1,679 research outputs found

    Visionary leadership in the administrative staff of the Guapan educational unit

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    The purpose of the present study lies in determining the visionary leadership manifest in the administrative staff of the Guapan Educational Unit, with the research taking the form of a positivist descriptive research study that will deepen the knowledge of the variable that concerns us: visionary leadership. Through the application of field designs, the information was obtained directly from interaction with the subjects, who made up a population of (62) subjects, among whom were (07) administrators and (55) educational professionals, with the sample consisting of 38 instructors. The instrument used was an 18-item multiple-choice questionnaire (Almost always, Sometimes and Almost never), which was validated by three experts, with a reliability of 0.97, which demonstrates that it is highly reliable. The consolidation of this research showed with its results that the administrative staff engages in visionary leadership in the Guapan Educational Unit. The opinion of the instructional staff, however, shows just the opposite, judging that the administrators show weakness in visionary leadership. For this reason, guidelines are offered to the administrators of the state-funded private school located in the Cañar province, Azogues district, Guapan parishPeer Reviewe

    Spanish Tourist Behaviour: A Specific Objective-base Segmantation

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    This work uses data from the Spanish Tourism Demand Segments Survey (N=6900) conducted by the IESA-CSIC for Turismo Andaluz, SA. The objective of the paper is to develop a statistical segmentation or typology of Spanish tourists based on objective aspects of tourist behaviour measured in the survey including destinations visited, theme of the trip, lodging, transportation and travel group. Initial categorical data are reduced using multiple correspondence analysis and grouped through cluster analysis. Afterwards, identified segments are evaluated to analyse their tourist profiles with a view to examining sociological perspectives of tourist behaviour.Tourist Demand, Segmentation, Spain, Domestic Tourism, Multiple Correspondence Analysis, Cluster Analysis

    Memoria y narración en la novela Sobre héroes y tumbas de Ernesto Sábato

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    Los personajes de la novela Sobre héroes y tumbas están atados a sus recuerdos, sumidos en la búsqueda de momentos, lugares y demás huellas del pasado que les permitan comprender su ser y existir en el mundo. Bruno y Martín persisten en el acto de rememoración que implica definirse en un tiempo y espacio particular, a través de la mirada ajena de los seres que han abandonado su mundo y marcado sus existencias. Este artículo se apuntala en el pensamiento de Paul Ricoeur y su texto La memoria, la historia, el olvido

    Reseña de "Blanco nocturno" de Ricardo Piglia

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    Blanco nocturno, la más reciente novela del escritor argentino Ricardo Piglia, publicada en 2010, es, sin duda, una propuesta narrativa profunda y muy bien lograda, pues el autor experimenta con el relato policial y la novela negra, para presentar un mundo posible de seres corruptos, abatidos y oscuros que están anclados en una atmósfera trágica de falsas esperanzas. Resulta interesante la manera en que Ricardo Piglia juega y transgrede las normas genéricas en su novela. En un comienzo, el lector tiene la sensación de encontrarse frente a un relato típicamente policial, que cumple con las claves propias de este tipo de novelas: el motivo que desencadena la narración es un crimen irresuelto del que se encarga un policía y su ayudante, quienes analizan los hábitos del difunto, así como de todas las personas que intervinieron en su vida, pues cualquiera resultaría sospechoso potencial del asesinato. Sin embargo, unos cuantos capítulos más adelante, el relato empieza a oscurecerse; pierde esa armonía y rigor científico, moral e intelectual que caracteriza a la novela policial —como lo reconoce el propio Piglia en su texto Critica y ficción— y poco a poco se devela una novela negra, compleja, salvaje, sombría, en la que el crimen no es resuelto mediante la deducción, sino a través de la intuición. No son reglas y procesos analíticos los que conducen la pesquisa, sino los pálpitos de un viejo policía, un hombre legendario por su fama de ecuánime adivinador y no de riguroso investigador

    Mundos posibles en la novela Sobre héroes y tumbas de Ernesto Sábato: retrato de una Argentina que está aún por contar

