48 research outputs found

    DĂ©tresse vitale du nouveau-nĂ© en salle de naissance au CHU-YO de Ouagadougou: intĂ©rĂȘt de la rĂ©animation nĂ©o natale

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    Introduction: La détresse vitale extra-utérine n'est souvent pas anticipée dans les pays en développement aggravant ainsi la mortalité néonatale. L'objectif de notre étude était de rapporté l'incidence des détresses, de décrire les aspects de la prise en charge et l'évolution à court terme. Méthodes: Nous avons mené une étude transversale descriptive dans le service de gynéco-obstétrique du CHU-YO de Ouagadougou du 15 avril au 15 juin 2015. Les nouveaux nés avec un score d'Apgar inférieur à 6 à la premiÚre minute ont été inclus. Les caractéristiques  sociodémographiques des mÚres, les étiologies ont été décrites. Les gestes vitaux, les médicaments utilisés ainsi que l'évolution ont été notés. Le plateau technique et la qualification des soignants ont été rapportés. Résultats: Quatre-vingt-trois nouveaux nés sur 1266 naissances vivantes ont présenté une détresse vitale, soient 6,55%. La moyenne d'ùge des mÚres était de 25,48 ans. La durée de l'accouchement à excéder 12 heures dans 41 cas (49,40%) et dans 59 cas (71,10%) les mÚres ont accouché par césarienne. Tout le personnel (100%) en charge des nouveaux nés était des sages-femmes. L'aspiration à la poire a été réalisée dans 69 cas (soit 83,1%). Le massage cardiaque a été effectué chez 16 nouveaux nés (soit 19,3%). Nous avons enregistré 19 décÚs (22 ,90%). Conclusion: La fréquence des détresses à la naissance est élevée en salle de naissance à la maternité du CHU-YO. Le monitorage technique est insuffisant. La réanimation a abouti à 65 cas (soit 78,30%) de survie dans les dix premiÚres minutes.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Analysis of blood transfusion requirements during the gravido-puerperal period in a hospital in Ouagadougou

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    This work was carried out with the aim to analyze the needs covered and not covered in blood during the gravid-postpartum period. This retrospective study covered the period from 1st January 2007 to December 31, 2009. It took into account the records of patients admitted to a direct or indirect obstetric causes, and has received an indication for transfusion. 450 patients had an indication for transfusion during the gravid-puerperal period. The main indications for transfusion were posed in front of 75.1% and 24.9% bleeding to chronic anemia. The rate of pre-transfusion hemoglobin averaged 5.7g/dl and 58.5% of women had a lower rate 6g/dl. Among the 450 women, 84.4% were transfused. The unmet need was 15.6%. The unavailability of blood was the main reason for unmet need (74.6%). Transfusion incidents or accidents were reported in 8.1%. The prognosis was better if breast coverage need for transfusion (p =0.00056), however, remained subject to a mortality of 4%. Blood transfusion, often essential to preserve the life of the mother and child must be more accessible while respecting the established protocols in order to limit the risks.Objectif : Ce travail a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans l’objectif d’analyser les besoins couverts et non couverts en matiĂšre de transfusion sanguine au cours de la pĂ©riode gravio-puerpĂ©rale. Patientes et mĂ©thodes : Cette Ă©tude rĂ©trospective portait sur la pĂ©riode du 1 janvier 2007 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2009. Elle prenait en compte les dossiers des patientes admises pour une cause obstĂ©tricale directe ou indirecte et ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une indication de transfusion. RĂ©sultats : 450 patientes ont eu une indication de transfusion au cours de la pĂ©riode gravido-puerpĂ©rale. Les principales indications de transfusion Ă©taient posĂ©es dans 75,1% devant l’hĂ©morragie et dans 24,9% devant une anĂ©mie chronique. Le taux d’hĂ©moglobine prĂ©-transfusionnel Ă©tait en moyenne de 5,7g /dl et 58,5% des femmes avaient un taux infĂ©rieur Ă  6g/dl. Parmi les 450 femmes, 84,4% ont Ă©tĂ© transfusĂ©es. Le besoin non couvert Ă©tait de 15,6%. L’indisponibilitĂ© du sang Ă©tait la principale raison du besoin non couvert (74,6%). Les  incidents ou accidents transfusionnels ont Ă©tĂ© relevĂ©s dans 8,1%. Le pronostic maternel Ă©tait meilleur en cas de couverture du besoin transfusionnel (p=0,00056) cependant il restait grevĂ© d’une mortalitĂ© de 4%. Discussion et conclusion : La transfusion sanguine, souvent indispensable pour prĂ©server la vie de la mĂšre et de son enfant se doit d’ĂȘtre plus accessible tout en respectant les protocoles Ă©tablis afin d’en limiter les risques.Objetivo: Este estudio se realizĂł con el objetivo de analizar las necesidades de sangre cubiertas y no cubiertas durante el perĂ­odo gestacional y puerperal (inmediatamente posterior al parto). Pacientes y mĂ©todos: Este estudio retrospectivo cubriĂł el perĂ­odo transcurrido entre el 1 de enero de 2007 y el 31 de diciembre de 2009. Se utilizaron los historiales de pacientes admitidas directa o indirectamente por causas de obstetricia y a las que se les indicĂł una transfusiĂłn. Resultados: Se indicĂł una transfusiĂłn a 450 pacientes durante el perĂ­odo gestacional y puerperal. Las causas principales para indicar una transfusiĂłn fueron las hemorragias en un 75,1 % de los casos y la anemia crĂłnica en un 24,9 % de los casos. Los niveles medios de hemoglobina antes de las transfusiones eran de 5,7 g/dl, y el 58,5 % de las mujeres tenĂ­an niveles inferiores a 6 g/dl. De las 450 pacientes, 84,4 % de ellas recibieron una transfusiĂłn. La tasa no atendida fue del 15,6 %, y la principal causa fue la no disponibilidad de sangre (74,6 %). En el 8,1 % de las transfusiones se produjo algĂșn incidente o accidente. El pronĂłstico materno fue mejor cuando se cubriĂł la necesidad transfusional (p = 0,00056) sin embargo, se vio gravado con una mortalidad del 4 %. Debate y conclusiĂłn: Las transfusiones de sangre, a menudo esenciales para preservar la vida de madre e hijo, deben ser mĂĄs accesibles aunque respetando siempre los protocolos establecidos para limitar sus riesgos

