339 research outputs found

    Callus formation and organogenesis of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, C.V. Omdurman) induced by thidiazuron

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    In vitro culture response was assessed in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. c. v. Omdurman) for optimum callus induction and plantlet  regeneration. Callus induction was achieved within seven to ten days directly on the cut surfaces of both hypocotyls and cotyledon explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), Thidiazuron (TDZ) and benzyl adenine (BA) alone or in differentcombinations, but not in hormone free-medium. The highest callusing index (5.3) was obtained on hypocotyls explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA at 0.5 mg/l followed by an index of 5.2 obtained from the same explant by using 0.1 mg/l NAA in combination with BAP at 0.5 mg/l. However, for the cotyledon explants, the highest callusing index (4.7) was obtained on MS medium supplemented with NAA at either 2.0 or 3.0 mg/l. After 8 weeks of culture, organogenesis was observed only on the explants cultured on medium containing different concentrations of TDZ alone or in combination with BAP. The best shoot formation (93%) was obtained for cotyledon explant callus induced on MS medium containing TDZ in combination with BAP both at 0.5 mg/l. The highest number(6) of shoot per explant was obtained when cotyledon explant callus was sub cultured on MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l TDZ. Plain half strength of MS was found to be the best rooting medium, however, addition of IAA at 1.0 mg/l and IBA at 2.0 mg/l were found essential to induce highest number of roots (22.1 ± 0.9) and longer roots (11.0 ± 0.3 cm), respectively. This protocol would be useful to create somaclonal variation and utilize transgenic approaches for varietal improvement of tomato

    Effects of steroids and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on circumferential strain in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study utilizing cardiovascular magnetic resonance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Steroid use has prolonged ambulation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and combined with advances in respiratory care overall management has improved such that cardiac manifestations have become the major cause of death. Unfortunately, there is no consensus for DMD-associated cardiac disease management. Our purpose was to assess effects of steroid use alone or in combination with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotension receptor blocker (ARB) on cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) derived circumferential strain (ε<sub>cc</sub>).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used CMR to assess effects of corticosteroids alone (Group A) or in combination with ACEI or ARB (Group B) on heart rate (HR), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), mass (LVM), end diastolic volume (LVEDV) and circumferential strain (ε<sub>cc</sub>) in a cohort of 171 DMD patients >5 years of age. Treatment decisions were made independently by physicians at both our institution and referral centers and not based on CMR results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients in Group A (114 studies) were younger than those in Group B (92 studies)(10 ± 2.4 vs. 12.4 ± 3.2 years, p < 0.0001), but HR, LVEF, LVEDV and LVM were not different. Although ε<sub>cc </sub>magnitude was lower in Group B than Group A (-13.8 ± 1.9 vs. -12.8 ± 2.0, p = 0.0004), age correction using covariance analysis eliminated this effect. In a subset of patients who underwent serial CMR exams with an inter-study time of ~15 months, ε<sub>cc </sub>worsened regardless of treatment group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results support the need for prospective clinical trials to identify more effective treatment regimens for DMD associated cardiac disease.</p

    The influence of ethylene and ethylene modulators on shoot organogenesis in tomato