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    En el marco de las reflexiones y teorías sobre el carácter ficcional del texto literario desarrolladas por autores como Dolezel, Iser, Garrido Domínguez, Pozuelo, entre otros; se analiza el papel que desempeñan las visiones y versiones de la Argentina proyectadas en la obra Sobre héroes y tumbas de Ernesto Sábato, en la constitución de un espacio de comunicación literaria entre lo real ficcional-imaginario y lo real fáctico. Dichas visiones y versiones apremian la relación trágica y esperanzada que los personajes mantienen con su realidad, pues dinamizan el acto de recordar en la comprensión y construcción del presente memorioso que habitan.En el marco de las reflexiones y teorías sobre el carácter ficcional del texto literario desarrolladas por autores como Dolezel, Iser, Garrido Domínguez, Pozuelo, entre otros; se analiza el papel que desempeñan las visiones y versiones de la Argentina proyectadas en la obra Sobre héroes y tumbas de Ernesto Sábato, en la constitución de un espacio de comunicación literaria entre lo real ficcional-imaginario y lo real fáctico. Dichas visiones y versiones apremian la relación trágica y esperanzada que los personajes mantienen con su realidad, pues dinamizan el acto de recordar en la comprensión y construcción del presente memorioso que habitan

    Julio Cortázar: La imposición del presente o la impostura de la memoria

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    _En este escrito se analiza los cuentos Ahí pero dónde, cómo y Los pasos en las huellas, del escritor argentino Julio Cortázar, como mundos posibles dinamizados por la construcción de la memoria, donde el presente está atado al pasado, de modo que lo acontecido se impone violentamente a la praxis cotidiana del sujeto

    From Rationalization to Extension: Employment Incentives during the Economic Crisis in Spain

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    Aquest article aborda l'anàlisi de la transformació, disseny i impacte en els últims anys de l'instrument que dins de les polítiques d'ocupació consisteix a proveir incentius a la contractació (ja sigui nova o de manteniment), per ser aquest el més significatiu en termes de recursos. De l'anàlisi efectuada es desprèn un desenvolupament poc coherent en les polítiques d'incentius a la contractació, romanent, en qualsevol cas, importants deficiències sobretot pel que fa a la vinculació amb formació i la condicionalidad a l'empresari que es beneficia d'aquests incentius. D'altra banda, el creixent ús de reduccions (en lloc de bonificacions) a les quotes de la Seguretat Social, dificulta el diagnòstic de la política d'incentius i introdueix problemes de sostenibilitat del sistema.Este artículo aborda el análisis de la transformación, diseño e impacto en los últimos años del instrumento que dentro de las políticas de empleo consiste en proveer incentivos a la contratación (nueva o mantenimiento), por ser este el más significativo en términos de recursos. Del análisis efectuado se desprende un desarrollo poco coherente en las políticas de incentivos a la contratación, permaneciendo en cualquier caso importantes deficiencias sobre todo en lo que se refiere a la vinculación con formación y la condicionalidad al empresario que se beneficia de estos incentivos. Por otra parte, el creciente uso de reducciones (en lugar de bonificaciones) a las cuotas de la Seguridad Social, dificulta el diagnóstico de la política de incentivos e introduce problemas de sostenibilidad del sistema.The chapter analyses the characteristics, transformation and impact of hiring incentives in recent years. Hiring incentives are the most important programme within active labour market policies in terms of resources allocated. The analyses reveals a chaotic development of hiring incentives that has not solved the key deficiencies underlying this tool; weak relationship with training programmes and conditions upon companies benefiting from these incentives. The use of reduced social security contributions introduces sustainability problems for the whole social security and pension systems

    Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Near-Wellbore Modeling of a Gas Well

