134 research outputs found

    Distribution of black fungus gnats (Diptera, Sciaridae) in Morocco, with an updated list of species and an emphasis on Moroccan crop pest species

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    The present work deals with the spatial distribution of the sciarid species (black fungus gnats) recorded from Morocco throughout the major biogeographical regions: Rif, Eastern Morocco, Atlantic Plain, Middle Atlas, High Atlas, and Anti-Atlas, providing for the first time an atlas of the distribution of Moroccan sciarid fauna. The analysis of the species distribution showed differences between the regions, revealing that the High Atlas and the Rif hosted the greatest specific richness. Of the surveyed sites, forests, crop fields, and aquatic habitats seem to be the most favourable for supporting many sciarid species. Ecological preferences for each species are discussed, indicating a clear preference for medium altitudes ranging from 500 to 1000 m. Alongside the study on the distribution of species, a review of the species recorded in Morocco and gathered from the literature has enabled us to update the checklist of sciarid species, which comprises 65 so far in Morocco. Particular emphasis focused on black fungus gnats considered potentially harmful, with the aim of assessing their distribution in the country, has revealed that Bradysia transitata, B. trivittata, B. xenoreflexa, Lycoriella sativae, Scatopsciara subarmata were collected from strawberry greenhouses (Rosaceae: strawberries), Bradysia placida, B. santorina, B. scabricornis, B. tilicola, B. trivittata and Camptochaeta jeskei were collected from fruit trees (Rosaceae: almond trees), Bradysia santorina, Corynoptera saccata and C. semipedestris were found on palms (Arecaceae: date palms), Scatopsciara atomaria and S. curvilinea were captured in crop fields (Poaceae, Fabaceae), Bradysia scabricornis, Bradysiopsis vittata were collected from Liliaceae, Scatopsciara atomaria was also found on Asteraceae and Solanaceae, and Corynoptera praeparvula was exclusively reported from Solanaceae

    Impact de la sécheresse sur l'évolution de la qualité des eaux du lac Mansour Eddahbi (Ouarzazate, Maroc)

