691 research outputs found

    Interactivity in the class. A challenge for School 2.0

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    Los materiales interactivos desempeñan un papel crucial en el de las competencias requeridas en todas las etapas educativas: conceden un cierto grado de control en el proceso de aprendizaje. Pero la experiencia nos muestra que la mayoría del alumnado hoy, se implica activamente en los llamados medios sociales, mientras que pocos de ellos suelen mantener sus blogs de estudios o crean actividades interactivas. El presente artículo recoge una investigación teórica-descriptiva que profundiza en el concepto de interactividad para comprobar la funcionalidad de las actividades interactivas en la escuela, en particular en la etapa final de la primaria centrándose en las características que debe reunir una actividad para que pueda considerarse verdaderamente interactiva. Le sigue un trabajo de campo que incluye la observación en el aula, el análisis de soporte de blogs de aula y se completa con algunas entrevistas al alumnado. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán conocer la efectividad de las actividades y plantear propuestas en aras de una mejora de las competencias digitales en esta etapa.Interactive materials play a crucial role in the development of the skills required in all levels of educational attainment: students are provided a degree of control over their learning process. But experience shows that the majorities of students are today actively involved in the so-called social media, while few of them usually keep their blogs or create interactive activities studies. This article contains a theoretical-descriptive research that delves into the concept of interactivity to verify the functionality of the interactive activities in school, especially in the final stage of the primary focus on characteristics needed an activity to be considered truly interactive. Methodology includes classroom observation, analysis support classroom blogs and complete interviews with some students. Results determine the effectiveness of the activities and make proposals for the sake of improving digital skills at this stage

    Comparative study of two cogeneration systems based on energy recovery of fumes from a casting process

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    This paper develops the comparison of two cogeneration systems that are suitable to perform heat energy recovery of the smoke produced by a casting process.The authors would like to thank the financial support of Government of Cantabria and NISSAN under the INVESNOVA research project and to the Council on Research and Technological Development of the University of Cantabria by their administrative assistance

    Evaluación de elementos de madera de pino silvestre de pequeña escuadría sometidos a compresión longitudinal a las fibras

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    En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento a compresión de piezas de madera de pino silvestre de pequeña escuadría sometidas a un esfuerzo de compresión longitudinal a las fibras. Se han obtenido las propiedades mecánicas asociadas a este tipo de solicitación, se ha comprobado qué correlaciones pueden emplearse con éxito y se ha comprobado el ajuste de los valores obtenidos con los estimados por las normas de clasificación visual y resistente de la madera en uso. Para ello se han ensayado a compresión en sentido longitudinal a la fibra y hasta rotura 11 piezas de madera de pino silvestre de pequeña escuadría de 27x140x300mm. Los ensayos se han realizado en la prensa de ensayos universal, marca IBERTEST, modelo MIB-60/AM, que utiliza el software Wintest 32. Las tablas ensayadas son ME1 según clasificación visual de UNE 56544 y clasificación mecánica C27 según UNE-EN 191

    Dielectric properties enhancement of vegetal transformer oil with TiO2,CuO and ZnO nanoparticles

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    Nanofluids based on vegetal oils remain almost unexplored, especially when prepared with non-ferric oxide nanoparticles. This work has analysed the effect of three different nanoparticles on properties of a commercial vegetal oil. The first aim was to evaluate if there is an optimal concentration for dielectric improvement, and if the effect of different nanoparticles is similar. Secondly, other key properties were considered. The evaluated dielectric properties have been AC breakdown voltage, relative permittivity, volumetric resistivity and dissipation factor. The results are quite promising because dielectric properties have shown a considerable improvement. On the other hand, thermal conductivity or acidity test results, although adverse, were not definitive to refuse to continue this research.The authors of this research wish to thank the Ministry of Economy for financial support to the National Research Project: Improvement of Insulation Systems of Transformers through Dielectric Nanofluids (DPI2015-71219-C2 1-R). Also Mr. Olmo would like to acknowledge to the University of Cantabria and the Government of Cantabria for the financial support for the Ph. D. scholarship (CVE-2016-6626)

    Feeling of grief and loss in parental caregivers of adults diagnosed with intellectual disability

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    Background: The diagnosis of intellectual disability in children can produce complex grief‐related feelings in their parents. Previous studies have focused on the moment of the diagnosis or the early life of the children, and little research has been conducted on their feelings of grief in adulthood. The objective was to analyse the process of grief/loss in parents of adult offspring with intellectual disability. Method: The intentional sampling included sixteen parents who responded to semi‐structured interviews. A qualitative study was conducted based on grounded theory. Results: Five categories were identified: “Reception of the diagnosis”, “Emotional bonds with the child”, “Experience of loss and feelings in response to intellectual disability diagnosis”, “Recurrent grief” and “Coping strategies”. Conclusions: Recurring feelings of loss experienced by parents in relation to their child's diagnosis persist over time. Specialized emotional interventions are needed to help parents to reduce the intensity of their feelings of grief