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    Well completion plays a key role in the economically viable production of hydrocarbons from a reservoir. Therefore, it is of high importance for the production engineer to have as many tools available that aid in the successful design of a proper completion scheme, depending on the type of formation rock, reservoir fluid properties and forecasting of production rates. Because well completion jobs are expensive, most of the completed wells are usually expected to produce as much hydrocarbon and as fast as possible, in order to shorten the time of return of the investment. This research study focused on the evaluation of well performance at two common completion schemes: gravel pack and frac pack. Also, the effects of sand production on well productivity and its associated erosive effects on the wellbore, downhole and tubular equipment were also a motivation in considering the inclusion of a decoupled geomechanics models into the study. The geomechanics-hydrodynamics modeling was done using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach to simulate a near-wellbore model, on which diverse physical processes interact simultaneously, such as nonlinear porous media flow (Forchheimer formulation), turbulence kinetic energy dissipation, heterogeneous reservoir rock properties and particles transportation. In addition, this study considered a gas reservoir whose thermodynamic properties were modeled using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state. In general, this study is divided into: 1. Verification of a CFD simulation results against its corresponding analytical solution. 2. Analysis of well completion performance of each of the proposed completion schemes. 3. Effect of using Darcy’s law on the prediction of well completion performance. 4. Sand production and erosive damage analysis. The CFD approach used on this research delivered promising results, including pressure and velocity distribution in the near-wellbore model as well as three-dimensional flow patterns and effects of sanding on the wellbore integrity

    Application of Pressure and Rate Transient Analyses to Stress-Sensitive Multi-Fractured Composite Systems and Compartmentalized Reservoirs

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    Pressure transient analysis (PTA) is one of the most robust and commonly interpretation tools available for reservoir characterization. Common applications of PTA include estimation of near-wellbore and reservoir properties, detection of reservoir limits and identification of depletion mechanisms. In addition, PTA allows the identification of sealing and leaky faults and the characterization of its properties, such as permeability and transmissibility hence direction of leakage within the fault. The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce the analytical solution for pressure-transient behavior for three novel reservoir models. First, we develop the analytical model of a multi-fracture horizontal well (MFHW) with pressure-dependent rock and fluid properties to study the impact of stress-dependent rock properties in composite unconventional systems. Second, we develop the analytical model for fluid-flow in a multi-well pad with three MFHWs in which wells can be interconnected through fracture hits. Lastly, we develop an analytical model of a compartmentalized reservoir with a segmenting fault in which fault permeability changes suddenly as a consequence of fault reactivation. Governing equations for fluid-flow are based on Darcy\u27s law. Pressure-dependent properties for the MFHW model are assumed to vary exponentially with local pressure-drawdown. Pressure-transient solution for each reservoir model is derived with the aid of advanced mathematical solution techniques, such as Laplace-Fourier transform and related numerical inversion, and iterative algorithms. Single-phase slightly compressible fluid-flow is considered for all reservoir models. Neither turbulence nor non-Darcy flow are considered in this work. Analytical solutions are presented as diagnostic plots and type curves. Analytical solutions were successfully validated against numerical simulation data. The resulting diagnostic plots and type-curves for well-test interpretation are presented and discussed for each case study. Various sensitivity analyses were carried out to examine the impact of several parameters of interest on pressure-transient behavior. In particular, we find that the effects of pressure-dependent fracture conductivity and stimulated reservoir properties, in conjunction, largely influence MFHW performance in stress-sensitivity formations. Likewise, we are able to detect and assess fracture hits by means of types-curves matching. Finally, we observe that fault reactivation can be detected on diagnostic plots as a sudden change in pressure-derivative response followed by a trend to attain late-time equilibrium

    The Impact of Aid on Recipient Behavior: A Micro-Level Dynamic Analysis of Remittances, Schooling, Work, Consumption, Investment and Social Mobility in Nicaragua

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    Remittances are a very important source of income for many Nicaraguan families. More than 40% of all households receive remittances that on average amount to 12-15% of total household income in these households. More than 30% of these households receive remittances at least monthly, implying that it is a relatively stable source of income. This paper shows that remittances do tend to reduce the vulnerability of households and increase their upward social mobility, at least as long as the households do not depend too heavily on remittances. However, remittances also cause moral hazard problems. Nicaraguans tend to reduce their labor supply in response to more remittances, and they also tend to reduce their savings rates, both of which are detrimental to long run economic growth.Remittances, aid, Nicaragua