23 research outputs found

    Pkd2l1 is required for mechanoception in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and maintenance of spine curvature

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    Defects in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow may contribute to idiopathic scoliosis. However, the mechanisms underlying detection of CSF flow in the central canal of the spinal cord are unknown. Here we demonstrate that CSF flows bidirectionally along the antero-posterior axis in the central canal of zebrafish embryos. In the cfap298tm304 mutant, reduction of cilia motility slows transport posteriorly down the central canal and abolishes spontaneous activity of CSF-contacting neurons (CSF-cNs). Loss of the sensory Pkd2l1 channel nearly abolishes CSF-cN calcium activity and single channel opening. Recording from isolated CSFcNs in vitro, we show that CSF-cNs are mechanosensory and require Pkd2l1 to respond to pressure. Additionally, adult pkd2l1 mutant zebrafish develop an exaggerated spine curvature, reminiscent of kyphosis in humans. These results indicate that CSF-cNs are mechanosensory cells whose Pkd2l1-driven spontaneous activity reflects CSF flow in vivo. Furthermore, Pkd2l1 in CSF-cNs contributes to maintenance of natural curvature of the spine

    Characterization of medullospinal cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons PKD2L1+

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    Chez les vertébrés, les neurones qui contactent le LCR (NcLCR) sont présents autour des cavités ventriculaires et tout le long du canal central (cc). Par la combinaison d'enregistrements électrophysiologiques sur tranche de tronc cérébral et d'analyses immunohistochimiques, nous avons réalisé la première caractérisation de cette population neuronale chez la souris adulte. Nous montrons que les NcLCR sont présents autour du cc au niveau du complexe vagal dorsal (CVD), une structure bulbaire impliquée dans la régulation des fonctions autonomes, où ils sont principalement GABAergiques, reçoivent des afférences synaptiques GABA/Glycinergiques et expriment le canal PKD2L1 ("polycystin kidney disease 2-like 1"), un membre de la famille des canaux TRP ("transient receptor potential"). Nous montrons que l'activité de PKD2L1 est modulée par les variations de pH et d'osmolarité et que son augmentation module l'excitabilité des NcLCR. Finalement, nous démontrons que les NcLCR existent dans un état de maturité intermédiaire caractérisé par propriétés fonctionnelles de neurones matures combinées à la conservation de l'expression de marqueurs d'immaturités.Les NcLCR étant stratégiquement positionné entre le LCR et le parenchyme, ils pourraient détecter des signaux circulant grâce à l'activation de PKD2L1 puis distribuer le message collecté à leurs partenaires. Un tel rôle, apparaît particulièrement intéressant au niveau du CVD, un site de régulation majeur des fonctions autonomes et pourrait être démontré par l'identification du réseau neuronal où les NcLCR sont intégrés.In vertebrates, cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons (CSF-cN) are present around the ventricular cavities and along the central canal (cc). In this study, by the combination of whole cell patch-clamp recordings on brainstem slice and immunohistochemistry analysis, we realize the first characterization of this neuronal population in adult mice. We show that CSF-cN are present around the cc in the dorsal vagal complex (DVC), a major hindbrain structure regulating autonomic functions. There, CSF-cN are mostly GABAergics, receive GABA- and glycinergic synaptic entries and express functional polycystin kidney disease 2-like 1 (PKD2L1) channels. These channels are a subtype of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels superfamily and this study represent the first analysis of PKD2L1 properties in a native system. We show that PKD2L1 channel activity is modulated by variations in extracellular pH and osmolarity and in turn, an enhanced activity of only few PKD2L1 channels participates in the modulation of CSF-cN excitability. Finally, we demonstrate that CSFcN exhibit another interesting property since they exist in an intermediate stage of maturity by displaying many mature functional properties combined to the conservation of the expression of immature markers.Because CSF-cN are strategically positioned between CSF and parenchyma, they could detect circulating signals through PKD2L1 activation and convey the collected messages to cellular partners. Such a role might be particularly relevant at the level of the DVC a major regulatory site for autonomic functions and should be demonstrated by identifying and characterizing the neuronal network CSFcN are involved in

    Properties of subependymal cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurones in the dorsal vagal complex of the mouse brainstem.

