95 research outputs found

    The teaching of architecture as a result of a misunderstood triad

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    [ES] El objetivo del artículo es evidenciar el origen y persistencia posterior de un modo de organizar, desde la fragmentación, la enseñanza de la arquitectura. Para ello se desarrolla un análisis de los tratados históricos generalistas destacando las diferencias, por una parte, en la estructura organizativa de los contenidos, por otra, en el enfoque de los fines y los medios de la arquitectura y, finalmente, en su interpretación de la tríada original de Vitruvio. Y es la versión de Perrault en su Abrégé de 1674 la que la tergiversa radicalmente provocando una estructura que aniquila la visión global de la arquitectura. Con él comienza la división en tres partes, construcción, distribución y decoración que influirá en todos los tratados posteriores, salvo en dos autores franceses, que ya a principios y mediados del siglo XIX, la condenaron proponiendo otras alternativas integradoras. Con todo, la fragmentación tripartita, con un claro predominio de la tercera, mantiene firmemente su presencia hasta el siglo XX, e incluso en la actualidad.[EN] The aim of this article is to show the origin and subsequent persistence of a way of organizing, from fragmentation, the teaching of architecture. To this end, an analysis of generalist historical treatises is carried out, highlighting, on one side, the differences in the organizational structure of the contents, on the other, in the approaches to the ends and means of architecture and, finally, in its interpretation of the original Vitruvian Triad. And it is the version of Perrault in his Abrégé of 1674 that radically misunderstood it, creating a structure that destroys the global vision of Architecture. With him begins the division into three parts; construction, distribution and decoration that will influence all subsequent treatises, except for two French authors, who already in the early and mid-nineteenth century rejected it by proposing other integrative alternatives. All in all, tripartite fragmentation, with a clear predominance of the third, firmly maintains its presence until the 20th century, and even today.Onecha Perez, AB.; Gonzalez Moreno-Navarro, JL.; Puntos Pérez, S. (2020). La enseñanza de la Arquitectura como resultado de una tríada tergiversada. VLC arquitectura. Research Journal. 7(2):125-155. https://doi.org/10.4995/vlc.2020.10981OJS12515572Agüera Ruiz, Antonio. Los elementos de la arquitectura por Sir Henry Wotton. Un texto crítico. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 1997.Alberti, Leon Battista. On the Art of Building in Ten Books. Translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach, and Robert Tavernor. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988.Amico, Giovanni Biagio. L'architetto prattico. Palermo: Gio. Battista Aiccardo, 1726.Architektur-Theorie von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart. Köln: Taschen, 2003.Blondel, Jacques François. Cours d'architecture, ou Traité de la Decoration, Distribution et Construction des Bâtiments. Paris: Desaint, 1771-1777.Blondel, Jacques François. Discours sur la nécessité de l'étude de l'architecture. Paris: Jombert, 1754.Briseux, Charles-Étienne. Architecture moderne ou l'art de bien bâtir pour toute sorte de personnes tant pour les maisons des particuliers que pou les palais. Paris: Jombert, 1728.Capon, David Smith. Architectural theory. Vol. 1, The Vitruvian fallacy: A history of the categories in Architecture and Philosophy. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.Capra, Alessandro. La nuova Architettura civile e militare. Bologna, 1678.Carletti, Niccolò. Istituzioni d'Architettura Civile. Naples, 1772.Choay, Françoise. La règle et le modèle: sur la théorie de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme. 2nd ed. Paris: Seuil, 1996.Comolli, Angelo. Bibliografia storico-critica dell'architettura civile. Vol. 347 and following. Roma, 1788.Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis. Précis des leçons d'architecture données à l'École Royale Polytechnique. Paris: L'auteur, 1802-1805.Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis. Nouveau précis des leçons d'architecture données à l'École Impériale Polytechnique. Paris: L'auteur, 1813.Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis. Précis of the lectures on Architecture. Introduction by Antoine Picon. Translated by David Britt. Los Angeles: The Getty Research Institute, 2000.Fonda, Girolamo. Elementi di architettura civile e militare ad uso del Collegio Nazareno. Roma: Stamperia Mainardi, 1764.Garric, Jean Philippe, Valérie Nègre, and Alice Thomine-Berrada. La Construction savante: les avatars de la littérature technique. Paris: Picard, 2008.Germann, Georg. Einführung in die Geschichte der Architekturtheorie. