199 research outputs found

    Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Blood Flow: Non-Newtonian Rheology and Clotting Processes

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    The numerical simulation of thrombosis in stented aneurysms is an important issue to estimate the efficiency of a stent. In this paper, we consider a Lattice Boltzmann (LB) approach to bloodflow modeling and we implement a non-Newtonian correction in order to reproduce more realistic flow profiles. We obtain a good agreement between simulations and Casson's model of blood rheology in a simple geometry. Finally we discuss how, by using a passive scalar suspension model with aggregation on top of the LB dynamics, we can describe the clotting processes in the aneurys

    Développement d'une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation tissulaire basée sur l'élastographie ultrasonore : application pour le dépistage précoce du cancer du sein

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    Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme. Il demeure la cause de mortalité la plus importante chez les femmes âgées entre 35 et 55 ans. Au Canada, plus de 20 000 nouveaux cas sont diagnostiqués chaque année. Les études scientifiques démontrent que l'espérance de vie est étroitement liée à la précocité du diagnostic. Les moyens de diagnostic actuels comme la mammographie, l'échographie et la biopsie comportent certaines limitations. Par exemple, la mammographie permet de diagnostiquer la présence d’une masse suspecte dans le sein, mais ne peut en déterminer la nature (bénigne ou maligne). Les techniques d’imagerie complémentaires comme l'échographie ou l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) sont alors utilisées en complément, mais elles sont limitées quant à la sensibilité et la spécificité de leur diagnostic, principalement chez les jeunes femmes (< 50 ans) ou celles ayant un parenchyme dense. Par conséquent, nombreuses sont celles qui doivent subir une biopsie alors que leur lésions sont bénignes. Quelques voies de recherche sont privilégiées depuis peu pour réduire l`incertitude du diagnostic par imagerie ultrasonore. Dans ce contexte, l’élastographie dynamique est prometteuse. Cette technique est inspirée du geste médical de palpation et est basée sur la détermination de la rigidité des tissus, sachant que les lésions en général sont plus rigides que le tissu sain environnant. Le principe de cette technique est de générer des ondes de cisaillement et d'en étudier la propagation de ces ondes afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu via un problème inverse préétabli. Cette thèse vise le développement d'une nouvelle méthode d'élastographie dynamique pour le dépistage précoce des lésions mammaires. L'un des principaux problèmes des techniques d'élastographie dynamiques en utilisant la force de radiation est la forte atténuation des ondes de cisaillement. Après quelques longueurs d'onde de propagation, les amplitudes de déplacement diminuent considérablement et leur suivi devient difficile voir impossible. Ce problème affecte grandement la caractérisation des tissus biologiques. En outre, ces techniques ne donnent que l'information sur l'élasticité tandis que des études récentes montrent que certaines lésions bénignes ont les mêmes élasticités que des lésions malignes ce qui affecte la spécificité de ces techniques et motive la quantification de d'autres paramètres mécaniques (e.g.la viscosité). Le premier objectif de cette thèse consiste à optimiser la pression de radiation acoustique afin de rehausser l'amplitude des déplacements générés. Pour ce faire, un modèle analytique de prédiction de la fréquence de génération de la force de radiation a été développé. Une fois validé in vitro, ce modèle a servi pour la prédiction des fréquences optimales pour la génération de la force de radiation dans d'autres expérimentations in vitro et ex vivo sur des échantillons de tissu mammaire obtenus après mastectomie totale. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, un prototype de sonde ultrasonore conçu pour la génération d'un type spécifique d'ondes de cisaillement appelé ''onde de torsion'' a été développé. Le but est d'utiliser la force de radiation optimisée afin de générer des ondes de cisaillement adaptatives, et de monter leur utilité dans l'amélioration de l'amplitude des déplacements. Contrairement aux techniques élastographiques classiques, ce prototype permet la génération des ondes de cisaillement selon des parcours adaptatifs (e.g. circulaire, elliptique,…etc.) dépendamment de la forme de la lésion. L’optimisation des dépôts énergétiques induit une meilleure réponse mécanique du tissu et améliore le rapport signal sur bruit pour une meilleure quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques. Il est aussi question de consolider davantage les travaux de recherches antérieurs par un appui expérimental, et de prouver que ce type particulier d'onde de torsion peut mettre en résonance des structures. Ce phénomène de résonance des structures permet de rehausser davantage le contraste de déplacement entre les masses suspectes et le milieu environnant pour une meilleure détection. Enfin, dans le cadre de la quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques des tissus, la dernière étape consiste à développer un modèle inverse basé sur la propagation des ondes de cisaillement adaptatives pour l'estimation des paramètres viscoélastiques. L'estimation des paramètres viscoélastiques se fait via la résolution d'un problème inverse intégré dans un modèle numérique éléments finis. La robustesse de ce modèle a été étudiée afin de déterminer ces limites d'utilisation. Les résultats obtenus par ce modèle sont comparés à d'autres résultats (mêmes échantillons) obtenus par des méthodes de référence (e.g. Rheospectris) afin d'estimer la précision de la méthode développée. La quantification des paramètres mécaniques des lésions permet d'améliorer la sensibilité et la spécificité du diagnostic. La caractérisation tissulaire permet aussi une meilleure identification du type de lésion (malin ou bénin) ainsi que son évolution. Cette technique aide grandement les cliniciens dans le choix et la planification d'une prise en charge adaptée.Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women and the leading cause of death for women between 35 and 55 years old. In Canada, more than 20,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Most of the previous works have shown that life expectancy is closely related to the precocity of diagnosis. Current diagnostic imaging methods such as mammography, sonography, MRI present limitations such as irradiation (mammography), low specificity and low resolution (sonography) and high cost (MRI). For example, about 95% of abnormalities detected by mammography are proven to be benign lesions after complementary examinations (biopsy). Sonography is useful as a complementary examination but the low resolution of its images, its low specificity (54% for women less than 50 years) and its operator dependent interpretation seriously limit the use of this modality alone. MRI is a non-invasive technique with a relatively high sensitivity (86% for women below 50 years), but its limitations are the high cost and the waiting time for medical examination, which dedicate it as a monitoring technique in high-risk patients. It is therefore necessary to examine new noninvasive and cost effective methods. In this context, dynamic elastography is a promising approach. It is an emerging quantitative medical imaging technique inspired from palpation and based on the determination of elastic properties (stiffness) of tissues. This thesis aims the development of a novel dynamic ultrasound elastography method for early detection of breast lesions. One of the main problems of dynamic elastography techniques using remote palpation (acoustic radiation force) is the strong attenuation of shear waves. After few wavelengths of propagation, displacement amplitudes considerably decrease and their tracking becomes difficult even impossible. This problem greatly affects biological tissue characterization. Moreover, these techniques give only the information about elasticity while recent studies show that some benign lesions have the same elasticity as malignant lesions which affect the specificity of these techniques and motivate investigation of other physical parameters (e.g. viscosity). The first objective of this thesis is to optimize the acoustic radiation force using frequency adaptation to enhance the amplitude of displacements. An analytical model has been developed to predict the optimal frequency for the generation of the radiation force. Once validated on phantoms (in vitro), this model was used for the prediction of the optimal frequencies for the generation of the radiation force in tissue mimicking phantoms and ex vivo human breast cancer samples obtained after total mastectomy. Gains in magnitude were between 20% to158% for in vitro measurements on agar-gelatin phantoms, and 170% to 336% for ex vivo measurements on a human breast sample, depending on focus depths and attenuations of tested samples. The signal-to-noise ratio was also improved by more than four folds with adapted sequences. We conclude that frequency adaptation is a complementary technique that is efficient for the optimization of displacement amplitudes. This technique can be used safely to optimize the deposited local acoustic energy, without increasing the risk of damaging tissues and transducer elements. In the second part of this thesis, a prototype of an ultrasound probe for the generation of a specific type of adaptive shear waves called ''adaptive torsional shear waves'' has been developed. The goal was to use the optimized radiation force (developed in the first part) to generate adaptive torsional shear wave, and prove their utility in improving the amplitude of displacement. During their inward propagation, the amplitude of displacement generated by torsional shear waves was enhanced and the signal to noise ratio improved due to the constructive interferences. Torsional shear waves can also resonate heterogeneities which further enhance the displacement contrast between suspicious masses and its surrounding medium. Finally, in the context of assessment of mechanical proprieties of tissue, the last step of this thesis is to develop an inverse problem based on the propagation of adaptive torsional shear waves to estimate the viscoelastic parameters. A finite element method (FEM) model was developed to solve the inverse wave propagation problem and obtain viscoelastic properties of interrogated media. The inverse problem was formulated and solved in the frequency domain and its robustness was evaluated. The proposed model was validated in vitro with two independent rheology methods on several homogeneous and heterogeneous breast tissue mimicking phantoms over a broad range of frequencies (up to 400Hz). The obtained results were in good agreement with reference rheology methods with discrepancies between 8% and 38% for shear modulus and from 9% to 67% for loss modulus. The robustness study showed that the proposed inverse problem solution yielded a good estimation of the storage (19%) and loss moduli (32%) even with very noisy signals

    Lattice-Gas Cellular Automaton Models for Biology: From Fluids to Cells

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    Lattice-gas cellular automaton (LGCA) and lattice Boltzmann (LB) models are promising models for studying emergent behaviour of transport and interaction processes in biological systems. In this chapter, we will emphasise the use of LGCA/LB models and the derivation and analysis of LGCA models ranging from the classical example dynamics of fluid flow to clotting phenomena in cerebral aneurysms and the invasion of tumour cell

