positive, the next step will be calculating the weight of the structure, algo taking into consideration, the weight of the machines, furniture, food, water, and oxygen. Once the total weight has been calculated, it needs to be compared to the maximum allowable load and, in the event that is still lower, we will know that the mission co

    Conserved and non-annotated proteins of Podosphaera xanthii: new target candidates for the control of powdery mildews by spray-induced gene silencing.

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    One of the most important limiting factors for cucurbit production worldwide is the powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera xanthii. Despite the efforts invested in plant breeding programs and chemical companies, effective control of this pathogen remains elusive to growers. In this work, we examined the potential of RNAi technology called spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS) for controlling cucurbit powdery mildew. For that, we first developed a new and simple gene silencing method for P. xanthii based on the application of dsRNAs to the plant surface. Moreover, to identify new target candidate genes, we focused on the study of a set of sixty conserved and non-annotated proteins (CNAPs) deduced from the P. xanthii transcriptome. After protein modeling and ligand prediction studies, six proteins presumably involved in respiration, glycosylation and efflux transport, were selected. Functional analysis of these CNAP coding genes by dsRNA-induced gene silencing resulted in strong silencing phenotypes with large reductions in fungal growth and disease symptoms. Due to their important contributions to fungal development, three of these CNAP genes were selected as targets to conduct SIGS assays under plant growth chamber conditions. The spray application of these dsRNAs induced high levels of disease control, supporting that SIGS could be a promising tool for controlling powdery mildews. This work has been funded by AEI (AGL2016-76216-C2-1-R; PID2019-107464RB-C21).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis sobre los riesgos ambientales y zonificación de las áreas de afectación por amenaza volcánica hidrográfica del rio Otún ubicado en el municipio Dosquebradas del departamento de Risaralda

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    11 Composiciones Mapas de Riesgos Volcanicos, 01 video de sustentacionEl municipio de Dosquebradas, departamento de Risaralda (Colombia), debido a la proximidad de 36 kilómetros que tiene hacia el Volcán Nevado del Ruiz, se halla dentro de los perímetros de amenaza volcánica por la caída de Piroclastos (ceniza y lapilli) con acumulaciones entre 1 y 10 cm (carga sobreimpuesta entre 10 y 100 kg/m²), acorde a la tendencia de los vientos imperantes en la zona con un radio aproximado de 54 Km que pueden ser transportados por el vientos, de acuerdo a lo referenciado por el Servicio Geológico Colombiano (2023), lo cual conllevaría a la generación de problemas ambientales a fuentes hídricas, afectación a la calidad del aire y enfermedades respiratorias. Dado a que el municipio se encuentra ubicado dentro de la Zonificación de Amenaza Volcánica, que corresponde al área de injerencia que presenta un riesgo de caída de cenizas volcánicas, con efectos potenciales en la producción de lluvia de piroclastos sobre zonas rurales, además de la contaminación de a fuentes hídricas y bocatomas que abastecen los acueductos de los municipios de Pereira, Dosquebradas, Marsella, Santa Rosa de Cabal, en el departamento de Risaralda, y que conllevarían al colapso de algunos de los componentes de la infraestructura debido a los riegos de origen natural (sismos, remoción de masas, inundaciones, incendio, caída de ceniza y piroclastos) ocasionados por una eventual erupción. Con la finalidad de evaluar las zonas de amenazas volcánica, es importante determinar los impactos a los que se verían expuestos los Sistemas de Acueducto y Alcantarillado y Aseo del Municipio de Dos Quebradas que se abastecen del afluente del rio Otún que conllevarían a la identificación de sustancia que alteren la calidad del agua originados por afectaciones de fenómenos naturales; es importante dentro de la investigación determinar los impactos sociales, ambientales y económicos imperantes en la zona al momento de eventos eruptivos; es por ello que se debe proponer como fuente de zonificación de los impactos ambientales la aplicación y uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, que nos permitan realizar la representación de la zonas de influencia de amenaza volcánica en la que se encuentra localizado el municipio de Dosquebradas Risaralda, la ubicación de los afluentes, de las zonas de derrumbes, asentamiento de los centros poblados urbanos y rurales e ubicación de los sistemas de acueductos que se encuentran dentro del radio de influencia.The municipality of Dosquebradas, department of Risaralda (Colombia), due to the proximity of 36 kilometers to the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, is within the perimeters of volcanic threat due to the fall of Pyroclastic (ash and lapilli) with accumulations between 1 and 10 cm (superimposed load between 10 and 100 kg / m²), according to the trend of the prevailing winds in the area with an approximate radius of 54 km that can be transported by the winds, as referenced by the Colombian Geological Service (2023), which would lead to the generation of environmental problems to water sources, affectation to air quality and respiratory diseases. Given that the municipality is located within the Volcanic Threat Zoning, which corresponds to the area of interference that presents a risk of volcanic ash fall, with potential effects on the production of pyroclastic rain on rural areas, in addition to the contamination of water sources and inlets that supply the aqueducts of the municipalities of Pereira, Dosquebradas, Marseille, Santa Rosa de Cabal, in the department of Risaralda, and that would lead to the collapse of some of the components of the infrastructure due to the risks of natural origin (earthquakes, mass removal, floods, fire, ash fall and pyro clasts) caused by an eventual eruption. In order to evaluate the areas of volcanic threats, it is important to determine the impacts to which the Aqueduct and Sewerage and Cleaning Systems of the Municipality of Dos Quebradas that are supplied by the tributary of the Otún River would be exposed, which would lead to the identification of substances that alter the quality of the water caused by affectations of natural phenomena; It is important within the research to determine the social, environmental and economic impacts prevailing in the area at the time of eruptive events; that is why it should be proposed as a source of zoning of environmental impacts the application and use of Geographic Information Systems, which allow us to make the representation of the areas of influence of volcanic threat in which the municipality of Dosquebradas Risaralda is located, the location of the tributaries, of the landslide areas, settlement of urban and rural population centers and location of aqueduct systems within the radius of influence. Keywords: Otún River, volcanic hazard, drinking water supply systems, environmental contamination, Geographic Information Systems, Dosquebradas Risaralda, Nevado del Ruiz Volcan