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchges., 1987.Gibbs, James, John James, and Nicholas Hawksmoor. The builder's dictionary or, gentleman and architect's companion. London: A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; and S. Austen, 1734.González Moreno-Navarro, José Luis. "Arquitectura y construcción en tratados y manuales: un estudio sobre el proceso de desvinculación de los contenidos de construcción en los tratados de arquitectura de los siglos XVI al XIX." PhD diss., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1987.González Moreno-Navarro, José Luis. El legado oculto de Vitruvio: saber constructivo y teoría arquitectónica. Madrid: Alianza, 1993.Hearn, Fil. Ideas that shaped buildings. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2003.Hitchcock, H. R. Architecture: nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 3rd ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.Kruft, Hanno Walter. Geschichte der Architekturtheorie: von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. München: C.H. Beck, 1985.Laugier, Marc-Antoine. Essai sur l'architecture. Paris: Duchesne, 1753.Le Muet, Pierre. Maniere de bastir pour touttes sortes de personnes. Paris: Melchior Tavernier, 1623.Leoncini, Giuseppe. Instruttioni architettoniche pratiche. Roma: Matteo Gregorio Rossi, 1679.Lemerle, Frédérique. "Présentation scientifique sur, Abrégé des dix livres d'Architecture." In Architectura, Textes et images en France. XVIe-XVIIe siècles. Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance. Accessed july 22, 2020. http://architectura.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Traite/Notice/PerraultCl1674.asp?param=.Leoni, Giacomo. The architecture of A. Palladio; in four books. London: John Watts, 1715.Leoni, Giacomo. The Architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in ten books. London: Thomas Edlin, 1726.Lucan, Jacques. Composition, non-composition: architecture et théories, XIXe-XXe siècles. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2009.Masi, Girolamo. Teoria e pratica di architettura per istruzione della gioventù specialmente romana. Roma: Antonio Fulgoni, 1788.Memmo, Andrea. Elementi d'architettura lodoliana ossia l'arte del fabbricare con solidità scientifica e con eleganza non capricciosa. Zara: Fratelli Battara, 1833.Milizia, Francesco. Principj di Architettura Civile. Finale: Jacopo de' Rossi, 1781.Morgan, Morris Hicky. Vitruvius, The Ten Books on Architecture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914.Moxon, Joseph. Mechanick Exercises: or The doctrine of handy-works: applied to the arts of smithing, joinery, carpentry, turning, bricklayery. Londres: Dan. Widwinter and Tho. Leigh, 1703.Neve, Richard. The city and country purchaser's and builder's dictionary: or, The complete builder's guide. 3rd ed. London: B. Sprint, D. Browne, J. Osborn, S. Birt, H. Lintot, and A. Wilde, 1736.Nicholson, Peter. The Principles of Architecture. London, 1795-1798.Onecha, Belen, "Una nueva aproximación al De re aedificatoria de Leon Battista Alberti: los conocimientos constructivos y sus fuentes." PhD diss., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012.Palladio, Andrea. I Quattro libri dell'architettura. Venice: Dominico de' Franceschi, 1570.Palladio, Andrea. The Four Books of Architecture. Translated by Isaac Ware. London, 1738. With a new introduction by Adolf K. Placzek. New York: Dover, 1965.Patte, Pierre. Mémoires sur les objets les plus importans de l'architecture. Paris: Rozet, 1769.Perrault, Claude. Abrégé des dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve. Paris: Jean-Baptiste Coignard, 1674.Perrault, Claude. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des animaux. Paris: Impr. Royal, 1676. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.151067Perrault, Claude. An abridgment of the architecture of Vitruvius: containing a system of the whole works of that author / illustrated with divers copper plates, curiously engraved; with a table of explanation, to which is in this edition the etymology and derivation of the terms used in architecture; first done in french by Monsr Perrault ... and now englished, with additions. London: Abel Swall and T. Child, 1692.Picon, Antoine. Claude Perrault, 1613-1688 ou la curiosité d'un classique. Paris: Picard, 1988.Puntos, Sonsoles. "Los tratados de construcción históricos británicos, siglos XVII y XVIII: análisis de sus contenidos sobre técnicas de construcción y su aplicación en rehabilitación." PhD diss., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2015.Reynaud, Léonce. Traité d'architecture. Paris: Carilian-Goeury et V. Dalmont, 1850.Rondelet, Jean. Traité théorique et pratique de l'art de bâtir. Paris: L'auteur, 1802-1818.De San Nicolás, Fray Lorenzo. Arte y uso de arquitectura. Madrid, 1639.Sanvitali, Federico. Elementi di Architettura Civile. Brescia: Giammaria Rizzardi, 1765.Scamozzi, Vincenzo. L'idea della architettura universale. Venice: author, 1615.Serlio, Sebastiano. I sette libri dell'architettura. Venice, 1584.Smith, Korydon. Introducing architectural theory. Debating a discipline. 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    What can a low-cost fish-finder tell us about the seabed?

