11,059 research outputs found

    The Invariant Two-Parameter Function of Algebras ψ

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    At present, the research on invariant functions for algebras is very extended since Hrivnák and Novotný defined in 2007 the invariant functions y and j as a tool to study the Inönü–Wigner contractions (IW-contractions), previously introduced by those authors in 1953. In this paper, we introduce a new invariant two-parameter function of algebras, which we call ¯y, as a tool which makes easier the computations and allows researchers to deal with contractions of algebras. Our study of this new function is mainly focused in Malcev algebras of the type Lie, although it can also be used with any other types of algebras. The main goal of the paper is to prove, by means of this function, that the five-dimensional classical-mechanical model built upon certain types of five-dimensional Lie algebras cannot be obtained as a limit process of a quantum-mechanical model based on a fifth Heisenberg algebra. As an example of other applications of the new function obtained, its computation in the case of the Lie algebra induced by the Lorentz group SO(3, 1) is shown and some open physical problems related to contractions are also formulated.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2013-40455-PMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación FQM-326 (J.N.-V.)Junta de Andalucía FQM-160 (P.P.-F.

    Comparing Protonolysis and Transmetalation Reactions: Microcalorimetric Studies of C–AuI Bonds in [AuRL] Complexes

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    Producción CientíficaThe protonolysis of C–Au bonds in [AuRL] organometallic complexes has been studied by calorimetry for twelve R groups. The experimental data have been combined with DFT calculations to obtain Bond Dissociation Energy values (BDE). The C–Au BDE values show a good correlation with the corresponding isolobal C–H BDE values. The heat released in the protonolysis of [AuRL] has also been measured for R = Ph and L = P(OPh)3, PPh3, PMe3, PCy3, and IPr, and these values strongly depend on the trans influence of L because of the mutual destabilization of the L–Au and Au–C bonds. The enthalpy of the transmetalation reactions [AuR(PPh3)] + SnIBu3 → [AuI(PPh3)] + SnRBu3 for seven R groups have been measured and compared with the corresponding [AuR(PPh3)] protonolysis.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTQ2016-80913-P)Junta de Castilla y León (Project VA 051P17

    On the Informational Role of Term Structure in the U.S. Monetary Policy Rule

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    This paper uses a structural approach based on the indirect inference principle to estimate a standard version of the new Keynesian monetary (NKM) model augmented with term structure using both revised and real-time data. The estimation results show that the term spread and policy inertia are both important determinants of the U.S. estimated monetary policy rule whereas the persistence of shocks plays a small but significant role when revised and real-time data of output and inflation are both considered. More importantly, the relative importance of term spread and persistent shocks in the policy rule and the shock transmission mechanism drastically change when it is taken into account that real-time data are not well behaved.NKM model, term structure, monetary policy rule, indirect inference, real-time

    El comportamiento ético en el entorno de la Auditoría Financiera

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    El desarrollo de la profesión de auditoría conlleva situaciones en las que el auditor se enfrenta a dilemas de carácter ético. Su comportamiento para obtener una solución a los mismos requiere la utilización de un proceso de toma de decisiones donde adquieren especial importancia los valores éticos individuales. En un estudio anterior abordamos el análisis de la ponderación que los auditores españoles establecen de determinados factores que son considerados predictores de comportamiento ético. Asimismo, valoramos la influencia en el proceso de toma de decisiones ante dichos dilemas éticos, de otras variables personales del auditor. En concreto, estudiamos cuatro variables demográficas claves en esta relación: edad, género, experiencia profesional y forma de ejercicio de la actividad. En el presente trabajo abordamos el estudio desde otra perspectiva: la de los auditores noveles. El objetivo es establecer comparaciones con los resultados obtenidos con los expertos y con objeto de intentar llegar a conclusiones con relación a la influencia de la experiencia adquirida con el paso del tiempo en la ponderación de los citados factores

    Devaluations and depreciation expectations in the EMS

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    ITERL: A Wireless Adaptive System for Efficient Road Lighting

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    This work presents the development and construction of an adaptive street lighting system that improves safety at intersections, which is the result of applying low-power Internet of Things (IoT) techniques to intelligent transportation systems. A set of wireless sensor nodes using the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard with additional internet protocol (IP) connectivity measures both ambient conditions and vehicle transit. These measurements are sent to a coordinator node that collects and passes them to a local controller, which then makes decisions leading to the streetlight being turned on and its illumination level controlled. Streetlights are autonomous, powered by photovoltaic energy, and wirelessly connected, achieving a high degree of energy efficiency. Relevant data are also sent to the highway conservation center, allowing it to maintain up-to-date information for the system, enabling preventive maintenance.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda Junta de Andalucía G-GI3002 / IDIOFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional G-GI3002 / IDI

    Perspectiva do enfermeiro ao paciente com câncer terminal em Tampico, Tamaulipas, México