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    L'objectif de ce travail est d'Ă©tudier l'impact d'une annĂ©e hydrologique trĂšs sĂšche (98/99) sur la qualitĂ© physico-chimique et l'Ă©volution de l'Ă©tat trophique du lac Mansour Eddahbi. Ce lac est situĂ© dans la rĂ©gion de Ouarzazate, au sud du Maroc, caractĂ©risĂ©e par un climat aride continental, avec des Ă©carts thermiques hiver-Ă©tĂ© importants, des prĂ©cipitations trĂšs faibles et une forte Ă©vaporation. Ceci induit une rĂ©duction considĂ©rable du volume total du lac et par suite une baisse de 14 m de son niveau.À la lumiĂšre des valeurs de tempĂ©ratures enregistrĂ©es au niveau de la colonne d'eau, le lac peut ĂȘtre classĂ© dans la catĂ©gorie des lacs monomictiques avec une seule pĂ©riode de mĂ©lange hivernale. Le pH est lĂ©gĂšrement alcalin. La rĂ©duction du volume d'eau au niveau du lac a engendrĂ© une augmentation de la salinitĂ© des eaux. Une corrĂ©lation significative est enregistrĂ©e entre les deux paramĂštres (r2 =0,60 pour n=13 et p<0,05).Un dĂ©ficit marquĂ© en oxygĂšne dissous (7,3 mg d'O2 /l comme moyenne en surface et des valeurs infĂ©rieures Ă  2 mg d'O2 /l voire nulles en profondeur durant la stratification), les teneurs en Chl "a" (24 ”g/l) permettent de classer le lac dans la catĂ©gorie des lacs eutrophes. Selon les teneurs enregistrĂ©es en azote (0,2 mg/l) et en phosphores (0,02 mg/l), le lac est hyper-eutrophe. Deux annĂ©es auparavant, le lac Ă©tait considĂ©rĂ© comme mĂ©sotrophe (ONEP/BRL, 1998). Les conditions climatiques sĂ©vĂšres qui ont sĂ©vi durant l'annĂ©e hydrologique 98/99 ont contribuĂ© Ă  une Ă©volution accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e de l'Ă©tat trophique du lac.Eutrophication is one of the most important water quality problems in lakes. Due to the effects of excessive external inputs of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), compounded with unfavorable climatic and hydrologic conditions, the lake undergoes major changes that involve both the physical-chemical properties of water and the aquatic communities living there. There have been many studies on lake ecosystems and their evolution (HENRY et al., 1984; AFDALI, 1993; HARRAK, 1991; LOUDIKI et al., 1994; SBIYYAA, 1998, MOUHRI et al., 1999). These studies relate especially to the role of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus mainly) in the evolution of lakes. The influence of climatic and hydrologic conditions on the structure and dynamics of these ecosystems has been often underestimated. Indeed, there are few studies on the relationship between climatic conditions and the trophic status of aquatic ecosystems.The aim of this paper is to study the behavior of the physical-chemical qualities of water in lake Mansour Eddahbi (Ouarzazate, Morocco) and its trophic status under severe climatic conditions, especially during the very dry hydrological year 1998/99. The Ouarzazate region is characterized by an arid continental climate with very hot summers and cold winters. Due to both great evaporation and increasing demand for water for irrigation, the water levels of the reservoir has been reduced by 14 m and its storage capacity has been considerably reduced. The approach used was to assess water quality in a station at the deepest area of the lake during the hydrological year 1998/99. Sampling was undertaken monthly and different parameters were analyzed including temperature, pH, total suspended solids (TSS), salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll a, phosphorus (TP and PO43-), and nitrogen (TNK, NO3 - and NH4 +).The results of this study demonstrated important seasonal variations of water temperature in the lake. Temperature varied from 9.5°C in the winter to as high as 28.5°C in the summer. Based on this parameter, the reservoir could be classified as a monomictic hot lake with one mixing period occurring in winter. In the entire water column, the pH values were slightly alkaline and oscillated between 7.8 and 8.5 at the surface and 7.4 to 8.2 at the bottom of the lake. This reflects a well-buffered system with moderate benthic decomposition activity. The decrease in water volume by evaporation and intensive use for irrigation resulted in an increase in water salinity. These two parameters presented a significant correlation (r2 =0.60 for n=13 and p<0.05). A decrease in dissolved oxygen from 7.3 mg O2 /l at the surface to 0 mg O2 /l at the bottom of the lake occurred during summer stratification. However, water of the lake reservoir was well oxygenated during preceding years (concentration of dissolved oxygen oscillated between 2 and 11 mg/l (ONEP/BRL, 1998)). Concentrations of chlorophyll a in the euphotic zone (8 m depth) were very important and varied from 12 ”g/L (August 1998) to 49 ”g/L (September 1999) with an average of 25 ”g/L. Based on the chlorophyll a value, the lake Mansour Eddahbi could be classified as eutrophic.The lake has become shallower and the thermocline, beginning at 12 m below the surface, has moved closer to the deeper layers where exchange between sediments and the water column is important. These exchanges between the two compartments of the lake contributed to enrichment of the water column in summer, creating an internal nutrient load. During the hot period when the lake was stratified, there was a large loss of nitrogen from the system. During the mixing period, nitrates were present at substantial concentrations in the deeper regions, but in summer nitrates were consumed rapidly in the surface layer, leading to a limitation on phytoplankton growth in this period. This same phenomenon was also noticed by HENRY et al. (1984). Furthermore, these losses of nitrogen induce a strong reduction in the N/P ratio during this period.Orthophosphate concentrations decrease from the bottom layers to the surface, with almost total impoverishment in the upper strata. This impoverishment reaches 10 m during the summer period and these values are often limiting for the phytoplankton production. The correlation obtained between orthophosphate concentrations and chlorophyll a was significant, especially in summer (r2 =0.79 for n=13 and p<0.05).Nutrient exchange at the water and sediment interface was favoured by the anoxic conditions at the lake bottom that prevailed during the eight months of stratification. The release of these substances can alone, without external contributions, maintain important primary production. This was confirmed by the importance of phytoplankton development compared to the preceding years. The algae production seemed to be enhanced, even if the reported N/P ratio was not optimal, particularly during the period of stratification and had no significant correlation with chlorophyll a content (r2 =0.19, n=13 and p<0.05). This important production appeared to be the result of an internal enrichment of the lake in nutrients coming from the sediment. According to nitrogen (0.2 mg/L) and phosphorus values (0.02 mg/L), the lake could be classified as hypereutrophic whereas two years earlier it was considered mesotrophic (ONEP/BRL, 1998). This work shows clearly that the severe climate conditions during the hydrological year 1998/99 contributed to a rapid degradation of the trophic status of this lake. It changed from a mesotrophic to a hypereutrophic state, resulting from an important enrichment in nutrients and the consequent algal production