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    Low-cost non-scientific echosounders are commonly used for safety and other non-scientific purposes. These echosounders routinely record data which are rarely processed for later use, but which could provide interesting information about the seabed. In this work, we report on the use of a low-cost echosounder for bottom classification in five coastal rocky reefs of northern Argentine Patagonia. Underwater video transects were acquired over the same area as the acoustic data, in order to compare acoustic and visual classifications at or near the points where acoustic and video transects intersected (crossing sites). The reliability of these validation points decreases with the distance between the acoustic data points and the video transects as well as with the habitat heterogeneity as observed in the video. The shape of the depth-corrected acoustic echoes allowed easy discrimination between hard (or rocky) and soft (or muddy) bottoms by using a linear function as threshold optimized from a training set of crossing sites. The classification accuracy obtained using only validation points classified as most reliable was 96% (Cohen's kappa coefficient κ = 0.88, indicating nearly perfect agreement). These results show that this low-cost methodology offers a suitable alternative to using scientific echosounders for mapping rocky-reef areas.Fil: Sanchez Carnero, Noela Belen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Rodríguez Pérez, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; EspañaFil: Irigoyen, Alejo Joaquin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Trobbiani, Gastón Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Parma, Ana María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentin

    Utilización de herramientas de video digital para metodologías activas

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    El video tiene una tradición en educación como recurso y tecnología que promueven metodologías más activas en el aula, mostrando su buena práctica y funcionalidad en muchas áreas y contextos educativos. El tema que nos ocupa en este trabajo: el uso de vídeo digitales para promover metodologías más activas en la formación inicial de docentes, se sustenta desde una amplia literatura académica (Nielsen, 2015; Luna, & Sherin, 2017; Barth-Cohen, 2018), y se enmarca dentro del auge de soluciones tecnológicas existentes actualmente sobre la tecnología de vídeo digitales, donde estas herramientas están permitiendo el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías más activas, interactivas y dinámicas en clase (Cebrián-de-la-Serna et al., 2021), al tiempo que otro tipo de enfoque más reciente, como por ejemplo, la creación de comunidades de profesionales docentes para el intercambio de buenas prácticas (Domene-Martos et al., 2022), el reciente auge de las videoconferencias por la situación de la pandemia y la reutilización de sus grabaciones como recursos didácticos, los webinar especializados que reclaman una reorganización en los repositorios institucionales, etc., y la importante cantidad de contenidos en todas las plataformas y Recursos Educativos en Abiertos que utilizan el formato de video. Es un hecho que ha aumentado el número de usuarios, las soluciones tecnológicas para editar y analizar los contenidos de videos en un inicio aparente de similar funcionalidad; por lo que, el usuario necesita a la hora de diseñar sus actividades de aula y los diferentes proyectos educativos, disponer de criterios para seleccionar herramientas de video digitales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Functional and structural analysis of five mutations identified in methylmalonic aciduria cbIB type