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    En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de una investigación cualitativa que se realizó en tres hospitales de Tampico, Tamaulipas, en México. En ella se detalla una perspectiva distinta respecto a la última etapa de la vida humana. Específicamente, la labor de la enfermera en el cuidado del paciente oncológico terminal y su relación con él y su familia cuando se acerca el momento de la muerte. Dentro de la práctica de enfermería existe un asunto al que se le debe dar un énfasis especial: el cuidado de pacientes con enfermedades terminales. Durante esta fase, el enfermo experimenta diversos síntomas, que son complejos y cambiantes, por ello necesita tener una atención integral y ética para mejorar su calidad de vida dentro de lo posible. No obstante, los resultados de esta investigación mostraron que las enfermeras viven el proceso de muerte con dolor, tristeza e impotencia. El dolor y la tristeza se relacionan con lo que les significa el paciente y por el tiempo de convivencia mutua. La impotencia la experimentan al sentir que no pudieron hacer más por él o que no sirvieron de mucho todo el esfuerzo, tiempo y recursos dedicados a su atención.This paper presents the results of a qualitative study conducted in three hospitals in Tampico, Mexico. It details a different perspective from the last stage of human life, specifically, the work of the nurse in the care of terminal cancer patient, and her relationship with him and his families when he dies. Within nursing practice, it must be given special emphasis to the care of terminally ill patients. During this phase, the patient experience different symptoms, which are complex and changing, therefore he needs to have a holistic and ethical care to improve their quality of life wherever possible. However, the results of this inquiry showed that nurses experience the process of dying with pain, sadness and powerlessness. The pain and sadness are associated with the importance that nurses give the patient, also by their mutual relations. They experience impotence, feeling they could not do more for him, and believe that the effort, time and resources devoted for his attention were vain.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada em três hospitais de Tampico, Tamaulipas, México. Ele detalha uma perspectiva diferente da última etapa da vida humana. Especificamente, o trabalho do enfermeiro no cuidado de pacientes terminais de câncer e sua relação com ele e sua família quando o tempo está se aproximando da morte. Dentro da prática de enfermagem não é uma questão que deve ser dada ênfase especial: o cuidado de doentes terminais. Durante esta fase, o paciente experimenta sintomas diferentes, que são complexas e em mudança, então você precisa de uma atenção integral e ética para melhorar sua qualidade de vida sempre que possível. No entanto, os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que as enfermeiras vivem o processo de morrer de tristeza, dor e desamparo. A dor ea tristeza que lhes estão associados significa que o paciente eo tempo de convivência mútua. A sensação de impotência experiência que poderia fazer mais por ele ou não serve muito de todos os tempo, esforço e recursos destinados a sua atenção

    Purchasing power parity : an empirical analysis

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    Policy and Environmental Implications of Photovoltaic Systems in Farming in Southeast Spain: Can Greenhouses Reduce the Greenhouse Effect?

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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have grown in popularity in the farming sector, primarily because land area and farm structures themselves, such as greenhouses, can be exploited for this purpose, and, moreover, because farms tend to be located in rural areas far from energy production plants. In Spain, despite being a country with enormous potential for this renewable energy source, little is being done to exploit it, and policies of recent years have even restricted its implementation. These factors constitute an obstacle, both for achieving environmental commitments and for socioeconomic development. This study proposes the installation of PV systems on greenhouses in southeast Spain, the location with the highest concentration of greenhouses in Europe. Following a sensitivity analysis, it is estimated that the utilization of this technology in the self-consumption scenario at farm level produces increased profitability for farms, which can range from 0.88% (worst scenario) to 52.78% (most favorable scenario). Regarding the Spanish environmental policy, the results obtained demonstrate that the impact of applying this technology mounted on greenhouses would bring the country 38% closer to reaching the 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) target. Furthermore, it would make it possible to nearly achieve the official commitment of 20% renewable energies by 2020. Additionally, it would have considerable effects on the regional socioeconomy, with increases in job creation and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP)/R&D (Research and Development), allowing greater profitability in agrifood activities throughout the entire region

    Study of the effect of four warm mix asphalt additives on bitumen modified with 15% crumb rubber

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    Due to a growing concern over global warming, the bituminous mixture industry is making a constant effort to diminish its emissions by reducing manufacturing and installation temperatures without compromising the mechanical properties of the bituminous mixtures. The use of mixtures with tyre rubber has demonstrated that these mixtures can be economical and ecological and that they improve the behaviour of the pavements. However, bituminous mixtures with a high rubber content present one major drawback: they require higher mixing and installation temperatures due to the elevated viscosity caused by the high rubber content and thus they produce larger amounts of greenhouse gas emissions than conventional bituminous mixtures. This article presents a study of the effect of four viscosity-reducing additives (Sasobit®, Asphaltan A®, Asphaltan B® and Licomont BS 100®) on a bitumen modified with 15% rubber. The results of this study indicate that these additives successfully reduce viscosity, increase the softening temperature and reduce penetration. However, they do not have a clear effect on the test for elastic recovery and ductility at 25 °C