    Implementación de la Mejora Continua en el Curso Propedéutico de Álgebra al Ingresar a una Ingeniería

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    The algebraic knowledge of new students entering the engineering field  is an essential skill in order to take basic science subjects during the first semesters. This paper aims to suggest the implementation of the PDCA methodology during the development of the algebra propaedeutic course at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de El Mante, to improve the algebraic knowledge of students , so they can be able to successfully face the subjects of Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Linear Algebra. A written exam was applied on the first day of the course with the objective of analyzing the level of knowledge in the topics of operations with algebraic expressions, notable products and factorization to determine the necessary didactic strategies that will facilitate learning these topics during the four weeks in which the course was developed. Subsequently, a final evaluation was applied considering the same topics, where an increase in algebraic skills was demonstrated. In addition, a satisfaction survey of the course was carried out, where a positive perception of the students about the strategies implemented during the course was observed.Los conocimientos algebraicos de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a una ingeniería son esenciales para cursar materias de ciencias básicas durante los primeros semestres. En este trabajo se propone la implementación de la metodología PDCA durante el desarrollo del curso propedéutico de álgebra en el -Instituto Tecnológico Superior de El Mante, para mejorar los conocimientos algebraicos y poder afrontar con éxito las materias de Cálculo diferencial, Calculo integral y Algebra lineal. Se aplicó un examen escrito en el primer día del curso con el objetivo de analizar el nivel de conocimientos en los temas de operaciones con expresiones algebraicas, productos notables y factorización para determinar las estrategias didácticas necesarias y facilitar el aprendizaje en dichos temas durante las cuatro semanas consecutivas en las que se desarrolló el curso. Posteriormente se aplicó una evaluación final considerando los mismos temas, donde se demuestra un aumento en las habilidades algebraicas. Además, se realizó una encuesta de satisfacción del curso, donde se observa una percepción positiva de los estudiantes acerca de las estrategias implementadas durante el mismo

    Localització de Mycroft, l'assistent virtual de codi obert : traducció de productes digitals

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    Treball presentat en el marc d'una assignatura del Màster de Tradumàtica pel Grup 9 durant el curs 2020-2021Els assistents virtuals són un software cada cop més estès i en constant desenvolupament. En aquest marc, un grup de col·laboradors de Softcatalà va engegar un projecte per localitzar Mycroft, un assistent virtual de codi obert, amb l'objectiu d'oferir un assistent virtual en català inexistent fins al moment. Les autores del present treball vam participar d'aquest projecte i amb el treball pretenem explicar tot el procés de localització de la part lingüística de Mycroft al català. La memòria es centra en explicar la fase de preproducció, la fase de traducció, la fase de postproducció i la gestió del projecte. L'objectiu és descriure el procés i destacar les particularitats amb les que ens vam trobar a cadascuna de les fases per tal de extreure conclusions aplicables a altres processos de localització de productes digitals similars

    Hand colonization by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the community

