3,659 research outputs found

    Beneficios de la hipoterapia en niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual

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    Introducción: La hipoterapia, también conocida como equinoterapia, es un método basado en el movimiento del caballo, el cual proporciona a su jinete un aprendizaje de base relacionado con las estrategias motrices básicas (mantenimiento del control postural, fuerza, equilibrio durante la marcha, entre otras) que cualquier persona utiliza para desempeñar las tareas de la vida cotidiana. Durante esta revisión bibliográfica, se estudiará el efecto de esta terapia con caballos en niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual. Método: Se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas en las bases de datos Scopus y Medline. Para la búsqueda de bibliografía se utilizaron las siguientes palabras clave: hipoterapia, discapacidad intelectual, niños, caballos y síndrome de Down. Una vez seleccionados los artículos finales que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión se utilizó la herramienta Consort. Resultados: Según los resultados bibliográficos de la revisión de las bases de datos y los criterios clasificados en Consort, han sido seleccionados un total de 6 documentos finales. Conclusiones: Se ha determinado que durante 8-10 semanas (2-3 sesiones por semana), se obtienen beneficios en: (i) cualidades condicionales y coordinativas; (ii) beneficios en la percepción visual y sensorial; (iii) beneficios fisiológicos y, (iv) beneficios comunicativos, sociales y cognitivos

    Educational Activities to Help Transferring Knowledge in Nuclear: The Seminars of Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares)

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible

    From Secondary School To University: Attracting Young Students Towards A Career In Nuclear

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help spread knowledge about nuclear energy, not only pointing out its advantages and its role in our society, but also trying to correct some of the ideas that are due to the biased information and to the lack of knowledge. To try to have success in that goal, some high school lectures were taught and it has been organized regularly a Basic Course on Nuclear Science and Technolog

    Mediation Effect of Lean: A Bidirectional Synergetic Relationship with SCM for Higher Operational Performance

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    Competitive plants focus their efforts on reducing manufacturing costs and waste along their production chains. Hence, manufacturing programs with important practices and methodologies such as lean, JIT, TPM, and Kaizen have been embraced. However, an empirical investigation of simultaneous use of several manufacturing programs representing multiple facets of lean is lacking in the literature. Various studies have found that some supply chain management practices are bi-directionally related to lean, but its holistic measurement in relation to supply chain management is still lacking. Thus, this paper provides an evidence of mediation effect of lean from high performance manufacturing (HPM) project perspective in relation to supply chain management

    Extending FuzAtAnalyzer to approach the management of classical negation

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    FuzAtAnalyzer was conceived as a Java framework which goes beyond of classical tools in formal concept analysis. Specifically, it successfully incorporated the management of uncertainty by means of methods and tools from the area of fuzzy formal concept analysis. One limitation of formal concept analysis is that they only consider the presence of properties in the objects (positive attributes) as much in fuzzy as in crisp case. In this paper, a first step in the incorporation of negations is presented. Our aim is the treatment of the absence of properties (negative attributes). Specifically, we extend the framework by including specific tools for mining knowledge combining crisp positive and negative attributes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Single Question of Parent-Reported Physical Activity Levels Estimates Objectively Measured Physical Fitness and Body Composition in Preschool Children: The PREFIT Project

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    Physical inactivity is recognized as a determinant of low physical fitness and body composition in preschool children, which in turn, are important markers of health through the lifespan. Objective methods to assess physical activity, physical fitness and body composition in preschool children are preferable; however, they have some practical limitations in the school context. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test whether a single question regarding physical activity level of preschool children, reported by their parents, could be used as an alternative screening tool of physical fitness and body composition. The information was obtained from 10 different cities throughout Spain, gathering a total of 3179 healthy preschool children (52.8% boys and 47.2% girls) aged 3-5 years. Physical activity levels of preschool children were reported by parents using a single question with five response options (very low, low, average, high, or very high). Physical fitness and body composition were assessed with the PREFIT fitness battery. The results showed that parents' perception of their children's physical activity was positively associated with all objectively measured physical fitness components (beta(range) = -0.094 to 0.113; all p < 0.020); and negatively with body composition indicators as measured (beta(range) = -0.113 to -0.058; all p < 0.001). The results showed significant differences in all physical fitness and body composition z-scores across the parent-reported physical activity levels (all p < 0.017 and all p < 0.001, respectively), as well as, for the fitness index (p < 0.001). Our study suggests that in school settings with insufficient resources to objectively assess fitness and body composition, parents-reported physical activity level by means of a single question might provide useful information about these important health markers in preschool children