    Multi-time-lag PIV analysis of steady and pulsatile flows in a sidewall aneurysm

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    The effect of inflow waveform on the hemodynamics of a real-size idealized sidewall intracranial aneurysm (IA) model was investigated using particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). For this purpose, we implemented an error analysis based on several PIV measurements with different time lags to ensure high precision of velocity fields measured in both the IA and the parent artery. The relative error measured in the main part of the circulating volume was <1% despite the three orders of magnitude difference of parent artery and IA dome velocities. Moreover, important features involved in IA evolution were potentially emphasized from the qualitative and quantitative flow pattern comparison resulting from steady and unsteady inflows. In particular, the flow transfer in IA and the vortical structure were significantly modified when increasing the number of harmonics for a typical physiological flow, in comparison with quasi-steady conditions

    Zynq SoC based acceleration of the lattice Boltzmann method

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    Cerebral aneurysm is a life‐threatening condition. It is a weakness in a blood vessel that may enlarge and bleed into the surrounding area. In order to understand the surrounding environmental conditions during the interventions or surgical procedures, a simulation of blood flow in cerebral arteries is needed. One of the effective simulation approaches is to use the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. Due to the computational complexity of the algorithm, the simulation is usually performed on high performance computers. In this paper, efficient hardware architectures of the LB method on a Zynq system‐on‐chip (SoC) are designed and implemented. The proposed architectures have first been simulated in Vivado HLS environment and later implemented on a ZedBoard using the software‐defined SoC (SDSoC) development environment. In addition, a set of evaluations of different hardware architectures of the LB implementation is discussed in this paper. The experimental results show that the proposed implementation is able to accelerate the processing speed by a factor of 52 compared to a dual‐core ARM processor‐based software implementation

    Multiscale modeling of blood flow: Coupling finite elements with smoothed dissipative particle dynamics

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    A variational multi scale approach to model blood flow through arteries is proposed. A finite element discretization to represent the coarse scales (macro size), is coupled to smoothed dissipative particle dynamics that captures the fine scale features (micro scale). Blood is assumed to be incompressible, and flow is described through the Navier Stokes equation. The proposed coupling is tested with two benchmark problems, in fully coupled systems. Further refinements of the model can be incorporated in order to explicitly include blood constituents and non-Newtonian behavior. The suggested algorithm can be used with any particle-based method able to solve the Navier-Stokes equation. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    A computational model for prediction of clot platelet content in flow-diverted intracranial aneurysms

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    Treatment of intracranial aneurysms with flow-diverting stents is a safe and minimally invasive technique. The goal is stable embolisation that facilitates stent endothelialisation, and elimination of the aneurysm. However, it is not fully understood why some aneurysms fail to develop a stable clot even with sufficient levels of flow reduction. Computational prediction of thrombus formation dynamics can help predict the post-operative response in such challenging cases. In this work, we propose a new model of thrombus formation and platelet dynamics inside intracranial aneurysms. Our novel contribution combines platelet activation and transport with fibrin generation, which is key to characterising stable and unstable thrombus. The model is based on two types of thrombus inside aneurysms: red thrombus (fibrin- and erythrocyte-rich) can be found in unstable clots, while white thrombus (fibrin- and platelet-rich) can be found in stable clots. The thrombus generation model is coupled to a CFD model and the flow-induced platelet index (FiPi) is defined as a quantitative measure of clot stability. Our model is validated against an in vitro phantom study of two flow-diverting stents with different sizing. We demonstrate that our model accurately predicts the lower thrombus stability in the oversized stent scenario. This opens possibilities for using computational simulations to improve endovascular treatment planning and reduce adverse events, such as delayed haemorrhage of flow-diverted aneurysms

    Evaluation of a Desktop 3D Printed Rigid Refractive-Indexed-Matched Flow Phantom for PIV Measurements on Cerebral Aneurysms

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    Purpose Fabrication of a suitable flow model or phantom is critical to the study of biomedical fluid dynamics using optical flow visualization and measurement methods. The main difficulties arise from the optical properties of the model material, accuracy of the geometry and ease of fabrication. Methods Conventionally an investment casting method has been used, but recently advancements in additive manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing have allowed the flow model to be printed directly with minimal post-processing steps. This study presents results of an investigation into the feasibility of fabrication of such models suitable for particle image velocimetry (PIV) using a common 3D printing Stereolithography process and photopolymer resin. Results An idealised geometry of a cerebral aneurysm was printed to demonstrate its applicability for PIV experimentation. The material was shown to have a refractive index of 1.51, which can be refractive matched with a mixture of de-ionised water with ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN). The images were of a quality that after applying common PIV pre-processing techniques and a PIV cross-correlation algorithm, the results produced were consistent within the aneurysm when compared to previous studies. Conclusions This study presents an alternative low-cost option for 3D printing of a flow phantom suitable for flow visualization simulations. The use of 3D printed flow phantoms reduces the complexity, time and effort required compared to conventional investment casting methods by removing the necessity of a multi-part process required with investment casting techniques