    Caractérisation physico-chimique des argiles fibreuses de « Souk el Arbaa » du Gharb, Maroc

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    Le prĂ©sent travail s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’étude de la qualitĂ© industrielle des argiles fibreuses de ‘Souk El Arbaa’ du Gharb appartenant Ă  l’étage gĂ©ologique EocĂšne-MiocĂšne. Cette Ă©tude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© Ă  travers l’analyse d’une vingtaine d’échantillons, prĂ©levĂ©s sur des niveaux marneux variĂ©s, par spectromĂ©trie Ă  fluorescence X une carence en fer, une richesse en CaO, des taux plus ou moins Ă©levĂ©s en Al2O3. La diffractomĂ©trie aux rayons X a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une composition minĂ©ralogique assez variĂ©e dans les diffĂ©rents Ă©chantillons analysĂ©es, dominĂ©e par la prĂ©sence de paragenĂšses minĂ©ralogiques composĂ©es de calcite, dolomite, quartz, sĂ©piolite et attapulgite (argiles fibreuses). Ainsi, le chimisme des Ă©chantillons analysĂ©s indique d’une façon inĂ©luctable que les argiles de ‘Souk El Arbaa’ du Gharb nĂ©cessitent un traitement afin de les rendre exploitables pour la production de cĂ©ramique d’excellente qualitĂ©.Mots-clĂ©s : qualitĂ© industrielle, argiles fibreuses, EocĂšne-MiocĂšne, cĂ©ramique, Maroc

    Variations saisonniÚres des formes de phosphores dans une station de traitement des eaux usées par lagunage, sous climat aride de Marrakech (Maroc)