    Sexual harassment among peers and adolescent dating violence

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    El presente estudio ha analizado la presencia de violencia sexual entre compañeros y en las parejas adolescentes y jóvenes. Específicamente se han estudiado las diferencias por sexo, edad y estadio de la relación sentimental tanto en violencia sexual entre iguales como en las parejas, en una muestra de 490 adolescentes (55,7% chicos, 44,3% chicas, edad media 16.08 años). Los resultados descriptivos mostraron la misma incidencia de violencia sexual entre iguales y en las parejas. Respecto al sexo, los chicos presentaron mayor implicación como agresores de sus iguales y de sus parejas, pero no se encontraron diferencias con relación a los índices de victimización. Se encontró un efecto importante del estadio de la relación: la violencia sexual entre iguales fue más frecuente entre los que se encontraban en “relaciones casuales” y “grupos mixtos” mientras que la violencia sexual entre parejas fue más frecuente entre los que se encontraban en “relaciones serias”. Para la edad, solo se encontraron diferencias en la violencia sexual entre parejas, siendo que los chicos y chicas más mayores resultaron más implicados que los más pequeños.This paper presents a study about peer and dating sexual harassment among adolescents. Specifically, differences by sex, age and the developmental stage of the romantic relationships were analyzed in both, peer and dating sexual harassment in a sample of 490 adolescents (55,7% boys and 44,3% girls, mean age 16.08). Descriptive data showed that the presence of peer and dating sexual harassment was similar. Boys were more perpetrators in both, peer and dating contexts but no differences by sex were found for victimization indexes. An important effect of the developmental-stage of the relationships was found: peer sexual harassment were more frequent in “casual” and “mixed gender” stage whereas dating sexual harassment was more frequent in “serious relationship”. For age, just differences in dating sexual harassment were found: older adolescents were more involved than younger ones

    Implants inserted by ridge expansion with osteotomes in the maxilla. A 3-year clinical study

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    Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio era mostrar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales insertados mediante la técnica de expansión ósea en el maxilar superior. Pacientes y métodos: Setenta y tres pacientes con pérdidas dentales maxilares fueron tratados con 149 implantes IPX Galimplant® con conexión interna y superficie arenada y grabada para la rehabilitación mediante la técnica de expansión ósea con osteótomos roscados. Los implantes fueron cargados después de un periodo de cicatrización de 3 meses. Resultados: Los hallazgos clínicos indican una supervivencia y éxito de los implantes del 97,4%. Se perdieron 4 implantes durante el periodo de cicatrización. El 57,7% de los implantes se insertaron en el sector anterior maxilar y el 42,3%, en el sector posterior maxilar. Después de un periodo medio de carga funcional de 36,4 meses no ha habido complicaciones tardías. El 88,6% de los pacientes fueron rehabilitados con puentes fijos y el 11,5%, con coronas unitarias. Conclusiones: Este estudio indica que el tratamiento con implantes dentales mediante su inserción con expansión ósea en el maxilar superior constituye una terapéutica implantológica con éxito.Introduction: The aim of this study was to report the outcome of treatment with maxillary dental implants inserted by ridge expansion technique. Patients and Methods: 73 patients with maxillary tooth loss were treated with 149 IPX Galimplant® internal connection and sandblasted-acid-etched surface implants for rehabilitation by bone expansion technique. Implants were loaded after a healing free-loading period of 3 months. Results: Clinical results indicate a survival and success rate of implants of 97.4%. 4 implants were lost during the healing period. 57.7% of implants were inserted in anterior maxilla and 42.3% in posterior maxilla. After a mean functioning period of 36.4 months, no late complications were reported. 88.6% of patients were restored with fixed bridges and 11.5% with single crowns. Conclusions: This study indicate that treatment with dental implants inserted in maxilla by ridge expansion constitute a successful implant treatment

    Bodies, educations and genders: Reflections on anesthesia and sensory pedagogy

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    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar una reflexión sobre diferentes cuestiones relacionadas con las formas de transmitir saberes vinculados con el cuerpo, la educación y la perspectiva de género en el contexto universi-tario, y de forma concreta en la formación de profesionales de la educación. Este trabajo se inscribe en un programa de investigación más amplio que lleva por título «Pedagogías Sensibles» y que lo autores venimos desarrollando en los últimos años. Lo que presentamos es una revisión de algunas de las ideas elaboradas y sistematizadas a lo largo de dicho programa de investigación y que tienen como principal objetivo clarificar las formas como se transmiten, en la universidad, las cuestiones vinculadas al cuerpo, al género y a la educación. Para ello nos hemos servido de diferentes autores que son relevantes por su producción y por determinadas formas de pensar y entender este tipo de educación. Con dichos autores se ha establecido un diálogo, y de forma especial con Valeria Flores, Gloria Anzaldúa y Gayatri Ch. SpivakThis work aims to present a reflection on different issues related to the ways of transmitting knowledge related to the body, education and gender perspective in the university context, and specifically in the training of edu-cation professionals. This work is part of a broader research program that is entitled "Sensitive Pedagogies" and that authors have been developing in recent years. What we present is a review of some of the ideas elab-orated and systematized throughout this research program and whose main objective is to clarify the ways in which, in the university, the issues related to the body, gender and education are transmitted . For this we have used different authors who are relevant for their production and for certain ways of thinking and understanding this type of education. With these authors a dialogue has been established, and in a special way with Valeria Flores, Gloria Anzaldúa and Gayatri Ch. Spiva