    Livestock keepers’ attitudes: Keystone of effective community-based breeding programs

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    Livestock keepers in southwestern Burkina Faso hold the local Lobi taurine breed, local Zebu cattle, and their crosses. Some communities in the region have begun to implement community-based cattle breeding programs (CBBPs), which involve animal tagging and recording and, potentially, also bull sharing. Based on the hypothesis that the participation of livestock keepers in CBBPs depends on their attitudes towards these programs, we used questionnaires to survey the attitudes of 125 farmers towards cattle breeding strategies and tools. Results were analyzed using principal component analysis. Farmers showed a highly positive attitude towards maintaining the features of their preferred cattle breed, but their attitudes varied substantially towards crossbreeding for breed improvement. Farmers generally agreed that performance was more important than animal appearance, and most of them were willing to cooperate with breeders’ associations but were skeptical about sharing their bulls with other farmers. The majority was reluctant to record performance data, which may be due to a capacity deficit and their confidence in being able to select the best animals based purely on phenotype. Our analysis suggests that breeders’ associations, as a key component of CBBPs, should lay down clear rules and obligations for their members from the outset. Timely consideration of farmers’ attitudes towards different breeding tools may improve their uptake and guarantee the sustainability of CBBPs


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    The cultivation of bananas in the classical systems by smallholders is seriously threatened by the Black Leaf Streak Disease (BLSD). The chemical and genetic fight methods against this disease showed some limitations and disadvantages. That suggests the possibility of the efficient use of susceptible banana in combination of tolerant hybrids as fight methods. This study is carried out to assess the performances of various prototypes or associations of banana on the control of BLSD. These protocols can reduce pest pressure in banana farm and increase the yield of the cultivar "Orishele" which is susceptible to BLSD. During eight months of vegetative growth, the varietal association prototypes of banana had shown variable effectiveness face the disease according to the pathological descriptors. "Orishele" cultivar in association plots showed high tolerance level against BLSD than those of non-association plots. In the prototype with a low density of the cultivar "Orishele", the severity indices of the disease were low. When "Orishele" was associated with the tolerant hybrid PITA 3 or the variety "Figue Sucrée", the severity indices were respectively 10.99 % and 11.07 %.When "Orishele" is on non-association plots the severity indices was high (33.47 %). Banana cultivation in combination of susceptible and tolerant varieties in almost equal proportions seems an ideal strategy to slow the spread of the fungus causing BLSD and provide better yield at harvest of susceptible cultivars to the BSD

    The potential of some sub-humid zone browse species as feed for ruminants

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    The overall objective of this study was to determine the most utilized browse species in the sub-humid zone in Burkina Faso, and to evaluate their potential as fodder for ruminants. The behaviour of sheep, goats and cattle was recorded on natural pasture using a direct observation method and farmers were interviewed concerning use of browse species. The phenological and chemical variations over the year were estimated through observations and collection of foliage samples every second week. The foliage biomass was evaluated using complete cutting and weighing. The nutritive value and the effect of feeding these foliages on growth performance were assessed in sheep using a completely randomised design. The browsing activity was about 25% of the total grazing time for all the animal species during the dry season. During the cool season the time spent browsing by goats (17%) was significantly higher than for sheep (7%) and cattle (5%). The plant species with the highest frequency of consumption by animals and most cited as fodder trees by farmers were Acacia dudgeoni Craib. ex Holl., Ficus gnaphalocarpa (Miq.) A. Rich, Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn., Faidherbia albida A. Chevalier, Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers., Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss. and Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. The foliage biomass per ha of the last three species differed significantly (0.3, 0.6 and 1.3 t dry matter (dm), respectively). The dm intake and apparent digestibility of dm for A. africana were the highest, 571 g/day and 582 g/kg, respectively. Significant relationships were found between the foliage biomass and the circumference of the crown for A. africana (R2=82%) and P. erinaceus (R2=81%). The growth rate was around 60 g/day when feeding a diet including A. africana and P. erinaceus, higher than with the diet with K. senegalensis (48 g/day). These browse species constitute an important source of nitrogen for domestic ruminants in sub-humid West Africa and should to be promoted in the agrosilvopastoral systems as a dry season fodder reserve and to avoid the risk of extinction

    Analysis of blood transfusion requirements during the gravido-puerperal period in a hospital in Ouagadougou

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    This work was carried out with the aim to analyze the needs covered and not covered in blood during the gravid-postpartum period. This retrospective study covered the period from 1st January 2007 to December 31, 2009. It took into account the records of patients admitted to a direct or indirect obstetric causes, and has received an indication for transfusion. 450 patients had an indication for transfusion during the gravid-puerperal period. The main indications for transfusion were posed in front of 75.1% and 24.9% bleeding to chronic anemia. The rate of pre-transfusion hemoglobin averaged 5.7g/dl and 58.5% of women had a lower rate 6g/dl. Among the 450 women, 84.4% were transfused. The unmet need was 15.6%. The unavailability of blood was the main reason for unmet need (74.6%). Transfusion incidents or accidents were reported in 8.1%. The prognosis was better if breast coverage need for transfusion (p =0.00056), however, remained subject to a mortality of 4%. Blood transfusion, often essential to preserve the life of the mother and child must be more accessible while respecting the established protocols in order to limit the risks

    Designing sustainable pathways for the livestock sector: the example of Atsbi, Ethiopia and Bama, Burkina Faso

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    Demand for animal sourced food is predicted to double in the upcoming 20 years in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is simultaneously a big opportunity in terms of poverty reduction and a significant threat to the environment. The objective of this paper is to present an approach to co-create a set of viable and acceptable development pathways for the livestock sector that maximizes benefits from increased production, exploits the synergies between livestock and the environment, while minimizing the negative effects. It engages local stakeholders and actors into a computer-assisted participatory process, through which local trade-offs and synergies between livestock production, livelihood benefits and environmental impacts can be explored. Scenarios reached by consensus among local stakeholders challenge the dominant discourse of livestock intensification. They suggest that combining extensive and intensive modes enables increased production of animal sourced food with lower additional pressure on the environment than current production modes. The right combination of extensive and intensive production allows for an efficient use of the local biomass and feed resources, and offers opportunities to improve livelihoods for all stakeholders despite their differing economic circumstances, values and traditions