1,338 research outputs found

    El vampiro hispanoamericano en el aula de literatura

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    Máster Univ. en Formación del Profes. en E.S.O., Bachillerato, F.P. y E.Ii


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    Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Polymers (ChLCP), synthetized in our laboratory through a stereoselective polycondensation reaction1 as multifunctional optically active materials, have been extensively characterized 2 by NMR, Raman spectroscopy, steady-state fluorescence, molecular modeling, and SAXS/WAXS. These ChLCP behave both as thermotropic and lyotropic, confering interesting macromolecular properties indicative of potential application on the biomedical and engineering field. They have shown to be biocompatible against macrophages and fibroblasts cellular lines, and able to interact with biomacromolecules such as lipids (both neutral and cationi) and nucleic acids, the structures of the complexes being identified by synchrotron radiation source 3, 4, 5. Cationic liposomial/surfactant systems based on our CLCP were developed which entrapped DNA plasmids, acting as non viral cationic vectors for gene therapy, which successfully transfected in several tumor cell lines 6, 7. Cationic functionalized ChLCP have been synthesized, dispersed in TAE (0,04M TRIS; 0,001M EDTA) and complexed directly with commercial DNA of increasing complexity: [Poly-A]; [Poly-C]; [Poly-G]; [PolydT]; [PolyC-PolyG]; [PolyAC-PolydT]; commercial calf thymus DNA and plasmid. Three different proportions ChLCP:DNA were prepared: (1:2), (1:1), and (2:1) respectively by mixing and digesting for 12h in a swinging shaker. Neutron scattering experiments, had shown sufficient contrast (scattering length density difference) between new cholesteric PTOBEE-Ammonium (1.5 to 1.9 x 1010 /cm2) and polynucleotide [PolyC-PolyG] (3.32 x 1010 /cm2) for contrast variation SANS experiments. This experiment was successfully performed at NIST 8. The structure of the cationic complexes has been studied by SAXS at the BM16 beamline at ESRF, at room temperature. A monochromatized beam at = 0,9795 Å was used. Two-dimensional data recorded by an image-plate detector was placed at 5975 cm from the sample. The program Fit2D was employed to evaluate the beam centre position and to generate a mask file. Binary data are normalized by the detector response and pixels are radially averaged into 1D. Silver behenate (d= 58.3 Å) was used to calibrate the angular axis. Structural analysis of the cationic complexes is proposed.Peer reviewe

    Structure of non-viral vectors based on cholesteric liquid-crystal polymers by SAXS

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    Cationic polymers, at physiological pH, are used to condense anionic nucleic acids, as healing agent, into nano-sized particle-like complexes called “polyplexes”, through self-assembly driven by electrostatic interactions. By compressing DNA molecules to a relatively small size, cellular internalization is facilitated and, thus, transfection efficacy is improved.New non-viral vector formulations are proposed for gene therapy.Cationic liquid-crystal polymers, synthetized as cholesteric and biocompatible, are directly complexed with polynucleotides of increasing complexity (both single and double stranded)or with two kinds of deoxyribonucleic acid (Plasmid PBR322 and calf-thymus DNA). Structural information of thepolyplexes is studied by SAXS at the BM16 beamline at ESRF.The radii of gyration (Rg) of the Cholesteric Liquid-Crystal Polymer aggregates and polyplexes suspended in TAE, have been calculated from the slope of the corresponding Guinier plots Ln (I) vs q2 (slope = Rg2/3). Information about the shape is estimated by plotting I(q) vs q*Rg.Fractal nature is also analyzed from Porod plots[Ln I(q)-B] vs Ln (q).The interaction between the new cationic cholesteric liquid-crystal polymers and oligonucleotides and DNA is confirmed in all the studied cases.Peer reviewe

    Trends and development of research on diabetes mellitus and osseointegration through its literature

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridThe purpose of the present study is to analyse and map trends in research on diabetes mellitus and osseointegration by applying bibliometric methods to the scientific literature published until to 2014. Data were obtained from SCOPUS database. The aim is to determine the volume of scientific output, the countries involved and the trends in the subject matters addressed. Significant growth is observed in scientific production since 2007 and particularly in the period 2007–2014. The countries found to have the highest output are United States, United Kingdom, China, Switzerland and Germany. Authors collaboration networks show that research groups are forming around this subject matter. The bibliometric maps showed an increase in the publishing activity in the last periods and subjects like tooth-implantation, dental-implants and diabetes mellitus were the most productive