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    RESUMEN: En la última década han sido cada vez más frecuentes los informes de infecciones causadas por cepas de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina asociadas a la comunidad (CA-MRSA, por Community-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus). La colonización juega un papel importante en la epidemiología de tales infecciones. Sin embargo, los estudios de colonización se han centrado principalmente en el ambiente hospitalario y se han hecho muy pocos en la comunidad. En este trabajo se investigó la frecuencia de colonización por S. aureus en general y por MRSA en las manos de individuos de la población general no relacionados con el área de la salud, empleando métodos fenotípicos y moleculares. Se obtuvieron mediante hisopado 800 muestras de las manos de otros tantos individuos. Se halló colonización por Staphylococcus aureus en 65 muestras (8,1%) y por MRSA en 5 (0,63%). Las 5 cepas de MRSA presentaban el casete cromosómico mec (SCCmec) de los tipos IV o V, típicamente relacionados con CA-MRSA. Nuestro trabajo evidenció la colonización de las manos por MRSA en individuos de la comunidad, lo cual constituye un importante factor de riesgo, no solo por su asociación con el desarrollo ulterior de infecciones, sino también por el potencial de diseminar este microorganismo a la población general.ABSTRACT: Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections (CA-MRSA) have been reported with increasing frequency during the past decade. Colonization plays an important role in the epidemiology of such infections. However, colonization studies have focused mostly on hospital settings and only a few have been carried out in communities. This was a study of the frequency of hand colonization by S. aureus in general and by CA-MRSA, by means of phenotypical and molecular methods, in 800 adults from the community who had no relationship with the health area. Staphylococcus aureus colonization was found in 65 individuals (8.1%) and MRSA was present in 5 (0.63%). The 5 MRSA strains were found to have mec chromosomic cassettes (SCCmec) of either type IV or V, typical of CA-MRSA. Our study provides evidence of CA-MRSA colonization in the hands of individuals from the community. This constitutes an important risk factor, not only by its association with subsequent infections, but also for the risk of dissemination of this microorganism to the general population

    Extracellular Kir2.1C122Y Mutant Upsets Kir2.1-PIP2 Bonds and Is Arrhythmogenic in Andersen-Tawil Syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND Andersen-Tawil syndrome type 1 is a rare heritable disease caused by mutations in the gene coding the strong inwardly rectifying K+ channel Kir2.1. The extracellular Cys (cysteine)122-to-Cys154 disulfide bond in the channel structure is crucial for proper folding but has not been associated with correct channel function at the membrane. We evaluated whether a human mutation at the Cys122-to-Cys154 disulfide bridge leads to Kir2.1 channel dysfunction and arrhythmias by reorganizing the overall Kir2.1 channel structure and destabilizing its open state. METHODS We identified a Kir2.1 loss-of-function mutation (c.366 A>T; p.Cys122Tyr) in an ATS1 family. To investigate its pathophysiological implications, we generated an AAV9-mediated cardiac-specific mouse model expressing the Kir2.1C122Y variant. We employed a multidisciplinary approach, integrating patch clamping and intracardiac stimulation, molecular biology techniques, molecular dynamics, and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer experiments. RESULTS Kir2.1C122Y mice recapitulated the ECG features of ATS1 independently of sex, including corrected QT prolongation, conduction defects, and increased arrhythmia susceptibility. Isolated Kir2.1C122Y cardiomyocytes showed significantly reduced inwardly rectifier K+ (IK1) and inward Na+ (INa) current densities independently of normal trafficking. Molecular dynamics predicted that the C122Y mutation provoked a conformational change over the 2000-ns simulation, characterized by a greater loss of hydrogen bonds between Kir2.1 and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate than wild type (WT). Therefore, the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-binding pocket was destabilized, resulting in a lower conductance state compared with WT. Accordingly, on inside-out patch clamping, the C122Y mutation significantly blunted Kir2.1 sensitivity to increasing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate concentrations. In addition, the Kir2.1C122Y mutation resulted in channelosome degradation, demonstrating temporal instability of both Kir2.1 and NaV1.5 proteins. CONCLUSIONS The extracellular Cys122-to-Cys154 disulfide bond in the tridimensional Kir2.1 channel structure is essential for the channel function. We demonstrate that breaking disulfide bonds in the extracellular domain disrupts phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-dependent regulation, leading to channel dysfunction and defects in Kir2.1 energetic stability. The mutation also alters functional expression of the NaV1.5 channel and ultimately leads to conduction disturbances and life-threatening arrhythmia characteristic of Andersen-Tawil syndrome type 1.The authors thank the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) Viral Vectors Unit for producing the adeno-associated virus serotype 9. Confocal experiments were conducted at the CNIC Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging Unit. The authors thank the CNIC Bioinformatics Unit for generating the in silico homology modeling simulations, F-function analysis, and helpful discussions. The authors also thank the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia for the use of the Finis Terrae III supercomputer to perform molecular dynamics studies. The CNIC was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work was supported by the National heart, Lung and Blood Institute under National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01HL163943; the La Caixa Banking Foundation project code HR18-00304 (grant LCF/PR/HR19/52160013); grants PI-FIS-2020, PI20/01220, PI-FIS-2023, and PI23/01039 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and cofunded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and the European Union, respectively; grants PID2020-116935RB-I00 and BFU2016-75144-R funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; the Fundación La Marató de TV3 (736/C/2020) amb el suport de la Fundació La Marató de TV3; the CIBER (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red) de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (grant CB16/11/00458); the European Union’s Horizon 2020 grant agreement GA-965286; and the Program S2022/BMD7229-CM ARCADIACM funded by the Comunidad de Madrid to J. Jalife; grant PID2021-126423OB-C22 (to M. Martín-Martínez) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant PID2022-137214OB-C22 (to M. Gutierrez-Rodríguez) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The imaging studies were performed in the TRIMA@CNIC (Infraestructura de Imagen Traslacional Avanzada del CNIC) node of the ICTS ReDIB (Infraestructuras Científicas y Técnicas Singulares: Red Distribuida de Imagen Biomédica) grant ICTS-2018- 04-CNIC-16 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF, and project EQC2018-005070-P funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER. A.I. Moreno-Manuel holds an formación profesional universitaria (FPU) contract (FPU20/01569) from the Ministerio de Universidades. J.M. Ruiz Robles holds an FPU contract (FPU22/03253) from the Ministerio de Universidades. L.K. Gutiérrez holds an FPI contract (PRE2018-083530) from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España cofunded by the Fondo Social Europeo, attached to project SEV-2015-0505-18-2. I. Martínez-Carrascoso holds a PFIS (Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud) contract (FI21/00243) funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Fondo Social Europeo Plus cofunded by the European Union. M.L. Vera-Pedrosa held contract PEJD-2019-PRE/BMD15982 funded by the Consejería de Educación e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid y Fondo Social Europeo.S

