8 research outputs found
Correlation of trans-Lycopene Measurements by the HPLC Method with the Optothermal and Photoacoustic Signals and the Color Readings of Fresh Tomato Homogenates
The trans-lycopene content of fresh tomato homogenates was assessed by means of the laser photoacoustic spectroscopy, the laser optothermal window, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and colorimetry; none of these methods require the extraction from the product matrix prior to the analysis. The wet chemistry method (high-performance liquid chromatography) was used as the absolute quantitative method. Analytical figures of merit for all methods were compared statistically; best linear correlation was achieved for the chromaticity index a* and chroma C*
Geopolitics in contemporary Russia - science or ideology?
This bachelor thesis is focused on definition and description of geopolitical concepts in contemporary Russian Federation. In first chapters of this bachelor thesis we will describe the importance of the term geopolitics and why is this term significant. Subsequently, the classical geopolitical concepts were presented, of which the new geopolitical theories, that are relevant for contemporary Russia, comes from. In the main part of this bachelor thesis we focused on three main geopolitical theories- atlanticism, eurasianism and "Russia as an island". In the last part of this thesis, the theories were demonstrated in practice with an objective, which was to find an answer for question if is contemporary Russian geopolitical thinking based on science or ideology
Dopady umělé inteligence a robotických systémů na revoluci ve vojenských záležitostech v ozbrojených silách Izraele a Ruské federace
Každá revolúcia vo vojenských záležitostiach bola vždy vo veľkej miere ovplyvnená novými typmi technológií. Svedčia o tom aj príklady takýchto revolúcií z minulosti, jedna dokonca nedávna z obdobia 70. až 90. rokov minulého storočia. Tá má svoje korene v sovietskom koncepte vojensko-technickej revolúcie, ktorá, ako už názov napovedá, prisudzuje technológiám veľký význam. Obidva vyššie uvedené koncepty mali aj praktické dopady v podobe zmeny vedenia bojových operácií, zmien v doktrínach a organizácií vojsk, a rovnako aj integrácií nových technológií do existujúcich zbraňových systémov. V poslednej revolúcii vo vojenských záležitostiach z obdobia 80. a 90.rokov hrali dôležitú úlohu presne navádzané zbrane, alebo vylepšené systémy riadenia a velenia vojsk a systémy komunikácie. Dnes sa mnoho diskutuje o možnej ďalšej revolúcií vo vojenských záležitostiach, ktorej primárnymi motormi má byť umelá inteligencia a robotické systémy. Táto diplomová práca sa sústredí na charakteristiku konceptov vojensko-technickej revolúcie, revolúcie vo vojenských záležitostiach a ich vývoj, ako aj na technológie, ktoré môžu spôsobiť v blízkej budúcnosti ďalšiu revolúciu- umelú inteligenciu a robotické systémy. Cieľmi tejto práce je priblíženie predchádzajúcej revolúcie vo vojenských záležitostiach a skúmanie umelej...Every revolution in military affairs was always, to a large extent, driven by the appearance of new types of modern technologies. Many examples from the past revolutions reflect this fact, including the recent one between the 1970s and 1990s of the 20th century. This most recent revolution in military affairs had its roots in a Soviet concept of "military-technical revolution," which, as its name already indicates, gave the technology a great significance. Both above-mentioned theoretical concepts had a practical impact on how the battle operations were conducted, on changes in military doctrines and organization of forces, and the integration of new technologies into existing weapon systems. In the last revolution in military affairs from the 1980s and 1990s, the central role was played by precision-guided munitions, command and control systems, and also communication systems. Today there is an ongoing discussion about the potential new revolution in military affairs, which main drivers are expected to be artificial intelligence and robotic systems. This diploma thesis focuses on the definition of concepts "military-technical revolution," "revolution in military affairs," their evolution, and the new technologies that can cause a new revolution in the near future- artificial intelligence and...Department of Security StudiesKatedra bezpečnostních studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science
The Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Systems on the Revolution in Military Affairs in the Armed Forces of Israel and the Russian Federation
Every revolution in military affairs was always, to a large extent, driven by the appearance of new types of modern technologies. Many examples from the past revolutions reflect this fact, including the recent one between the 1970s and 1990s of the 20th century. This most recent revolution in military affairs had its roots in a Soviet concept of "military-technical revolution," which, as its name already indicates, gave the technology a great significance. Both above-mentioned theoretical concepts had a practical impact on how the battle operations were conducted, on changes in military doctrines and organization of forces, and the integration of new technologies into existing weapon systems. In the last revolution in military affairs from the 1980s and 1990s, the central role was played by precision-guided munitions, command and control systems, and also communication systems. Today there is an ongoing discussion about the potential new revolution in military affairs, which main drivers are expected to be artificial intelligence and robotic systems. This diploma thesis focuses on the definition of concepts "military-technical revolution," "revolution in military affairs," their evolution, and the new technologies that can cause a new revolution in the near future- artificial intelligence and..
Geopolitika v současném Rusku - věda nebo ideologie?
Anotácia Táto bakalárska práca sa zameriava na charakterizovanie a bližší popis geopolitických koncepcií v súčasnej Ruskej Federácii. V úvodných častiach bakalárskej práce bol načrtnutý význam pojmu geopolitika v dnešnom Rusku a jeho postavenie. Následne boli v bakalárskej práci prezentované klasické geopolitické koncepty, z ktorých neskôr vychádzali nové geopolitické teórie, ktoré sú pre dnešné Rusko relevantné. V hlavnej časti bakalárskej práce sme sa zamerali primárne na 3 hlavné ruské geopolitické teórie- atlantizmus, eurazianizmus a "Rusko ako Ostrov". V záverečnej časti práce sme jednotlivé teórie demonštrovali na praktických príkladoch s cieľom nájsť odpoveď na otázku, či je súčasné ruské geopolitické myslenie založené na vedeckých alebo ideologických základoch.This bachelor thesis is focused on definition and description of geopolitical concepts in contemporary Russian Federation. In first chapters of this bachelor thesis we will describe the importance of the term geopolitics and why is this term significant. Subsequently, the classical geopolitical concepts were presented, of which the new geopolitical theories, that are relevant for contemporary Russia, comes from. In the main part of this bachelor thesis we focused on three main geopolitical theories- atlanticism, eurasianism and "Russia as an island". In the last part of this thesis, the theories were demonstrated in practice with an objective, which was to find an answer for question if is contemporary Russian geopolitical thinking based on science or ideology.Department of Political ScienceKatedra politologieFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science