    El Sindrome de Möbius y sus repercusiones bucofaciales

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: El síndrome de Möbius es muy raro, se han diagnosticado hasta 2008 unos 500 casos en el mundo, se caracteriza por parálisis facial (pares craneales VI y VII) desde el nacimiento. Puede aparecer parálisis de otros pares craneales como trigémino (8%), hipogloso (30%) o glosofaríngeo. Presenta sintomatología múltiple con anomalías en miembros superiores o inferiores (agenesias digitales, pies zambos, agenesia en músculos pectorales….. Son muy características las manifestaciones bucofaciales refiriendo los pacientes tener sensación de tirantez como si usase una máscara facial. Un pequeño porcentaje además presenta retraso mental. Objetivo: Mostrar la importancia del conocimiento del síndrome de Möbius por parte del odontólogo para mantener un adecuado estado de salud bucodental en el paciente. Material y método: Revisión bibliográfica usando bases de datos on-line (Scielo, Pubmed). Artículos en español o inglés posteriores a 2007. Resultados: Entre las anomalías del Síndrome de Möbius están las bucofaciales con trastornos oculares (estrabismo, ptosis palpebral…), sordera, parestesias faciales, atrofia lingual, paladar ojival, asimetría facial, fisura palatina, úvula bífida, oligodoncia, propensión a la caries dental, disfagia…. La patología bucodental muy frecuente. Aparecen caries y gingivitis dada la dificultad para realizar una adecuada higiene, con el resultado final de pérdida total de piezas dentarias y repercusión en su calidad de vida. Al llegar el paciente a la consulta dental por lo general está diagnosticado ya Conclusiones: Dado el riesgo de padecer problemas bucodentales es importante un adecuado control del paciente por el odontólogo, prestando gran interés en la prevención mediante técnica de higiene adecuada por parte del paciente o familia y revisiones frecuentes. El tratamiento debe ser lo más precoz y conservador posible. Todo ello consigue mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes

    Propuesta de diseño de techo verde en azotea para vivienda en zona de expansión urbana en el Distrito de Nuevo Chimbote, 2017

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    En la presente investigación de tesis, se llevó a cabo en la zona de expansión, en el Distrito de Nuevo Chimbote, En la cual se obtuvo que en los siguientes resultados, sera diseñar un techo verde en la azotea con un soporte estructural, en este caso se empleó el diseño de la losa aligerada, tales como también forman parte las capas a considerar, posteriorm9ente se contó con los metrados y presupuesto como referencia a los gasto que se hará. El proyecto de tesis cuenta con un tipo de investigación no experimental – descriptiva. Por lo consiguiente se realizaron trabajo de campo, con la finalidad de recopilar información para la propuesta de diseño de dicho proyecto y a su vez se procedió para el llenado de la ficha técnica. Por lo consiguiente se tomó en cuenta que la población para la cubierta verde se consideró el número de habitantes en la vivienda. En conclusión la cubierta verde es de gran ayuda para la construcción ya que este nuevo espacio verde está diseñado con el fin de promover a la población optar por este nuevo proyecto de cubierta verde para la construcción de viviendas ecológicas en el Distrito de Nuevo Chimbote, como avance a una mejor calidad de vida y estabilidad humana en nuestro Distrito

    Lockdown due to COVID-19 in Spanish Children Up to 6 Years: Consequences on Diet, Lifestyle, Screen Viewing, and Sleep

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    Objectives: To record how the habits of children under 6 years of age in Cadiz have changed during lockdown, in order to identify those that could be a handicap for the problem of overweight and obesity.Methods: We developed a new questionnaire to analyse family living habits. The questionnaire was administered online to parents of children aged zero-six years. Eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, screen viewing, and sleep changes were evaluated.Results: Changes were found in family living habits, as shown by the results of McNemar's tests (p-value < 0.01 in all pairs except one, p-value = 0.097). A worsening of habits was also found to be more accentuated in families with low income, low educational level or small size of home. Some positive aspects associated with family meals and parental involvement were found.Conclusions: The lockdown has showed a significant break in the main routines of the children that could affect their health and may add to the worsening of the already poor childhood obesity situation. The positive aspects found can be instrumental in improving the situation in future similar situations