    Psychological intervention for grief in caregivers of adults diagnosed with intellectual disabilities

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    The objective of this pilot study was to adapt and provide preliminary data of the efficacy of an intervention aimed at family caregivers of adults with intellectual disability to provide them with different coping resources to better cope with their role as caregivers, as well as to reduce the psychological overload and pain associated with the diagnosis. A total of 24 caregivers participated, of which 14 were assigned to an intervention group (IG) and 10 to a control group (CG) through simple randomization. Variables of overload, mental health and feelings of grief produced by the diagnosis were measured. Linear models for repeated measures were used to evaluate the effect of the program. After the intervention, significant differences (p< .5) were found in the dimensions of emotional pain, relational loss and acceptance of loss, and feelings of grief brought on by the diagnosis. In conclusion, it is necessary that this type of program be given early to these caregivers in order to avoid the pathological and chronic grief into which they frequently end up.El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y aportar datos preliminares de la eficacia de una intervención psicológica para cuidadores familiares de adultos con discapacidad intelectual, con el fin de proporcionarles recursos de afrontamiento para sobrellevar su rol de cuidador y reducir la sobrecarga psicológica y el dolor que conlleva el diagnóstico. Participaron 24 cuidadores, de los cuales 14 fueron asignados a un grupo intervención (GI) y 10 a un grupo control (GC) mediante una aleatorización simple. Se midieron variables de sobrecarga, salud mental y sentimientos de duelo derivados del diagnóstico. Se utilizaron modelos lineales de medidas repetidas para evaluar el efecto del programa. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p< 0,05) en las variables de dolor emocional, aceptación de la pérdida y en la experiencia actual del duelo, mostrando el GI una mejora tras la intervención. Como conclusión, es necesario que este tipo de programas se impartan de forma temprana en estos cuidadores con el fin de evitar el duelo patológico y crónico en el que terminan desembocando frecuentemente.This work has received a grant from the University Teaching Research Networks Program of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Alicante (2021-22 call). Ref: 5537

    Increased Amygdala Activations during the Emotional Experience of Death-Related Pictures in Complicated Grief: An fMRI Study

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    Complicated grief (CG) is associated with alterations in various components of emotional processing. The main aim of this study was to identify brain activations in individuals diagnosed with CG while they were observing positive, negative, and death-related pictures. The participants included 19 individuals with CG and 19 healthy non-bereaved (NB) individuals. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans were obtained during an emotional experience task. The perception of death-related pictures differed between the CG group and the NB group, with a greater activation in the former of the amygdala, putamen, hypothalamus, middle frontal gyrus, and anterior cingulate cortex. Amygdala and putamen activations were significantly correlated with Texas Revised Inventory of Grief scores in the CG group, suggesting that the higher level of grief in this group was associated with a greater activation in both brain areas while watching death-related pictures. A significant interaction between image type and group was observed in the amygdala, midbrain, periaqueductal gray, cerebellum, and hippocampus, largely driven by the greater activation of these areas in the CG group when watching death-related pictures and the lower activation when watching positive-valence pictures. In this study, individuals with CG showed significantly distinct brain activations in response to different emotional images.This research was supported by CEI-BioTic (University of Granada), Grant number: CEI2014-MPBS34. and by the Program of Networks-I3CE of Investigation in University Teaching (Program Networks) from the Vice-Rectorate of Quality and Educational Innovation and Education Sciences Institute of the University of Alicante (2018–2019). Ref: 4561. J.V.R and was funded by a Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FJCI-2017-33396)

    Human impacts on the Northern Iberian Coast: Brominated pollutants.

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    Plastic and textile products as well as electronical devices are easily flammable products and to reduce fire-related injury and property damage, such materials are commonly covered by the so-called flame retardants (FR). The brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are the largest market group because of their low cost and high-performance efficiency. Nevertheless, as these compounds are additive rather than chemically bound to the products, they can be released into the environment and because they are toxic and persistent organic chemicals and can bioaccumulate, they have become contaminants of concern detectable in the environment, in animals, and in humans. PBDEs (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) are a group of 209 different congeners used as FR and since 2004 banned in the EU. In spite of banned and restriction such chemicals are still detected in the environment and their monitoring necessary. In 2016 a sampling campaign was carried out covering the North Spanish Atlantic coast from the border with Portugal to the limit with France. The collected sediments were studied to determine sediment characteristics and PBDEs concentrations. Sedimentological characteristics including grain size distribution and total organic content were measured. Gas chromatography coupled to MS detector was used to perform the analytical analysis under QA/QC to guarantee the quality of the results. BDE28, BDE47, BDE66, BDE85, BDE99, BD100, BD153, BDE154 andBD183 have been determined and evaluated against Background assessment criteria (BACs) and Federal Environmental Quality Guidelines (FEQGs). Levels found demonstrate that there is still detectable presence of PBDEs in marine sediments albeit they are well below the FEQG and even frequently below BACs

