226 research outputs found

    The scalar complex potential and the Aharonov-Bohm effect

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    The Aharonov-Bohm effect is traditionally attributed to the effect of the electromagnetic 4-potential AA, even in regions where both the electric field E\mathbf{E} and the magnetic field B\mathbf{B} are zero. The AB effect reveals that multiple-valued functions play a crucial role in the description of an electromagnetic field. We argue that the quantity measured by AB experiments is a difference in values of a multiple-valued complex function, which we call a complex potential or {pre-potential. We show that any electromagnetic field can be described by this pre-potential, and give an explicit expression for the electromagnetic field tensor through this potential. The pre-potential is a modification of the two scalar potential functions.Comment: 10 pages 2 figure


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    There are modeling the implications of introducing tax incentives for innovative enterprises. The appropriateness of tax incentives for innovation at the expense of incremental tax credit on corporate profit tax has been confirmed. There was proved that state regulation of incremental tax credit causes positive changes both for enterprises and for the state. There was determined that an increase in the amount of taxpayers' tax liabilities does not affect the increase of tax burden. The results prove the high capacity of incremental tax credit to stimulate innovation. Moreover, the role of the private sector is to transform the available financial resources (ie, net profit) into an investment and innovation resource. And the role of the public sector is to invest in the development of innovations through indirect funding (that is, "directing" those who have not received as a result of preferential taxation of capital investments). At the same time such "direction" is carried out by providing tax incentives to innovative enterprises on the target conditionsОсуществлено моделирование последствий внедрения налоговой льготы для инновационных предприятий. Подтверждена целесообразность государственного регулирования налогового стимулирования инноваций за счет приростного налогового кредита по налогу на прибыль предприятий. Доказано, что внедрение приростного налогового кредита обусловливает положительные сдвиги как для предприятий, так и для государства. Определено, что увеличение суммы налоговых обязательств налогоплательщиков не влияет на усиление налоговой нагрузки.Здійснено моделювання наслідків впровадження податкової пільги для інноваційних підприємств. Підтверджено доцільність державного регулювання податкового стимулювання інновацій за рахунок прирістного податкового кредиту з податку на прибуток підприємств. Доведено, що впровадження прирістного податкового  кредиту обумовлює позитивні зрушення як для підприємств, так і для держави. Визначено, що збільшення суми податкових зобов’язань платників податків не впливає на посилення податкового навантаженн

    Technology of forming the algorithmic culture of future teachers in the distance learning conditions

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    The article reviews the technology of forming the algorithmic culture of future teachers in the distance learning condition

    To the problems of modeling the brain ischemia in small animals

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    In the review article the problems of modeling cerebral ischemia in small mammals are consecrated. The advantages of experimental studies that are based on the similarity of the blood circulation of the brain in humans and animals are indicated. Classification of experimental models for the study of acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, mechanisms of their development and preclinical approbation of new drugs is given. The authors indicate that all experimental models of brain ischemia can be divided into two groups: to study risk factors and pathophysiological studies of brain ischemia. And in the second case, the models of focal and global ischemia are described. In conclusion, the authors point out the difficulties and shortcomings of certain methods of ischemia reproduction, which await researchers to solve the above problems

    The problem of the methodical support of the formation of dental schoolchildrens' culture

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    The relevance of the research in the article the problem is determined by the need to resolve the contradictions between the need of society in the health person and low dental culture of the younger generation of Russians, between the need to develop a culture of dental students in the conditions of educational organization and insufficient development of methodical support of the process. Now, the question of methodical study of the content and process of formation of dental school culture in educational theory and practice has not been resolvedАктуальность исследуемой в статье проблемы определяется необходимостью разрешения следующих противоречий: между потребностью общества в здоровой личности и низким уровнем стоматологической культуры подрастающего поколения россиян; между необходимостью формирования стоматологической культуры школьников в условиях общеобразовательной организации и недостаточной разработанностью методического обеспечения рассматриваемого процесса. В настоящее время вопрос методической проработки содержания процесса формирования стоматологической культуры школьников в педагогической теории и практике не реше

    Integration of theoretical and clinical disciplines teaching as one of factors of medical knowledge efficacy

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    The article discusses the problem of medical students theoretical knowledge improvement that will significantly improve their clinical knowledge. The main factors that determine medical students’ positive motivation to study are considered. The authors prove that both theoretical and clinical disciplines teaching integration is possible as a result of complex approach to students teaching that will result in students’ knowledge survival on the higher courses. Leading role belongs to the theoretical departments which workers by writing textbooks and manuals, creating teaching multimedia programmes, using exact control and students' knowledge evaluation will provide the necessary motivational component of students’ further teaching on clinical departments. The integrated approach contributes to future profession single picture formation, motivates students to theoretical and clinical disciplines deep study. The future doctors teaching process reforming at Odessa National Medical University General and Clinical Pathological Physiology Department is given as an example.Authors guesses that new methodical methods of working with students in the practical work introduction, the change in the technology of teaching, the modification of the educational process, the approximation of theoretical knowledge to the patient's bed, the greater students interest in the positive end-goal - a correct diagnosis and cure of the patient - will allow to optimize the educational process and improve the quality of students’ training

    Designing of special clothing based on experimental researches of material properties

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    The article presents the results of experimental researches on determination of thermal and physical characteristics of thermal insulating materials using the principle of spatial three-dimensional presentation of the study object with distributed parameters. The proposed method of research and obtained experimental results provide an opportunity to determine thermal and physical properties of materials with high accuracy, which creates the conditions for improvement of the quality of special clothes designing