    Characterization of a piezoelectric acoustic sensor fabricated for low-frequency applications: a comparative study of three methods

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    Piezoelectric transducers are widely used for generating acoustic energy, and choosing the right radiating element is crucial for efficient energy conversion. In recent decades, numerous studies have been conducted to characterize ceramics based on their elastic, dielectric, and electromechanical properties, which have improved our understanding of their vibrational behavior and aided in the manufacturing of piezoelectric transducers for ultrasonic applications. However, most of these studies have focused on the characterization of ceramics and transducers using electrical impedance to obtain resonance and anti-resonance frequencies. Few studies have explored other important quantities such as acoustic sensitivity using the direct comparison method. In this work, we present a comprehensive study that covers the design, manufacturing, and experimental validation of a small-sized, easy-to-assemble piezoelectric acoustic sensor for low-frequency applications, using a soft ceramic PIC255 from PI Ceramic with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. We present two methods, analytical and numerical, for sensor design, followed by experimental validation, allowing for a direct comparison of measurements with simulated results. This work provides a useful evaluation and characterization tool for future applications of ultrasonic measurement systems.This workwas supported by the grants PID2020-116329GB-C22 and TED2021-129336B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. This work is also a result of an internship funded by the Autonomous Community of the Región of Murcia through the Fundación Séneca—Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia (Seneca Foundation—Agency for Science and Technology in the Region of Murcia) and the European Union’s NextGenerationEU program

    Aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutuminen hemodialyysipotilaan hoitotyössä HUS:n nefrologian klinikassa : systemoitu havainnointi