    Post-Traumatic Growth in Professionals Caring for People with Intellectual Disabilities during COVID-19: A Psychological Intervention

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    The authors thank the professionals and the families of the VALE association for their participation in this research.Background: Health professionals present a greater vulnerability to the effects of COVID-19 on their mental health, especially those who work with vulnerable groups such as those who suffer from intellectual disability (ID). The objective of the present research was to develop and verify the effectiveness of a psychological intervention for professionals in the field of ID to improve their mental health during this health crisis. Methods: A total of 32 professionals participated. The variables measured were: post-traumatic growth, mental health, burnout, coping strategies, resilience, life satisfaction, optimism, and cognitive and affective empathy. Results: The results revealed statistically significant differences in the post-traumatic growth variable. In the rest of the variables (mental health, burnout, coping strategies, resilience, vital satisfaction, optimism, and empathy), no significant differences between groups were found. Conclusions: An increase in the levels of post-traumatic growth was observed in the intervention group after a brief online psychological intervention. However, given the small sample size, these results should be taken with caution. Institutions should foster and promote interventions aimed at reducing the high emotional impact produced by COVID-19 in professionals that care for people diagnosed with ID

    YouTube e influenciadores na infância. Análise de conteúdo e propostas educacionais

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    RESUMEN: La presencia de las tecnologías móviles e Internet entre los niños y jóvenes está generando nuevos marcos de comprensión, interacción y consumo de medios y contenidos. YouTube se ha convertido en una de las plataformas más utilizadas por estos, lo cual exige investigar las repercusiones ejercidas por estos influencers en los niños. En el presente trabajo se realiza una contextualización teórica sobre el nuevo entorno digital en el que Internet y las redes sociales forman parte indiscutible de la cotidianeidad, para avanzar hacia un marco metodológico y de investigación de los principales YouTubers seguidos por niños/as de Educación Primaria en España. Se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, para conocer los principales YouTubers, y cualitativa, para analizar los perfiles de dichos influencers. Los resultados indican la predilección por determinados YouTubers españoles y el empleo, por parte de la mayoría, de videojuegos o bromas asociados a sus canales. Finalmente, se ofrece una reflexión sobre el contenido consumido por niños en Internet a través de estos canales, aportando propuestas pedagógicas para favorecer una educación mediática adecuada para el desarrollo sociomoral en la infancia.ABSTRACT: he presence of mobile technologies and Internet among children and young people is generating new frames of understanding, interaction and consumption of media and content. YouTube has become one of the platforms most used by these, which requires investigating the repercussions exerted by these influencers on children. In the present work, an analysis of the main YouTubers followed by children of Primary Education in Spain is carried out. It has used a quantitative methodology to know the main You-Tubers, and qualitative, to analyze the profiles of these influencers. The results indicate the predilection Spanish YouTubers and that most use videogames or jokes associated with their channels. Finally, a reflection is offered on the content consumed by children on the Internet through these channels, providing pedagogical proposals to develop an adequate media education for psychosocial child development.RESUMO: A presença de tecnologias móveis e da Internet entre crianças e jovens está gerando novas estruturas para compreensão, interação e consumo de mídia e conteúdo. O YouTube se tornou uma das plataformas mais usadas por elas, o que exige investigar as repercussões exercidas por esses influenciadores nas crianças. Neste artigo, é realizada uma contextualização teórica sobre o novo ambiente digital no qual a Internet e as redes sociais são uma parte inquestionável da vida cotidiana, para avançar em direção a uma estrutura metodológica e de pesquisa dos principais YouTubers seguidos por crianças do ensino fundamental na Espanha. Foi utilizada uma metodologia quantitativa, para conhecer os principais YouTubers e qualitativa, para analisar os perfis desses influenciadores. Os resultados indicam a preferência por determinados YouTubers em espanhol e o uso, pela maioria, de videogames ou piadas associadas a seus canais. Por fim, é oferecida uma reflexão sobre o conteúdo consumido pelas crianças na Internet por meio desses canais, apresentando propostas pedagógicas para favorecer uma educação midiática adequada ao desenvolvimento sociomoral na infância.Este trabajo se enmarca en ‘Alfamed’ (Red Euroamericana de Investigadores), con el apoyo del Proyecto I+D “ YOUTUBERS E INSTAGRAMMERS: LA COMPETENCIA MEDIATICA EN LOS PROSUMIDORES EMERGENTES” (RTI2018-093303-B-I00), financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)