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    L'objectif de ce travail est d'Ă©tudier dans un premier temps la dynamique du phosphore dans un systĂšme de traitement d 'eaux usĂ©es par lagunage facultatif, en relation avec les compartiments biologiques: phytoplancton, zooplancton et bactĂ©ries, dans un deuxiĂšme temps, d'Ă©valuer, sous les conditions du climat aride, les performances Ă©puratoires de ce systĂšme en ce qui concerne les formes du phosphore. Un intĂ©rĂȘt particulier est portĂ© au phĂ©nomĂšne du relargage du phosphore par les sĂ©diments. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu'il y a une Ă©volution saisonniĂšre et cyclique du phosphore dans les bassins de lagunage, en Ă©troite corrĂ©lation avec le phytoplancton et le zooplancton. Le phytoplancton reprĂ©sente la part importante des formes organiques du phosphore particulaire. Les meilleures performances d'Ă©limination du phosphore sont notĂ©es au printemps (77% pour les PO4 et 64 % pour le phosphore total). La pĂ©riode la moins performante est la pĂ©riode automne-hiver oĂč les rendements moyens ne dĂ©passent pas 38%. Le phosphore Ă©liminĂ© est stockĂ© dans les sĂ©diments. En pĂ©riode estivale, des phĂ©nomĂšnes de relargage du phosphore Ă  partir des sĂ©diments ont Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence, favorisĂ©s par une zonation verticale des eaux Ă  cette pĂ©riode. Des essais aulaboratoire ont montrĂ© la grande aptitude des sĂ©diments de la station de lagunage Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă  relarguer le phosphore, avec intervention de l'activitĂ© biologique du sĂ©diment.Assimilation, sedimentation and release are the principal mechanisms controlling the behavior of phosphorus in aquatic ecosystems. There are numerous investigations of the phosphorus cycle in lakes and rivers in relation to the eutrophication process. There are, however, few studies about phosphorus cycling in waste stabilization ponds and most of these have discussed phosphorus removal. The aims of this paper were: 1) to study phosphorus dynamics in relation to the biomass compartment (zooplancton, phytoplancton and bacteria); and 2) to evaluate the phosphorus removal efficiency of the treatment plant under arid climatic conditions. Of particular interest was the remobilization of phosphorus from the pond sediment, both under laboratory conditions and in the field. The experimental installation consisted of two ponds receiving domestic wastewater (mean flow=120.4+5.8 m3.day-1 and specific organic load=56 kgBOD.ha-1. day-1; pond area=0.5 ha and depth=1.5 m). Samples were taken twice monthly from the surface, B1(S) and B2(S), and from the 1.5 m layers, B1(F) and B2(F). Composite (24 h) samples were taken from the inflow and the outflowof the plant to determine the removal efficiencies. In each sample, soluble reactive phosphorus (PO4), total phosphorus (PT) and total soluble phosphorus (PTD) were determined. Particulate phosphorus (PTP) was calculated as (PT-PTD) and soluble organic phosphorus (POD) as (PTD-PO4). Phosphorus release was measured in a plexiglas flask containing sediment (collected by corer from the pond bottom) overlaid with distilled water. Over 15 days, daily measurements were made of PO4 and total phosphorus. Sediment dry weight (%), volatile matter, organic carbon (%) and total phosphorus were measured before and after each test. Phosphorus contents of the phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria were estimated using the methods of BOUGIS (1974).The results show that cyclical and seasonal variations of phosphorus content were closely correlated with variations in the biological components. Significant correlation coefficients were noted between chlorophyll-a and particulate organic phosphorus. Organic phosphorus in algal cells was the more important form of particulate organic phosphorus. Under the arid climate, the waste stabilization ponds were more efficient at phosphate removal during the spring-summer period (77% of PO4 and 64% of total phosphorus in spring). The first pond may play the major role in phosphate removal. Phosphorus is only eliminated from stabilization ponds through accumulation in the sediment. However, part of the phosphorus which accumulates in pond sediments remains potentially mobile. During the summer period, phosphorus release from the sediment, observed in situ, was favored by stratification of the overlying water. The same phenomenon was noted during the autumn, particularly the release of POD. Laboratory studies have shown that phosphorus release may amount to 55 mg P m-2d-1. Biological activity may play a significant role in this mobilization

    Comparative pathogenicity of Colletotrichum spp. against different varieties of strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa) widely grown in Morocco

