5,431 research outputs found

    Conferencia pronunciada en la villa de Ledesma, el día 28 de abril de 1906

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Incluye: Reglamento del Patronato de Presos y Penados del partido judicial de Ledesm

    Differentiating signals to make biological sense – a guide through databases for MS-based non-targeted metabolomics

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    Metabolite identification is one of the most challenging steps in metabolomics studies and reflects one of the greatest bottlenecks in the entire workflow. The success of this step determines the success of the entire research, therefore the quality at which annotations are given requires special attention. A variety of tools and resources are available to aid metabolite identification or annotation, offering different and often complementary functionalities. In preparation for this article, almost 50 databases were reviewed, from which 17 were selected for discussion, chosen for their on-line ESI-MS functionality. The general characteristics and functions of each database is discussed in turn, considering the advantages and limitations of each along with recommendations for optimal use of each tool, as derived from experiences encountered at the Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO) in Madrid. These databases were evaluated considering their utility in non-targeted metabolomics, including aspects such as ID assignment, structural assignment and interpretation of results

    Historical warming and climate sensitivity

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    In this dissertation, we study the climate sensitivity of the Earth. The climate sensitivity quantifies the response of the Earth system to radiative forcing, in particular, the radiative forcing induced by humans. We use both complex climate modelling and observations from the historical record for this endeavour. We analyse these data sources from the perspective of a conceptual framework based on the Earth’s energy budget. The foci of our study are on two wide topics. The first topic estimates how sensitive the Earth’s climate is to carbon dioxide using the historical warming. We use two quantities to measure the sensitivity: the transient climate response (TCR) and the long-term equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS). Past studies analysed the historical observations of warming and forcing in the light of the Earth’s energy budget to estimate TCR and ECS. We ascertain that some of these calculations underestimate TCR and ECS. First, we analyse the disadvantages of past observational estimates concerning the uncertainties in the anthropogenic radiative forcing. Based on this analysis, we select the post-1970s period. Then we link the modelled warming in this period in complex climate models with the corresponding modelled TCR and ECS. This relationship between warming and sensitivity, and the observed post-1970s warming allow us to estimate TCR and ECS. Our TCR estimate is higher than the past estimates, and we find that this difference can be explained by past studies assuming that the ocean mixed-layer is equilibrated. Our ECS estimate is also higher than some past estimates and is in line with other studies that accounted for the effects of an evolving sea-surface temperature pattern. The evolving sea surface temperature pattern changes the feedback mechanisms on the warming and temporarily counteract the radiative forcing. The second topic explores the role of clouds in this temporary dampening of the transient global warming. We find that the cloud feedback not only acts directly with the sea surface temperature patterns that arise when the climate system is out of equilibrium, but clouds also affect other relevant feedback mechanisms. Past studies found that the evolving sea surface temperature pattern changes the radiative response between decadal and centennial timescales. A proposed mechanism connects clouds with the evolving pattern. They also show in observations the relationship between the decadal cloud variations and the corresponding variations in the radiative response of the Earth. Assisted by a complex climate model, we find that not only clouds link the evolving pattern with the radiative response, but also that they influence the remaining relevant mechanisms. To unravel the role of clouds, we use a cloud-locking technique which inhibits cloud feedback. We find that: a) clouds explain almost half of the difference in the radiative response between decadal and centennial timescales, and b) a synergy between cloud processes, lapse-rate and water-vapour feedback provides the tropical free-tropospheric warming that the proposed physical mechanism needs.In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir die Klimasensitivität der Erde. Die Klimasensitivität misst die Reaktion des Erdsystems auf den Strahlungsantrieb unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des anthropogenen Strahlungantriebes. Dazu verwenden wir sowohl komplexe Klimamodelle, als auch historische Beobachtungen. Wir analysieren beide Datenquellen im physikalisch-konzeptuellen Rahmen des Wärmehaushaltes der Erde. Die Schwerpunkte unserer Untersuchung liegen auf zwei großen Themengebieten. Das erste Thema schätzt basierend auf der historischen Erwärmung ab wie sensibel das Klima der Erde auf Kohlendioxyd reagiert. Wir verwenden zwei Maße, um die Sensitivität zu messen: die kurzfristige emph{Transient Climate Response} (TCR) und die langfristige emph{Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity} (ECS). Vorherige Untersuchungen analysieren historische Beobachtungen der Erwärmung und des Strahlungsantriebes mit dem Wärmehaushalt der Erde, um die TCR und die ECS zu berechnen. Wir stellen fest, dass einige dieser früheren Berechnungen die TCR und die ECS unterschätzen. In dieser Dissertation analysieren wir zuerst die Nachteile dieser früheren Schätzungen in Bezug auf die Messunsicherheit des anthropogenen Strahlungsantriebs. Aufgrund der niedriegeren Messunsicherheit des anthropogenen Aerosolstrahlungsantriebes wählen wir für unsere Analyse den Zeitraum ab den 1970-iger Jahren aus. Dann verbinden wir die modellierte Erwärmung in diesem Zeitraum mit den entsprechenden modellierten TCRs und ECSs. Die ermittelte Beziehung zwischen Erwärmung und Sensitivität und die tatsächliche Erwärmung seit den 1970-iger Jahren macht eine neue Schätzungen der tatsächliche TCR und ECS möglich. Unsere Schätzung der TCR ist höher als die früheren Schätzungen. Wir stellen fest, dass der Unterschied auf eine Annahme vorheriger Schätzungen zurückführbar ist: Bezüglich des Wärmeaustausches ist der gutgemischte Ozean stationär. Unsere Schätzung der ECS ist ebenfalls höher als diejenigen einiger vorheriger Schätzungen. Unsere Schätzung stimmt mit anderen Schätzungen, die die Effekte eines sich entwickelnden Musters der Meeresoberlfächnetemperatur berücksichtigen, überein. Dieses Muster verändert die Rückkopplungsmechanismen und wirkt dem Strahlungsantrieb vorläufig entgegen. Das zweite Thema handelt von der Rolle der Wolken in dieser vorläufigen Dämpfung der transienten globalen Erwärmung. Wir entdecken, dass die Wolkenrückkopplung nicht nur eine direkte Wirkung hat, sondern auch, dass die Wolken andere relevante Rückkopplungen beeinflussen. Vorherige Untersuchungen stellten fest, dass das sich entwickelnde Muster der Meeresoberflächentemperatur die Strahlungsreaktion zwischen zehn- und hundertjährigen Zeitskalen verändert. Ein möglicher physikalischer Mechanismus, der die Wolken mit dem sich entwickelnden Muster verknüpft, wurde vorgeschlagen. Die Beziehung zwischen den zehnjährigen Schwankungen der Wolken und den entsprechenden Änderungen in der Strahlungsreaktion der Erde konnte bereits durch Beobachtungen verifiziert werden. Mit Hilfe eines komplexen Kimamodells finden wir, dass nicht nur die Wolken das sich entwickelnde Muster mit der Strahlungsreaktion verknüpfen, sondern auch, dass die Wolke die übrigen relevanten Mechanismen beeinflussen. Um die Rolle der Wolken zu untersuchen, verwenden wir eine ''cloud-locking'' Technik, die die Wolkenrückkopplung unterbindet. Unser Resultat ist: a) die Wolken erklären fast die Hälfte der Änderung der Strahlungsreaktion zwischen zehn- und hundertjährigen Zeitskalen und b) eine Synergie zwischen Wolkenprozessen, die Temperatur-Gradient- und die Wasserdampfrückkopplung liefert die tropische frei-troposphärische Erwärmung, die der vorgeschlagene physikalische Mechanismus benötigt