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    [EN] The influence of ethylene and ethylene modulators on the in vitro organogenesis of tomato was studied using a highly regenerating accession of the wild tomato Solanum pennellii and an F1 plant resulting from a cross between Solanum pennellii and Solanum lycopersicum cv. Anl27, which is known to have a low regeneration frequency. Four ethylene-modulating compounds, each at four levels, were used, namely: cobalt chloride (CoCl 2), which inhibits the production of ethylene; AgNO 3 (SN), which inhibits ethylene action; and Ethephon and the precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), which both promote ethylene synthesis. Leaf explants of each genotype were incubated on shoot induction medium supplemented with each of these compounds at 0, 10 or 15 days following bud induction. The results obtained in our assays indicate that ethylene has a significant influence on tomato organogenesis. Concentrations of ethylene lower than the optimum (according to genotype) at the beginning of the culture may decrease the percentage of explants with buds (B), produce a delay in their appearance, or indeed inhibit bud formation. This was observed in S. pennellii and the F1 explants cultured on media with SN (5.8-58.0 ¿M) as well as in the F1 explants cultured on medium with 21.0 ¿M CoCl 2. The percentage of explants with shoots (R) and the mean number of shoots per explant with shoots (PR) also diminished in media that contained SN. Shoots isolated from these explants were less developed compared to those isolated from control explants. On the other hand, ethylene supplementation may contribute to enhancing shoot development. The number of isolable shoots from S. pennellii explants doubled in media with ACC (9.8-98.0 ¿M). Shoots isolated from explants treated with ethylene releasing compounds showed a higher number of nodes when ACC and Ethephon were added at 10 days (in F1 explants) or at 15 days (in S. pennellii) after the beginning of culture. Thus, the importance of studying not only the concentration but also the timing of the application of regulators when developing regeneration protocols has been made manifest. An excess of ethylene supplementation may produce an inhibitory effect, as was observed when using Ethephon (17.2-69.0 ¿M). These results show the involvement of ethylene in tomato organogenesis and lead us to believe that ethylene supplementation may contribute to enhancing regeneration and shoot development in tomato. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Carlos Trujillo has a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish 'Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia'. This work has been funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID 05-10). The technical assistance of N. Palacios and the revision of the manuscript's English by J. Bergen are gratefully acknowledged.Trujillo Moya, C.; Gisbert Domenech, MC. (2012). The influence of ethylene and ethylene modulators on shoot organogenesis in tomato. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 111(1):141-148. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-012-0168-zS1411481111Abeles FB, Morgan PW, Saltveit ME (1992) Ethylene in plant biology. Academic Press, San DiegoBhatia P, Ashwath N, Senaratna T, David M (2004) Tissue culture studies of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 78:1–21Bhatia P, Ashwath N, Midmore DJ (2005) Effects of genotype, explant orientation, and wounding on shoot regeneration in tomato. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant 41:457–464Biddington NL (1992) The Influence of ethylene in plant-tissue culture. Plant Growth Regul 11:173–187Brown DC, Thorpe TA (1995) Crop improvement through tissue culture. 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    Improving postpartum care delivery and uptake by implementing context-specific interventions in four countries in Africa: a realist evaluation of the Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health (MOMI) project.

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    Postpartum care (PPC) has remained relatively neglected in many interventions designed to improve maternal and neonatal health in sub-Saharan Africa. The Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health project developed and implemented a context-specific package of health system strengthening and demand generation in four African countries, aiming to improve access and quality of PPC. A realist evaluation was conducted to enable nuanced understanding of the influence of different contextual factors on both the implementation and impacts of the interventions. Mixed methods were used to collect data and test hypothesised context-mechanism-outcome configurations: 16 case studies (including interviews, observations, monitoring data on key healthcare processes and outcomes), monitoring data for all study health facilities and communities, document analysis and participatory evaluation workshops. After evaluation in individual countries, a cross-country analysis was conducted that led to the development of four middle-range theories. Community health workers (CHWs) were key assets in shifting demand for PPC by 'bridging' communities and facilities. Because they were chosen from the community they served, they gained trust from the community and an intrinsic sense of responsibility. Furthermore, if a critical mass of women seek postpartum healthcare as a result of the CHWs bridging function, a 'buzz' for change is created, leading eventually to the acceptability and perceived value of attending for PPC that outweighs the costs of attending the health facility. On the supply side, rigid vertical hierarchies and defined roles for health facility workers (HFWs) impede integration of maternal and infant health services. Additionally, HFWs fear being judged negatively which overrides the self-efficacy that could potentially be gained from PPC training. Instead the main driver of HFWs' motivation to provide comprehensive PPC is dependent on accountability systems for delivering PPC created by other programmes. The realist evaluation offers insights into some of the contextual factors that can be pivotal in enabling the community-level and service-level interventions to be effective

    Elevated gamma glutamyl transferase levels are associated with the location of acute pulmonary embolism. Cross-sectional evaluation in hospital setting

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    ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The location of embolism is associated with clinical findings and disease severity in cases of acute pulmonary embolism. The level of gamma-glutamyl transferase increases under oxidative stress-related conditions. In this study, we investigated whether gamma-glutamyl transferase levels could predict the location of pulmonary embolism. DESIGN AND SETTING: Hospital-based cross-sectional study at Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey. METHODS : 120 patients who were diagnosed with acute pulmonary embolism through computed tomography-assisted pulmonary angiography were evaluated. They were divided into two main groups (proximally and distally located), and subsequently into subgroups according to thrombus localization as follows: first group (thrombus in main pulmonary artery; n = 9); second group (thrombus in main pulmonary artery branches; n = 71); third group (thrombus in pulmonary artery segmental branches; n = 34); and fourth group (thrombus in pulmonary artery subsegmental branches; n = 8). RESULTS : Gamma-glutamyl transferase levels on admission, heart rate, oxygen saturation, right ventricular dilatation/hypokinesia, pulmonary artery systolic pressure and cardiopulmonary resuscitation requirement showed prognostic significance in univariate analysis. The multivariate logistic regression model showed that gamma-glutamyl transferase level on admission (odds ratio, OR = 1.044; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.011-1.079; P = 0.009) and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (OR = 1.063; 95% CI: 1.005-1.124; P = 0.033) remained independently associated with proximally localized thrombus in pulmonary artery. CONCLUSIONS : The findings revealed a significant association between increased existing embolism load in the pulmonary artery and increased serum gamma-glutamyl transferase levels

    Rehabilitation of hand function after spinal cord injury using a novel handgrip device: a pilot study

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    BackgroundActivity-based therapy (ABT) for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), which consists of repetitive use of muscles above and below the spinal lesion, improves locomotion and arm strength. Less data has been published regarding its effects on hand function. We sought to evaluate the effects of a weekly hand-focused therapy program using a novel handgrip device on grip strength and hand function in a SCI cohort.MethodsPatients with SCI were enrolled in a weekly program that involved activities with the MediSens (Los Angeles, CA) handgrip. These included maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and a tracking task that required each subject to adjust his/her grip strength according to a pattern displayed on a computer screen. For the latter, performance was measured as mean absolute accuracy (MAA). The Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM) was used to measure each subject's independence prior to and after therapy.ResultsSeventeen patients completed the program with average participation duration of 21.3&nbsp;weeks. The cohort included patients with American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale (AIS) A (n = 12), AIS B (n = 1), AIS C (n = 2), and AIS D (n = 2) injuries. The average MVC for the cohort increased from 4.1&nbsp;N to 21.2&nbsp;N over 20&nbsp;weeks, but did not reach statistical significance. The average MAA for the cohort increased from 9.01 to 21.7% at the end of the study (p = .02). The cohort's average SCIM at the end of the study was unchanged compared to baseline.ConclusionsA weekly handgrip-based ABT program is feasible and efficacious at increasing hand task performance in subjects with SCI

    The links between health-related behaviors and life satisfaction in elderly individuals who prefer institutional living

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    BACKGROUND: Life satisfaction among residents of institutions is becoming an important issue in a rapidly aging population. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the links between life satisfaction and health-related behaviors amongst functionally independent elderly people who prefer institutional living in İstanbul, Turkey. METHODS: The socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, leisure-time activities and fall histories of 133 residents of an institution in Istanbul were assessed by a structured questionnaire during face-to-face interviews. A validated life-satisfaction index questionnaire (LSI-A) was completed. RESULTS: The mean age of the study group was 73.9 ± 8.0 (range 60–90 years). Within the group, 22.6% had never married and 14.3% had university degrees. The majority (71.4%) were in the low income bracket. The overall mean LSI-A score was 20.3 ± 5.9. Participants who declared moderate/high income levels had a significantly higher mean LSI-A score than those in the low-income bracket (p = 0.009). Multivariate analysis of the data suggested that leisure-time activities and participation in regular physical activities are significant predictors of LSI-A scores (R(2): 0.112; p = 0.005 and p = 0.02, respectively). CONCLUSION: The findings imply that regular physical activity and leisure-time activities are significantly related to life satisfaction among residents in institutions. Participation in physical activity and leisure-time activity programs may help to improve the life satisfaction of elderly people living in institutions

    Mitochondrial and Plasma Membrane Pools of Stomatin-Like Protein 2 Coalesce at the Immunological Synapse during T Cell Activation

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    Stomatin-like protein 2 (SLP-2) is a member of the stomatin – prohibitin – flotillin – HflC/K (SPFH) superfamily. Recent evidence indicates that SLP-2 is involved in the organization of cardiolipin-enriched microdomains in mitochondrial membranes and the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and function. In T cells, this role translates into enhanced T cell activation. Although the major pool of SLP-2 is associated with mitochondria, we show here that there is an additional pool of SLP-2 associated with the plasma membrane of T cells. Both plasma membrane-associated and mitochondria-associated pools of SLP-2 coalesce at the immunological synapse (IS) upon T cell activation. SLP-2 is not required for formation of IS nor for the re-localization of mitochondria to the IS because SLP-2-deficient T cells showed normal re-localization of these organelles in response to T cell activation. Interestingly, upon T cell activation, we found the surface pool of SLP-2 mostly excluded from the central supramolecular activation complex, and enriched in the peripheral area of the IS where signalling TCR microclusters are located. Based on these results, we propose that SLP-2 facilitates the compartmentalization not only of mitochondrial membranes but also of the plasma membrane into functional microdomains. In this latter location, SLP-2 may facilitate the optimal assembly of TCR signalosome components. Our data also suggest that there may be a net exchange of membrane material between mitochondria and plasma membrane, explaining the presence of some mitochondrial proteins in the plasma membrane

    Naturopathic Care for Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial ISRCTN78958974

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    BACKGROUND: Anxiety is a serious personal health condition and represents a substantial burden to overall quality of life. Additionally anxiety disorders represent a significant cost to the health care system as well as employers through benefits coverage and days missed due to incapacity. This study sought to explore the effectiveness of naturopathic care on anxiety symptoms using a randomized trial. METHODS: Employees with moderate to severe anxiety of longer than 6 weeks duration were randomized based on age and gender to receive naturopathic care (NC) (n = 41) or standardized psychotherapy intervention (PT) (n = 40) over a period of 12 weeks. Blinding of investigators and participants during randomization and allocation was maintained. Participants in the NC group received dietary counseling, deep breathing relaxation techniques, a standard multi-vitamin, and the herbal medicine, ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) (300 mg b.i.d. standardized to 1.5% with anolides, prepared from root). The PT intervention received psychotherapy, and matched deep breathing relaxation techniques, and placebo. The primary outcome measure was the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and secondary outcome measures included the Short Form 36 (SF-36), Fatigue Symptom Inventory (FSI), and Measure Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile (MY-MOP) to measure anxiety, mental health, and quality of life respectively. Participants were blinded to the placebo-controlled intervention. RESULTS: Seventy-five participants (93%) were followed for 8 or more weeks on the trial. Final BAI scores decreased by 56.5% (p<0.0001) in the NC group and 30.5% (p<0.0001) in the PT group. BAI group scores were significantly decreased in the NC group compared to PT group (p = 0.003). Significant differences between groups were also observed in mental health, concentration, fatigue, social functioning, vitality, and overall quality of life with the NC group exhibiting greater clinical benefit. No serious adverse reactions were observed in either group. RELEVANCE: Many patients seek alternatives and/or complementary care to conventional anxiety treatments. To date, no study has evaluated the potential of a naturopathic treatment protocol to effectively treat anxiety. Knowledge of the efficacy, safety or risk of natural health products, and naturopathic treatments is important for physicians and the public in order to make informed decisions. INTERPRETATION: Both NC and PT led to significant improvements in patients' anxiety. Group comparison demonstrated a significant decrease in anxiety levels in the NC group over the PT group. Significant improvements in secondary quality of life measures were also observed in the NC group as compared to PT. The whole system of naturopathic care for anxiety needs to be investigated further including a closer examination of the individual components within the context of their additive effect. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN78958974