    Inventario y descripción de las soluciones de accesibilidad a la web existentes para personas con discapacidad fisica y sensorial

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    El elemento más representativo de la nueva sociedad de la información lo constituye sin duda la World Wide Web. La Red, como es conocida popularmente, une a millones de ordenadores en todo el mundo, aportando una riqueza de información inimaginable hace pocos años y un interfaz de uso tan gráfico e intuitivo que ha significado una expansión permanente de su uso a millones de usuarios nuevos cada año. La accesibilidad Web se puede definir como la posibilidad de que un producto o servicio Web sea usado por el mayor número posible de personas, independientemente de las limitaciones del individuo o de las del contexto de uso. De acuerdo con el Tratado de Amsterdam de la Unión Europea, en aplicación de la cláusula de no-discriminación, las políticas europeas y la de los Estados miembros deberían inspirarse en el principio de no-discriminación con vistas a hacer realidad la igualdad para las personas con discapacidad. Este informe tiene como objetivo realizar un inventario de las soluciones, existentes en el mercado, tanto de software como de hardware para poder garantizar esa no discriminación de todas las personas

    Geoelectrical and electromagnetic methods applied to paleolimnological studies: Two examples from desiccated lakes in the Basin of Mexico

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    Paleolimnological studies require a broad understanding of the geometry and depth of the sedimentary fill of lake basins prior to coring campaigns. Seismic methods are routinely employed for the indirect characterization of lake-bottom sediments. However, the use of seismic methods might occasionally be limited due to surface conditions or poor seismic contrasts between the stratigraphic units, which lead to data quality that is too poor to provide sufficient information for the selection of drill sites. Sources of cultural noise are one of the main reasons why seismic methods fail in study areas near or within large cities, such as Mexico City. Under certain conditions, electrical and electromagnetic methods might be a suitable substitute or complement to seismic exploration, as they respond to different physical properties of the subsurface. To evaluate the applicability of such methods, here we present two recent case studies from the desiccated lakes Chalco and Xochimilco both located in urban areas within the Basin of Mexico where electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), transient electromagnetic (TEM) and magnetotelluric (MT) soundings were conducted for the characterization of lake basement and lacustrine sediments. In both examples, the results of the geophysical exploration contributed valuable stratigraphic information for the following drilling and core recovery, which highlights the potential of electrical and electromagnetic methods in paleolimnological studies