    Acyl homoserine lactone-mediated quorum sensing in the oral cavity: a paradigm revisited

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    Acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), the quorum sensing (QS) signals produced by Gram-negative bacteria, are currently considered to play a minor role in the development of oral biofilm since their production by oral pathogens has not been ascertained thus far. However, we report the presence of AHLs in different oral samples and their production by the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. The importance of AHLs is further supported by a very high prevalence of AHL-degradation capability, up to 60%, among bacteria isolated from dental plaque and saliva samples. Furthermore, the wide-spectrum AHL-lactonase Aii20J significantly inhibited oral biofilm formation in different in vitro biofilm models and caused important changes in bacterial composition. Besides, the inhibitory effect of Aii20J on a mixed biofilm of 6 oral pathogens was verified using confocal microscopy. Much more research is needed in order to be able to associate specific AHLs with oral pathologies and to individuate the key actors in AHL-mediated QS processes in dental plaque formation. However, these results indicate a higher relevance of the AHLs in the oral cavity than generally accepted thus far and suggest the potential use of inhibitory strategies against these signals for the prevention and treatment of oral diseasesThis work was supported by the grant “Axudas do Programa de Consolidación e Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas (GPC)” from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (ED431B2017/53) and by the project INTERREG-POCTEP-0227-CODIGOMAIS-1-E. A.M. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (ED481A-2015/311)S

    Estudio comparativo de la legislación medioambiental de Espacios Naturales.