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    International audienceCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contacting neurones have been observed in various brain regions such as the hypothalamus, the dorsal nucleus of the raphe and around the central canal (cc) of the spinal cord but their functional role remains unclear. At the level of the spinal cord, subependymal cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurones (S-CSF-cNs) present a peculiar morphology with a soma close to the ependymal layer, a process projecting towards the cc and ending with a bud and a cilium. These neurones were recently shown to express polycystin kidney disease 2-like 1 (PKD2L1 or TRPP3) channels that are members of the polycystin subtype of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel superfamily and that have been proposed as either chemo- or mechanoreceptors in several tissues. Using immunohistological techniques and whole-cell electrophysiological recordings in brain slices obtained from PKD2L1:EGFP transgenic adult mice, we looked for and determined the functional properties of S-CSF-cNs in the dorsal vagal complex (DVC), a hindbrain structure controlling autonomic functions such as blood pressure, energy balance and food intake. Here, we demonstrate that S-CSF-cNs received GABAergic and/or glycinergic synaptic entries and were also characterised by the presence of non-selective cationic channels of large conductance that could be detected even under whole-cell configuration. The channel activity was not affected by Psalmopoeus cambridgei toxin 1, a blocker of acid sensing ion channels (ASICs), but was blocked by amiloride and by a strong extracellular acidification. In contrast, extracellular alkalinisation and hypo-osmotic shocks increased channel activity. Based on these properties, we suggest that the single-channel activity recorded in medullar S-CSF-cNs is carried by PKD2L1 channels. Our study therefore reinforces the idea that PKD2L1 is a marker of S-CSF-cNs and points toward a role for S-CSF-cNs in the detection of circulating signals and of modifications in the extracellular environment

    Adrenergic activation modulates the signal from the Reissner fiber to cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons during development

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    International audienceThe cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contains an extracellular thread conserved in vertebrates, the Reissner fiber, which controls body axis morphogenesis in the zebrafish embryo. Yet, the signaling cascade originating from this fiber to ensure body axis straightening is not understood. Here, we explore the functional link between the Reissner fiber and undifferentiated spinal neurons contacting the CSF (CSF-cNs). First, we show that the Reissner fiber is required in vivo for the expression of urp2, a neuropeptide expressed in CSF-cNs. We show that the Reissner fiber is also required for embryonic calcium transients in these spinal neurons. Finally, we study how local adrenergic activation can substitute for the Reissner fiber-signaling pathway to CSF-cNs and rescue body axis morphogenesis. Our results show that the Reissner fiber acts on CSF-cNs and thereby contributes to establish body axis morphogenesis, and suggest it does so by controlling the availability of a chemical signal in the CSF

    A single polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 channel opening acts as a spike generator in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of adult mouse brainstem.

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    International audienceCerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons (CSF-cNs) are found around the central canal of all vertebrates. They present a typical morphology, with a single dendrite that projects into the cavity and ends in the CSF with a protuberance. These anatomical features have led to the suggestion that CSF-cNs might have sensory functions, either by sensing CSF movement or composition, but the physiological mechanisms for any such role are unknown. This hypothesis was recently supported by the demonstration that in several vertebrate species medullo-spinal CSF-cNs selectively express Polycystic Kidney Disease 2-Like 1 proteins (PKD2L1). PKD2L1 are members of the 'transient receptor potential (TRP)' superfamily, form non-selective cationic channels of high conductance, are regulated by various stimuli including protons and are therefore suggested to act as sensory receptors. Using patch-clamp whole-cell recordings of CSF-cNs in brainstem slices obtained from wild type and mutant PKD2L1 mice, we demonstrate that spontaneously active unitary currents in CSF-cNs are due to PKD2L1 channels that are capable, with a single opening, of triggering action potentials. Thus PKD2L1 might contribute to the setting of CSF-cN spiking activity. We also reveal that CSF-cNs have the capacity of discriminating between alkalinization and acidification following activation of specific conductances (PKD2L1 vs. ASIC) generating specific responses. Altogether, this study reinforces the idea that CSF-cNs represent sensory neurons intrinsic to the central nervous system and suggests a role for PKD2L1 channels as spike generators.Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Pkd2l1 is required for mechanoception in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and maintenance of spine curvature.

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    Defects in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow may contribute to idiopathic scoliosis. However, the mechanisms underlying detection of CSF flow in the central canal of the spinal cord are unknown. Here we demonstrate that CSF flows bidirectionally along the antero-posterior axis in the central canal of zebrafish embryos. In the cfap298tm304 mutant, reduction of cilia motility slows transport posteriorly down the central canal and abolishes spontaneous activity of CSF-contacting neurons (CSF-cNs). Loss of the sensory Pkd2l1 channel nearly abolishes CSF-cN calcium activity and single channel opening. Recording from isolated CSF-cNs in vitro, we show that CSF-cNs are mechanosensory and require Pkd2l1 to respond to pressure. Additionally, adult pkd2l1 mutant zebrafish develop an exaggerated spine curvature, reminiscent of kyphosis in humans. These results indicate that CSF-cNs are mechanosensory cells whose Pkd2l1-driven spontaneous activity reflects CSF flow in vivo. Furthermore, Pkd2l1 in CSF-cNs contributes to maintenance of natural curvature of the spine