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun, HUS:n infektiosairauksien klinikan, Potilasjärjestö MUSILI ry:n ja Turun Yliopiston hoitotieteiden laitoksen yhteistyöprojektia, jonka tarkoitus on kehittää aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutumista nefrologisen potilaan hoitotyössä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on selvittää käsihygienian ja aseptiikan toteutumista hoitotyöntekijöiden osalta hemodialyysipotilaan hoidossa kuvaamalla hoitohenkilökunnan aseptista toimintaa ja käsihygieniaa sekä siinä tapahtunutta mahdollista muutosta projektin alkuvaiheesta kevääseen 2009. Aineisto opinnäytetyöhön on kerätty havainnoimalla hemodialyysihoitoa toteuttavia hoitajia HUS:n nefrologian klinikan osastolla. Opinnäytetyössä käytetyn havainnointilomakkeen ovat tehneet Aaltonen, Haapalainen ja Kirjavainen (2008) omaan opinnäytetyöhönsä ”Aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteutuminen hemodialyysipotilaan hoidossa: systemoitu havainnointi HUS:n Kirurgisen sairaalan nefrologian klinikassa”, joka on osa samaa projektia kuin tämä opinnäytetyö. Havainnointilomakkeessa on 29 kohtaa liittyen hoitajien käsien kuntoon, käsien saippuapesuun ja desinfioimiseen, suojakäsineiden käyttöön sekä henkilökohtaiseen ja ympäristön aseptiikkaan. Havainnoitavia hoitajia oli 15. Aineisto kerättiin toukokuun ja elokuun 2009 aikana. Saatujen tulosten perusteella hoitohenkilökunnan aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteuttamisessa oli puutteita. Erityisesti puutteita ilmeni käsien desinfioimisessa potilaan luota poistuttaessa, käsien desinfiointitekniikassa, suojakäsineiden toimenpidekohtaisuudessa ja potilaan hoidossa käytettyjen tarvikkeiden asianmukaisessa hävittämisessä. Tulosten perusteella hoitajat desinfioivat kätensä useammin potilaan luokse mennessään kuin potilaan luota poistuessaan. Luotettavia johtopäätöksiä mahdollisesti tapahtuneesta muutoksesta hoitohenkilökunnan aseptiikasta ja käsihygieniasta on vaikea tehdä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan kuitenkin todeta henkilökohtaisessa aseptiikassa ja käsien kunnossa sekä käsien desinfioimisessa tapahtuneen muutosta parempaan suuntaan käsihygieniakoulutusten jälkeen. Sen sijaan desinfiointitekniikassa, suojakäsineiden käytössä ja hoitotarvikkeiden asianmukaisessa hävittämisessä muutosta on tapahtunut huonompaan suuntaan. Hyvä aseptiikka ja käsihygienia ovat tärkeä osa potilaan hyvää hoitoa ja infektioiden ennaltaehkäisyä. Opinnäytetyön tulosten avulla voidaan kehittää hoitajien aseptiikan ja käsihygienian toteuttamista.This final project was part of the co-operation project between Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Department of Nephrology of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Patient Organisation MUSILI ry and Department of Nursing Science of the University of Turku. The aim of this final project was to examine the implementation of nurses’ hand hygiene and asepsis in a Department of Nephrology and to examine if the implementation of nurses’ hand hygiene and asepsis had changed since the beginning of the project. The data of this final project were collected by observing three haemodialysis units. The observation form that was used in this final project was made by Aaltonen, Haapalainen and Kirjavainen (2008) for their final project Implementation of Asepsis and Hand Hygiene in Nursing of Haemodialysis Patients, which was part of the project at hand. The observation form included 29 statements concerning nurses’ skin condition, hand wash and disinfection, use of gloves, nurses’ personal asepsis and asepsis of work environment. The observations were performed between May and August 2009. Fifteen haemodialysis treatments were observed. The results of the observations indicate that the implementation of nurses’s asepsis and hand hygiene were deficient. Hand disinfection after leaving a patient, proper disinfection technique and disposal of treatment instrument were particularly deficient. Nurses disinfected their hands more often before coming up to a patient than after leaving him/ her. It was difficult to make reliable conclusions of the changes that might have taken place since the beginning of the project. Moreover the indicated that personal asepsis, skin condition of the nurses and hand disinfection had improved as the results of hand hygiene training courses, which was part of the project at hand, whereas the findings of disinfection technique, use of gloves and disposal of treatment instruments were inferior than in the previous observational study which was made by Aaltonen, Haapalainen and Kirjavainen (2008). The results of this final project showed that there was still need for improvement in almost every field of hand hygiene and asepsis

    Desarrollo e implementación de un controlador multiplataforma para el Scorbot ER-4U.

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    El significado de la palabra ingeniería engloba todos aquellos conocimientos que puedan orientarse hacia la creación de nuevas herramientas. Sin embargo, no solo se debe emplear la ingeniería en el desarrollo de nuevos utensilios, sino sobretodo en el desarrollo de métodos que permitan dar un nuevo uso a tecnologías que hayan quedado obsoletas. Este proyecto defiende este ideal al implementar una primera versión de un programa de control multiplataforma para un brazo robótico. Como punto de referencia, se ha elegido para el desarrollo de este trabajo un modelo de brazo robótico cuyas restricciones de uso han hecho que se deje a un lado como herramienta de trabajo, el Scorbot 4R-EU. El programa de control para este modelo de brazo robótico solo es ejecutable sobre sistemas operativos Windows XP y su extensión de uso a otras plataformas puede dar gran versatilidad a este tipo de equipos, sobre todo en el ámbito educativo. A lo largo de este proyecto se expondrá tanto el desarrollo de las funcionalidades como de la parte gráfica del programa.The meaning of the word engineering encompasses all those knowledge that can be oriented towards the creation of new tools. However, engineering should not only be used for the development of new utensils, it should also be used to the development of methods that make it possible to give new use to technologies that have become obsolete. This project defends this ideal by implementing a first version of a multi-platform control program for a robotic arm. As a point of reference, it has been choosen for the development of this work a robotic arm model in order of its restrictions of use which have led it to be set aside as a working tool, the Scorbot 4R-EU. The control program for this robotic arm is only executable on Windows XP operating systems and its extension to other platforms can give great versatility to this type of equipment, especially in the educational field. Throughout this project, both the development of the functionalities and the graphic part of the program will be exposed