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    ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase (ATR, E.C. converts reduced cob(I)alamin to the adenosylcobalamin cofactor. Mutations in the MMAB gene encoding ATR are responsible for the cblB type methylmalonic aciduria. Here we report the functional analysis of five cblB mutations to determine the underlying molecular basis of the dysfunction. The transcriptional profile along with minigenes analysis revealed that c.584G>A, c.349-1G>C, and c.290G>A affect the splicing process. Wild-type ATR and the p.I96T (c.287T>C) and p.R191W (c.571C>T) mutant proteins were expressed in a prokaryote and a eukaryotic expression systems. The p.I96T protein was enzymatically active with a K M for ATP and K D for cob(I)alamin similar to wild-type enzyme, but exhibited a 40% reduction in specific activity. Both p.I96T and p.R191W mutant proteins are less stable than the wild-type protein, with increased stability when expressed under permissive folding conditions. Analysis of the oligomeric state of both mutants showed a structural defect for p.I96T and also a significant impact on the amount of recovered mutant protein that was more pronounced for p.R191W that, along with the structural analysis, suggest they might be misfolded. These results could serve as a basis for the implementation of pharmacological therapies aimed at increasing the residual activity of this type of mutations. Hum Mutat 31:1033–1042, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78057/1/21307_ftp.pd

    Growth differentiation factor 15 as mortality predictor in heart failure patients with non-reduced ejection fraction

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    Altres ajuts: This study was supported by Fundació d'Investigació Sant Pau (G-60136934).The prognostic value of biomarkers in patients with heart failure (HF) and mid-range (HFmrEF) or preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) has not been widely addressed. The aim of this study was to assess whether the prognostic value of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) is superior to that of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in patients with HFmrEF or HFpEF. Heart failure patients with either HFpEF or HFmrEF were included in the study. During their first visit to the HF unit, serum samples were obtained and stored for later assessment of GDF-15 and NT-proBNP concentrations. Patients were followed up by the HF unit. The main endpoint was all-cause mortality. A total of 311 patients, 90 (29%) HFmrEF and 221 (71%) HFpEF, were included. Mean age was 72 ± 13 years, and 136 (44%) were women. No differences were found in GDF-15 or NT-proBNP concentrations between both HF groups. During a median follow-up of 15 months (Q1-Q3: 9-30 months), 98 patients (32%) died, most (71%) of cardiovascular causes. Patients who died had higher median concentrations of GDF-15 (4085 vs. 2270 ng/L, P 65 years (P 4330 ng/L), and survival curves were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier technique. Patients in the highest tertile had the poorest 5 year survival, at 16%, whereas the lowest tertile had the best survival, of 78% (P < 0.001). Growth differentiation factor 15 was superior to NT-proBNP for assessing prognosis in patients with HFpEF and HFmrEF. GDF-15 emerges as a strong, independent biomarker for identifying HFmrEF and HFpEF patients with worse prognosis

    La asistencia clase como factor facilitador del éxito académico y la permanencia

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    Dada la actual coyuntura económica, la finalización de los estudios universitarios es una cuestión clave no solo para la persona sino para la sociedad en la que ésta vive. Por ello, cobra especial sentido que la universidad evalúe y diagnostique sus procesos y productos, identificando aquellas variables que contribuyen al éxito académico y a la permanencia en los estudios, para así poder poner en marcha medidas que mejoren ambos indicadores de calidad. La Universidad de Oviedo, en el marco del PRoyecto Integral de ORientación Académico-Profesional (PRIOR), ha desarrollado una investigación sobre el abandono de los estudios de grado cuyo objetivo era detectar las principales variables influyentes en la manifestación del fenómeno. Se ha aplicado un cuestionario diseñado a tal efecto a 1.055 estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en el curso 2010/11, complementando los datos recogidos con aquellos disponibles en el sistema informático de la universidad (datos sociodemográficos, vía de acceso a la universidad y datos relativos al rendimiento académico obtenido en la etapa previa al ingreso en la titulación matriculada). Los análisis correlacionales realizados sobre los datos obtenidos, subrayan el rol que la asistencia a clase juega tanto en el rendimiento del alumno y su integración en la universidad, como en su posterior decisión de permanecer en la titulación cursada o abandonar ésta

    The Effect of Germanium‐Loaded Hydroxyapatite Biomaterials on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Growth

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a hard mineral component of mineralized tissues, mainly composed of calcium and phosphate. Due to its bioavailability, HA is potentially used for the repair and regeneration of mineralized tissues. For this purpose, the properties of HA are significantly improved by adding natural and synthetic materials. In this sense, the germanium (Ge) mineral was loaded in HA biomaterial by cold isostatic pressure for the first time and characterization and biocompatibility using bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) were investigated. The addition of Ge at 5% improved the solubility (3.32%), stiffness (18.34 MPa), water holding (31.27%) and biodegradation (21.87%) properties of HA, compared to control. Compared to all composite biomaterials, the drug-releasing behavior of HA-3% Ge was higher at pH 1 and 3 and the maximum drug release was obtained at pH 7 and 9 with HA-5% Ge biomaterials. Among the different mediums tested, the DMEM-medium showed a higher drug release rate, especially at 60 min. HA-Ge biomaterials showed better protein adhesion and apatite layer formation, which ultimately proves the compatibility in BM-MSCs culture. Except for higher concentrations of HA (5 and 10 mg/mL), the different concentrations of Ge and HA and wells coated with 1% of HA-1% Ge had higher BM-MSCs growth than control. All these findings concluded that the fabricated HA biomaterials loaded with Ge could be the potential biomaterial for culturing mammalian cells towards mineralized tissue repair and regeneration.This research was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 Grant numbers PID2020-116693RB-C21 and PID2020-116693RB-C22Generalitat Valenciana Grant number CIAICO/2021/157and Internal Research Fund from Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Grant number PMAFI-27/21, Murcia, Spain

    Persistent antiphospholipid antibodies are not associated with worse clinical outcomes in a prospective cohort of hospitalised patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    Objective: Patients with COVID-19 presented with an elevated prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) but the relationship with thrombosis is controversial. We analysed the persistence of aPL and their association with the clinical outcomes during hospitalisation in a cohort of COVID-19 patients. Patients and methods: We conducted a prospective study including consecutive hospitalised patients with COVID-19 from Hospital Clínic of Barcelona between March 28th and April 22nd, 2020. Clinical outcomes during hospitalisation were thrombosis, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and severe ventilatory failure. We determined both criteria and non-criteria aPL. Of note, in those patients with a positive result in the first determination, a second sample separated by at least 12 weeks was drawn to test the persistence of aPL. Results: One hundred and fifty-eight patients (59.5% men) with a mean age of 61.4 ± 14.9 years old were included. Thrombosis was present in 28 (17.7%) patients, severe respiratory failure in 47 (30.5%), and 30 (18.9%) patients were admitted to ICU. Sixteen (28.6%) patients were positive for the criteria aPL at both determinations and only two (3.6%) of them suffered from thrombosis during hospitalisations (both had aCL IgG). However, they presented with low titers of aCL. Of note, aPL were not related to thrombosis, ICU admission or severe respiratory failure. Conclusion: Although aPL were prevalent in our cohort of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and they were persistent in half of tested patients, most determinations were at low titers and they were not related to worse clinical outcomes

    IMAGINE study protocol of a clinical trial: a multi-center, investigator-blinded, randomized, 36-month, parallel-group to compare the effectiveness of motivational interview in rehabilitation of older stroke survivors

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    Background: Rehabilitation pathways are crucial to reduce stroke-related disability. Motivational Interviewing (MI), as a person-centered complex intervention, aimed to empower and motivate, and could be a resource to improve rehabilitation outcomes for older stroke survivors. The IMAGINE project aims to assess the impact of MI, as a complement to standard geriatric rehabilitation, on functional improvement at 30 days after admission, compared to standard geriatric rehabilitation alone, in persons admitted to geriatric rehabilitation after a stroke. Secondary objectives include assessing the impact of MI on physical activity and performance, self-efficacy, safety, cost-utility, participants' experiences and functional status at 3 months. Methods: We will conduct a multicenter randomized clinical trial in three geriatric rehabilitation hospitals in Spain. Older adults after mild-moderate stroke without previous severe cognitive impairment or disability will be randomized into the control or intervention group (136 per group, total N = 272). The intervention group will receive 4 sessions of MI by trained nurses, including the design of a personalized rehabilitation plan agreed between stroke survivors and nurses based on stroke survivors´ goals, needs, preferences and capabilities. Main outcome will be the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). In-hospital physical activity will be measured through accelerometers and secondary outcomes using validated scales. The study includes a process evaluation and cost-utility analysis. Discussion: Final results are expected by end of 2020. This study will provide relevant information on the implementation of MI as a rehabilitation reinforcement tool in older stroke survivors. A potential reduction in post-stroke disability and dependence would increase person's health-related quality of life and well-being and reduce health and social care costs. IMAGINE has the potential to inform practice and policymakers on how to move forward towards shared decision-making and shared responsibilities in the vulnerable population of older stroke survivors