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    The evolution of anthracnose symptoms on the aerial part (leaves, stems and strawberries) of three varieties Fortuna, Camarosa and Festival of strawberry plants inoculated with the conidial suspensions of Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates was followed. The severity index and infection coefficients increased in function of time. Seven days after inoculation they were low not exceeding 13.43% and 43.33, but they increased four weeks after inoculation, respectively, to 37.96% and 99 on strawberry plants of the Camarosa variety, 54.44% and 105 on those of Fortuna and 51.12% and 85 on those of Festival. At the sixth week, the severity index and infection coefficients became very high, reaching respectively 100% and 408 on Fortuna plants inoculated with C. gloeosporioides isolate (Coll3) followed by Coll2 (89.28% – 300), Coll1 (86.66% – 378) and Coll4 (80.45% – 198) of C. acutatum species. Similarly, the isolate Coll3 caused fruit rot; the percentage of rotten strawberries was 100% on Fortuna variety, 83.33% on Festival and 70.25% on Camarosa. A positive re-isolation of the tested Colletotrichum isolates has been noted from leaves of strawberry varieties and negative from crowns or the roots. A significant to moderate reduction in fresh and dry weights of the aerial part and roots was noted in inoculated strawberry plants compared to the control

    Anévrysme et Pseudo-anévrysme du ventricule gauche

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    La gravitĂ© de l’infarctus du myocarde rĂ©side dans ses complications. Certainement, on avait une importante rĂ©duction dans leurs incidences grĂące  à  l’amĂ©lioration de la prise en charge mĂ©dicale et l’avĂšnement des mĂ©thodes de reperfusion prĂ©coce, mais il persiste un taux considĂ©rable de complications qui posent un problĂšme diagnostic mais surtout thĂ©rapeutique. Parmi eux, il existe l’anĂ©vrysme et le pseudo-anĂ©vrysme du ventricule gauche. Ces deux complications relativement rares sont souvent mĂ©connues, d’oĂč l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’en connaĂźtre les modalitĂ©s de prise en charge diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutiques

    Olive phenology as a sensitive indicator of future climatic warming in the Mediterranean

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    Experimental and modelling work suggests a strong dependence of olive flowering date on spring temperatures. Since airborne pollen concentrations reflect the flowering phenology of olive populations within a radius of 50 km, they may be a sensitive regional indicator of climatic warming. We assessed this potential sensitivity with phenology models fitted to flowering dates inferred from maximum airborne pollen data. Of four models tested, a thermal time model gave the best fit for Montpellier, France, and was the most effective at the regional scale, providing reasonable predictions for 10 sites in the western Mediterranean. This model was forced with replicated future temperature simulations for the western Mediterranean from a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (GCM). The GCM temperatures rose by 4·5 °C between 1990 and 2099 with a 1% per year increase in greenhouse gases, and modelled flowering date advanced at a rate of 6·2 d per °C. The results indicated that this long-term regional trend in phenology might be statistically significant as early as 2030, but with marked spatial variation in magnitude, with the calculated flowering date between the 1990s and 2030s advancing by 3–23 d. Future monitoring of airborne olive pollen may therefore provide an early biological indicator of climatic warming in the Mediterranean

    Diversity of endomycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of chickpea in Morocco

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    The endomycorrhizal fungi diversity in the rhizosphere of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and the evaluation of root mycorrhizal level were studied in six regions of Morocco: Tahla, Sefrou, Souk Larbae, Souk Tlat, Ouazzane and Jarf Melha. All chickpea roots are carrying endomycorrhizal structures. Root mycorrhizal parameters varied from one site to another, and the highest frequency and intensity of mycorrhization was recorded in the roots of chickpea plants at the two sites Tahla and Jarf Melha respectively, 83%, 33% and 25.03%. In addition, the highest arbuscular content was also noted in the roots of plants growing in the site of Tahla (22.18%) while the lowest content was noted at the site of Sefrou (2.07%). However, the vesicles were not observed in all the sites. The highest numbers of endomycorrhizal spores were recorded in the rhizosphere of plants collected in Jarf Melha and Tahla, respectively, 74 and 41 spores / 100 g soil. All spores found in the studied sites are represented by 22 morphotypes belonging to 7 genera: Glomus (13 species), Acaulospora (4 species), Gigaspora (one species), Radekera (one species), Entrophospora (one species), Pacispora (one species), Dentiscutata (one species)