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    Today, is understood for Natural Space the space which conserves his esencial estructures and primitve species, whether has been produced men's intervention or non. For have a protection, a natural space must have an extraordinary qualities. If the natural spaces aren't included in a more extensive context of use of the ground and natural resorts, the exclusive protection don't is efficient. In the present article is realized a comparative study of laws of the protection of the natural spaces, as much in spanish State as in his regions. Aceptado: 15/V/2001. * E.T.S.I. Montes. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ** Facultad de Derecho. *** E.T.S.I. Montes. U.P.M. 151 Ana Pilar Espluga González de la Peña, et al. Estudio comparativo de la legislación...Hoy en día, se entiende por Espacio Natural aquel espacio que conserva esencialmente sus estructuras y especies primitivas, se haya producido o no la intervención del hombre. Para que un espacio natural sea protegido debe guardar una serie de cualidades y requisitos extraordinarios. La exclusiva protección de espacios aislados es ineficaz si no están incluidos en un contexto más amplio de ordenación de usos del suelo y de los recursos naturales. En el presente artículo se realiza un estudio comparativo de la legislación de ENPs en España, tanto a nivel estatal como en cada una de las Comunidades Autónomas

    Atmospheric Corrosion Studies in a Decommissioned Nuclear Power Plant

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    Metallic corrosion progresses at a very low rate at room temperature in a perfectly dry atmosphere and for practical purposes may be ignored, but on humid surfaces is a very relevant phenomenon. The mechanism is electrochemical, with an electrolyte constituted by an extremely thin moisture film of just a few monolayers or an aqueous film of hundreds of microns in thickness due, for instance, to rain or dew (Rozenfeld, 1972; Barton, 1976; Feliu and Morcillo, 1982; Kucera & Mattson, 1986; Costa et al., 2006). A considerable part of the damage that atmospheric corrosion causes to structures and equipment may be attributed to the condensation of humidity as a result of periodic cooling of the air. The formation of dew depends on the relative humidity (RH) of the air and the change in the metal surface temperature. The drier the atmosphere, the more the temperature must fall in order for humidity to condense; while at high RH a slight drop in temperature can lead to the saturation in humidity of the atmosphere. The fraction of time in which an atmosphere presents a high RH level has been shown to be a good indicator of its potential aggressivity.Peer reviewe

    Exploring the potential of mobile technology for creating music collaboratively

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    We will present the first prototype of a framework that supports collaborative music creation activities using short distance-location aware mobile technology. In order to explore the corresponding design space we are planning to run a series of workshops with practitioners to elicit knowledge, find likes and dislikes. Such activities will frame the creation of new features.This is part of a long-term goal to explore how mobile technologies can enable the emergence of ubiquitous music activities

    Accuracy of the Justy II apex locator in determining working length in simulated horizontal and vertical fractures

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    Aim: to study the effectiveness of an electronic apex locator (Justy II) in locating simulated horizontal and vertical fractures in single roots. Methods: an electronic apex locator (EAL) (Justy II, Yoshida Dentcraft, Tokyo, Japan) was used to measure the distance within the canal of horizontal (n=31) and vertical (n=31) fractures, created with a disk in single-rooted teeth. Accuracy of the EAL was evaluated by comparing the measurements with those made using a size 10 file. Data were analyzed with the non-parametric Passing and Bablok method. Results: for simulated horizontal fractures the EAL measured exactly the same length as a size 10 file, without constant or proportional errors. In vertical simulated fractures the EAL measured (on average) with a constant error of 7.5 mm shorter than the size 10 file; the difference had a wide confidence interval (–72.3 to 2.6 mm). Conclusion: in this laboratory study, the Justy II EAL was able to determine accurately the position of simulated horizontal fractures but was unreliable when measuring simulated vertical fractures

    Long short-term memory networks for earthquake detection in Venezuelan regions

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    Reliable earthquake detection and location algorithms are necessary to properly catalog and analyze the continuously growing seismic records. This paper reports the results of applying Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to single-station three-channel waveforms for P-wave earthquake detection in western and north central regions of Venezuela. Precisely, we apply our technique to study the seismicity along the dextral strike-slip Boconó and La Victoria - San Sebastián faults, with complex tectonics driven by the interactions between the South American and Caribbean plates.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft